The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 847: Mr. President, you have nothing to explain to me

  Zhan Mu Qian frowned inaudibly, but immediately suppressed all the emotions on his face.

  Mianmian looked at him...

   almost didn't even blink his eyes, just staring at his face like that.

  But she couldn't understand him at all.

  Not seen in a few days...

  Zhan Muqian seemed to be even stranger in her eyes.

  She didn't quite understand him before, especially sometimes she couldn't see his emotions.

  At that time, she felt that Zhan Muqian's state was just his usual normal state.

  No matter how unpredictable, he is exactly what he is.

  But at this moment.

  Mianmian felt that he had deliberately concealed all his emotions in front of her.

   makes her so helpless...

  So I can’t understand him.


  He is very handsome in a dark brown dress.

   And he quickly, as usual, leaned over and lifted her from the sofa sideways.

  He held the cotton quilt and walked up the stairs.

  The servants on the side were all silent, and they didn't dare to speak at all.

  Even Aunt Qiao was frightened, neither dared to speak nor move.


Mrs.    was held upstairs by Mr. Zhan under their noses.

  Although they are only servants, everyone knows that something great has happened recently.

  Now it’s not time to call Mr. Zhan, it should be called Your Excellency...

The identity of Mr. Zhan has changed.

  And anyone with a discerning eye can see...

The relationship between Mr. Zhan and his wife has also changed.

   becomes precarious and seems to fall apart at any time.

  Everyone is afraid of something terrible. It's useless to be terrible.

  Some things will happen sooner or later.


Mrs.    is a little woman with a temper.

  This is a fact that everyone knows.

  Although she generally doesn't get angry with her subordinates, she never constrained when the head of the battle broke out.

  They couldn't help but worry, guessing that after the door of the master bedroom upstairs was closed, fierce quarrels would inevitably erupt, and the wife might also smash everything that could be smashed.


  However, it was beyond everyone's expectations.

  The **** cotton quilt was hugged by the man and placed on the bed. He grabbed a piece of thick home clothes, put it on her body, and buttoned her one by one with patience.

  His voice is low and dumb, but very calm.

  "It’s winter now, and it’s cold in the room, so remember to dress thicker and don’t get sick."

  Mianmian stared at his face blankly.

  He looked extremely calm, as if nothing had happened.

   And his words seemed to concern her, but he felt that he was not warm in his ears.

  Mianmian’s head repeatedly played back when she had a fever last time, Zhan Muqian hugged her with a distressed look, called her baby, begged her to get well soon, don’t make him feel sad...

  That kind of picture seems like a world away.

  Mianmian thought that those might all be fake.

   is particularly flustered and terrified.

  Everything is fake...

  So what else is true in this world?

  Her nose was a bit sore, but she twitched the corners of her lips and smiled, "Mr. President, don’t you have anything to explain to me?"

  Zhan Muqian interrupted all the audio.

  She couldn't reach him, but she could see him in the news media and television.

  She thought about it, maybe he didn’t think about how to explain to her...

  Perhaps he was afraid that he would be impulsive and would fight him to death.

  But she tried her best to be calm, but Zhan Muqian was a hundred times calmer than her.

  He said lightly, "I have nothing to explain, but if you have any confusion, you can ask me and I will answer."

  【11 more】

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