Just as Ye Chen and Bai Bingning were waiting for the time to return to zero, the Magic City Spiritual Power Bureau was completely shaken.

"Ding, an astonishing fluctuation of spiritual power was detected in the southwest of the Magic City!"

"Ding, an astonishing fluctuation of spiritual power was detected in the northwest of the Magic City!"

"Ding, we detected an astonishing spiritual power fluctuation in the east of the Demon City!"

One after another, the reminders shook the entire Demon City Spiritual Power Bureau.

It also shocked countless staff members.

"What happened? Why did so many spiritual power fluctuations suddenly appear?"

"Is it the spiritual power tide?"

"It feels like the spiritual power fluctuation is even stronger than the previous one!"

For a moment, all the staff members started discussing in a low voice.

At this moment, a staff member ran in from outside and hurriedly reported a piece of news.

"Report! According to the news from other spiritual power bureaus, abnormalities have erupted in various parts of Dragon Country."

"Moreover, the Imperial Capital Spiritual Power Bureau sent us a directive asking us to be careful, as there may be drastic changes in the future."

Upon hearing this news, Director Zhou's face also changed slightly.

"Dramatic change?"

"What sudden change?"

Before he could discuss it with others, a series of roars suddenly broke out in all parts of the Magic City.




And not only in the Magic City, but also in various parts of Dragon Country and even all over the world, abnormalities have appeared.

One after another, spiritual light pillars burst out from the earth.

Straight to the sky!

Even though it was not dark yet, it was extremely conspicuous in the entire sky.

This is the spiritual light pillar, which is more magnificent than the previous spiritual energy that seemed to be materialized.




With the continuous roar, the people in the entire Magic City were a little confused.

They didn't know what was going on outside.

So they walked out of their homes one by one.

Until they saw this spiritual light column that gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

"Oh my god, what on earth happened?"

"With such a high beam of light, is the world going to change drastically?"

"What will happen next?"

Looking at the spiritual power beam that pierced the sky, countless people were dumbfounded.

However, it was not only ordinary people who exclaimed.

The people in the Spiritual Power Bureau also saw this scene.

Suddenly, they were all stunned.

"Is this the legendary spiritual revival? Or the so-called drastic change?"

Looking at the movement outside the window, Director Zhou couldn't help but lose his composure.

While everyone was shocked, something unexpected happened again.




There was a series of arcing sounds, and in front of the horrified eyes of countless staff, sparks flew from the instruments of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

Then, one screen after another began to go black.

Seeing this sudden accident, everyone was dumbfounded.

Even Director Zhou, who had always been calm, was stunned for a moment.

"Send someone to investigate the situation immediately."


Soon, the relevant staff came back to report the situation.

"Report, after some inspection, we suspect that this sudden spiritual light column affected the magnetic field of Blue Star, and then caused the magnetic field of our Magic City to be disordered."

"So most of our instruments are now out of service, and the same is true for other areas."

After hearing this, the staff present were dumbfounded.

Out of service?

Are you kidding?

They actually failed at this critical moment of the sudden change?

"Can it be repaired?"

Director Zhou frowned.

If it can't be repaired, it will be difficult for them to unify their command.

If there is a riot of mutant beasts, they will have no way of knowing it in the first place.

In this case, the consequences will be serious.

"We have contacted relevant personnel to carry out emergency repairs."

"However, after the magnetic field was disturbed, except for some special instruments in our Spiritual Power Bureau, all others were ineffective."

"In other words, we are currently trapped here and have no way to communicate with the outside world."

The staff member swallowed and continued

"In addition to this, just now, there were at least 5 spiritual energy beams gushing out near our Demon City."

"These places are likely to see major changes."

"These places include zoos"

"In addition to these, the truly terrifying thing is that we just detected a beam of spiritual energy gushing out from the east coast of the Demon City."

"You all know about the spiritual energy tide phenomenon before, and this time it is even more severe than the last time."

One after another, the faces of the staff on the scene changed drastically.

They were not very worried about the zoo.

After the last zoo incident, they learned a lesson.

So they had already dealt with the animals in other zoos in the Magic City.

The real horror is the seaside!

There is a spiritual energy beam in that place, which is a big trouble.

The Magic City is a seaside city.

The Imperial Capital Spiritual Power Bureau also sent a warning before.

So it has always been a monitored place.

However, now, a spiritual energy beam is gushing out there.


"Director Zhou, if a spiritual beam of light really appeared on the beach, then it would be a big problem. I don't know how many mutant beasts would be born."

"After all, there are many more creatures in the sea than on the mainland!"

"Once they mutate, they will directly attack the city, and the horror will be beyond imagination."

Yes, beyond imagination.

Because there are so many creatures in the sea.

And this time the spiritual light column is so powerful.

At that time, it will definitely give birth to a huge army of mutant beasts.

Weaker mutant sea beasts can still be dealt with.

As for more advanced mutant beasts, human weapons, such as artillery, machine guns, and these large-scale lethal weapons, have no power at all. Unless mushroom eggs are used.

Not to mention whether it has any effect.

If mushroom eggs are really used, the entire population of the Demon City will die under the artillery fire of their own people.

The staff present thought of this, and Director Zhou also thought of it.


After taking a deep breath, Director Zhou's eyes became sharp.

"Immediately notify all extraordinary people to go to the place where the spiritual light column is located and be sure to suppress the mutant beast"

"Especially at the beach, send Lin Xueer and Xiong Da and the others over there."

"We must not let the mutant beasts run into the city!"

With the orders of Director Zhou, the entire spiritual power bureau also started to operate at high speed.

Standing on the road, Ye Chen and Bai Bingning naturally saw the drastic changes in the world.

One after another, spiritual energy light pillars shot up into the sky.

Each light pillar was tens of meters thick.

The most exaggerated one was the one in the east of the Demon City.

It was a hundred meters wide.

The terrifying spiritual energy continued to gush out.

"Is this the revival of spiritual energy?"

Looking at everything around her, Bai Bingning's eyes were full of shock.

"No, this is just the beginning."

"The real horror is still to come."

Ye Chen's eyes were full of calmness.

The entire demon city ushered in a real upheaval under this spiritual power beam!

Countless humans and even animals have undergone inexplicable changes.........



Amidst the roars, a very sturdy man in a house somewhere in the Magic City had black hair all over his body.

He had awakened!

Some animal organs and even hair appeared on his body, and he had some of the power of animals.

Just like Big Bear.

In another villa


"Don't come over here, don't come over here!"

The shrill screams stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the villa no longer had the warmth of a family.

Instead, blood was flowing, and one figure after another had fallen to the ground.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a mutant tiger that was more than ten meters long, gnawing something on the corpse.

The captive tiger, at this moment, actually mutated directly.

Then it attacked and killed the whole family.




Continuous roars of beasts suddenly resounded throughout the entire Demon City.

Those were the roars of mutant beasts!

Not only on the beach, but also in countless animals in the city.

Although the spiritual light column was erupting in other directions.

However, due to the spread of the air, the concentration of spiritual energy in the air was constantly increasing.

Many ferocious animals quietly began to awaken.


A loud and clear sound came from the sky.

Everyone looked up.

A huge eagle spread its wings in the clouds, with sharp eyes flashing with an inexplicable luster.

Amidst the extreme hissing, this mutant giant eagle with a wingspan of an astonishing tens of meters also swooped straight towards the earth.

However, it was not the only one.

Above the earth


A numbing sound came from the ground.


With a loud noise, a terrifying python nearly a hundred meters long emerged from the ground.

It stared at the humans nearby with a cold light in its eyes.

"Da da da da……"

Although this spiritual power beam occurred very suddenly,���The Spiritual Power Bureau had already prepared.

So when the mutant monsters appeared, they began to suppress them with force without hesitation.

The machine guns unleashed their firepower.

One rocket after another rushed towards the mutant beasts.

Following closely behind were the extraordinary people who came one after another.

They were all for this day, to stop the mutant beasts!


The people who watched this scene from afar were dumbfounded.

Although some people said that the world had changed drastically before, some people were still hesitant about it.

But for them.

Daily, simple, and ordinary are the mainstream of a world.

But the next moment, the world changed drastically, and all kinds of monsters rushed up. The fight continued.

Yes, monsters.

Have you ever seen an eagle with a wingspan of tens of meters?

As the wings flapped, a strong wind rolled.

Have you ever seen a giant python of nearly 100 meters suddenly surge out of the ground and swallowed humans in one bite?

Horrible and shocking.

And this is not the most terrifying.

At the eastern seaside of the Magic City.

The stars were dim, and the heavy dark clouds also obscured the last few rays of starlight.

But at this time, if you look at the city not far away, you will definitely see that high walls are rising from the ground.

But there are sentry towers, standing quietly.

That was the"military barrier" built in the coastal city after the Imperial Capital Spiritual Power Bureau issued an order, just to resist the possible invasion of mutant sea beasts in the future.

At this time, a bright spiritual light column burst out in the ocean.

The beam of light was a hundred meters thick and stood out in the sea.

The troops stationed here were the first to discover this bizarre event.

"What on earth happened there?"

Looking at the beam of light in the sea, a middle-aged officer's eyes were filled with shock.

He had never seen anything like this in his life.

"I received a notification from the Spiritual Power Bureau. That is the spiritual power beam."

"They asked us to be alert and beware of possible invasions of sea beasts!"

After answering the call, another officer's face became serious.

"Sea beast invasion?"

Hearing this, many people around looked serious.

Many of them had participated in the last zoo incident, so they naturally knew the horror of the mutant beast invasion.

"Everyone, be alert!"

The middle-aged officer knew the seriousness of the matter and gave the order directly.


For a moment, the troops stationed here quickly began to move.

And in such a place where spiritual energy gathers



Amidst the continuous roars, one sea creature after another underwent extremely terrifying changes.

Near the spiritual power beam, a several-meter-tall octopus, under the erosion of spiritual power, continued to grow taller. In just a few breaths, it was 50 meters tall.

It had countless tentacles, and its eyes burst into a dazzling dim light.



One after another, countless tentacles smashed in all directions like a mountain range.

For a moment, the nearby sea area was shaking, as if a tsunami was about to hit.

On the other side, the fish swimming nearby were also eroded by the spiritual power.


With a roar of pain, the shark's size began to grow rapidly.

In less than a minute, its body reached fifty meters long.

The fangs in its mouth flashed with cold light.

There was a bloodthirsty light in its eyes.

The mutant creatures around did not dare to approach.

Now, this mutant shark is the real overlord of the ocean. In a very short time, these ordinary marine creatures directly evolved into powerful mutant beasts!

This is exaggerated!

But with the previous spiritual power tide, these sea creatures have adapted to the spiritual energy in advance.

And now, this unimaginable spiritual energy explosion is a fuse, which is completely detonated.

Therefore, evolution!

Continuous evolution!

Under the spiritual power light column, the life level is transforming and the power is skyrocketing!

""Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

With a very strange sound, countless dense sea snakes continued to emerge from the sea.

Each sea snake was more than ten meters long.

They spit out their tongues.

Their eyes were full of cold eyes.

There were many sea snakes, many... the number was exaggerated and suffocating. They were so dense that people with intensive phobia would faint on the spot.

And now, they came ashore and continued to march towards the coastline. In just a short while, the coastline that was thousands of meters long was covered with mutant sea snakes.

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