Xuanhe was in Yunyan's small courtyard, Lin Aoxue made a quick judgment in her heart, and the cold light in her eyes gradually condensed. She did not jump over the wall to enter the courtyard immediately, but forced herself to suppress the rising anger in her heart, and held her breath outside the courtyard. treat.

At least judging from the current situation, Yunyan should not have been hurt.

Lin Aoxue intends to wait outside the hospital, first carefully observe the situation, if Xuanhe really wants to attack Yunyan, she will wait for the opportunity, if she shows up rashly now, maybe it will anger Xuanhe, if it makes Xuanhe give birth to Yunyan Killing intent would be self-defeating.

In her heart, killing Xuanhe was far less important than Yunyan's safety, so after just a short while, Lin Aoxue had already made up her mind. She lightened her steps, taking care not to make any movement, and then put her ear against the wall, Continue to listen to the conversation in the hospital.

After Xuan He's voice fell, Yun Yan's voice came unhurriedly:

"Master Military Master, you can eat your meals indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Why did you wrongly accuse me of betraying the prince?"

Her tone was very calm, and she was not in a hurry at all, which also let Lin Aoxue feel relieved. She exhaled the turbid air in her chest, calmed herself down a bit, and continued to listen.

Xuan He scoffed at Yun Yan's words, he snorted coldly, and said:

"If it wasn't for you behind your back, why would my people be attacked inexplicably? You, a woman with the heart of a snake and a scorpion, disregarded the overall situation and confronted me at such a critical juncture. I will definitely report the matter to the lord. , let the prince judge."

Yun Yan was unmoved, still had a soft smile in his voice, ignored Xuan He's threat, and said with a smile:

"Master Military Master has wronged the little girl so much, even if you report it, the lord can tell the truth from falsehood. Besides, isn't Master Military Master the clearest in his heart?"

Xuan He's face sank, and a cold light was suppressed in his eyes. The threat that Yun Yan brought him was getting bigger and bigger. This time, Wei Yi and Zheng Bai were suddenly taken away by mysterious forces. Xuan He was indeed not sure that it was Yun Yan. but he has this intuition in his heart, it must be that his previous actions against Yunyan angered this woman, and she retaliates against him in this way.

He gritted his teeth secretly and snorted coldly:

"Hmph, Yunyan, you know that the prince's plan has reached a critical moment. What I did in Yanyu Tower before was inappropriate, so I apologize to you here. If you hand over Wei Yi and Zheng Bai, After removing the poison from my body, we will not discuss this matter, and I will return the Yanyu Tower to you again, what do you think?"

Yunyan didn't understand that this was Xuan He's temptation. He said it better than he sang it, not to mention that she would never let people go, and even the two of them were not in her hands. Just the conditions proposed by Xuan He, Enough to make her sneer.

Unequal conditions can be said so brazenly, as expected of Xuanhe.

Yunyan's demeanor was still soft, and she looked innocent and harmless. She sat on the stone chair in the courtyard. After Xuanhe's voice fell, she calmly poured a cup of tea, sipped her mouth, and said:

"Master strategist can really take advantage of others. This business sings well, not to mention that there are no two people in the hands of the little girl, you can't be the master. Do you think that only one smoke and rain building can make you and me? The previous grievances and grievances between the two were cleared up in one fell swoop? The Yanyu Building is mine, how can you take it from me, and how can I take it back, what does it have to do with you still not returning it?"

Yun Yan's remarks were merciless, and he directly tore his face with Xuan He.

Xuan He's face froze. The next moment, he couldn't bear the rage in his heart any longer. He suddenly stepped forward and slapped the stone table with his palm, only to hear a muffled boom, the stone table collapsed, and Xuan He was furious. The voice also exploded in the small courtyard:

"Yunyan! Don't deceive people too much!"

No matter how furious Ren Xuanhe was, Yun Yan still sat steadily, and even the tea in the tea bowl that she held flat in her hand did not stir up any turbulence, and she took a sip of the tea in the cup without rushing, and looked indifferently at the distance between her. Xuan He, who was just a few steps away, was not at all afraid of the fierceness of Xuan He's body, and only said indifferently:

"Why is your strategist so irritated? You have to be careful. It's a small loss of property. If you accidentally get infected with the strange poison next to you, you will lose more than you gain."

Xuan He was furious in his heart, but as soon as Yun Yan said these words, he felt a tingling pain in his left hand. Infected with rash, itching unbearable.

Startled, Xuan He took two steps back in horror, but soon, the divine light in his eyes completely cooled down, he tossed his sleeves, and took another step forward, pointing at Yunyan Mianmen and shouting:

"Hand over the antidote, or today, I will have you pay the price!"

Yunyan was not afraid, she shrugged indifferently, and said lightly:

"The little girl is very scary."

After saying this sentence with a smile, her eyes flashed coldly, and then she pursed her lips and chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of her mouth:

"What tricks do you have to come, think I'm really afraid that you won't succeed?!"

It is rare for Yunyan to speak ill of people, squinting slantingly, with a cold and sharp expression in the eyes, looking extremely contemptuous, but Xuanhe is helpless.

Xuan He endured and endured, but was also thoroughly angered by Yun Yan's attitude. He thought that there was no solution to the strange poison in his body, and he was conspicuously plotted by Yun Yan again. He couldn't bear it any longer, so he no longer had any scruples. The move is also enough to capture Yunyan.

Since the fish will die and the net will be broken, then see who can beat who!

He used his hand as a claw and quickly grabbed Yunyan's throat, but when his hand was still a few inches away from Yunyan, a stone suddenly flew from the courtyard and hit the back of his hand with a slap.

Xuan He was in pain, turned his head in anger, and saw a black figure from outside the hospital jumping over the wall. This man was tied with a black cloth on his head, with only two eyes exposed. A branch was plucked from the old tree, and the toes touched the ground, turning into a gust of wind and rushing towards Xuanhe.

Xuanhe was shocked. The person who came here was strong in martial arts, his movements were smooth, and his moves were decisive and ruthless. He only used branches as weapons, but because of his deep internal strength, the rough branches were comparable to sharp swords. He only raised his hand to block two. When he moved, he was pulled by the branches, and there were several traces of blue and purple on the back of his hand.

It was midnight, and the courtyard was dark. There was only a dim yellow lantern under the eaves not far away. Xuan He couldn't tell the identity of the person, but he could feel the murderous intent on the person. He couldn't use his inner strength. The enemy, the secret path was miscalculated. He had previously designed to lead the shadows away. He thought that there was no one beside Yunyan, but unexpectedly Yunyan still had such a powerful secret guard.

He sneered inwardly, took out a handful of white ash from his cuff, and threw it out at the man in black. When the man's figure paused, he jumped over the courtyard wall and walked away quickly.

Lin Aoxue chased up to the wall and wanted to continue forward, but heard the voice of Yunyan behind him:

"Stop chasing, come back."

Lin Aoxue paused, immediately turned around and jumped down from the wall. In three or two steps, he came to Yunyan's side, tore off the black cloth that was temporarily wrapped around his head, and asked anxiously:

"Yan'er, are you injured?"

Yunyan glanced at her, and immediately took out a pill from her cuff and brought it to Lin Aoxue's mouth:

"I'm fine, you take this antidote first."

Although Xuan He threw a handful of poison powder, Yun Yan knew that the poison came from her hands only after a moment's identification. Before Xuan He took Yanyulou from her hands, he also took some poison-making recipes. Go, he himself knew that this poison could not help Yunyan, and the reason why he spilled it in a hurry was just to buy time for himself to escape.

Lin Aoxue was very obedient, swallowed the pill without hesitation, and then asked:

"Why is Xuanhe here? His martial arts have declined so much, is it really good to let him go? Where's Ying Si? Why isn't he by your side to protect you?"

She asked a lot of questions in a row, Yunyan shook her head and chuckled, Lin Aoxue came to her side and forced Xuanhe away, her tense mind relaxed, and her mood gradually improved, so she said angrily to Lin Aoxue:

"You ask so many questions, which one should I answer first?"

Lin Aoxue coughed lightly, and also felt that she was too anxious, Yunyan was not flustered at all, she was as anxious as her buttocks were on fire. She pursed her lips and said:

"Yan'er can answer either."

At the end, she paused and added:

"Well, it's okay not to answer."

She could only know what Yunyan wanted to tell her.

Yun Yan was amused by Lin Aoxue's cute appearance, her heart softened into a ball, she raised her hand and rubbed Lin Aoxue's cheek, kissed her forehead, ignoring the table that was broken by Xuan He, and led Lin Aoxue back to the house , answering her previous questions one by one as she walked:

"Xuanhe is here of course because you caught his person, but I have already put two strange poisons on him, and he is unable to fight you at all, even if he runs away, it will not be in the way. Shi Xiaoji has been transferred away, and he hasn't come back yet, so it must take some time."

Lin Aoxue was stunned and asked again:

"What about the table?"

In front of Yunyan, Lin Aoxue gradually got used to asking if she didn't understand.

Yunyan shook her head and chuckled:

"It's just a table, let the shadow shop change it tomorrow."

Lin Aoxue followed with an "oh", and after driving away Xuanhe, the anger in her heart subsided. Seeing that Yunyan was not injured, she put her heart back in her stomach, and after returning to the house, she talked to Yunyan about what happened today. The results and what came out of Yuan Fang's mouth.

Yunyan nodded. Today, when Xuanhe came to look for it, she knew that Lin Aoxue's actions were mostly successful, so she was not worried. Yuan Fang said that the strange poison was through the hands of Zheng Bo, and she was not surprised, so she said to Lin Aoxue:

"According to your words, Yuan Fang is timid and greedy for money. Although he makes good use of it, he is not Zheng Bo's confidant. Since this poison has been leaked out of Zheng Bo's hands, most of the poison in Yu Jingshan and Wu Nanshi is also the same. People related, when you torture Zheng Bo in the future, you can pay more attention."

Yunyan could always accurately grasp some issues that Lin Aoxue easily overlooked and point them out. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was Lin Aoxue's counselor.

Therefore, Lin Aoxue always listened to Yunyan's words, and as soon as Yunyan's words fell, she nodded and agreed, keeping this matter in mind.

After Yunyan returned to the room, she looked tired and said to Lin Aoxue:

"It's getting late, stay and rest, you have to get up early and go back to the barracks tomorrow."

The light in the room was not very bright. Lin Aoxue looked at Yunyan and saw a faint dark blue color under her eyes. It was because she had not rested well last night. Lin Aoxue was very distressed. The accident also brought a great blow to Yunyan. Lin Aoxue did not say anything, nor did she think too much, and said:

"Then Yan'er, you go take a bath first, and I will warm the bed with you."

In winter, the weather was cold and the quilt was cold. Lin Aoxue's mind was simple, and let Yunyan go to wash up first. She got into the quilt to warm up, but when she asked Yunyan to come back, she wouldn't get cold.

Unexpectedly, Yunyan's eyes were slightly turbulent because of her words. A smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she lifted Lin Aoxue's chin teasingly, and said with a smile:

"Why, our little general can't wait to throw himself in his arms?"

Lin Aoxue was stunned when she heard the words. She didn't understand Yun Yan's meaning at first, but after a brief stunned moment, her face suddenly turned red, turning purple.

Yunyan was amused by Lin Aoxue's reaction, making her giggled. Her mentality was much better than Lin Aoxue's. She had become accustomed to such ups and downs in the past ten years, so she was neither sad nor sad, with Lin Aoxue to accompany her. By her side, she has felt extremely fortunate.

Occasionally teasing this person is always pleasing.

Yunyan was overjoyed, but she made Lin Aoxue unhappy. She was still not used to Yunyan's teasing, and she was still blushing and nervous at Yunyan's teasing. Just like at this moment, Yun Yan's words made her unable to speak clearly, and she hesitated for a while without saying why.

If she said no, she was afraid that Yunyan would misunderstand her unwillingness, but if she said yes, she would be very embarrassed. The two thoughts went back and forth in her mind, and she did not argue for a long time.

Just when Lin Aoxue was at a loss and didn't know what to do, Yunyan suddenly said:

"I'm going to wash up first. You have to go again. It's already so late. Why don't you and I bathe together to save time?"

Lin Aoxue was completely stunned when she heard the words, and she didn't even have the energy to think.

Yunyan didn't say any more, after she opened her mouth, the matter was settled, she dragged Lin Aoxue to the bath room, she first asked Lin Aoxue to wait outside the bath room, and then went to light the hot water stove in the kitchen Now, when she returned to the door of the bath room, Lin Aoxue had the same bewildered expression on her face when she left for a while.

Yun Yan chuckled in her heart, Lin Aoxue could become a general even if she was so stupid, she was not so stupid when she was alone.

She walked over and took Lin Aoxue's hand and walked into the bathroom. The boiler was already hot, and the water in the tub also warmed. Lin Aoxue realized that she was about to take a bath with Yunyan.

She glanced around and suddenly felt that the bathroom was not spacious at all, as if it was still hot.

Lin Aoxue's eyes quietly glanced at Yunyan, but seeing the latter walk behind the screen indifferently, removing the dresses that were covering her body one by one, Lin Aoxue's throat twitched, her heartbeat started to speed up involuntarily, and the rumble rumbled her ears. kept buzzing.

Her breathing also began to become stagnant, until she was so nervous that she almost lost her breath, and she realized that it was too rude to stare at Yun Yan and take off her clothes without blinking. He lowered his head and looked at his toes in a daze.

"Why are you still stunned, do you want the slave family to undress for you?"

Yun Yan's voice came again, Lin Aoxue raised her eyes subconsciously, and her nose suddenly became hot, as if a hot liquid was gushing out of her nose. But seeing that Yunyan was only covered with a thin gauze skirt, which vaguely outlined her slender figure, and the fog in the room was getting thicker, giving Lin Aoxue the illusion of being in a fairyland.

The clouds and smoke are very beautiful. In this hazy hot and humid mist, the gauze skirt is attached to her smooth and jade-like skin, which is even more beautiful and enchanting. Lin Aoxue had to admit that there was indeed a kind of stunner in this world that could make people feel an irrepressible desire in their hearts when they saw her, wanting to touch and take possession of her wantonly.

She eats the marrow and knows the taste, knows the joy of bedding, and the joy of fish and water, so she has a thirst that she has never had before.

But before she took any action, she only felt dizzy and uncomfortable, and when she swayed her feet, she would faint on the spot.

Yun Yan's eyes showed a look of astonishment, and she watched in shock as two clear blood lines suddenly slipped from the lips of Lin Aoxue who was in a daze, and immediately rolled her eyes and fell on her back.

She never thought that things would turn out like this. It seemed that Lin Aoxue was stimulated too much, beyond the limit she could bear. Yun Yan flashed this thought in her heart, before she felt helpless, she subconsciously reached out to grab Lin Aoxue's arm.

However, Lin Aoxue usually looks thin and not heavy, but at this time it is unexpectedly heavy. Although Yunyan grabbed Lin Aoxue's hand, she failed to stabilize her. Instead, she was led by Lin Aoxue and rushed forward. People both fell to the ground.

She panicked, and quickly put her hand behind Lin Aoxue's head, and rolled to the ground together with Lin Aoxue. Lin Aoxue's elbow hit the ground, and she must be red, swollen and bruised soon.

Yunyan was brought by the pulling force to Lin Aoxue. Lin Aoxue's head was protected by her, so she didn't break it. She vaguely felt that this scene was familiar, but she didn't have time to study it carefully. After confirming that she just fainted, she pressed Lin Aoxue's body again.

After a few breaths, someone Lin, who fell into a coma due to being too excited, woke up leisurely. She opened her eyes and saw Yunyan lying on top of her, with a smile that was not a smile on her face, looking at her with deep meaning. Lin Aoxue recalled her memory, and suddenly realized what stupid thing she had done just now, her mouth twitched, her eyes closed suddenly, and she continued to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

Yun Yan slapped her face with a slap, and said softly:

"Okay, stop pretending, get up quickly, the ground is cold."

Lin Aoxue had no choice but to open her eyes and stand up, but Yunyan handed over another piece of pure white silk and said to her:

"Wipe your nosebleed."

Oh, she felt like she was going to faint again.

The author has something to say: Oh, poor little general, get excited.

Er Mao: I am not, I am not, you shut up!

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