Lin Aoxue didn't have too much expression on her face. She looked at the arrogant and domineering person in front of her indifferently, raised her jaw, and opened her lips and teeth lightly:

"So what? What are you going to do?"

The veteran who came to find fault was like a fist on the thorns, tough and flexible. The old soldier's face sank, and he said angrily:

"Huh! The mere recruits are so arrogant! The rats who hide their heads and show their tails! Let me teach you the rules of this barracks!"

As he spoke, he immediately moved his hand, and charged towards Lin Aoxue with five fingers and claws, intending to take off the mask on Lin Aoxue's face.

A sharp glint flashed in Lin Aoxue's eyes. The veteran's move undoubtedly touched her bottom line. Even if this person insisted on making himself unhappy, she wouldn't mind giving him some color!

The veterans are aggressive, and there is a ruthlessness in their bodies that has been experienced in life and death, so it gives people an unstoppable feeling.

A small team of recruits led by Shang Wu was also practicing not far away. Lin Aoxue had a dispute. He soon found out that something had changed.

He originally wanted to step forward to help Lin Aoxue hold up the scene. After all, he was also a member of the recruits. This veteran did this not only to lose Lin Aoxue's face, but also to stand out in front of many recruits.

Unexpectedly, before he could say anything, Lin Aoxue also moved suddenly. Instead of the style of dodging from left to right yesterday, she did not retreat, but advanced. She stepped forward with an extremely fast move. She reached out and grabbed the veteran's arm. As soon as he pulled it, he stumbled on the veteran's ankle like lightning.

The old soldier lost his balance, threw a dog gnawing mud, his head hit the ground, and several **** wounds were wiped on his face.

The spectators behind the veteran were stunned, they didn't even see how Lin Aoxue made his move, and why the veteran didn't even have time to react, so he had already lost.

Lin Aoxue stepped on the veteran's back and looked down at him condescendingly:

"Your face is yours, don't always send it to the door to be kicked! You don't have the final say on the rules! You gathered a crowd here to teach me the rules, but have you reported to the general?!"

Lin Aoxue stepped on the old soldier, his breath was heavy, his chest was on the ground, and he couldn't breathe.

The few soldiers who came to make trouble with him were so frightened that their calves were trembling, and they were thinking about how to get out, when they heard a sonorous and powerful anger from outside the crowd:

"What are you all doing together?!"

The recruits hurriedly made way, and Yang Jin led the civil servants away from the crowd and walked in. Seeing Lin Aoxue trampling the veterans on the ground, he raised his eyebrows, with some deep meaning in his eyes, but whispered in his mouth:

"Lin Aoxue! You go see the general with me!"

Lin Aoxue remained calm and replied "yes".

She let go of the veteran, turned her head and instructed the recruits under her command, and followed Yang Jin away.

Shang Wu didn't even have time to say a few words to Lin Aoxue. Seeing that Yang Jin had taken Lin Aoxue away, he frowned and was a little anxious, wondering if the Overseer had misunderstood Lin Aoxue, thinking that it was Lin Aoxue's trouble, and he wanted to punish her?

The veteran soldier who had been disgraced by Lin Aoxue got up from the ground, his face was sullen, he didn't say a word, he turned his head and left, and the few soldiers who followed him did not dare to touch the bad head and dispersed.

Yang Jin brought Lin Aoxue to the camp of General Bei Chenlong, and after Bei Chenlong's personal guard reported it, they walked in together.

Bei Chenlong stood with his back to the tent curtain, with his hands on his back, looking at the map hanging on the wall, analyzing the current situation of the barbarian army, and hearing Yang Jin's sound of opening the curtain, he turned around, and Lin Aoxue was able to see this clearly. human appearance.

The battle-hardened person has a temperament that is not angry and self-possessed. Bei Chenlong is tall and broad, with a square face. Due to the fact that he has been guarding the border all the year round, his skin is dark, and his eyes like a pair of copper bells are lighter in color. Hui.

Yang Jin led Lin Aoxue to take a few steps forward, and gave a military salute to Bei Chenlong, while Lin Aoxue took the initiative to kneel on one knee and nodded:

"Lin Aoxue, a new recruit of the infantry battalion, has seen the general!"

Bei Chenlong raised his eyes, glanced at Yang Jin, and then landed on Lin Aoxue:

"The mask is off."

When Lin Aoxue heard the words, her face became solemn, and she immediately took off the mask on the right side of her face without saying a word.

The exposed skin was ferociously twisted with burning scars, covering most of her right side face, looking extremely terrifying.

Bei Chenlong squinted his eyes slightly, then waved his hand, motioning Lin Aoxue to put on the mask again, the expression on his face was much softer, he nodded and said:

"Lin Aoxue, the governor and this general mentioned you and said that your martial arts are good."

Lin Aoxue put on her mask, still lowered her eyes, and said:

"My lord Overseer is overrated for his fists and kicks that are not on the table."

Bei Chenlong disapproved of Lin Aoxue's humble words, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly, revealing an unkind smile:

"Yes or no, you will know after inspection. This general has an errand in his hand, do you dare to take it?"

Lin Aoxue raised her head and looked at Bei Chenlong, her eyes were dignified and confident, and her eyes were bright:

"Why don't you dare?"

Bei Chenlong admired Lin Aoxue's resolute attitude, but also hoped that this person would not be a reckless man who was brave for a while, so he said:

"This general's youngest son, Bei Chenji, is ignorant and ignorant. He stayed in the Yanyu Tower at night and didn't return for a few days. Go and capture him and come back to see me."

Although he had expected that Bei Chenlong might have some difficulties to test himself, Lin Aoxue did not expect that the person to be captured on this errand was actually Bei Chenlong's youngest son.

Thinking of the large number of generals in the army, it is not impossible for Bei Chenlong to send others to do such a trivial matter. Although more people have received Bei Chenlong's promise, they are somewhat afraid of the son of the general, so they dare not really offend him.

There are many affairs in the military, and it is impossible for Bei Chenlong to come forward in person, which makes this matter a small, but somewhat thorny problem.

Lin Aoxue thought about it for a while, and she had already made up her mind, so she calmly replied:

"Subordinates take orders!"

She got Bei Chenlong's order and got up and left. In the tent, Yang Jin told Bei Chenlong about the dispute that happened on the school ground today, and repeated what Lin Aoxue said at that time. Bei Chenlong nodded, and did not hide his appreciation:

"He is as his name suggests! He is indeed very proud, but he does not know whether it is arrogance or arrogance!"

After Lin Aoxue left the general's tent, she went straight out of the barracks. She came to Xingbei Pass for the first time and was not familiar with the layout of the pass. She didn't know where the Yanyu Building was, but just from the name, it seemed to be an elegant place.

She walked into the market and found a small stall at random to inquire about the whereabouts of Yanyulou. The vendor looked strange. He saw Lin Aoxue wearing a military uniform and did not dare to provoke him, so he honestly said:

"Back to Bing Ye's words! Follow this road two hundred steps forward, and you will see the Yanyu Building when you turn around the restaurant of Fuyun Zhuang. It is a small three-story building, very conspicuous!"

Lin Aoxue thanked the merchant and walked forward along the market street. When she saw Fuyun Winery in the distance, she turned along the road. As the merchant said, a three-story building appeared in Lin Aoxue's field of vision.

The small building is elegantly decorated, with a plaque hanging high above the door of the building, and a few unknown small trees are planted downstairs. In this early winter season, it is not dry and yellow, and the eyes are green.

In front of the building, there are a few girls with delicate makeup who are inviting guests. People walking on the road will always take a second glance, or hurriedly pass by with their heads lowered, or stop to look from afar. Robes, wealthy family.

Lin Aoxue was amazed, she already knew in her heart what this Yanyu Building was.

She rubbed her hands together, a thin layer of sweat on her palms, a little nervous.

She has never been to this place of smoke and willows. As her identity, she will not come actively. It is a pity that Bei Chenlong's youngest son is an illiterate and ignorant person. This time, go and capture the man.

Lin Aoxue stood at a distance for a while, then plucked up her strength, lowered her face, and walked towards Yanyu Tower.

As soon as she approached, a girl who described herself as beautiful immediately came over, calling out to the soldier sweetly.

Lin Aoxue scowled, her air pressure was heavy, and gave the girl a cold look:

"I'm here to find Beichen Ji."

The son of the Great General must be well-known in Xingbei. He is a guest in Yanyulou every night, so the girls here must know where he is.

Lin Aoxue's indifferent eyes lined the rough gray mask on the right side of her face, which made people feel chills. But as soon as she opened her mouth, the flamboyant girl was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted, and the smile on her face became more and more colorful:

"It turned out to be a friend of Ji Gongzi, the slave family will take the soldier to go!"

Lin Aoxue didn't like being pulled by others. She had a chill all over her body, so that the girls didn't dare to get too close. The girl who led the way took Lin Aoxue to the private room on the second floor and walked along the aisle. The door of the third room.

A young man whispered drunkenly from the door:


"Sir, there is a visitor."

The girl who led the way put away her frivolity when she was outside, and came to the house with a lot of rules.

"See you!"

The voice in the room showed impatience, mixed with the woman's low smile, and it came from the room.

There was a hint of embarrassment on the face of the girl who led the way. Lin Aoxue frowned, and suddenly kicked the door of the house. Others didn't have time to stop it, only hearing a bang, Lin Aoxue had already entered the house.

There was a panicked scream from a woman in the room. The girl who led the way did not expect that the masked soldier would break into the door directly. She panicked. She was afraid that she would cause trouble by bringing Lin Aoxue here, so she immediately motioned to pass by. The little servant went to inform the steward of Yanyu Building.

The smell of alcohol in the compartment was smoky. A man was born with a handsome appearance, but his clothes were disheveled. He was holding a wine glass in one hand, and he was holding a naked piano girl in his arms. The picture was really indecent.

Lin Aoxue strode over, waved away the charming Qin girl, grabbed Bei Chen Ji by the collar, and dragged him out of the house.

"Who are you?! How dare you do it with me! Let go!"

Beichen Ji woke up most of the time and struggled hard. The steward of Yanyu Building led a group of people to block the door. Several thugs who followed Beichen Ji also hurriedly gathered, trying to stop Lin Aoxue.

For a time, there were many people gathered outside the house, all of them were good players, and Lin Aoxue was helpless.

The author has something to say: Well, our second heroine will appear in the next chapter! Yes you read that right! It's the next chapter!

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