The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1938: Su Tian was onlookers watching a monkey show, his body rolled

  But if there is no one next to Pei Jun, he is very intoxicated. He looks hungry and thirsty. It seems that he can't wait to tear off the little lover's dress in this bright banquet hall, and stage a real gun on the spot.

  What the guests saw was discoloration.

  If it is not the cabinet dignitaries who are present, they are the powerful gentlemen and even the former royal family and their families.

  The current environment is the presidential palace again.

  No matter how sensual the people at the top of these pyramids are, they can’t just put them on the table.

  This is a rare feast in the Presidential Palace, and it's not a fornicating party.

  Everyone who has a bit of a bottom line shows a look that is difficult to look directly at.

  Zhan Mu Qian glanced in the direction where they were kissing, and Jiang Xi felt that a fire in his chest would explode at any time.

  This Bae Jun is really tired and crooked.

  It's not just that I took the wrong medicine and wanted to die.

  I'm still going to pull a few people to cushion their backs, right?

  Jiang Xi’s ability to observe words and colors will be somewhat weakened when he is too nervous.

  She could not judge Zhan Muqian's mentality and emotions based on his look at the moment.

   But this **** openly kissed a woman in front of the President.

  It's only a close hand-to-hand fight.

  Even if it is not a big sin, it is a depraved thing done in the presidential palace.

Jiang Xi couldn't wait for Zhan Muqian to speak in person.

  She can't bear it anymore.

  Suddenly she got up, her voice raised an octave.

"Mr. Pei, I am sorry to interrupt your Yaxing. The Presidential Palace is a solemn place. It not only represents your authority, but also represents the reputation of Country A. You have lived abroad for a long time, and we can understand that your style is more open. It’s just that there are many first-class guest rooms on the upper floor of the Presidential Palace. The standard is comparable to the presidential suite of a seven-star hotel. It is definitely worthy of Mr. Pei’s distinguished status. So if you have any needs, please go upstairs. The room is resolved."

  The atmosphere was once again tense.

  The tense atmosphere is mainly formed between Bae Joon and your lady.

  The beauty of this beauty is refined, and the beauty is terrifying.

  The tone of speech is always aggressive, and it seems that the temper is not as weak as it seems.

  That is to say, this woman dared to open fire on Bae Jun at will.

  Otherwise, Pei Jun, a big demon who does no evil, has long held a powerful military force.

  Who would dare to offend him if he was full.

  Don't even dare to talk nonsense.


  Bae Jun finally pulled away, his lips have left the lover in his arms.

  Su Tian was onlookers in public when everyone was watching a monkey show, and the whole person was restless.

  The body is hot, and I feel ashamed.

  Bae Jun seems to be in high spirits but is interrupted by others.

  Sure enough, his face was a little uncontrollable.

  His eyes are quenched, coldly like a hidden sharp needle.

"Oh, as far as I know, this lady is not the real lady of the presidential palace at least for now, is she not a mistress, but has been able to arrogate the rights of the mistress, or does she have any prejudices against the next? , This place is too noble, do I even think that my intimate relationship with my own woman pollutes the honorable residence of the President?"

  Bae Joon used to march in battle.

  But everyone knows his style.

  He is a land rogue with a higher standard than the land rogue.

   Reasoning with him is usually not a good fruit.



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