The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1950: Be a behaved me, Mr. President is not happy

  He wants the people he likes, and he wants to benefit him.

  Like her current state, it is much more suitable than Jiang Mianmian who shouted at him for Jiang Xun.

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't care what she was doing to become obedient and docile.

   is not important in his eyes.

  So as long as he doesn't stimulate his bottom line, he may be willing to cooperate with her to continue to play stupid.

  For now, anyway.

   In addition to being a little smarter than Mianmian, she is a little more restrained, and a little more docile.

  In the eyes of Zhan Muqian, there is no other difference.

  Smart, restrained, and docile.

   is the best advantage of being a president’s pillow.

  So she understands why Zhan Muqian hypnotizes herself and doesn't break it.


  Jiang Xi was able to see through this, and he quickly calmed down.

  She is not afraid of being punctured at all.

  Zhan Muqian seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and his voice was cold and honest: "The color of your lipstick today is too dark, I don't like it, just wipe it off."

   Jiang Xi was a little surprised, but still docile.

  She reached out and pulled two tissues from the coffee table, and dipped a little water in the placed cup.

   Then she wiped it on her lips, again and again, wiping very hard.

  This lipstick paste is professionally waterproof. After rubbing it with ordinary water for a long time, only a little red is left on the water-soaked paper.

She smiled, as if she had just remembered, "I forgot, to avoid the embarrassment of the makeup tonight, the whole makeup is waterproof, so I have to use a special waterproof makeup remover to remove it. You don’t like it. I won’t use this color in the future."

  She is smiling.

  Zhan Muqian did not face her coldly.

  He also smiled, and immediately moved his index finger and middle finger, and pinched her tender face.

   meaningfully and authentically: "You are so behaved, you are so behaved that you don't look like you anymore. What do you want me to do."

Jiang Xi smiled and looked at him half-jokingly: "Isn't it good to be good? I also think I have become good. My temperament is much milder than before. It's not so easy to get angry over trivial things. I thought, This is probably a manifestation of premature aging. I have experienced many things. I am tired. It is more important to adjust my mood and keep my mood calm. After all, it is also a happy mood that can bring me a good quality of life. Isn't it a behaving me, Mr. President? Don't you like it?"

  Zhan Muqian is still stroking her face.

  The laughter temperature at the corners of the lips is not high.

"Naturally I like it. Men like women who are better-behaved, which saves trouble, especially for you... Even if you become behaved, there are still thorns in your bones. It is the most attractive to men. Mianmian, do you know that? How many men will be attracted to you with this appearance today."

   Jiang Xi knew what he was upset, but he just pretended not to understand.

She smiled and said: "I don't know. Although there are many celebrities and gentry attending the banquet tonight, there are naturally no shortage of handsome and tall young men, but I only see Uncle Zhan in my eyes, and I don't even look at anyone else. Yes, how do you know how many people admire me, even if someone admires me, why don't I just like it?"

  Zhan Mu Qian looked at her tenderly, but his mood was gloomy.

  She has changed a lot.

  Although it is still **** cotton with sharp teeth and mouth.

But in the past, Jiang Mianmian's sharp teeth and mouth were used to make people feel irritated. But at this moment, her words and sentences are soft and well-behaved, can speak, and she has tried her best to make the words listen. It looks sweet.

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