Hearing Lin Aoxue's words, Yunyan did not hesitate, turned around and walked into the medical hall, put all the necessary wound medicines, silver needles and other utensils into the medicine box, and then followed Lin Aoxue to the military camp.

Beichenlong sent heavy soldiers to guard the camp where the fifth prince was recuperating. There were about a hundred people inside and outside. There were five checkpoints alone. Each checkpoint must be verified, otherwise, they would not be able to enter.

Fortunately, with Lin Aoxue leading the way, the two of them were not blocked on the way, and they reached the fifth prince's tent smoothly.

Bei Chenlong didn't leave. He stayed in the fifth prince's tent. First, he was worried about another accident, and secondly, he wanted to watch Yunyan heal the fifth prince's injuries, so as to avoid any trouble.

After Lin Aoxue brought Yunyan, Bei Chenlong waved her down. At this moment, the fifth prince was seriously injured. The fewer people in the tent, the better. Even if Bei Chenlong trusted Lin Aoxue, he had to guard her.

Before leaving, Lin Aoxue glanced at Yunyan again, Yunyan had already started to treat the fifth prince, and put her **** on Bei Chenbo's wrist through a thin layer of underwear, Lin Aoxue bowed and saluted, said to leave, Exit from the tent and go outside to guard.

Yunyan's medical skills are brilliant, Lin Aoxue is not worried, what she is worried about is that even if the fifth prince is rescued by Yunyan, it will only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Even a highly skilled medical person can't bring any substantial help to the current situation in the northern border.

The fifth prince's injury was very serious and dangerous. The military doctor refused to take action. In the entire Xingbeiguan, apart from Yunyan, there was no second person who could save him.

However, even Yun Yan, after examining the fifth prince's pulse, looked at his poisonous wounds, and still turned his head and said to Bei Chenlong:

"People's women are only 30% sure."

Yun Yan said that it was 30% sure, so the chance of being rescued should be around 50%, but even she was not completely sure, so it can be seen that the fifth prince's injury is indeed very serious. Bei Chenlong had no choice. Although his face was heavy, there was no hesitation in his eyes, and he said:

"You'll do your best."

Yunyan began to heal the fifth prince according to her words. She first prescribed a prescription and asked Bei Chenlong to arrange for someone to pick up the medicine. Lin Aoxue, who was waiting outside the tent, was called in again. Bei Chenlong gave her the prescription and asked another military doctor to go to the pharmacy with him. He must gather the medicinal materials as soon as possible and fry the medicine.

Lin Aoxue led the order out and went with the old military doctor to grab the medicine. There was no delay on the way. After grabbing the medicine, she decocted the medicine according to Yunyan's instructions, and then returned to the camp with the hot soup.

When Bei Chenlong saw Lin Aoxue come in with the medicine, he raised his head and confirmed to Lin Aoxue:

"You supervise the decoction of this wound medicine?"

Lin Aoxue nodded:

"Yes, my subordinates have never left from beginning to end."

Bei Chenlong was relieved at this time, and with a sigh, let her pass the decoction to Yunyan:

"Take it."

Lin Aoxue brought the decoction to Yunyan's side, Yunyan simply tested the temperature, and then let Lin Aoxue put the decoction down for a while, and then helped her to lift the fifth prince. She needed to give the fifth prince acupuncture to suppress the poison.

Lin Aoxue turned her head to ask Beichenlong for instructions, Beichenlong waved his hand and asked her to obey Yunyan's words. When Lin Aoxue saw that Beichenlong had given Yunyan the full authority to heal the fifth prince, she was relieved, and without hesitation, she immediately said to Yunyan. Under the signal, he removed Bei Chenbo's coat.

Yunyan could perform needles every time without removing the bottoming clothes, which also made Lin Aoxue secretly relieved. Yunyan asked Lin Aoxue to apply a black ointment to Bei Chenbo's forehead and palms, then squeezed the fifth prince's mouth, and fed Bei Chenbo the cold soup little by little.

But the comatose person would not swallow it on his own, and the process of feeding the medicine was quite complicated. When a bowl of soup medicine came down, it flowed down Bei Chenbo's mouth, and more than half of the soup medicine soaked into the pillow and bedding.

In this regard, Yunyan didn't say much. After the whole bowl of soup and medicine was fed, she took out her medical needle capsule and held the needle to detoxify Bei Chenbo.

The whole process of applying needles lasted for about an hour. Bei Chenbo lay motionless on the bed, but he had hundreds of silver needles stuck on his body, so densely packed that even Lin Aoxue felt a chill in his heart.

Fortunately, after an hour passed, the blue and purple color on Beichen Bo's face gradually faded, and the dark blue on his chapped lips also faded, and his condition improved obviously. Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief. Saved the precious life of the fifth prince.

She pulled out the silver needles and threw away all the silver needles that had turned black. Then she bowed to Beichenlong and said:

"His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince's poison has improved. If there is no accident, the remaining poison will be eliminated in five days by applying the needle once a day, but the little girl is not sure whether he will wake up."

Bei Chenlong went to the bed and glanced at it. He could still see whether Bei Chenbo's condition had improved, so he nodded and said:

"Well, it's been hard work for Dr. Yun. Recently, I asked Dr. Yun to stay in the camp for a while. After the fifth prince's injury is healed, he will return to the hospital."

Yunyan kept her expression still, bowed and saluted, and agreed obediently. Her heart was like a mirror, and she knew Bei Chenlong's intentions.

The fifth prince was assassinated, and the situation was serious. Even though Bei Chenlong had suppressed the news in time to prevent the rumors from leaking, the people in the military camp were still restless and confused. Although Yunyan was only a doctor, Bei Chenlong had to guard against it. He left Yunyan in the military camp, which was actually equivalent to house arrest in disguised form. If something went wrong with the fifth prince, it would be easier to hold him accountable.

Yun Yan understands this truth, and also knows that Bei Chenlong's suspicion is nothing to this degree. Since she promised to come to see the fifth prince's injuries, she has already made plans to stay in the military camp for a while.

She bowed to Bei Chenlong to leave, and Lin Aoxue also left the camp and returned to her residence.

Lin Aoxue was quite critical of Bei Chenlong's leaving Yunyan in the army, but Zai Yunyan told her that by doing this, they would be able to see each other often, and it could be considered a blessing in disguise. It is indeed as Yunyan said, so he is not so unhappy.

However, that night, a loud horn suddenly came from outside the pass, and the horns came one after another from the distant whistle outside the pass, announcing the arrival of the enemy.

Bei Chenlong led the generals to climb up the tower and looked outside the pass. The dust was flying, and the barbarians formed a phalanx. From a distance, they rushed towards Xingbei Pass under the moonlight. Roughly counted, there were more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and Bei Chenlong estimated that it was about 150,000.

This number is equal to the number of troops stationed in Xingbeiguan. It seems that the barbarians have also counted their blood. They may even know about the changes in Xingbeiguan.

Bei Chenlong immediately ordered that the archers row up to the tower in three rounds, preparing to defend against the barbarians.

The barbarians didn't call outside the gate tower, as if they had already calculated it, they rushed towards the gate tower all the way, and on the way, they removed all the sentries outside Xingbeiguan with lightning speed. They were all destroyed, they didn't even have time to ask for help, and they died on the battlefield.

The archers on the tower of Xing Beiguan City fired arrows rhythmically under the order of Bei Chenlong. Every time a wave of arrows was fired, a group of savage soldiers would be hit by the arrows and fell to the ground like broken sacks.

The casualties of the barbarians gradually increased. As they gradually approached Xingbeiguan, more and more barbarians fell, and they piled up on the road of the barbarians to attack the city. But those bloodthirsty barbarians were indifferent at all. They stepped on the corpses of their companions without changing their faces, and they did not slow down at all.

Although the arrows on the tower were very dense, when a round of arrows rained down, the brute soldiers in the front row fell nearly halfway.

But the savage soldiers were charging fast, and they quickly adjusted their formation. With a row of giant shields, they risked being stabbed into a sieve, and they just blocked the attack of the arrow rain, while the archers on the tower were short-lived The gap between the change and connection kept advancing, and after losing thousands of troops, he finally managed to rush under the castle tower.

The faces of the soldiers in Xingbeiguan stationed on the city tower changed rapidly. The offensive of the barbarians was too fast. They seemed to be not afraid of death. Greatly reduced casualties of soldiers in the phalanx.

Bei Chenlong's face became ugly. A large number of barbarians had arrived at the gate tower of Xingbei Pass. They took the iron rope with barbs and threw the iron rope to the gate tower. With the traction of the iron rope, they continued to climb up the gate tower. Bei Chenlong ordered the shooting of arrows, and the savage soldiers who had climbed to the middle of the tower fell one after another.

But when a group of brute soldiers fell, another group of brute soldiers continued to charge the city. Bei Chenlong asked Yang Jin to lead 20,000 soldiers to form a line of defense on the city tower, and he took 130,000 soldiers and horses out of the city. meet the enemy.

Lin Aoxue followed Bei Chenlong in the team behind him. He led 5,000 soldiers and horses. According to Bei Chenlong's order, they rushed into the barbarian team from the side.

Bei Chenlong personally led 50,000 elite soldiers, like a burst of blades, cut into the phalanx of the barbarians, and cut the barbarian army into two pieces. Lin Aoxue followed another rank 4th rank general and charged forward from the right, cutting the brute force into pieces.

After a strangulation, the barbarian infantry suffered heavy damage, but Beichen's army also had thousands of soldiers fell on the battlefield.

The barbarian leader was a sturdy man. While ordering the formation in barbarian language, he let the cavalry charge forward, blocking the momentum of the Beichen cavalry and covering the infantry to attack the city.

The 20,000 elite soldiers that followed Beichenlong followed him deep into the barbarian formation. Some soldiers fell, and some people kept standing up to continue to resist the barbarian blade. Beichenlong's martial arts was very high, and he never met an opponent all the way. Kill to the barbarian general and fight with them.

Lin Aoxue followed the team and killed countless enemies along the way. He was unparalleled in heroism. He beheaded a lower-ranking general in the barbarian army, causing the team of about 10,000 people to lose an inch.

The barbarian generals lost to Beichenlong, and they killed each other in dozens of rounds. Beichenlong had the upper hand. Seeing that the tower could not be attacked for a long time, his men shook Beichenlong with all his strength and ordered to withdraw his troops.

The barbarian team came and went quickly, but within half an hour, they evacuated from Xingbeiguan, leaving behind thousands of barbarian bodies.

The soldiers in Xing Beiguan were not much better. The archers on the city tower fired dozens of rounds of arrows in a row, and even their arms could no longer be lifted, but the battlefield still needed people to clean up, and the arrows scattered on the battlefield were all It can also be picked up and reused. Now Xingbeiguan is short of resources, and where it can be frugal, naturally it cannot be extravagant and wasteful.

After finally repelling the barbarians, Bei Chenlong immediately ordered to clear the battlefield and count the casualties of this barbarian attack.

Because Beichenlong expected early in the morning that the barbarians would definitely attack Xingbeiguan after the integration, and even the number of troops they sent was roughly estimated. Although this time the barbarian siege was sudden, it caused certain damage to Xingbeiguan. , but in general, the response was fairly timely, and the soldiers in the Guan were also very brave.

Bei Chenlong's eyes were sharp as knives. He stood on the observation platform to observe the movements of the barbarians. After seeing the barbarian army retreating about ten miles away, he stopped retreating and set up camp outside the pass, obviously to form a long-term confrontation with Xing Beiguan. .

Lin Aoxue was covered in blood and stinks. This time, they fought back smoothly. She looked embarrassed, but the blood was left by barbarians, and it was rare for her to be uninjured.

She followed the team to quickly clean up the battlefield outside the pass, burned the remaining corpses outside the pass, and returned with the nameplate of the dead soldiers left on the battlefield. The officers and soldiers in Guanzhong had no time to be sad. Take a short rest before the next wave of brutes arrives.

Even in the face of such a fierce attack from the barbarians, Bei Chenlong did not withdraw the guards outside the Fifth Prince's tent. Lin Aoxue and others came down from the battlefield. Yunyan found Lin Aoxue among the blood-soaked soldiers. No injuries, he went back immediately.

The civil war was severe. Although she was worried about Lin Aoxue, she still couldn't get too close to him, lest Lin Aoxue be criticized.

Yunyan is no longer the military doctor of the North Border Barracks, so she is not obliged to treat the soldiers in the North border free of charge. Bei Chenlong saw that the injury was serious, and the military doctor was too busy. Although his face was ugly, he still pulled down his face to invite Yunyan in person. , said that if she had time to treat the injuries for the soldiers, he would pay the full amount of the diagnosis fee.

Yunyan has always been sensible, and naturally she will not deliberately drive up her wealth. She didn't help before, just because Bei Chenlong might not see her making an opinion, this time Bei Chenlong put his face down and came to invite her. Heart to help, let Bei Chenlong feel very embarrassed and shameless.

Lin Aoxue has always been supportive of Yunyan's decision. Although she is not ashamed of Bei Chenlong's prejudice, since Yunyan is unwilling to care about it, she has nothing to say. While the barbarians are temporarily resting, she will recover well| Physical strength is what matters.

The Brute came sooner than she expected.

In the evening before the sky was completely dark, the barbarians suddenly came to attack the city for the second time. Their battles were still huge. be terrified.

Bei Chenlong climbed up the tower immediately, and the archers quickly took their place. Even if they were tired, they had to work hard and force the bow. After several rounds of arrow rain, Bei Chenlong once again led one hundred thousand people. Beichen soldiers went out to meet the enemy, and the two armies collided with each other again in the roar of their best efforts, and started the second round of killing each other.

Lin Aoxue was not injured in the previous battle, so this time he also went out of the border. The battle lasted for two hours, and the barbarians still failed to attack the tower. Therefore, after the sky was completely dark, he called Jin to withdraw his troops and quickly withdrew from the battlefield. , retreat to a temporary camp ten miles away from Xingbeiguan.

The soldiers in Xing Beiguan breathed a sigh of relief. After cleaning the battlefield, some soldiers were exhausted and fell asleep when they fell to the ground.

But no one dared to let themselves fall asleep, and no one rested peacefully. All the soldiers in Xingbeiguan were very nervous. They didn't know when the brute force would come again, so they had to keep themselves alert at all times, okay Respond to unexpected situations immediately.

After Lin Aoxue got off the battlefield, she didn't go back to her camp. Instead, she climbed up the city tower and rested directly at the foot of the city wall for a while. It was only when the sky was bright and the barbarians didn't come to attack the city again that the officers and soldiers in Guan Nei breathed a sigh of relief.

At noon the next day, the barbarians attacked again, and the soldiers of Xingbeiguan responded immediately. Beichenlong led the troops out of the city. More than 20 times, the city was attacked at least twice a day on average, and several of them were fought on the tower, and finally they were driven back by Beichen soldiers.

In just ten days, the savage soldiers made a fuss about the garrison in Xingbeiguan. Everyone tightened the strings in their hearts. Many people's spirits are close to collapse, and they are afraid. Any trouble can start a large number of people into panic.

The only good news may be that the fifth prince's injury has recovered fairly smoothly. After about five or six days from the first attack of the barbarians, Yunyan reported to Bei Chenlong that the residual poison on Bei Chenbo had been cleaned up. Bei Chenlong breathed a sigh of relief and sent someone to take good care of Bei Chenbo.

It doesn't matter if Bei Chenbo doesn't wake up temporarily, as long as he stays in the army quietly, Bei Chenlong can suppress some small problems.

The casualties in the army were getting bigger and bigger. Even though Yunyan told Bei Chenlong that the fifth prince's injury was no longer a serious problem, Bei Chenlong still asked her to stay in the army for a while and continue to see the wounds of the officers and men in the army. Yun Yan didn't show any dissatisfaction on her face. As soon as Bei Chen Long said it, she agreed.

Compared with the tense atmosphere inside Xingbei Pass, the barbarians outside the pass seemed extraordinarily calm.

They seem to never run out of strength. As soon as they find an opportunity, they will attack immediately. Each time they only rest for half a day or a few hours. Under such a high-intensity attack, both sides lost more than 10,000 men and horses. , but the barbarians have no intention of giving up at all, and still stand outside Xingbeiguan every day, waiting for an opportunity to break into Xingbeiguan.

Bei Chenlong also worked hard all day, and his hair quickly turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the savage soldiers refused to retreat completely, and his heart was hanging all the time, and he could not relax his vigilance at all times.

No matter how busy Yunyan is, she will take time every day to see Lin Aoxue, check her body to see if she is injured, and for her poor rest and overwork, she reasonably prepares some medicated meals, and stares at her to use it. It made Lin Aoxue's body not as weak as other soldiers, and it was not easy to fall down.

And Lin Aoxue often sees Yunyan, and her heart is not as nervous as before. She is gradually getting used to getting along with Yunyan. In addition, the war is urgent, she feels a little emotional, but she is more concerned about Yunyan's situation than before.

The original stable confrontation between the two armies was broken in the early morning of one day, because an urgent report sent from outside the customs was broken. Bei Chenlong received the urgent message from the messenger and opened it quickly. .

Yang Jin stood beside Bei Chenlong. Seeing Bei Chenlong like this, he immediately frowned and asked:

"What happened?"

Bei Chenlong sighed, and handed the urgent report to Yang Jin, asking him to open it himself.

Yang Jin took the letter and swept his eyes from the letter. When he could see the contents clearly, his expression changed and he said in surprise:

"Ming Zheng fell?!"

Bei Chenlong's eyes flickered with a sharp cold light, he gritted his teeth, his face darkened, his hands on the table were clenched tightly, and he said angrily:

"What a cunning barbarian, I got the news earlier that the barbarians are divided into three groups, attacking from the three passes of Mingzheng, Poyan, and Xingbeiguan respectively. We can't allocate manpower. As for not being able to last for a month, I didn’t expect that in just ten days, Mingzheng will be broken in ten days!”

Speaking of this, he sighed again, with a hint of grief in his voice, and said:

"The barbarians have good tactics, good tactics! That Boka princess is an opponent."

Yang Jin looked at the urgent report in his hand with a gloomy expression on his face. He gritted his teeth and asked Bei Chenlong again:

"What about Ming Zheng's soldiers? It won't be 50,000 soldiers and horses, and the entire army will be wiped out, right?"

Bei Chenlong shook his head and sighed:

"The entire army was not annihilated. There were about 20,000 soldiers and horses left, and they were retreating towards Xingbeiguan. The barbarians sent 80,000 soldiers and horses to attack Mingzheng. It is not surprising that they could not hold it."

Yang Jin was relieved when he heard the words. No one died, and one more life is good. If the pass is gone, he can still try to get it back, but the ordinary people living at Mingzheng Pass suffer.

Bei Chenlong of course understood what he was worried about. He clenched his fists and said bitterly:

"The barbarians are here for real this time. They want to hit me and abandon Xingbeiguan to occupy my land in the north, but I, Beichenlong, can't be defeated so easily!"

He has led troops to be stationed in the north for 30 years. Every plant, tree, flower and leaf in the north grows under his protection. His understanding of the north is far beyond what the barbarians can do. The enemy, it may not be so easy for the barbarians to completely defeat him and seize the dominion of this land.

Yang Jin also sighed, his face showing two points of despair, and said helplessly:

"I hope these barbarians can retreat in spite of the difficulties and retreat earlier, and save the casualties of so many innocent people. Their own people have shed so much blood and sacrificed so many lives on this land. They Don't you feel sorry for it?"

Bei Chenlong scoffed at Yang Jin's remarks, he snorted coldly and refuted:

"That group of cold-blooded and ruthless barbarians, do you want them to learn to be sympathetic to the people? They are a bunch of beasts who kill without blinking an eye! Even if they hurt them, they won't learn their lesson!"

As soon as Bei Chenlong finished speaking, the horn sounded from the tower again, and the barbarians once again attacked the city. They seemed to be tireless and their physical strength was endless, which made Bei Chenlong feel very depressed and anxious, but there was nothing he could do. Once again called on the officers and men in the customs, switch to meet the enemy.

When Bei Chenlong repulsed the barbarians for the 37th time, the barbarian troops retreated ten miles and rested for two whole days. , the barbarians have shown a little tiredness, as long as they continue to persevere, they will be able to hold on to the day when the barbarians completely retreat.

Beichenlong stood on the tower of Xingbeiguan, his eyes showed deep thought, thinking in his heart, how to break the barbarian offensive.

The resources in Xingbeiguan are rapidly depleting. Beichenlong believes that the consumption of the barbarians will not be smaller than that of Xingbeiguan, and their daily consumption will only be more. They are nomads, and they cannot drive cattle and sheep to the battlefield, so there must be a steady stream of supply and input behind them.

If you cut off the supply of brute soldiers, can you completely bring them back to their original shape?

However, how to determine the specific location of the brute supply is also a problem. For such confidential information, there is no way to send an ordinary scout to detect it clearly, and it will only die in vain. Therefore, the candidates who can be dispatched cannot be decided hastily.

Bei Chenlong thought to no avail, and walked down from the city tower slowly. He was just about to go back to the camp when a messenger suddenly came to report that an **** had come from the capital. At this moment, he was already thick outside the camp and brought an imperial decree calling for the Let Beichenlong take over.

Bei Chenlong's brows were furrowed, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He followed behind the messenger with a cold face, and came to the gate of the barracks to receive the **** from the capital, where he sang, "General Bei Chenlong received the order. "After that, Bei Chenlong reluctantly knelt down on one knee and listened to the decree.

The **** took the tone, put on a pretentious posture, spread out the bright yellow volume in his hand, and sang loudly with a drake-like voice:

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said: The border is bitter and cold, and it is not easy for the general Beichen to defend the border. The situation outside the customs has been unpredictable recently. Specially summoned General Beichen and the fifth prince Beichenbo to return to Beijing to report their duties immediately and discuss countermeasures. In addition, I will refer to Guo Wencheng as General Guo. Temporary general of the three armies, I respect this!"

Halfway through the eunuch's speech, Bei Chenlong's mind was buzzing, and when he read the entire contents of the imperial edict, Bei Chenlong felt that his whole body was almost burst.

The emperor is treating him as a fool. The meaning of the imperial edict is that he wants to cut his power, saying that he should return to Beijing to report his duties. Who knows what the emperor is thinking in his heart. Once he goes back, he only needs one foot. If he enters the capital, he will definitely be arrested by the emperor, and even if he is not killed immediately, he will definitely be placed under house arrest.

Bei Chenlong sneered in his heart, he raised his head sharply and glared at the **** who was delivering the letter, his bloodthirsty and fierce eyes shocked the eunuch, but he thought he had the emperor's imperial order, Bei Chenlong really did not dare How did he take him, he straightened his face and said to Bei Chenlong:

"General Beichen, please accept the order."

The corner of Bei Chenlong's lips evoked a hint of sarcasm. He had been born and died for the North for so many years, and the emperor wanted to relinquish his military power with a single word.

You treat me unkindly, why do you still tell me to treat me righteously?

"Beichenlong has given a decree to thank you!"

He spread his hands above his head, took the emperor's decree from the eunuch, stood up with a cold glow in his eyes, and then said to the two guards behind him when he got up:

"Father-in-law came from a long way, it's really hard work, you send your father-in-law down to rest."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at the **** again, and persuaded:

"Right now the war is urgent and the army is chaotic. Father-in-law should not walk around, lest he be slashed by something unknown."

With the last two words, Bei Chenlong deliberately raised his tone and made the **** tremble. house arrest.

Bei Chenlong squeezed the imperial decree in his hand, and his face was extremely ugly.

He walked back to his tent and sent someone to find Guo Wencheng.

Guo Wencheng came soon. He opened the tent's curtain, walked in quickly, knelt down on one knee and saluted Bei Chenlong, and asked:

"I don't know why the general asked his subordinates to come here, why?"

He hadn't heard of the imperial edict, nor had he expected a catastrophe awaiting him.

Bei Chenlong's eyes were cold, and the corners of his lips lifted, revealing an indifferent and mocking smile:

"General Guo received holy favor, how come he still doesn't know about it?"

Guo Wencheng heard the words, with a confused expression on his face, a little uneasy in his heart, and asked:

"What does the general mean by this?"

Bei Chenlong threw the imperial decree towards Guo Wencheng, Guo Wencheng took it with both hands, and unfolded the imperial decree, his eyes dazzled, he knelt down on his knees with a thud, bowed his head and kowtowed to the ground, with a panicked expression:

"General! This subordinate has no knowledge of this matter! Please also ask the general to investigate!"

Bei Chenlong sneered:

"Mingcha? How can I see clearly? This imperial edict is written in black and white. You are no longer a fourth-rank general, but a general of the same level as this general, so you don't need to make such a big gift to this general!"

Guo Wencheng heard Bei Chenlong's yin and yang's strange words, and knew that there was no possibility of peace talks about today's affairs. He was extremely puzzled and frowned in trouble, but he still fell on the ground and defended himself in embarrassment:

"Why did the general speak like this? The subordinates have always been loyal to the general, and His Majesty's mind is unpredictable and unpredictable. How can I expect it, and the general should not be bothered by this!"

Bei Chenlong sneered, and the sarcasm in his words did not hide:

"Oh, General Guo has just been promoted, and he has learned to talk to this general like this. It's incredible!"

Guo Wencheng raised his head abruptly, his face extremely shocked, but before he could continue to speak, Bei Chenlong slapped the case and rebuked:

"Come on, General Guo, please go down, stay in the tent, and think about how to lead the three armies to repel the barbarians!"

Immediately, Bei Chenlong's confidant broke in from outside the tent and pulled Guo Wencheng's arm. No matter how frantically he struggled and tried to justify himself, the two guards didn't change their faces and dragged him down.

Bei Chenlong squeezed his brows tightly, his eyes filled with ferocity.

He never thought that he would be betrayed by Guo Wencheng, and he also knew that this might just be the emperor's plan to alienate him, but Bei Chenlong was already very suspicious, and the various turmoil in Xingbeiguan recently made Bei Chenlong uneasy. There was a slight or serious suspicion of everyone around him. This imperial decree undoubtedly aggravated this suspicion, and made Bei Chenlong's heart accumulate a knot that could not be eliminated.

Whether the emperor designed it or not, in short, his imperial decree successfully brought some trouble to Bei Chenlong.

But even if Bei Chenlong placed Guo Wencheng under house arrest for the first time, the news about the arrival of the imperial decree quickly spread throughout Xingbeiguan. Many soldiers heard that an **** had come to Beijing to pass the decree and asked Bei Chenlong to return to Beijing to report on his duties, and then mention it again. That's why Guo Wen became a temporary new general.

This kind of news cannot be suppressed. Bei Chenlong knew in his heart that the rumor must have leaked in the customs and let the emperor know about the attack on the fifth prince. Therefore, the emperor was furious and wanted to take this opportunity to completely unload Bei Chenlong. Military power, replace the new generals.

Regardless of whether Guo Wencheng betrayed or not, in Bei Chenlong's view, it is impossible for him to be reused. But those soldiers who have always made good deals with Guo Wen may not give up easily.

Not only Guo Wencheng, but also Lin Aoxue, went to Beijing to report together a few years ago. Bei Chenlong's eyes flashed with coldness, and he said coldly to himself. Originally, he sent the two of them back to Beijing out of respect, but now, it has become a calamity he planted for himself.

Soon, a soldier will look for Bei Chenlong and inquire about Guo Wencheng's whereabouts, but Bei Chenlong looks on and says nothing. A few days later, Guo Wencheng never appeared on the battlefield, and a group of high-ranking officers in the army came to Beichenlong's tent at the same time, looking for him for an explanation.

Bei Chenlong's eyes were cold, he swept over the faces of these people, and hummed:

"What do you want to say?"

One of them said:

"Why haven't you seen General Guo these days?"

Bei Chenlong heard the words, but a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and replied:

"General Guo has just been promoted. At this time, he must be thinking hard about the strategy of retreating from the enemy in the military tent."

The person who asked the question earlier frowned. He was not fooled by Bei Chenlong's words, and instead asked:

"Why don't you just go to the battlefield after thinking about the countermeasures? General, did you put General Guo under house arrest because of His Majesty's decree?"

Bei Chenlong was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He slapped the table hard and shouted angrily:


Several people in front of the table trembled at the same time, but when Bei Chenlong stood up suddenly, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said angrily:

"It's only been a few days? How dare you speak to this general in such a tone? How much benefit has Guo Wencheng gave you behind the scenes?"

The faces of the people who came and waited for a sudden change, and one of them was surprised and said urgently:

"General! How can you think about me like this! The subordinates and others thought that since His Majesty has passed the imperial edict, they should allow General Guo to dispatch the three armies according to the divine will. Now the war is critical, and it is expedient for the general not to return to the capital to report his duties. , It will not be too late to return to Beijing after the savage soldiers are repelled."

Bei Chenlong's eyes were even colder. The more these people said, the deeper his suspicions about Guo Wencheng. When they finished speaking, he immediately retorted:

"Heh, since it is an expedient measure to delay entering the capital, how can there be two generals in the three armies, since the general is here, it is a wise move for General Guo to step back behind the scenes."

The generals were very surprised. They never thought that Bei Chenlong would say such a thing. Most of the generals Xing Beiguan were upright, with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. After saying this, they were immediately shocked, and one of them asked quickly:

"General! Are you resisting the edict?!"

As soon as these words came out, not only did Bei Chenlong's face change greatly, but even the faces of the few people who were listening in changed their faces.

It was not a serious matter at first, but once a conclusion is reached because of a sudden blunt remark, then the fact is often a foregone conclusion.

They thought that as generals of Beichen Kingdom, they should obey the emperor's will. Even if Beichenlong was the general in command of all of them, as long as the emperor needed them, they should act according to the emperor's will. However, Bei Chenlong gave them a feeling that he did not want to obey this will.

Bei Chenlong looked at the person who spoke just now with a dark face, a sharp cold light gathered in his eyes, he sneered, and said:

"Of course this general will not resist the decree. Since you are worried about General Guo, why don't you go and see what General Guo is doing, it's better than questioning me here!"

The generals were panicking, Bei Chenlong's attitude was extremely bad, and they had no need to continue talking, so they all withdrew and left. Bei Chenlong was in a terrible mood. He sat in the tent, thinking about what the generals just said. He became more and more angry in his heart. The only thing that could make him feel a little relieved was that more than half of his generals did not come out to question him.

Regarding Guo Wencheng's handling, he felt that he was a little too hasty, but he couldn't think of a better way to handle it right now. In any case, he would definitely not let Guo Wencheng command the army and subtly offset his prestige.

Those generals didn't bother him again after they retired. The barbarian soldiers came to attack the city several times without success. Bei Chenlong could see that the barbarian soldiers were getting worse and worse, and they felt that they couldn't support it.

He thought to himself that it was almost time to attack the entire army, counter the barbarian army, and drive them out of the north.

Bei Chenlong summoned all the officers above the captaincy in the army to discuss the issue of sending troops, and all the generals were present, but before Bei Chenlong could speak to discuss, someone suddenly asked:

"Why didn't General Guo come?"

Bei Chenlong's expression changed. It had been a few days since the incident, and no one came to ask Guo Wencheng's situation again.

He suddenly lowered his face and hummed:

"General Guo is busy with business, so he must not have time to be there."

The generals in the tent looked at each other, half of them frowned, and someone asked tentatively:

"Your Majesty did not decree that General Guo should be promoted to be a temporary general. No matter how busy he is, he should not be absent from such an important discussion. He also asked the general to send someone to invite General Guo."

At the head of the tent, Bei Chenlong's fists were already clenched, and the divine light in his eyes was cold and fierce, and a murderous aura gradually gathered.

The author has something to say: sleepy... I have to go home this weekend, and I don't have any manuscripts in my hand. The update time may become unstable, but I will try my best to keep it updated every day. (:з"∠)_

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