If even the people whom I trusted since childhood had the intention of hurting her and were unwilling to keep the little warmth and trust left, it is not surprising that Yun Yan's emotions would be so turbulent, Lin Aoxue was shocked, but only felt distressed, she couldn't imagine it. What kind of environment did Yunyan live in since she was a child?

Lin Aoxue became more and more curious about Yunyan's identity. She had made an agreement with Yunyan before, but Yunyan was in a complicated mood, and it was not a good time to ask about it. What is the source of her incomparable pain that has bound her since then.

"Yan'er, right now we can't be sure that this matter must be related to that witch. I have already sent someone to investigate and thoroughly search Xing Beiguan. Once I find out, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Yunyan nodded, and leaned back into Lin Aoxue's arms again. She knew that Lin Aoxue was worried about her. The wind was tight outside these two days, and people were secretly putting eyeliners everywhere. Even with such a turbulent situation, Lin Aoxue still sneaked out every night. She came to the barracks just to be with her for a while, she knew in her heart, so she wouldn't let herself be a burden to Lin Aoxue.

She crouched in Lin Aoxue's arms, listening to the steady and beating heartbeat in the chest of the person beside her, Yunyan felt very stable and calm, and only Lin Aoxue could give her such a stable and reliable feeling.

"It's fine if it's just a coincidence, but this matter is about Yingwu, and I'm the target, I'm afraid it has something to do with Beijing, Mu Xue, you must prepare early, I'm afraid it won't be long, Beijing There's going to be a big move."

Yunyan is also worried that this time Yingwu went to Beijing to perform a mission and was poisoned by someone. Although Yingwu threw a jade pendant of a black crane before he left, if the person who fought against him was the caster who was manipulating Yingwu's body, Then most of this person has followed Ying Wu to find out the relationship between Ying Wu and her, so he will use Ying Wu to assassinate her.

In this way, the influence that the jade pendant can bring to Xuanhe is greatly reduced, and even the person who assassinated her this time was sent by Beichenhe to observe the situation in Xingbeiguan and take the opportunity to test her. If it were not for temptation, she would not be able to easily escape from that attack.

She didn't know whether her performance against Ying Wu was suspicious that day, but she had to be more careful with her layout after that.

Lin Aoxue heard Yunyan's words, and her expression was quite serious. She stroked the long hair behind Yunyan's head with one hand and said:

"It's not just that I have to prepare early, we all have to be careful. Now that the end of the year is approaching, this winter is doomed to not be calm."

That night, the two embraced each other, but did not sleep peacefully.

On the second day, Xue Guan informed Lin Aoxue of the result of the negotiation between Xue Renyi and Xuan He the day before. Xuan He really used Pei Qing as a bargaining chip and asked Xue Renyi to release Zheng Baiwei and the other two, but Xue Renyi did not show any urgency. The appearance of Xuan He turned a deaf ear to Xuan He's coercion, and only replied to Xuan He. Xuan He has only one person in his hands, so they can only return one person here, blowing his beard and staring at Xuan He with anger.

Although Xue Renyi provoked Xuan He like this on the surface, he secretly sent a lot of people to continue to search for Pei Qing's whereabouts. Although Xuan He hid people tightly this time, there were not many people under him. Xue Renyi continued to search For a few days, there have been some clues.

Xue Renyi was not in a hurry, and while dealing with Xuan He, he secretly investigated the witchcraft technique, but Xuan He was in a daze.

In this case of delaying each other, the new year gradually ushered in.

Lin Aoxue threw a banquet in the army and gave the soldiers a holiday, because the soldiers who had to be in place for the rotation, she paid double the reward for all the soldiers, and the soldiers who did not have a mission could take a two-day rest without going to the school grounds. Practice, and even allow to leave the barracks and go to Xingbei market to enjoy.

That night, a very grand banquet was held in the barracks. Lin Aoxue invited people from Yanyulou to come to the barracks to play the piano and sing songs. The entire Xingbeiguan was in a lively atmosphere.

In the afternoon, the banquet in the military camp was over, and the soldiers were free to arrange their own arrangements. Lin Aoxue set up a private banquet in his military tent. After a while, Xuan He took the lead in coming to the door and greeted Lin Aoxue with a fistful of fists:

"The general is very handsome today!"

Lin Aoxue laughed. Her invitation to Xuan He was about an incense stick earlier, and she expected Xuan He to come early. She sat on the main seat and made a gesture of invitation to Xuan He:

"Senior brother makes fun of younger brother, but it's not kind."

With a fake smile on his face, Xuan He paced into the tent, glanced around, saw another wine table next to him, and said with a smile:

"Is Junior Brother ready?"

Lin Aoxue raised an eyebrow at Xuan He:

"It needs a lot of help from senior brothers."

Lin Aoxue is a general of the army. If they set up a private banquet to entertain only Yunyan alone, it would be popular if they spread it out.

Hearing this, Xuan He patted Lin Aoxue on the shoulder with a smile, then shook out a medicine bag from his cuff and quietly handed it to Lin Aoxue, then laughed loudly, walked to the wine table on Lin Aoxue's left and sat down.

Lin Aoxue took the medicine bag in her hand, rubbed her five fingers lightly, and brushed her sleeves down, drowning her hand. Lin Aoxue's eyes were filled with inexplicable light. He opened the bag and secretly poured the medicinal powder inside into the wine jug prepared for Yunyan. Then he looked at Xuanhe and smiled again. He returned to the tent and waited for Yunyan to come.

After a stick of incense, clouds and smoke came as promised.

She was wearing elegant clothes with a few cold plums embroidered on the corners of her clothes, which looked beautiful, delicate, and dignified. Xuan He squinted at Yun Yan and snorted lightly, but didn't say much.

"Little girl Yunyan, I have seen General Lin, I don't know who this is...?"

Yun Yan pretended to be puzzled and turned to Lin Aoxue to ask about Xuan He's identity.

Xuan He and Lin Aoxue looked at each other with a hint of playfulness in their eyes. In his opinion, Yunyan was kept in the dark from beginning to end, and he didn't know that Lin Aoxue already knew her identity, so he was acting with him here, in order not to let Yunyan Seeing the clue, he got up and gave a fake salute to Yunyan, and said with a smile:

"Doctor Yun, under the commander Xuan He, I have heard the name of Dr. Yun for a long time. Now that I can see it, I know that it is even more famous."

Yun Yan had a look of surprise on his face, nodded and said:

"It turned out to be a military officer."

Lin Aoxue smiled cheerfully at the head of the tent, showing a very positive look to Yun Yandao:

"Doctor Yun! Please take your seat!"

Yunyan obediently brushed her body, followed her words and walked to the wine table on the right side of Lin Aoxue, sat down on the soft cushion, Lin Aoxue picked up the wine glass, and swept his eyes around the tent, the divine light in his pupils, and finally fell On Yunyan, he showed two points of fiery and obsession, staring at Yunyan like a disciple, and said with a smile:

"I haven't seen him for a few days. Doctor Yun seems to be getting more and more beautiful."

Yunyan bowed his head in a proper manner, but his words were polite but alienated:

"The little girl's posture of Pu Liu is fortunate to be loved by General Lin."

Lin Aoxue laughed and didn't answer any more, but turned to look at Xuan He and said:

"Today's New Year's Eve, although the border pass is bitter and cold, but with the help of military advisors, this general will be able to gain a firm foothold in Xingbeiguan. For this reason, this should be a cup of respect to the military advisor!"

Xuan He also picked up the wine in the glass, raised his glass to Lin Aoxue from afar, and greeted:

"General Lin is talented and talented, and he is young and promising. When he ascends the throne, he truly deserves his name! The crane also uses this wine to honor the general!"

The two raised their heads and drank the wine in the glass, and then looked at each other, laughing, quite carefree, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy. After drinking wine with Xuanhe, Lin Aoxue poured another glass of himself, raised one hand to play with it, looked at Yunyan with a smile that was not a smile, showed a confident look on his chest, and said:

"Doctor Yun, there is turmoil in the customs this year, and there are many wounded soldiers in the camp. If it weren't for the medical center opened by Dr. Yun to provide medicinal materials for the military camp, I am afraid that the casualties in the camp would have increased a lot. Thanks to Dr. Yun!"

Yun Yan's face was calm, but she felt a little funny in her heart. Lin Aoxue was like this, but she had never seen it before. As everyone knows, this person's acting skills are so good, but those eyes are not expressive enough, and more teaching is needed in the future. teach.

She lowered her head slightly, with a respectful and humble demeanor, and took Lin Aoxue's words:

"The soldiers and soldiers poured their blood into the border guards. Ordinary people like the people, who are sheltered by them, should lend a helping hand to the soldiers when they are in trouble. It's nothing to worry about."

Lin Aoxue laughed happily, then stood up, raised the wine glass, and said loudly:

"Doctor Yun is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a broad-mindedness and a woman who does not allow men! This will make Ben admire and adore him! Come, Ben will give Dr. Yun a cup, and I hope that Dr. Yun will not refuse!"

However, Yunyan did not go to get the wine glass on the table, but lowered her eyebrows and shook her head at Lin Aoxue, helplessly and apologetically saying:

"To tell the truth, the little girl is incapable of drinking, and she is afraid that she will lose her temper. The general also asks the general to allow the little girl to replace the wine with tea."

Yunyan's voice fell, and Lin Aoxue's face suddenly became unpleasant. Xuanhe narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Yunyan and said with a smile:

"Why should Dr. Yun be humble? Everyone in Xing Beiguan knows that Dr. Yun has been the oiran of Yanyulou before this year. Since he is the oiran, how can he be invincible? Could it be that Dr. Yun deliberately wants to show the general's face and not drink this bar? Or, does Doctor Yun think that our general will persecute you?"

Xuanhe's words were quite aggressive. Lin Aoxue frowned slightly, but soon loosened it up. Before Yunyan could refute, Lin Aoxue said:

"The strategist's words are bad! Physician Yun refuses to drink the wine of the general, presumably because the general's attitude is not sincere!"

As she spoke, she placed three more wine glasses on the case, filled all three glasses at once, and then looked at Yunyan and said:

"Doctor Yun, look, this three glasses of wine will be exchanged for one cup of Dr. Yun, but Dr. Yun still refuses?"

Yunyan's eyes twitched slightly in the mid-autumn season, her heart secretly chuckled, and she immediately made a helpless look, put down the tea bowl, took the empty cup, poured the drink that Lin Aoxue had put in the medicine powder into the cup, raised the cup with both hands, and moved away from Lin Aoxue A ceremony, this is the opening:

"The general's kindness is difficult to accept, so the little girl drinks this cup and respects the general."

Lin Aoxue laughed even more cheerfully, she shouted "refreshing", and then poured the three glasses of wine on the table into her mouth twice, and then turned the three glasses upside down, and the wine did not fall.

Yun Yan was helpless, and had to drink it with a glass of wine.

The smile in Xuan He's eyes deepened, and Lin Aoxue's eyes flickered for a while, until Yunyan hung the wine glass like Lin Aoxue, and no drink was spilled.

After that, Lin Aoxue found another opportunity to let Yunyan drink two or three glasses of wine. When the banquet was halfway through, the wine glass in Yunyan's hand suddenly fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Xuan He suddenly clenched his fists, this scene has reached a critical moment.

However, she saw Yunyan's cheeks blushing, her eyes flashing blurred waves, her eyebrows were tightly locked, and there was a hazy mist in her eyes. Lying on the desk, he turned to look at Lin Aoxue, and scolded softly:

"General Lin! How can you act like this!"

Lin Aoxue suddenly stood up from her seat at this moment. When she got up, she suddenly swayed, staggered back two steps, and knocked over the dishes on the table with a clatter. Shocked face:

"What, what's going on?"

Xuan He suddenly stood up and looked at Lin Aoxue in horror. While he was surprised by Lin Aoxue's reaction at this time, he also had a bad premonition. He stepped forward and said urgently:


He wanted to ask Lin Aoxue what was going on, but he just opened his mouth when Lin Aoxue waved his hand away and scolded him angrily:

"Go away! Xuanhe! The wine is poisonous! But you did tricks?!"

The shock on Xuan He's face became more and more obvious. He glanced at Yun Yan, who was lying on the wine table, and Lin Aoxue, who was leaning on the seat with a lethargic expression, suddenly lost his senses. Even with his shrewdness, he didn't see the clue at the first time.

Just when he was at a loss, suddenly several men in black came in from outside the tent. Yunyan propped herself up and controlled herself with difficulty, so as not to lose her temper in public, she glanced at Lin Aoxue, who was unable to get up, and turned. He fixed his eyes on the only person in the tent who was not poisoned - Xuan He, and said coldly:

"Xuanhe! I didn't expect you to use General Lin to get rid of me! I know you have always coveted me, but you did not expect you to do such a daring thing. You want to use the name of General Lin to hold a banquet, killing two birds with one stone. It's really profound. My scheming! If I hadn't understood the pharmacology and discovered the clues before I completely lost consciousness, I'm afraid I would have really let you succeed!"

What she meant in her words was that Xuan He used Lin Aoxue's banquet to smear her and put the blame on Lin Aoxue. exposed.

She seemed to be in a panic, not even paying attention to hiding her identity.

It was only at this moment that Xuan He suddenly realized. He glanced at Yunyan, and then at Lin Aoxue, whose consciousness gradually became dizzy. Then he looked at the strange but murderous faces that had just entered the tent. Then he laughed out loud. , I understand that I have completely understood.

With a sneer on his face, Shen Guang glared at Yun Yan fiercely:

"This game, you won, and the means are really clever."

Xuan He's voice fell, and the men in black had already rushed up and restrained him. Xuan He did not struggle, and let these people cut him back. One of the men in black walked forward, and after examining the food and drinks on the table of Lin Aoxue, Yunyan and Xuanhe, he turned around and said to the leader:

"The poison that General Lin was poisoned was the soft tendons of Yanyu Building, and Miss Yun was drunk for seven days. They are all good medicines made in Yanyu Building."

The leader glanced at Yunyan, took the white jade card on Xuanhe's body from his subordinate, and then threw it directly on the Yunyan table, saying coldly:

"The lord said that it would be more appropriate to leave the Yanyu Building to Miss Yun. This jade card is a transfer order. In addition, there are changes in Beijing. The lord asked General Lin to return to Beijing to report his duties after the Lantern Festival. Before the spring, there should be no war in Xingbeiguan. The affairs of the military will be handed over to the subordinates first, and the subordinates will also lead Xuanhe back to Beijing, so they will retire first."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand again and asked someone to detain Xuanhe and take him out of the military camp.

The men in black came and went like the wind, leaving only a mess on the ground. Lin Aoxue let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the low table, taking a nap with his eyes closed. Yunyan struggled to get up, Xuanhe had been taken away, there must be Beichen He's new eyeliner in the pass, but their concerns were much less. As Xuanhe said, Yunyan won this round.

Ying Guard also walked in from outside the tent. In order not to let the people sent by Bei Chenhe find the clue, Yun Yan didn't even let Ying Guard bring the antidote with him. Only at this time did she say to Ying Er:

"Go to the medical center to get the antidote for Qirizui and Ruanjinsan."

After instructing Haoying II, Yunyan endured the dizziness on her head, staggered to Lin Aoxue's side, sat down beside her, stretched out her hand to hold Lin Aoxue's right hand that was hanging by her side, the wound was not yet healed, and smiled softly at Lin Aoxue. :

"Why are you so bold, what would you do if you were attacked at this time?"

Lin Aoxue temporarily changed her strategy and poisoned her drink, which really surprised Yunyan and admired Lin Aoxue's courage. Fortunately, she and Lin Aoxue had a good relationship with each other. When Lin Aoxue stood up, she swayed, and she already understood Lin Aoxue's arrangement for this situation, so she cooperated with Lin Aoxue to rectify Xuanhe.

Lin Aoxue's whole body is soft, and the effect of loosening the tendons is really obvious. She doesn't even have the strength to move her fingers at all. When she heard Yunyan ask, she laughed, leaning her head on Yunyan's shoulder, and replied in a sullen voice:

"My luck has never been good, but when I meet you, I'm willing to bet on it. No matter what, with you here, I can't die."

Lin Aoxue laughed in a low voice, actually acting like a rogue.

Yunyan's heart was sour, she didn't understand why Lin Aoxue did this, this stupid person beside her tried her best, used all her means, and even got herself into the game, nothing more than she wanted to use all of this to fight She has only a reputation.

Lin Aoxue didn't want Yunyan because of this game, she would hurt a thousand enemies, hurt herself 800, and ruined her reputation, so she put those dangers in another way and resisted them on her own shoulders.

The author has something to say: Rub hands and plan to move to Beijing

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