The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1696: The boss likes to let me wear a suit and take a loose tail

  One of them was a guest coming out of the men’s bathroom, and a young lady came out shortly after Su Tian entered.

  And then... an extremely petite figure, wearing a hat and a men’s suit, came out of the women’s bathroom.

   Pei Jun confirmed at a glance that this was Su Tian after disguising.

  He stared at the screen deeply, and suddenly laughed lightly.

  The bodyguards were all taken aback, only to feel panicked.


  Bae Jun naturally sent someone to chase out according to the direction of the surveillance records.

  This incident gave him a new understanding of Su Tian's resourcefulness.

  He originally thought that this girl was just a bun that was rubbed round and flat.

  But I don’t want to know that she also has the ability to use her brain to fight.

  The more such a woman, the easier it is to inspire a man's desire to conquer.

  Bae Jun was even a little curious about how she prepared the whole thing.


  Since they all happened at the feast, things happened under his nose.

   And the time span is also very small, so it is easy to check.

  The bodyguard quickly caught Su Tian’s roommate over.

  The plump charming girl knelt at Pei Jun's feet tremblingly.

"Pei, Shao Pei...I really don't know that Su Tian is going to escape. I didn't help her sincerely. If I knew that she wanted me to help her to do something to offend you... I would definitely not dare !"

  The fat girl was so scared that she kept crying.

  Bae Jun reached out and patted her face.

   "You put that dress in the bathroom beforehand for her?"

  The girl bit her lip and explained in a one-to-one manner, she didn't dare to say the least bit of lies.

   "Yes... It was Su Tian who sent me a WeChat message, begging me to help her take a suit to the last room in the women's bathroom on this floor after she went to serve the guests, and just conceal the door."

  "This suit is a small size menswear. How can you have menswear?"

  "...This, this is what I wear when I am having fun with a guest with a special hobby. There is a boss who likes to let me wear a suit and whip him with a tail whip..."

Pei Jun twisted his eyebrows, a little puzzled: "Su Tian has been here for less than a month, and lived with you for less than a month, right? She is so likable? Let you take it in just a few days. She regards her as a good sister, so she can help with such kind of favor?

  Fang Meizha tremblingly pointed her mobile phone at him.

"No, it's not... I don't have much friendship with Su Tian. I usually finish work very late, and I like to sleep late. Except for picking up customers, I almost fall asleep in the room. Su Tian at most helps me order a takeaway. Yes... Look, this is the two thousand red envelopes she transferred to me on WeChat, so please ask me for help. I am greedy for a while, just..."

  Bae Jun can hardly laugh or cry.

  It turned out to be such a thing.

  It seems that his understanding of Su Tian is really very shallow.

  I can't even see that she is such a smart and marketable woman.


  Adversity can really force a woman to grow rapidly.

  He has become more playful with Su Tian, ​​and he wants to play this already overkill game more and more.


  Su Tian escaped very quickly.

  She only has a little cash on her body, but nothing else, not even a mobile phone, and nothing that can be tracked and located.

  Besides, Pei Jun’s people were just brought back by him, and they were not familiar with the personnel or even the geographical environment of Jincheng at all, so no one was caught for a while.

  Su Tian felt that God was really helping her this time.

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