The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1954: He coaxed gently: try it, without you

   Jiang Xi is really scared.

  But I really dare not refuse.

  She knows that Zhan Muqian is wishing to make a loud voice to wake up the opposite Pei Jun.

   And it’s not too late now, it’s not late in the night yet.

  Bae Jun may not rest at all.


  Whether it is Jiang Xi or Mianmian, they don't like to speak.

  Only Miaoyu can call out excitement and pleasure unsuspectingly.

  Jiang Xi is the same as Mianmian, she doesn't like that.

  I always feel ashamed of a woman who yells.

  But Zhan Muqian forced her.

  She refused to make a sound, so he used techniques and methods to force her to make that sound uncontrollably.

  No more.

  He fiddled with her in a kneeling position.

  One side...

  He slapped her buttocks again and again with the palm of his hand.

  Battered her buttocks to be flushed with finger marks.

  Jiang Xi couldn't help it soon.

   Crying and screaming.

   I cried so that my throat became hoarse.

   has been called for more than an hour.

  Her throat hurts too much.

   just knelt on the carpet at his feet during the intermission, hugged his thigh and begged.

   "I have a sore throat, don't let me scream, okay, I can't stand it anymore..."

  Zhan Mu Qian has a good temper.

  She cried and complained.

   was picked up by the man who had been satisfied three times and caressed gently.

  He poured her a cup of warm water back and forth.

   Feed her sips.

   Jiang Xi was still desperate.

  I don’t know how to get through the middle of the night.

  She really doesn’t want to make any more noises.

She thought for a while, sobbing and coaxing him: "Mu Qian, I know what you are thinking, but, but it can't be too much. There are many guests downstairs, and none of them are important figures in country A. In case someone hears it, it’s not good..."

  Zhan Mu Qian smiled and said: "Don't worry, the walls of the Presidential Palace are fairly soundproof. Except for this floor, you can't hear them downstairs or upstairs.

   Jiang Xi cried with a little face.

   tragically grabbed his big hand and covered it on his warm belly.

   "But my stomach hurts, hurts, aren't you afraid of breaking me, I'm really uncomfortable..."

  She softened her voice and acted like a baby.

  On the one hand, I am really tired and scared.

  Zhan Muqian looks overwhelmingly powerful tonight.

  I'm afraid that I can have another two games toss till dawn.

  He won’t stop unless she faints.

  Maybe he can continue to toss after she faints.

  In the subconscious, women are a little afraid to conquer Gu Qian, who is too powerful and ferocious in love-things.

  Because when a woman's body is manipulated.

   is when a woman is most vulnerable and helpless.

   has no resistance at all.

  Unarmed, and opened his body.

  She was panicked.


  Zhan Mu Qian looked at her and smiled.

   He smiled very evilly, but his eyes were tender and indulgent.

  This little woman...

  The call just now was really nice, and he was very satisfied.

  The purpose is basically achieved, so I am not so bad now.

  The mood has also stabilized.

  But he didn't want to stop.

   knew what she was afraid of again.

   tentatively slipped his finger down.

   "Afraid that my stomach will break? Why not try here?"

  She shook her head heavily: "No!"

   He squinted his eyes and coaxed gently: "Try it, it's not as scary as you think?"

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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