There is still more than a month until the nineteenth of the next month.

Time seems to be ample, but in fact it is urgent.

There was no voice in the court against the empress marrying Yunyan. Lin Aoxue immediately ordered everyone in the palace to act, to arrange the dowry, prepare the celebration, and arrange everything. Although Yunyan had already lived in the Yuyan Palace, all the procedures to leave were Lin Aoxue. Neither is going to be frugal.

She appointed Bei Chenling to supervise the process of wedding preparations, making sure to prepare all the important tasks before the 19th of the following month.

Although Bei Chenling accepted the matter, he still joked about Lin Aoxue afterward, saying that she was comfortable as a shopkeeper, and the Empress gave an order, and all the civil and military officials in the entire capital turned their backs.

Those ministers would have a headache just to organize the gifts of congratulations within a month, not to mention that there are so many embroidered mothers in the rest of the palace, and they are very busy.

Lin Aoxue blushed at the teasing of Bei Chenling, and finally she had no choice but to promise Bei Chenling that after her big wedding, she would give Bei Chenling a month's leave to give her a good rest. matter.

Since it was Lin Aoxue and Yunyan's big wedding, it was natural to ask Yunyan's thoughts. As for Lady Empress, she knew she had no idea by looking at her silly and cheerful appearance.

People are in a good mood when they are happy. Lin Aoxue has been full of vigor since the early morning ceremony that day. Every morning, he is smiling and grinning. While the ministers are relieved, they gradually understand the key to the empress's happiness and anger. where.

They heard some rumors about the Empress and Doctor Yun.

It is said that the Empress received the favor of Dr. Yun when she joined the army. In the following years, the Empress and Dr. Yun have been supporting each other. It is not easy for them to reach this point. Dr. Yun is the anti-scale of the Empress. , If anyone dares to offend, they will be angry.

And the Empress went to the Southern Border by her own expedition, and led an army of 200,000 people to oppress the King of Southern Border, in order to rescue Doctor Yun from the Southern Border.

In the early years, Lin Aoxue ascended the throne as the emperor, and the people in the north who had lived a stable life under the protection of Lin Aoxue liked it, and every household hung up red lanterns.

Later, Ningguo traded with the grasslands, and the northern border became a gateway and became more and more prosperous. From then on, there was no war, and the northern border became the most prosperous area of ​​Ningguo.

The people in the north even made a statue of Lin Aoxue and erected a monument of merit.

In the past years, Yunyan was in the north, practicing medicine to save people, and often went to the mountain village for free clinics without taking a penny, and also left a good reputation in the north.

This time, the Empress was about to get married, and the news of Li Yunyan was the first to respond. The place where the whole city celebrated was the northern border.

Ordinary people do not understand the grievances between princes and generals. They only know that these two people have worked hard to benefit the people. Now they have gone through a lot of hardships and finally come together. What kind of life they want to live is their freedom.

Later, in response to the wedding of the empress, the place where they rejoiced was Biannan. The people of Biannan ran to tell each other. When the empress came to Biannan in person and appeared outside the city lord's mansion, the people who had seen Lin Aoxue and Yunyan with their own eyes were even more delighted. Some people even said that they felt that the Empress and Doctor Yun were quite a good match that day.

Lin Aoxue went down to the Yuyan Palace first. The palace staff reported that Yunyan was not in the palace and had gone to the embroidery room. Lin Aoxue went back to the imperial study and planned to read the document presented today.

In the middle of the journey, someone suddenly came to report that Yunyan invited Lin Aoxue to go to Yuyan Palace.

Lin Aoxue put down the book in his hand, and asked the palace servants to take the few remaining books, and took them to the Yuyan Palace together.

When Lin Aoxue came, Yunyan was looking at the new sets of clothes on the table repeatedly, until Lin Aoxue entered the room and the palace people all saluted, Yunyan finally came back to her senses, and did not greet Lin Aoxue, but only beckoned to her. waved:

"Mu Xue, come and see."

Apart from the fact that Yunyan would call Lin Aoxue "Your Majesty" when she was lingering on the couch with Lin Aoxue, she preferred to call her by her first name on weekdays.

Although this seems to be against the rules in the palace, Lin Aoxue and Yunyan themselves are not people who stick to the rules and etiquette, and it is difficult to live a relaxed and comfortable life.

When Lin Aoxue heard Yunyan calling her, she first ordered the palace servant to take the memorial to the table and put it on the table, then turned her head and approached Yunyan.

There were two sets of new clothes on the table, and Lin Aoxue knew at a glance that this was the wedding dress they were going to wear for their big wedding soon.

Both sets of clothes are red, with fine workmanship, they look very luxurious, and the materials used are also very particular, and the embroidery mother has done her best.

When Lin Aoxue leaned over to look at it, Yunyan held the clothes and compared it to Lin Aoxue, saying:

"You try it to see if it fits."

This is a red dragon robe. It was designed according to the emperor's wedding dress in the previous dynasty, but it is different from the men's wedding dress. It was specially tailored and redesigned according to Lin Aoxue's size. With the softness and beauty of women, it can be seen that the person who designed this dress is ingenious and very ingenious.

Lin Aoxue's eyes lit up, she immediately responded to Yunyan's words, took off her court dress, and tried on her wedding dress under Yunyan's service.

"Yan'er, what do you think of me wearing this dress?"

Lin Aoxue is also a woman, and she loves beauty, especially after Yunyan Yunyan came back to heal the scars on her face, the scars gradually faded.

The injury on his face gradually improved, and the happy event was approaching, Lin Aoxue was refreshed, and he began to pay more attention to the aspect of clothing that he didn't care much about before.

Seeing that Lin Aoxue seemed to have acquired a treasure, Yunyan happily tried on the new clothes, the smile on her face became softer, she nodded and said with a smile:

"It's beautiful."

This suit fits very well, and it looks really good on Lin Aoxue.

Yun Yan took two steps forward and smoothed the folds at the front of Lin Aoxue's clothes. The soft light in her eyes was very gentle. Lin Aoxue glanced at the bronze mirror, and suddenly felt blessed, grabbed Yunyan's hand, stared at her, and asked with a smile:

"Yan'er, I guessed that the embroidery lady's craftsmanship in the embroidery room would not be able to make clothes that fit me like this."

When Yunyan heard Lin Aoxue's words, the smile in her eyes almost flowed out, her red lips twitched, and she asked:

"How do you know that the embroiderers in the palace don't have such skills?"

Lin Aoxue wrapped her arms around Yunyan's waist and couldn't help but leaned over and kissed Yunyan's temples, her nose was surrounded by the refreshing fragrance of Yunyan's hair, she laughed lowly, bit Yunyan's ear and said:

"Because, apart from my empress, there is probably no embroidered lady in the world so ingenious."

Lin Aoxue's breath washed into Yunyan's ears, itchy and itchy, which made her laugh. She raised her hand around Lin Aoxue's neck and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect our Majesty to be so smart."

This dress was designed by Yunyan herself. From the selection of the material to the cutting, it was all handled by Yunyan. Lin Aoxue went to the Qianchao early every day, and she went to the embroidery room to rush to make the clothes.

Regarding their marriage, Yunyan had never shown such urgency and anxiety as Lin Aoxue, but her heart was no less concerned than Lin Aoxue.

They value each other. This will be the only grand ceremony in their lives. Naturally, they have to pay more attention. I just hope that there are no mistakes and it is perfect.

Lin Aoxue was very moved, if it weren't for the blue sky now, she would hug Yun Yan and want to kiss and kiss each other.

"Yan'er, I also want to see your wedding dress."

Lin Aoxue hugged Yun Yan tightly and acted softly.

However, Yunyan did not respond to Lin Aoxue's request, she chuckled and squeezed Lin Aoxue's cheek, then floated away, turned to the table and folded another set of wedding dresses and put it in the box, and then in Lin Aoxue's wronged sight laughed:

"I won't show it to you now, and you'll be able to see it on the wedding day."

She smiled softly, and there seemed to be a soft light in her eyes.

Lin Aoxue keenly captured the shyness in Yun Yan's gentle smile, and the faint loss in her heart was immediately dissipated.

Her smoke was shy.

Lin Aoxue walked to Yunyan's side, unable to hold back the beast that was about to stir in her heart, she leaned over, pressed Yunyan on the table, and kissed Yunyan's delicate red lips hard.

After the kiss, a light cough suddenly came from outside the hall. Lin Aoxue, like a frightened rabbit, immediately bounced off Yun Yan. She strode outside the house, with a trace of anxious anger in her eyes, but she was pulled at the door. The moment he opened, he blushed embarrassedly.

Bei Chenling turned her back to the door of the house and sat on the stone steps outside, looking up at the sky helplessly. Obviously, she had been waiting for a while.

She was also very helpless, thinking in her heart that she should let the palace servants report when she came back next time. It is better for the servants to be embarrassed than to be embarrassed by herself every time.

Like Lin Aoxue, who stayed in the Yuyan Palace for two days and three days, and was unscrupulous, as if there was no one in the palace, and promiscuous during the day.

It was unfortunate that her older sister couldn't dote on Lin Aoxue, she was half-rejected and had no intention of rejecting it. It was very difficult for her to be a person who encounters scenes that she shouldn't watch every time she has something to do!

Lin Aoxue's marriage still depends on Bei Chenling's arrangement. She rubbed her hands in embarrassment and pretended to straighten her face before asking:

"Ling'er, are you here to find Yan'er?"

She still remembered that the last time she came to Beichenling, she also encountered the scene where she intended to touch Yunyan.

This time it was miserable. She kissed Yunyan so deeply that she didn't hear the footsteps outside the house, and she didn't know when Bei Chenling came and how long she stayed outside.

Lin Aoxue's face was thin, she could barely let go in front of acquaintances, and she had been honest with Yunyan many times, so she dared to take the initiative. When Bei Chenling met her now, her face was about to burn.

Even though she tried hard to keep calm, the red cloud on her face had a tendency to deepen. Bei Chenling looked back at her with a smile full of meaning.

Yun Yan was in the house and didn't follow him out. He must have been shocked by the sudden situation and was at a loss. He wanted to calm down in the house.

Lin Aoxue felt uncomfortable at the sight of Bei Chenling, but fortunately Bei Chenling didn't hold her, only raised her eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Ling'er has something important to look for her sister, but she has to discuss it with Sister Xue. Sister Xue is also in Yuyan Palace, so Ling'er doesn't need to run again!"

The author has something to say: 2333 always feels that a lot of brain cells will die today

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