The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1236: Finale: Ask the secretary how to coax your heart

   Jiang Ranran burst into tears after being kicked out of the presidential palace.

  After crying, I can only encourage myself not to get discouraged and not to give up.

  After she thought about it, only Chi Shao could help her.

  She sent a message to Chi Shao but did not reply.

  Dialed the number directly, but no one answered.

   Jiang Ranran was flustered.

  She knew that Chi Yu might be her last chance.

  Being so powerful, there must be a way...

  What's more, he is your youngest friend. In theory, he should be your best friend since childhood. He must know your temperament best. He must know what he should do now to turn the situation around.

  Jiang Ranran once inquired about the specific location of his private house when he contacted Chi Yu, so he hurried over directly based on his impression.

  At that evening, Chi Yu had just returned home and was whispering with Qiqi.

  Because of Qiao Feng's incident in recent seven or seven, the mood is really outrageous.

  Although she had no intention of harming others, she really accidentally killed a person.

  Chi Yu repeatedly educated her and told her that Qiao Feng was not a good thing.

  If she doesn't protect herself, she may be killed by Qiao Feng's first daughter at any time and then throw her corpse into the wilderness.

   Qiqi felt that he was right.

  What's more, it is a foregone conclusion. Although she is guilty, there is no way out.

  Qiao Feng was an accident after all...

  She has no time to spend too much energy on this matter.

  If she has time, she still has to consider how to deal with Shen Xiang after the Chinese New Year.

Not to mention that Shen Xiang will never let her go easily.

  Shen Xiang and Chi Yu harmed her child...

  She will not forgive Shen Xiang anyway.

  Even if she can't make a life for her, she will have to pay the corresponding price for Shen Xiang, and she will never watch her join the Chi family and get everything she dreams of.


  Chi Yu wanted to make her happy.

  Specially ask the female secretary of the president's office how to make the depressed little girl happy.

  The secretary is also very responsible, thinking a lot of ways.

  In addition to buying gifts to do what she likes, what a girl in her eighteen years needs most is company.

  A heart-warming, patient company like a big brother.

  Now Chi Yu watched comedy with her.

   Qiqi at this time seems to have forgotten how terrible things I have experienced.

  He devoted himself to the plot, and his stomach hurts with bursts of laughter.


  Jiang Ranran asked for a long time to see, Lucy had a bad feeling in her heart when she saw this girl.

  Don’t be the wild flowers and weeds that have been contaminated outside...

  This is all here.

  Lucy made up for a while, but still had to bite the bullet and report.

After hearing this, Chi Yu quickly remembered who Jiang Ranran was.

  He didn't hesitate, only that it was this **** who seduce Mu Qian to divorce Jiang Mianmian and he had made the latest progress, so he naturally needed to understand the situation.

  He rubbed Qiqi’s soft hair fondly, "Look for a while, I will go downstairs to meet guests, and I will come up to accompany you soon, eh?"

  Nodded at seven or seven, looking well-behaved and docile.

  Chi Yu was very satisfied with her being like this, but when she went downstairs, she saw Jiang Ranran in a panic, and he was carrying his luggage, as if he had just been kicked out.

  He frowned, "What do... what do you mean?"

Seeing him as a savior, Jiang Ranran immediately cried and was born. She ran to him and knelt down and tried to hug his leg, "You must help me in your time, Jiang Mianmian, that bitch, She, she was spoiled again, just because I filed a complaint with your Excellency, and your Excellency kicked me out..."

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