Lin Aoxue took Yunyan all the way back to the capital and back to the palace. This time Yunyan did not reject Lin Aoxue's invitation, and followed her into the palace generously.

After the two entered the palace, Lin Aoxue asked the palace staff to clean up the palace closest to the imperial study and renamed it Yuyan Palace.

At first, the palace people were overjoyed, thinking that Lin Aoxue finally fell in love with which son, and planned to accept the concubine, but the person Lin Aoxue personally sent to live in Yuyan Palace was actually a beautiful girl.

Lin Aoxue personally appeared in the Yuyan Palace and checked the inside and outside of the Yuyan Palace many times until she believed that there was no problem, and sent a lot of people to send Yunyan to send. I went back to the imperial study room to review the memorials that have piled up in the past few days.

Yun Yan did not keep her, not to mention that the work of the ministers in the previous dynasty has not been done, and she also does not want Lin Aoxue to waste the government because of her. Since she has returned to the capital, they will still have a lot of time to stay together in the future. , not in a hurry at this time.

Not long after Lin Aoxue returned to the imperial study, Bei Chenling hurried over after hearing the wind. She first saluted outside the imperial study, and after Lin Aoxue allowed her to come in, she asked:

"Sister Xue, my sister is back too?"

At this moment, there are no outsiders in the imperial study room, and Bei Chenling no longer cares about the etiquette. Lin Aoxue put down the memorial in his hand and smiled happily:

"Yes, I'm back, now in Yuyan Palace, if you want to find her, feel free to find a palace servant to lead the way."

Bei Chenling came here to find Yunyan, and after receiving Lin Aoxue's words, she didn't stay in the imperial study, and said with a smile:

"Sister Xue is busy first, Ling'er will go to see her."

Lin Aoxue waved her hand to let her down, and then buried herself in another memorial and continued to review it.

That night, Lin Aoxue stayed awake all night. After reading all the memorials, the sky was bright outside.

The palace servant who groomed Lin Aoxue was ready, Lin Aoxue rubbed her stinging forehead, got up and walked around the house twice.

She didn't stay last night and was still wearing the same clothes she had when she came back yesterday. When she recovered a little, she asked the palace servants outside the house to come in and change her clothes.

However, the sound of footsteps sounded behind her, but the palace servant did not come around to change her clothes as usual. Lin Aoxue was a little strange at first, but just as she was about to turn around, a pair of soft jade-like hands stretched out from her ears and covered her eyes.

The delicate fragrance of powder that fascinated her lingered in her nose, and Lin Aoxue recognized the identity of the person who came. Her lips twitched and she smiled brightly:

"Why did Yan'er get up so early?"

Except for Yunyan, no one in the entire palace dared to make such a joke with her.

Yun Yan was immediately identified, but she was not annoyed at all. She giggled and let go of her hand covering Lin Aoxue's eyes, and wrapped her arms around her shoulders from behind Lin Aoxue, gently hugging Lin Aoxue.

However, when her eyes swept across the desk that Lin Aoxue had just left, she suddenly raised her eyebrows and contacted Lin Aoxue's neat clothes at this time. Her tone was a little stern, and instead of answering, she asked:

"Your Majesty didn't sleep last night?"

Lin Aoxue heard the words, her heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition flooded her heart, causing her to break out in a cold sweat.

"Hmm...Last night...I couldn't sleep, so I read the excerpts for a while."

For the past three years, she has become accustomed to reviewing memorials in sleepless nights.

What's more, after she has been gone for many days, she has accumulated hundreds of books. If she doesn't approve it today, she will still read it tomorrow. Instead of delaying the time she spends with Yunyan, she simply suffers at night and finishes reading it early. thing.

But she forgot, now it's not more than usual, how she abused her body in the past, Yunyan is far away in the southern border, she can't control her, but now that Yunyan is back, how can she be so arrogant.

Yunyan didn't answer her words, she leaned softly on Lin Aoxue's back, her chest softly pressed against Lin Aoxue's vest, which made her heart sway, but what Yunyan said made Lin Aoxue's heart tremble:

"Huh? Why don't you come to find your concubine if you can't sleep? The concubine has her own way to cure His Majesty's insomnia."

Yun Yan's voice was soft and her coquettish coquettishness deliberately made Lin Aoxue unable to do anything. She immediately raised her hand and surrendered, admitting her mistake:

"I made a mistake, Yan'er, I won't go to bed later."

Lin Aoxue knew that Yunyan was worried about her body. She didn't want Yunyan to worry, so she immediately admitted her mistake and vowed to correct her evil.

Yunyan retracted her arm and pinched it around Lin Aoxue's waist, angering her:

"Hmph, count on your acquaintance, how old you are, and you still don't know how to cherish your body. You have been so frustrating when you want to come to me for all these years."

She was very distressed. In the past, Lin Aoxue's body had finally been recuperated, but it seemed that her previous efforts had been abandoned, and she needed to pay more attention.

Yun Yan suddenly felt a little regretful, Lin Aoxue didn't know how to take good care of herself. After she left for three years, Lin Aoxue was worrying about state affairs every day, and her body was bound to be seriously worn out. She was the only one who could find a way to support Lin Aoxue.

Lin Aoxue scratched her ears and scratched her cheeks at a loss, turned around, and rebutted with insufficient confidence:

"No... Yan'er, I don't often do this."

Yunyan glared at her, motioned her to raise her arm, and then changed Lin Aoxue's clothes in person, putting on her court clothes, and said warmly at the same time:

"I made breakfast for you this morning. After you have eaten it, go to the morning."

Lin Aoxue smiled when she heard the words, knowing that Yunyan would not be held accountable anymore, she responded with a smile, and then motioned to the palace servants to serve up the breakfast that Yunyan had prepared for her.

She hadn't tasted Yunyan's craftsmanship for three years, and she had been thinking about it for a long time.

The palace servants put stacks of flower cakes on the table, and then filled a bowl of bean soup, which was neatly arranged on the table.

The palace maid who usually dresses Lin Aoxue raised her eyes and glanced at Yunyan before leaving, but seeing Lin Aoxue and Yunyan talking and laughing, she was in a good mood.

Lin Aoxue had eaten breakfast and arrived at Xuande Hall a stick of incense later than usual. She was in a very good mood. She always had a smile on her face when she went to court, which made the ministers feel that today's empress looks extraordinarily approachable.

"His Majesty has just returned from the Southern Border Battlefield victoriously, congratulations!"

There was a sound of congratulations in the hall, Lin Aoxue nodded and smiled, and said:

"The Southern Border Rat is nothing to be afraid of."

The ministers said a few words of congratulations. After the old prime minister came forward to send Lin Aoxue away, he briefly reported some things that happened in the capital. After the old prime minister finished speaking, he kept the matter of the royal husband Lin Aoxue on his mind. Wang Desheng once again brought up this matter in public:

"Your Majesty, now that the chaos in the southern border has been pacified, can Your Majesty consider the matter of the emperor's husband that Wei Chen mentioned earlier?"

His demeanor showed two points of anxiety, because the children of his relatives were serving as teenagers in the Imperial Army, and he happened to be in Lin Aoxue's team when he went to Southern Border, and he had some guesses about the real purpose of Lin Aoxue's trip to Southern Border.

Although he thought it was ridiculous, but when he thought that Lin Aoxue had never touched a man in the past three years, but he had a special preference for the Southern Border Demon Girl, he still felt vigilant in his heart.

The male has the love of Longyang, the previous dynasty was decadent, and these private fetishes in the deep palace compound are not surprising. If this female emperor also has preferences that are different from ordinary people, wouldn't all his calculations be in vain?

He heard that Lin Aoxue not only went to the southern border to pick up Yunyan, but also placed Yunyan in the harem as soon as he returned to the palace, and even changed the name of the palace. Well, it has surpassed the usual sisterhood, and he has to guard against it.

It is more important to implement the voice of the empress first.

After Wang Desheng's words fell, everyone in the hall focused their eyes on him, then bowed and waited for Lin Aoxue's reply. They also had their own calculations in their hearts.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, I thought you had a little wink, so I didn't explain it to you again and again, I wanted you to understand it by yourself, how come your elm head still doesn't understand what I'm thinking?"

Lin Aoxue's words were light, but when they fell into Wang Desheng's heart, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue. How could he imagine that Lin Aoxue had avoided talking about this topic in the past, but today he actually took him for surgery. Shouted to the ground:

"Weichen is stupid, I don't know what Your Majesty means, please forgive me!"

The rest of the ministers looked at each other in dismay, and they did not expect Lin Aoxue to give such an answer, so they could not help thinking about what Lin Aoxue really meant.

The old prime minister also frowned, feeling a little puzzled by Lin Aoxue's attitude. In the Xuande Hall, Bei Chenling was probably the only one who knew Lin Aoxue's thoughts. She blinked and laughed in her heart. After talking about it, it must be a showdown with the ministers.

Sure enough, after Wang Desheng's voice fell, Lin Aoxue stood up, walked down the jade steps one by one, walked to the Xuande Hall, and went straight to Wang Desheng. The powerful oppression made Wang Desheng dare not raise his head, only listening to Lin Aoxue. The voice resounded in the hall:

"My dear family, the truth is that I was seriously injured when I joined the army in my early years, so that my body is not suitable for raising offspring."

She said it frankly and didn't take it seriously at all, but the expressions of many ministers in the audience changed suddenly, and they were inexplicably horrified.

Lin Aoxue's words are equivalent to the thoughts of those who want to use the prince and princess to gain power. Their faces are extremely ugly, they are angry and angry, but they have to put on a state of worrying about the country and the people, and they speak to Lin Aoxue with a sullen face. :

"Your Majesty, if the root cause of the disease fell in the early years, you can ask the imperial physician to heal it. It must not be completely hopeless!"

How can they give up easily.

"I have asked the doctor to see it, there is no cure for medicine stones."

Lin Aoxue stopped in her footsteps and looked up at the minister who just asked the question. She remembered that this person was Chen Rui, a student of Wang Desheng, and the two had a good personal relationship.

"But Your Majesty, it was useless to see it a few years ago. Now you can still ask an imperial doctor to see it? Wei Chen also knows a doctor in medicine. Why don't you recommend it to Your Majesty, maybe you can see it?"

Seeing that she was still persuading, Lin Aoxue sneered in her heart, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, her eyes were cold like waterfalls, her eyes were cold, how could she not understand the thoughts of these people, she snorted and said:

"I don't know my body. If I don't get medical treatment early, I have to wait until you speak? I've already been so sad, and the pain in my heart has been exposed. Why are you so cruel and want to continue to make me suffer? This outside the palace Xianyun Yehe, can he be more skilled than the imperial physician in the palace?"

In terms of medical skills, who can compare to her family Yan'er?

Lin Aoxue robbed Chen Rui and made Chen Rui blushed, not knowing how to answer.

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