The grassland is vast and green, the grass is green, like blue waves, blown by the cool wind on the field, ups and downs. The day before yesterday, with the defeat of the front line, a light snow fell, which was not covered, but it made the air on the grasslands colder and colder, as if the sky and the earth were crying for the soldiers who died in battle.

Under the boundless sky, there are occasional caravans driving a team of cattle and horses, swaying across the field, they carry the unique items of different tribes, and exchange the furs of those beasts for cattle and sheep food, or valuable lambs .

They do not have a fixed residence, and they wander around the grasslands all year round. After a period of time, they move their teams and rarely stay in one place for a long time.

This time, they had just left from Ke Zhan's tribe, and exchanged the beef and mutton jerky brought from the depths of the grassland in exchange for the rabbit skin and wolf down that the Ke Zhan tribe was rich in.

I heard that the soldiers and horses who came back from Beichen lost all gathered to the Kezhan tribe to rest for a while. They needed a lot of food. The caravan came this time, and asked these soldiers to directly count all the food carried by the entire team, leaving only the It was enough for the caravan to survive to the next tribe.

The leader of the group is Bei Fan, a middle-class family from the Boka tribe. Ten years ago, he proposed the idea of ​​traveling as a businessman, but the whole clan rejected him. He was even scolded by the patriarch for being idle and not doing his job properly. He fell out with his family. In anger, he walked away in a fit of anger, and unexpectedly met Zhe Ji, the princess of Boca who was only fourteen years old at the time.

The princess had a great conversation with him, and he dragged out his thoughts on the travel business. Zhe Ji's eyes were bright. After listening to this, he did not reprimand him like the patriarch, but instead showed great interest and showed great interest in him. Say:

"The patriarch stopped you from doing this because there are ferocious wolves on the grasslands, as well as conflicts and contradictions between tribes and tribes. If you rashly go out for business, you will easily die outside."

Zhe Ji's words were ruthless, but calm and wise, not like what a fourteen-year-old girl would say.

At that time, Boka was just a small tribe in the grassland, and it was not strong enough to fight with others. Bei Fan himself knew that his idea was very naive, but he was still resentful that this idea that he thought was a good idea was completely rejected before anyone tried it. He felt resentful and aggrieved.

When he was frustrated and helpless, Zhe Ji suddenly said:

"I support your idea. I can give you guards, cattle and sheep, carriages and horses, but you have to promise me one condition."

Bei Fan was stunned for a long time, and he couldn't even believe that this sentence came from Zhe Ji's mouth. After a while, he finally came back to his senses. He was ecstatic and replied without hesitation that no matter what conditions Zhe Ji proposed. He will agree.

As long as someone is willing to support his ambitions, it is precious enough, not to mention that Zhe Ji is willing to help him realize all these ideas.

Zhe Ji smiled and looked at him, the eyes of ordinary people are not wise and peaceful:

"I want you to enter the royal court and be loyal to the royal family. The income from your travels will be divided between the royal family and your family. If you die unfortunately, the royal family will be responsible for supporting your parents and raising your children, but you will have to pay for it all your life. Allegiance to the royal family."

Bei Fan's body trembled uncontrollably, both excited and shocked.

He never thought that he would hear such words from Zhe Ji. Zhe Ji's foresight and wisdom are far from comparable to other people in the tribe, and her heroism and open-mindedness make many men who claim to be lenient ashamed. . The conditions she put forward were not harsh at all, and it could even be said that Bei Fan had already taken advantage of it, leaving him without any reason to refuse.

Bei Fan took a deep breath. He couldn't remember the last time he was so excited. He hurriedly knelt down, worshipped the princess like a pilgrimage, and said sincerely:

"Your Majesty, if Bei Fan can accomplish such a feat, he is willing to share the income of the traveling merchants with the royal family. If there is no favor from the princess, there is no chance of this attempt. Give it up to the royal family."

At this moment, he deeply felt that even though Zhe Ji was only fourteen years old, her vision and wisdom would definitely lead the Boka family to unprecedented glory.

Facts have proved that his original decision was not wrong. Zhe Ji is indeed a treasure given to the Boka family by God.

Ten years ago, Zheji organized a team of cattle and horses, with Beifan as the captain of the caravan, and began to travel on the grasslands, reselling materials from different tribes, and earning huge profits. Although there were difficulties in the process, Beifan He never gave up, and finally, in ten years, he established a caravan recognized by all grassland tribes.

In the process of growing, this caravan has also brought endless wealth to the Boka family. Even if it is only divided into 30% of the income, it is enough for the Bei family to overcome many obstacles and stand at the top of all the families of the Boka tribe. , obtained the prosperity and development second only to the royal family.

Those who opposed Bei Fan at the beginning were all impressed by his efforts, and Bei Fan, in the past ten years, successfully took the position of the Bei family's patriarch, and was in the limelight for a while. But he always remembered the favor of the princess, Zhe Ji, and the Boka royal family to whom he had been loyal.

The caravan was walking on the open grassland, and this time they sent supplies to Ke Zhan, which was considered to have completed the task assigned by the princess. Now, they have to pass through the relict city of the original Rongwei tribe and go deeper into the northwest of the grassland.

Not long after they came out of Ke Zhan, they had just entered the territory of Rong Wei. Suddenly, a servant came up quickly, pointed to a river in the distance, and shouted loudly:

"Captain Bei Fan, do you see anyone there?"

Bei Fan looked in the direction of the servant's finger, and sure enough he saw a black figure lying on the bank of the river. He signaled the servant to go over and take a look. people.

When he picked up the wet and tattered man from the water, he was shocked, turned his head and beckoned to Bei Fan:

"Captain, it's a soldier from Beichen Kingdom! There's still one breath left!"

Hearing this, Bei Fan was also taken aback. It was hard to see a living Beichen soldier on the grassland. This soldier seemed to be in very poor condition and was dying. It was obvious that he had come down from the battlefield. He glanced up along the river. The river extends from the junction of the grassland and the northern border. Presumably the soldier fell into the water on the way and was washed all the way here by the current.

This probability is not nonexistent, but it is very small and close to nonexistence. After all, there are thirty or forty miles from the battlefield at the border to this area. This soldier soaks in the water, even if he goes down the river and reaches this place, He should have drowned a long time ago.

To be able to live to this day, I still breathe a sigh of relief, but it is really a blessing.

"See if there is any help, and take him if he can survive."

Although this soldier is from Beichen Kingdom, there is no distinction between noble and lowly in life, and the struggle for power in the royal family has little to do with them. The principle, since he happened to pass by, he can save it if he can, and then make arrangements when he returns to Boca.

The servant responded with a sound, carried the distressed soldier on his shoulders, led the horse back to the caravan, and pushed the man in his hand into the ox cart, bumping on the way, bearing against the man's chest and abdomen, until he got on the ox cart , vomited some water in the abdomen with a wow sound, looking very embarrassed.

Bei Fan glanced at the soldier, ignored it, and motioned for the caravan to move on.

When Lin Aoxue woke up, she felt that the world was spinning, she was extremely uncomfortable, her head was dizzy, and her stomach was filled with water.

She struggled several times before she finally opened her eyes. She saw the vast and boundless sky, the sky was gray, and the ox cart jolted under her body, causing her headache to split. She breathed hard, her consciousness struggled to regain control of her body, and after a few breaths, she barely moved her arm.

She had two stab wounds on her back and a scratch on her forearm. Under the immersion of the river water, the wounds festered and swelled. Her whole body was a little swollen. Drive her crazy.

The movement on the ox cart caught the attention of the servants beside the cart. He turned his head and saw Lin Aoxue struggling to get up. He was surprised and said in surprise:

"Wow! You can still move if you are injured like this. Are all the soldiers of Beichen Kingdom like him?!"

The servant's voice alarmed the people in the caravan. Bei Fan turned his head and glanced here, motioning for the caravan to move on, then came over and stopped by the ox cart. Seeing Lin Aoxue raising his eyes, he used the language of the barbarians. Asked:

"Are you okay, what's your name?"

Lin Aoxue didn't understand, and her consciousness was confused again. She shook her head forcefully, trying to wake herself up a bit. Seeing her like this, Bei Fan stopped talking, and only asked the servants beside her to bring some water and cheese to Lin Aoxue.

The servant put food and water in a leather bag and brought it to Lin Aoxue. Lin Aoxue struggled to sit up, leaned on the ox cart, looked up, and the surrounding scene came into her eyes. The real fragrance of mud grass made her confused. His mind began to think, and he gradually understood his current situation.

She is still alive, on the prairie.

She didn't know why she came to the grassland, but she vaguely remembered that before she fell into a coma, the horse dragged her for a while because of the serious injury. She couldn't remember things.

Holding the food and water in her hands, Lin Aoxue adjusted her state and nodded towards the servant who handed her the thing.

It's not that she doesn't want to speak, but that her throat is dry and water is poured into her.

She saw that it was a caravan who had saved her. She had learned a few barbarian words from Tamu before, but she was really in a place where barbarians lived and heard barbarians talk to her, but she was still confused and couldn't understand. She simply did not say a word and waited for the change.

Bei Fan ignored her, and the caravan continued to move forward. In a few days, they would reach the boundary of the Boka tribe.

Lin Aoxue only used a little cheese after she was fully awake. She didn't mind that it was barbarian food. Although it tasted a little strange, for her, the most important thing was to survive and get out of here.

She wanted to know where she was now and where the caravan was going, but she couldn't understand the language, so she had to give up.

Although her injuries were serious, Lin Aoxue's body was recovering well. After she woke up, she managed to clean up the wound with a little energy. Seeing that Lin Aoxue cut off the rotten flesh on her forearm without blinking, she straightened her to the side. The servant's face was stunned and hairy.

However, to Lin Aoxue, this pain seemed to be normal. After cleaning up the wound on her arm, she roughly bandaged her forearm, but it was difficult for the two stab wounds behind her.

The servant knew that there was a wound on her back, so he gestured towards her with two gestures, telling her that he could help her heal the wound. Lin Aoxue tilted her head and thought for a while, thinking that her body was very weak due to the injury, and if the wound was not treated with bandages , it will be very slow, but if you let this person do it for you, it will definitely reveal her identity.

In the end, Lin Aoxue recalled the simple sentence patterns he had learned from Tamu and asked:

"Is there any wine?"

The servant heard a non-standard barbarian language from Lin Aoxue's mouth, and he still understood what she meant. He was extremely surprised, and he raised his face and laughed:

"You're a really powerful soldier, and you can speak our words."

However, Lin Aoxue didn't understand a word of his dancing praise, and could only have a cold face without expressing any opinion. Soon, the servant also realized that Lin Aoxue might only have a few simple words, and after laughing, he said:


Then, he turned to look at Bei Fan and called out loudly:

"Captain! This Beichen soldier is asking us for wine!"

Hearing this, Bei Fan first showed two surprises, and then laughed:

"This soldier is really different, give it to him!"

Lin Aoxue fell into their hands, and the situation was actually not good. Besides, Lin Aoxue was still a soldier. Although there was no direct fight between them, it could be said that the factions were different. Lin Aoxue could calmly manage their requests for wine. Those who do not understand their own situation are still open-minded.

The servant quickly brought the wine to Lin Aoxue. Lin Aoxue poured himself a few sips of wine and warmed his body, then quickly took off his outermost layer of clothes and said to the barbarian:

"help me."

She didn't know how to speak more politely, so she could only express herself in the simplest sentences. After speaking, she pointed to the knife wound on her back with her finger again, and motioned the servant to pour the wine directly on the wound.

The barbarian servant quickly understood what she meant, and couldn't help but startled again, almost thinking that Lin Aoxue was dying.

But seeing Lin Aoxue insist, he was surprised and worried several times to confirm that the two sides could not communicate. In the end, he was extremely helpless and poured the wine on Lin Aoxue's back. Lin Aoxue grimaced in pain from the two wounds where the flesh was rolled over. He gasped for air, and he almost passed out after he could barely breathe.

Fortunately, she finally managed to hold back the pain, gritted her teeth hard, and almost tasted the blood in her mouth. She then recovered and thanked the servant.

To bandage the wound, he had to take off his clothes. Lin Aoxue didn't have the skills, so he could only use wine for a while, and he would get better sooner.

After drenching the wound with wine, Lin Aoxue fell asleep again in a daze. Fortunately, she had eaten some food, so although she was not in good condition, her body was getting better little by little.

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, Lin Aoxue had a fever again because of her injury, her head was dizzy, and her consciousness was also a little unclear. Bei Fan asked someone to bring Lin Aoxue a thick wolf velvet clothes, Lin Aoxue strongly supported Bei Fan and thanked Bei Fan, and then wrapped herself tightly.

After the night passed, Lin Aoxue came over again, the fever subsided, she stood up weakly, feeling soaked with sweat all over her body, the servant brought another jug ​​of wine, helped Lin Aoxue drench the wound again, and handed over some cheese He Shui, Lin Aoxue felt that the people in this caravan were not bad, they were warm and kind like Ta Mu.

After going back and forth for a few days, Lin Aoxue's injury was getting better, but it was getting better day by day. When the caravan approached Boca, she was able to get out of the car and help with some simple physical work.

She is in the grassland at the moment. Although she is worried about the things in the military camp, she doesn't know how Yunyan is now. She couldn't go back after the war, so she doesn't know what Yunyan will think.

Lin Aoxue sighed, but her injuries were still not healed. If she left the caravan rashly, not to mention that she didn't know the way on the grasslands, and she couldn't communicate with each other, she would not even know how she died when she ran into a barbarian from any tribe. . Following Bei Fan's caravan, she could have a chance to understand the current situation, and wait for her injuries to get better before looking for another opportunity to leave.

Two days later, the caravan marched into the Boka tribe, and after passing the gentle **** outside the tribe, Lin Aoxue raised his eyes and looked down at the slope. His pupils shrank, and his eyes widened in surprise.

The Boka tribe occupies a vast area and can’t see the head at a glance. In addition to the roof for sacrifice, it also built a gorgeous group palace. The buildings outside the palace spread out in a circle. The outermost area is flocks of cattle and sheep. With cattle and sheep, when they talk to each other, they all have a simple and heavy folk style.

Both men and women in this tribe were all diligent in doing what they were doing. Lin Aoxue looked around and estimated that this prosperous tribe covered a vast area, probably no less than the entire northern border. There is also a wide lake on the side, and there are some birds floating on the water, red and white, dazzling, like a fairyland on earth.

Lin Aoxue was stunned. This was the first time she had seen such a magnificent and prosperous grassland tribe. The herdsmen here seemed to be different from the outside world. The taste of tranquility is like a paradise.

Bei Fan swept Lin Aoxue's stunned and shocked face with some smiling eyes, and quickly retracted it. With a shout, he motioned for the caravan to move towards the tribe.

Lin Aoxue followed Bei Fan's caravan through the vast flock of sheep. The fluffy sheep gathered together, like a large cloud.

Seeing Lin Aoxue who looked very different from them, although these herdsmen looked surprised, they were more kind and enthusiastic. Lin Aoxue could not connect such a tribe with the vicious barbarians on the battlefield, no matter where they were. , Most of the power struggles between the upper classes have nothing to do with ordinary people. As long as they have a good environment to live in, they have nothing to do.

After Bei Fan took Lin Aoxue into the tribe, he placed her in an ordinary herdsman's house under the name of Bei's family.

Lin Aoxue temporarily stayed at the herdsman's house. She followed Bei Fan's motorcade along the way, and gradually she could understand some barbarian language. Although it was not fluently, she could also communicate with the herdsmen in a simple manner. For those longer sentences, it is difficult to understand a lot, and if you distinguish carefully, you can only guess what it means.

Lin Aoxue didn't need to continue running, and the herdsman arranged a separate room for her and prepared her a suit of clothes. Lin Aoxue could finally take off the stinky clothes and replace them, and also found some clean gauze. , and simply wrapped the wound on his back.

The wound on her back had healed and had scabbed over, so she didn't need to worry about it.

When she got dressed and walked out of the house, with the robe as a foil, in addition to the obvious difference in appearance from the herdsmen in this grassland, the whole person looked a bit like a herdsman.

Early the next morning, Bei Fan came to look for Lin Aoxue and said that he wanted to take her to see the princess. As for whether Lin Aoxue would live or die after seeing the princess, Bei Fan had no right to ask, he was just doing what he did. It was the duty of the people of Boka to bring the people from Beichen who were picked up on the way to the royal court.

Lin Aoxue understood what Bei Fan meant, and she had no intention of embarrassing the businessman. Besides, Bei Fan saved her life. She didn't know what the outcome would be, but at least it didn't look too bad right now.

If the princess is someone who can communicate and is willing to take the initiative to let her go, then she may still have a chance to leave here, but if not, she will have to wait for her injuries to break through.

Lin Aoxue had her own abacus in her heart, and followed Bei Fan to Boca's royal court without changing her face. He got down, frowning slightly at the man walking towards him.

Bei Fan's reaction was too obvious, Lin Aoxue could easily sense his change, she couldn't help frowning suspiciously, and followed Bei Fan's line of sight to look at the person across the corridor.

The man was wearing clothes made of fur. Lin Aoxue could see that he was wearing a full wolf skin, with several rings of colorful beads around his neck, and a hat inlaid with gold on his head. It is extremely rich and noble, and it must be a very high-status existence in this prosperous tribe.

Bei Fan's fists loosened and tightened. Lin Aoxue stood behind him and could feel his suppressed anger. He forced himself to calm down, then bowed down and respectfully performed barbarian etiquette to the visitor:

"Little man Bei Fan, see the eldest prince."

Lin Aoxue heard a new word that she had not met before. Although she didn't understand what "eldest prince" meant, she saw Bei Fan's behavior and understood that this person was extremely powerful, so she lowered her head.

The eldest prince Xiu Mu had a two-pointed smile on his face, but the look in his eyes was cold and indifferent. He glanced at Bei Fan, and then turned his eyes to Lin Aoxue who was behind Bei Fan. The corners of his thin lips curled slightly. sneered:

"Bei Shi is getting more and more presumptuous now. Even the people of Beichen can be treated like this. This prince can't help but wonder if you Beichen have any private contacts with Beichen."

Bei Fan was shocked when he heard the words, but he quickly calmed down, his face sank again and again, and finally suppressed the anger, and then said to Xiu Mu:

"The eldest prince has been thinking too much. The villain's loyalty to the royal family can be seen from heaven and earth. This distant guest from Beichen Kingdom is the person the princess wants to see. I would like to ask the eldest prince to make it easier."

Unexpectedly, when Xiu Mu heard what Bei Fan said, he suddenly became interested. His eyes swept over Lin Aoxue's face with cold and deep meaning. The smile on his face became even brighter, and he said cheerfully:

"It's actually the person Wang Mei wants to see. Why hasn't this prince heard of it? Bei Fan, do you know the consequences of spreading false news?"

Speaking of this, his face suddenly changed, and he said with a cold smile:

"Someone, let this prince detain this person!"

After Xiu Mu gave an order, the guards on both sides immediately came over, grabbed Lin Aoxue and pressed it to the ground. Bei Fan didn't know martial arts, so he couldn't help at all. Although he looked anxious, he couldn't stop Xiu Mu. In a hurry, he shouted angrily:

"His Royal Highness! You detain the person the princess wants to see in private, aren't you afraid that the princess will hold you accountable when she finds out about it?!"

Hearing Bei Fan's words, Xiu Mu suddenly burst out laughing.

"Heh, Bei Fan, you are really going back as you live, and you can see clearly, this is a person from Beichen Kingdom, not to mention that Sister Wang is in retreat recently, and she has no time to see this foreigner, even if she knows After what happened today, do you think that Sister Wang will blame this prince for a foreigner?"

To put it bluntly, he wanted to find fault today, not only to find it, but also to convince Bei Fan that he could not resist.

Bei Fan was deterred by Xiu Mu's aura, and for a while he couldn't find anything to refute Xiu Mu. Xiu Mu laughed, shook his hand and said to the people below:

"I heard that the people in Beichen Kingdom are very good at fighting, so throw him to the arena. I want to see how powerful the people in Beichen Kingdom are!"

Lin Aoxue was inexplicably captured and dragged down inexplicably. Before she left, she heard Bei Fan confronting Xiu Mu and shouted loudly:

"His Royal Highness! The princess already knows about your private deployment of troops to attack the northern border. This time, you are taking the initiative to detain the people I brought back. You have self-knowledge. The villain advises you not to be too public!"

Bei Fan couldn't bear it any longer, so he tore his face.

However, Xiu Mu didn't seem to be afraid at all. He smiled and squinted at Bei Fan's angry, twisted face, and reprimanded coldly:

"Patriarch Bei's words are good. People, you should have self-knowledge, and it's better not to be too public."

He returned the sentence to Bei Fan as it was, then walked past Bei Fan and patted Bei Fan on the shoulder with a deep smile in his eyes.

Bei Fan was trembling with anger. Xiu Mu had always tried every means to confront Zhe Ji in order to show his talent, but recently he has become more and more reluctant in his actions. It happened that the princess was unable to come forward because of important matters. After the slander, let the king of Boka send troops to attack the northern border.

But he can't move Bei Fan for the time being, because Bei Fan is Zhe Ji's confidant, and he is a meritorious servant of the entire Boka family, so he easily lets him go, but Bei Fan knows that all this seems safe and sound. It is only temporary, once Xiu Mu finds a chance, he will definitely try to remove himself from Zhe Ji.

The reason why Xiu Mu detained Lin Aoxue in front of him was to warn him not to meddle in too many business affairs. As Lin Aoxue's identity from Beichen Country, Xiu Mu wanted to put him on any charges.

Bei Fan took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced in the direction where Xiu Mu was leaving, and then clenched his fists helplessly. He brought Lin Aoxue to the royal court. He was captured by Xiu Mu inexplicably. He has a certain responsibility, so whatever he says, he will bring people out.

He walked quickly towards the depths of the royal court, came to the middle of the royal court group palace, found the palace of the princess, Zhe Ji, and ordered someone to pass it on.

Zhe Ji has been in retreat recently, and her internal skills in cultivation have reached a critical juncture. So normally, Zhe Ji would not come out to meet people, but before Zhe Ji began to retreat, she told Bei Fan about her approximate exit time. Bei Fan guessed that the princess should come out, so she came over to have a look. .

The people outside the palace quickly spread the news, and after a while, a female servant came out of the palace, and respectfully invited Bei Fan to enter, and told him:

"My Lady Queen just left the gate yesterday, please come with Patriarch Bei."

Bei Fan followed the servants into the palace, turned into a spacious palace without looking sideways, and immediately saw the slender princess Zhe Ji, who was slenderly studying the topographic map with her arms on her back.

The map on the wall covers all the tribes in the entire grassland, including part of the land bordering the north, which is extremely magnificent at a glance.

"Little man Bei Fan, I have seen Her Royal Highness the Queen."

Hearing the news, Zhe Ji turned around calmly. Her appearance is not as beautiful as the Beichen woman, but a more rough and heroic look. Even if she is not as beautiful as Beichenling and Yunyan, she is still a generation of women and princesses. The air, the demeanor is extraordinary.

Seeing Bei Fan bowing, Zhe Ji raised her arm with a smile and said:

"Uncle Bei doesn't need to be polite."

She ordered someone to show Bei Fan the seat, and then said:

"I've been busy studying martial arts recently, but I haven't seen Uncle Pei for a long time. Earlier, I asked Uncle Pei to take a trip to Ke Zhan in a hurry, and it was hard all the way."

Bei Fan shook his head, not taking credit:

"Where and where, traveling merchants are the responsibility of the villain, but it is Your Highness. Because others cause trouble, it is really unreasonable that His Highness needs to worry about the aftermath."

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed, with a helpless expression on his face, and said:

"His Royal Highness, the villain has a word, although he knows it's inappropriate to say it, but it's suffocating in his chest, and he doesn't vomit unpleasantly!"

Zhe Ji smiled when she heard the words and described it as cheerful:

"When did Uncle Bei have such complicated thoughts, and there are no outsiders here, Uncle Bei can speak bluntly."

Bei Fan smiled wryly, where is his complicated thoughts? In this palace, he is always more intriguing than the outside world, and he is not willing to be like this, but there is always a difference between the rank and the low, and he takes the identity of the ordinary Boka tribe. Saying that the prince is not behind his back is ultimately inappropriate.

That is to say, Zhe Ji doesn't care about him. If he changes to someone who has a heart, I am afraid that he will walk out of the palace and turn around and be betrayed.

He shook his head, with a look of anxiety in his eyes, and said:

"On the way back from Ke Zhan, the villain picked up a wounded soldier from Beichen by the Moruo River in Yurongwei's territory. This person thought he came down from the upper reaches of the river. I took it back to Boca, and wanted to let Her Lady Queen decide where this person goes."

"When the villain came, he ran into His Highness the eldest prince. He actually detained the person brought by the villain. He couldn't help but say that he was going to throw him into the arena. Where is the arena? This person is not injured yet. Well, if you go in, there is not only a dead end, and there is not even anyone to pass on to Her Royal Highness."

When Bei Fan first spoke, Zhe Ji still looked normal, but when she heard what Xiu Mu had done, her brows also wrinkled, and there was a look of deep thought in her eyes.

"His Royal Highness seems to be less and less concerned about His Royal Highness the Queen recently. The day before yesterday, he had just advised to send troops to Beichen, but he was defeated in embarrassment. The wealthy people of our tribe felt a little flirtatious when they wanted to come and applaud them."

When he said these words, Bei Fan's eyes showed a trace of sadness. The Boka tribe has gradually changed. Compared with the environment in which he grew up as a child, it is already very different. Originally, these gratifying developments brought positive forces to the people of Boka. It promoted the Boka royal family to unify the entire grassland, so that the herdsmen on the grassland were sheltered and lived happier and happier.

But at some point, this happiness began to deteriorate. The royal family was no longer satisfied with the inherent land, and even set their sights on the north, which did not belong to them.

Zhe Ji also began to withdraw from the battlefield at that time, focusing on studying martial arts and warfare. Several sons of the barbarian king had great enthusiasm for war and began to fight openly and secretly. Originally, because Zhe Ji was only a princess and did not have the right to inherit the throne, they still calmed down a bit, never set their sights on Zhe Ji, nor regarded her as a threat.

However, in the past two years, the barbarian king revealed a hint of intention to change the old law, so his sons seemed to be trampled on their tails and immediately became vigilant. It's nothing more than tit-for-tat between words, and they will deliberately make some messes and push them on Zhe Ji. The old barbarian king is a little sick. If they don't have the energy to deal with it, they will become more and more unscrupulous.

Zhe Ji's heart is like a mirror to these phenomena, she always has a smile on her lips, and the brilliance in her eyes has not changed a little because of Bei Fan's words, but she also knows that Bei Fan is complaining for her. If the situation continues like this, sooner or later, she will be silently murdered by those elder brothers.

But she didn't want to fight, she just didn't want to fight now, so she comforted Bei Fan and said:

"Uncle Bei don't need to worry, I understand all these things, but Uncle Bei also knows that my father is old, and if I fight against them, it will only make my father feel cold, at least in his old age, I hope he can live a peaceful life. No matter what kind of people, if they really dare to do something, I will not be afraid of them, and the debts they owe will be settled with them after my father returns to heaven."

Bei Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Zhe Ji said. He was really worried that Zhe Ji would be framed by those greedy princes. The situation was still under control, and he didn't just know about them. Will she do something more extreme? Zhe Ji must be careful, she said.

"Your Highness, it's good if you have the heart to protect yourself."

Zhe Ji nodded and smiled, and she suddenly remembered the Beichen soldier that Bei Fan mentioned earlier:

"That soldier was taken to the arena by Brother Wang. I'm afraid it's more fortunate. Uncle Bei has a heart to save, why don't you go to the arena with me to see. If you can stop Brother Wang, he will bring people back."

Bei Fan was very emotional. Zhe Ji was the only one in the entire royal family. He could still have good thoughts and not focus on the struggle of interests. This is both good and bad. Kind people will always be calculated more , Bei Fan hopes that Zhe Ji can keep her original intention, but she is afraid that she will be swallowed by this turbid quagmire and will never be able to get out again.

Compared with Bei Fan's complicated mood, Zhe Ji seemed much simpler. She immediately ordered people to prepare the carriages and horses, and took Bei Fan away from the palace towards the arena.

The arena was not far from the palace, and after about an incense stick of incense, Zhe Ji got off the carriage and walked towards the spacious three-story building. Before I got close enough, I could hear the heart-piercing shouts coming from the scene, which were the sounds of people before they died.

Extreme fear, extreme anger, and a trace of nostalgia for life.

Those who can survive in the arena are all vicious people. They have extremely strong combat capabilities. This is also an important place for the royal family to train dead soldiers. The wounded soldiers of Beichen Kingdom are sent here. If they enter the arena, I am afraid they will be very Difficult to save lives.

But no matter what, Lin Aoxue was just a soldier of Beichen Kingdom. Zhe Ji had no obligation to pay attention to her life or death. If it wasn't for Bei Fan's face, she wouldn't care too much. Now that she can condescend to come to the arena to see the situation, and she intends to rescue her, it is the best of benevolence and righteousness.

Zhe Ji led Bei Fan into the arena, and the deeper he went, it also brought back some memories of Zhe Ji's past.

Five years ago, she also came here, not as a spectator of the arena, nor as the employer of the dead, but in the middle of the arena, fighting one after another with the most vicious dead. For nine consecutive days, she killed one. Hundreds of fierce barbarians walked out from here, covered in blood, which became the beginning of her legendary deeds on the grassland.

That was the first time she took the initiative and boldly asked her father for orders, and went to the arena to experience herself. When she came out of the arena in front of everyone's eyes or came out of the arena, she could see from the eyes of her brothers. to unprecedented fear.

But to her, they were nothing more than that.

Zhe Ji chuckled lightly, and in a blink of an eye, it was five years old. She was only nineteen years old that year, but now she is twenty-four.

There is no impulse at that time, nor the determination at the beginning. Compared with herself at that time, she is obviously more thoughtful now, and she is more willing to stand behind the scenes, control the overall situation, and no longer think about life and her country. Do it yourself.

She didn't need to open her mouth, her subordinates had already told the manager of the arena of her intentions, and when they heard that she was here to find the Beichen countryman who had been brought before, the lanky man was startled. In the arena, no one is not afraid of the majesty of the princess. He bent over in fear and said:

"Reporting to Your Highness, the Highness has already arranged for the Beichen people to appear on the stage. Now that they have gone to the stage, I'm afraid it's too late!"

The author has something to say: _(:з」∠)_ I worked overtime a little late yesterday. I woke up this morning and wrote for three hours, but I was so sleepy that I couldn’t finish it.

The princess and Aoxue, love is impossible, hahahaha~

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