Lin Aoxue felt extremely embarrassed in her heart, but she was so dizzy that she couldn't argue with Yun Yan's arrangement, so she could only go down to the guest room with the help of the little maid.

The little maid supported Lin Aoxue to lie down on the bed, her body was burning uncomfortably, her head was groggy, her eyelids were so heavy that she could barely open her eyes, she wanted to fall asleep on the pillow.

That little girl got Yun Yan's order to take care of the guests in Yan Yu Building, so she went to fetch water and wipe Lin Aoxue's face.

She twisted a clean towel, and saw Lin Aoxue's face with alcohol, and her cheeks were flushed.

Perhaps it was because of drunkenness that Lin Aoxue was lying down with her eyes closed at this time, her brows soft and not as terrifying as in the daytime.

The little maid leaned over, thinking that it would be inconvenient to scrub with a mask on her face, and it would be uncomfortable to fall asleep, so she leaned over cautiously, trying to take off the half of the mask on Lin Aoxue's face.

But just as her fingertips touched the icy mask, Lin Aoxue suddenly woke up. She suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were full of light, she glared angrily at the person in front of her, and said in a low voice:

"what you do?"

Her eyes were fierce and full of murderous intent, and the little maid was also very frightened in addition to being shocked. She got up and backed away in panic, and accidentally swept her sleeves to the sink placed in front of the bed.

There was only a clanging sound, and the water in the basin was spilled on the ground.

But she didn't have time to think about it, so she knelt down on the wet ground, burying her head and kowtow:

"Master Soldier, calm down!"

When the voice fell, I don't know if it was the coldness of the ground or the aura of Lin Aoxue, the little maid was trembling all over, her slender shoulders trembling involuntarily.

Yunyan arranged some affairs for the servant in Yanyu Building. At this time, he hurried over when he heard the movement in the house.

Seeing Lin Aoxue sitting on the edge of the bed with an angry face, while the little maid who was taking care of her crouched down on the ground tremblingly, Yun Yan frowned slightly, and softly reprimanded the little maid, then waved her hand and sent her down to bring a bowl of sober soup.

"The new girl doesn't understand the rules, so please let the soldier calm down."

Yun Yan walked towards Lin Aoxue and saw Lin Aoxue sitting with her eyes rounded, her face stern, and she looked solemn, but her eyes that were originally bright and sharp were now covered with a layer of mist, and her eyes were not focused. Is very drunk.

There was a blush on her face, her breath was heavy and anxious, her consciousness was in a trance, and she was only awake for a while.

Yunyan leaned over and leaned close to her cheek, then whispered in her ear and asked:

"Can the slave family serve the soldier and rest?"

Lin Aoxue's face was stiff and she didn't respond, but her hands subconsciously clenched the front of her clothes, like a little daughter-in-law who was about to be bullied.

Seeing her like this, Yunyan couldn't help but frown. Lin Aoxue's appearance was very different from the sassy appearance of the Yanyulou that day when she was alone and defeated eight strong thugs in a row.

I didn't expect this person to be so funny when he was drunk.

Just as the little maid brought the hangover soup, Yunyan got up, took the hangover soup, and scooped a spoonful to Lin Aoxue's lips:

"Master Bing, did you drink this sober soup?"

Lin Aoxue smelled the sober soup and frowned, but she didn't immediately refuse. She hesitated for a while, and then took a sip.

Yunyan shook her head and chuckled, feeding Lin Aoxue half a bowl of the sobering soup. At the end, when she saw Lin Aoxue stunned, she would listen obediently and say anything except not letting people touch her clothes and mask.

"The soldier should rest."

Hearing Yunyan's remarks, Lin Aoxue nodded indiscernibly, then without taking off her clothes or mask, she fell straight down with a thud, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing this, the little maid who followed Yunyan couldn't hide her surprise, she was amazed.

The corners of Yunyan's lips curled into a smile, she pulled up the quilt beside Lin Aoxue, covered her briefly, and then signaled the maid beside her to put away the scattered water basins and said:

"Since he doesn't like company, you should wait outside the house."

After saying that, Yunyan walked out of the house slowly.

After drinking the hangover soup, Lin Aoxue slept in Yanyu Building for one night. The next morning, she opened her eyes in horror. She checked her clothes in a panic, and found that no one had touched her clothes. in one breath.

She sat up and glanced out the window, the sun was dark and it was not yet dawn. Being drunk in a brothel is ridiculous, and she is still staying here.

Lin Aoxue vaguely remembered what happened last night. Apart from scolding the little maid, there should be nothing wrong with her words or deeds.

She rubbed her stinging forehead, rolled over and got out of bed, pushed open the door and walked out.

Yesterday, the little maid was waiting outside the door. When she saw Lin Aoxue awake, she gave Lin Aoxue a startled and curious look, and bowed her head to greet her.

Lin Aoxue coughed lightly, her face was stern, and she said bluntly:

"I'm sorry yesterday."

The little maid blinked in surprise, and it took a while to realize that Lin Aoxue was apologizing for yelling at her last night.

She had never seen someone as strange as Lin Aoxue, and never had any young master apologized to these brothel women after being angry for no reason.

Coupled with Lin Aoxue's unusual performance last night, the little girl suddenly felt that although Lin Aoxue looked fierce, she was actually a good person, and she was not so scared when she looked at the hideous mask on Lin Aoxue's face.

A smile appeared on her face, and when Lin Aoxue asked where Bei Chen Ji was, the little maid immediately led her over.

Lin Aoxue grabbed Bei Chenji from the bed that was filled with the fragrance of rich powder, Bei Chenji panicked, Lin Aoxue was murderous, but the girl who accompanied the bed seemed to have taken it easy, and let Lin Aoxue capture Bei Chenji and leave Yanyulou.

When they left without seeing Yunyan again, a farce ended.

However, not long after Lin Aoxue and the others left, the little maid told Yunyan that Lin Aoxue had apologized to her just now. At that time, Yunyan was playing the guqin. After listening to the little maid, she also smiled:

"This Lin Aoxue is indeed a different person."

The end of this rest period, the cold winter will soon pass, the ice and snow melt, the grass and trees grow, and the spring breeze blows through the inch of Xingbei's land, bringing vitality.

One day, there was a scream of killing outside Xingbei Pass, and the horn at the city head whimpered, resounding through the entire barracks.

The barbarians suddenly came to attack the city. The size of the enemy was about 30,000. The number of cavalry and infantry at the forefront was 20,000. The general Bei Chenlong was sitting on the city tower. meet the enemy.

The soldiers of the Feiyu Battalion fired arrows at the top of the city, waiting for the enemy to break through several ambush outside the pass, and the infantry battalion stepped over the moat to meet the barbarians.

Bei Chenlong did not take special care because Bei Chen Ji was his son, but let Bei Chen Ji and Lin Aoxue form the same team to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

Lin Aoxue mixed in the crowd, described as cold and solemn, clenched the silver spear in his hand, and rushed into the enemy army bravely, picking up the front legs of several war horses, the war horses neighed and knelt on the ground, the barbarians on the horse's backs After falling down, Lin Aoxue made a quick move and killed them all cleanly.

She was superb in martial arts, and no enemy could approach her. She rushed down and killed more than 20 barbarian enemy soldiers in Lin Aoxue's hands.

After some rushing and killing, Lin Aoxue was covered in blood, and by her side, hundreds of soldiers belonging to Beichen Kingdom fell.

The barbarian soldiers began to charge for the second time. Lin Aoxue was drowned in the crowd. Her strength was always limited by herself. Even if she was strong in martial arts and what she could do, it was only within a few meters of her own side.

No matter what age or situation, the war is always cruel. With the increasingly loud cries of killing, the number of barbarian soldiers has been continuously reduced, and Beichen soldiers have also fallen to the ground one after another.

Blood splashed, dyeing the eyes of the soldiers red. In the chaos, Lin Aoxue saw Beichen Ji was entangled by two barbarian enemy soldiers.

The blade in one of the hands slashed Beichenji's arm, Beichenji gritted his teeth with a pale face, and slashed the man's throat with a backhand knife, but his physical strength was exhausted, his footsteps staggered, and the hand holding the knife began to obey.

Another barbarian soldier seized the opportunity, raised the Pu Dao and slashed at Bei Chen Ji head on!

Shi Chang Chen Er was not far from Beichen Ji, but when he saw this, he was afraid that he would be implicated, so he did not rescue him, but hurriedly took a few steps back, intending to widen the distance between him and Beichen Ji. , clear the relationship.

Lin Ao Xuenu started from her heart, but she didn't have time to take care of Chen Er. She avoided the oncoming blade, the tip of the spear slid towards the enemy's throat, and then jumped up, stepping on the man's shoulder and rushing towards Bei Chen Ji.

Bei Chenji killed a savage soldier, his physical strength was exhausted, and his vision was smeared with blood. He only felt the cold wind blowing against his face, but he did not see the light of the sword in front of him.

When the crisis was at hand, only hearing the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, Bei Chen Ji was shaken by a strong force. When he finally struggled to open his eyes, he saw Lin Aoxue using the silver spear in his hand to kill the man who had just attacked him. The soldier poked a hole.

Beichen Ji's heart beat like a drum for the rest of his life.

Lin Aoxue drew the spear blade, and the barbarian soldier fell to the ground with a thud. She turned to look for Chen Ershi, but saw that the latter had retreated in a panic, and was slashed from behind by the barbarian soldier.

Chen Er screamed and fell to the ground. Lin Aoxue's eyes were sharp. Seeing that the knife only hurt the flesh, it didn't touch the vital point at all. Chen Er's actions were actually trying to play dead on the battlefield!

Lin Aoxue let out a cold snort, walked over, and dealt with the barbarian soldier in three or two strokes. He threw the barbarian's body on Chen Er's body without any intention, and quickly filled a shot. The tip of the gun penetrated the armor of the barbarian soldier, accurately Pierced from Chen Erhou's heart.

Bei Chenji panted to Lin Aoxue's side, just as Lin Aoxue drew back his spear and wiped the blood from the gun, Bei Chenji, who was still in shock, didn't notice Chen Er, who was compacting under the barbarian's body.

Chen Er didn't even have time to call for help, and he never thought that Lin Aoxue would suddenly kill him.

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