The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1223: Ending roll: He holds her tenderly

  Qiao Feng is really dead.

   Qiqi slept anxiously all night in Chi Yu's arms.

  After waking up, I still can’t believe that the young and strong man was knocked on the head with her high heels and died like this...

   Qiqi felt like she had a nightmare.

  In this nightmare, she killed someone.

  To kill is to pay for your life...

  This nightmare will never wake up.

  Even if she has experienced losing her five-month daughter, she has experienced pain and humiliation that ordinary people can't bear.

  But still can't believe that he killed someone.

  Chi Yu knew that she must be uncomfortable in her heart.

  After she woke up, she held her comfortably, patted her on the back, and told her that everything was with him and everything would be fine.

  Qiqi still couldn't bear to cry in his arms.

  The police arrived soon after.

  After being respectful and even bowing to Master Chi Yu and bowing with a smiling face, Gong Xiaoqi had to be routinely taken back for investigation and questioning.

Qiqi followed them.


Before leaving, Chi Yu helped her relive what she had taught her last night.

  Qiqi imprinted those words firmly in her mind, and she couldn't forget it.

"Last night, under the arrangement of my mother, Qiao Feng, the second youngest of the Qiao family, had a blind date. Qiao Feng is cheerful and talkative. At first, we had a good conversation. Gradually, I felt that his words were explicit and improper, even Someone is crazy, I suspect that he should have taken drugs. I am very disgusted with this kind of thing, and I can’t appreciate the boys who take drugs. I have already given up on this blind date, so I ended the dinner as soon as possible and stopped myself. Get a taxi and get ready to go home."

"But I didn't expect Qiao Feng to rush in while the door was open, and forcefully boarded a taxi. He only said that he had to take me home personally before he was relieved. I think he is crazy, he must be an overdose of drugs, but I also think he Maybe it's just playful and nonsense, the young master has a temper, so he didn't think much about it, let him sit in the car.

"After the car drove for a while, Qiao Feng suddenly took out a large stack of cash and stuffed it to the driver, ordered the driver to drive the car to the inaccessible suburbs, and then asked the driver to roll off the car with the money, as if he was renting a taxi for one night. I realized that Qiao Feng was not only mentally abnormal, but even a seductive demon. He acted on me, pressed me under his body, and tried to force me. To protect myself, I took off my high heels and hit him on the head. Department, he suffered a bit of skin trauma to the head, but it is not serious. I wanted to leave the dangerous place as soon as possible, but he convulsed in the car. I realized that he should have had an adverse reaction due to an overdose. He would have an accident here alone, so he called the police and waited for the police to come and he was sent to the hospital for first aid. This is what happened."


  Chi Yu obviously had already arranged arrangements.

  Qiqi just made a more detailed confession as usual than last night, and then was let go.

   Qiqimumudi walk outside the police station.

  I saw a familiar car at the door.

  She thought it was Chi Yu who was worried about her, so she arranged for the driver to wait here and take her home.

  However, when she opened the car door, she saw Chi Yu's handsome face with a gentle smile.

  She is even more in a trance. The inner fear and psychological shadow after killing someone can not be eliminated and alleviated in a short time.

  "Uncle, I'm so scared. My confession is false. Qiao Feng was sober last night. He didn't take drugs..."

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