Lin Aoxue was injured on the shoulder, and she was delayed on the road without timely treatment. At this time, she was already a little inflamed, her forehead was starting to get hot, her legs and feet were weak, and she trembled when she walked.

Bei Chenji wanted to help, but she refused. Seeing her holding on to her injuries and leading the scattered team to the village, Bei Chenji frowned in confusion.

Qianhu Liu Meng took the initiative to go to the village to ask for directions. The village chief learned that Lin Aoxue and the others were wounded soldiers from the battlefield, so he told him that this place is the suburb of Poyan, and there is no doctor in the village. To find a doctor, you need to go to Yongan Town. go up.

The village head suggested that he should go to Yong'an to find a doctor. Liu Meng was both happy and grateful, and he discussed with Lin Aoxue to stay in the village for one night and wait for the village head to go to Yong'an Town to invite the doctor.

The soldiers took out the wound medicine they carried with them to relieve the pain for a while, and squeezed into an empty yard under the arrangement of the village chief.

The arrow wound on Lin Aoxue's shoulder was already inflamed, and the bamboo sword was stuck in the seam of the shoulder bone, causing sharp pain and restricting the movement of her arm. If the arrow is left in her body overnight, her left arm may be left with dark wounds.

Lin Aoxue thought about it, and then gritted her teeth and asked Bei Chenji to help her cut the arrow that penetrated her shoulder. Bei Chenji realized what Lin Aoxue was going to do, and she wanted to pull out the bamboo arrow by herself.

Bei Chenji was surprised, but he also understood Lin Aoxue's decision. This kind of thing is not uncommon on the battlefield, so he took the initiative to ask Ying:

"It's inconvenient for you to have one hand, or I'll wrap it up for you!"

This very normal sentence made the atmosphere subtly quiet for a moment, Lin Aoxue raised his eyes, politely but alienatedly said to Bei Chenji:

"You don't need to worry about this minor injury. Let's go and see how other people's injuries are."

Bei Chenji scratched his forehead, but fortunately, Lin Aoxue was always cold and cold, with an inhuman appearance, he was used to it and didn't take this awkward feeling to heart. Remembering that Shang Wu was also slashed, he said:

"Then I'll go check Brother Shang's injury."

After Bei Chenji left, Lin Aoxue got up and took the medicine and walked out of the courtyard in the dark.

After confirming that no one was following behind her, she walked along the path to the small river in the village and found a secluded place to hide. Then she sighed and put the gauze and wound medicine on a smooth stone , unbutton the placket with one hand.

The moonlight was not very bright tonight, the view by the river was dim, and when I looked away, I couldn't see Lin Aoxue's figure.

Lin Aoxue hid beside the stone bridge, her collar was loose, revealing her skin that was much fairer than that of an ordinary man, which was in stark contrast to her naked skin, which was tanned by the sun on the school grounds, but she could only pull out the arrow. After the arrow, the clothes on the shoulders can be removed.

Only this set of clothes can't be cut and broken at will. She is not like those big boys and three thick men who can directly bare their chests and show their backs.

She gritted her teeth, grabbed the body of the arrow with her uninjured right hand, and drew it hard.

The pain of torn flesh was like a dull knife slashing on her forehead, making her face pale.

She clenched her teeth, the rust smell of blood leaked from the gaps between her teeth, and the blood gushing from the arrow hole soaked her clothes in an instant. She threw the arrow in her hand and endured the suffocating pain. , quickly opened the neckline, and pressed the wound with gauze coated with wound medicine.

After a while, she gradually got used to the pain of the wound. She moved her weak left hand with difficulty, cooperated with her right hand, bit one end of the gauze with her teeth, and slowly bandaged the wound.

After all this was done, Lin Aoxue was already sweating profusely.

She was gasping for breath, her head was dizzy, and she felt extremely uncomfortable, but her reason kept her alert, she must not fall here, she had to go back, go back to the yard, and try her best not to let Bei Chenji and them See clues.

She sat leaning for a while, and when she was out of breath, she packed up her things and stood up, swaying back to the small courtyard.

The soldiers in the courtyard all rested, Bei Chenji and Shang Wu leaned against the wall to rest, Lin Aoxue walked over and sat down about two or three steps away from them, but she did not dare to close her eyes when she was resting, for fear of closing her eyes. He will fall asleep because he is too tired.

This night seemed extraordinarily long to all the wounded soldiers. Lin Aoxue was drowsy, her body was hot and cold, her back was wet with cold sweat, and the sky outside finally turned white.

Bei Chenji was the first to wake up. He was lucky that he was not injured this time. After a sleep, he was in good spirits. Liu Meng also woke up quickly. Then he woke up the soldiers who were still sleeping.

Liu Meng went to the village chief's house to thank the village chief for taking him in yesterday, and by the way inquired about the doctor in Yong'an Town. Unexpectedly, the doctor did not see him, but the village chief's face was full of sadness. When he saw Liu Meng coming, he sighed and said:

"Why don't you take a detour and go directly to Poyan! There was news from Yong'an this morning that there is a plague in the town! The doctor can't leave at all!"

Hearing this, Liu Meng frowned, thanked the village chief again, and brought the news back to the small courtyard.

When Lin Aoxue heard Liu Meng's words, she also showed a sad face. Her physical condition was very poor. Looking at the wounded soldiers behind her, everyone had run out of medicines, and they didn't have much physical strength to continue their journey, so they took a detour to Poyan. .

But Yong'an has been plagued by epidemics. Will there be any other changes when they pass by at this time?

When Lin Aoxue and Liu Meng were hesitant, Shang Wu suddenly said:

"Let's go to Poyan City too hard, let's try our luck in Yong'an. Even if the epidemic in the city is serious, we can still find some food and medicinal materials!"

Beichenji thought that Shangwu was right, and the remaining three hundred households were unwilling to take a detour to Poyan, so everyone unanimously decided to go to Yongan.

Lin Aoxue had some scruples in her heart, but she couldn't find a reason to dissuade everyone. Besides, her own injury was starting to inflame. She didn't know how long she could last, so she sighed softly and acquiesced to the decision of Liu Meng and others.

A group of remnants dragged heavy steps to Yong'an Town, but were stopped by the guards guarding the gate.

The guards did not allow them to enter the city, and said that the epidemic was uploaded from the Poyan battlefield a few months ago. Because too many people died in the war, the bodies were not collected in time, and the sick soldiers were continuously sent from the battlefield to local small towns. Town treatment, it has attracted epidemics.

Lin Aoxue and her were followed by nearly a hundred wounded soldiers. They looked sick. The guards insisted that they would not let the wounded soldiers enter Yongan Town, and refused to provide them with accommodation, insisting that they leave the town immediately.

Liu Meng, Bei Chen Ji and the others were so angry that Bei Chen Ji was the son of the Great General's family. How could he ever suffer from this kind of anger? He was furious and yelled in public:

"I'm going to war! I'm fighting with all my might, if you're not careful, you'll risk your life! Just to protect you white-eyed wolves! You son of a bitch! What the hell!"

They are on the edge, facing the wind and the sun, taking the risk of never returning, just to protect these ordinary people, as long as the horn sounds, no matter what is waiting for them in front, they can only rush forward!

Now that I have suffered a defeat and been injured, I have withdrawn and wanted to find a place to settle down to heal my wounds, but I even told these rats who were hiding in the towns and enjoying a peaceful life to be ridiculed with cold eyes. No one can stand such a fuss!

Regardless of whether the root cause of the outbreak was the Battle of Poyan a few months ago, the guard's attitude was very problematic!

Bei Chenji's angry scolding made the guards unable to come down from the stage. His face was ugly, and he wanted to drive people away, but at this moment, a soft female voice came from the town gate, making Lin Aoxue stunned:

"Brother, may I ask why there is so much noise outside?"

The guard heard the voice and turned his head, but saw a woman walking slowly in plain clothes. She was carrying a small medicine box.

"Ah! Doctor Yun!"

The guard was startled and quickly answered the woman's words:

"A few wounded soldiers came down from the battlefield. I am sending them away for fear of aggravating the epidemic in the town."

He picked up the words and said it as if he didn't want to annoy the people in front of him, but Yunyan still frowned, and asked suspiciously:

"Since they came down from the battlefield, why send them away?"

She raised her head, glanced outside the door, and caught sight of Lin Aoxue. She saw that the latter's face was very poor, and her shoulders were dark red, obviously suffering from severe trauma. She looked aside and saw no accident. Bei Chen Ji said to the guard beside him:

"There are people I know in this team. You should let them in first. I'll take a look for them later. If someone is infected with the epidemic, I will make sure that people in the town will not be implicated."

The guard was embarrassed by Yunyan's few words, but now Yunyan said that there were people he knew in the team, and he was even more embarrassed.

"Young Master Lin, Master Ji."

Yunyan greeted Lin Aoxue and the others, Bei Chenji was stunned, even forgetting the anger just now, he looked at Yunyan in disbelief, and asked in surprise and joy:

"Why is Miss Yunyan here?"

Hearing this, Yunyan only smiled back and did not answer in detail.

Lin Aoxue raised her eyes and glanced at Yunyan, thinking in her heart. She recalled that Yueqin from Yanyulou had told her that Yunyan knew medical skills and would go to towns and villages near Xingbeiguan for free clinics from time to time.

She only went to Yanyu Building the day before yesterday, and heard that the girl who greeted the guests said that Yunyan had left for a few days and had not returned for a few days. Today, she will meet here by chance. Presumably Yunyan heard about the epidemic in Yong'an Town, so she came here to diagnose and treat patients.

Seeing Yunyan here, Lin Aoxue's mood was a little complicated. Hearing what others said, it was always different from what she had seen with her own eyes. Moreover, she never thought that Yunyan would come to Yong'an Town, where the epidemic broke out, and risk contracting the epidemic. Risk, see a doctor for the patients here.

In addition, Yunyan's identity also became confusing in Lin Aoxue's consciousness.

She always felt that Yunyan's impression was different from that of ordinary brothel women, but she couldn't tell the specific difference. Now she saw another side of Yunyan in this small town. more complicated and interesting.

The author has something to say: _(:з"∠)_ Well, you all guessed it right! Hum ╭(╯^╰)╮

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