Chapter 122: The strength of the extraordinary has increased. Ye Chen and his friends naturally knew about this news.

When they first saw this news, Bai Bingning and Lin Xueer, like everyone else, couldn't believe it.

Even though they knew it was possible, it was still hard to accept.

However, they adjusted their mentality very well and recovered quickly.

"I didn't expect that Australia would fall like this. Is this the first country to be destroyed by mankind?"

Bai Bingning sighed slightly.

"Well, but it is definitely not the last one."

Lin Xueer said in a deep voice.

She has been working in the Spiritual Power Bureau, so she is more familiar with the situation in other countries.

As the spiritual energy increases again, the mutant beasts and demon beasts become stronger again.

Some small countries and countries near the sea will face greater crises. They may be wiped out in the beast tide at any time.

Such situations will definitely not be rare.

Ye Chen was not too surprised by the fall of Australia.

Although the demon beasts retreated temporarily after he left.

But as long as the people in the main city cannot leave Australia and still stay there, they will definitely not escape the fate of death.

Because there are too many demon beasts there.

It is too far away from other countries.

"Don't worry about other countries, just protect ourselves."

Looking at the solemn expressions of the two women, Ye Chen also said with a smile

"That's right, just take care of yourself, there's really nothing others can do."

Bai Bingning also nodded.

"The spiritual energy here is so rich, better than the outside world, our strength will definitely improve a lot."

Lin Xueer said with a smile.

Speaking of this, her heart was also shocked.

Originally, after she felt the increase in the concentration of spiritual energy this time, she thought it would be similar to the spiritual energy here.

Who knew that the spiritual energy on the island was even better!

If people from the outside world knew about it, they would definitely go crazy.

This made her realize that Ye Chen must have some powerful treasure.

But like Bai Bingning, she didn't ask anything. She just kept it in mind and cherished this hard-won opportunity.

"Then hurry up and practice."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

Then, the three of them started to practice here at West Lake.

It is worth mentioning that because of the space cracks in Hangzhou, the people here have also evacuated.

Now Hangzhou has become an empty city.

Only the army and the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau are stationed here.

To deal with situations that may arise at any time.

Ye Chen and his companions did not leave.

After finally finding a suitable environment, he certainly would not leave.

As for the space cracks?

The extraordinary fourth-level monster beast?

He was not worried at all.

Or rather, he should be worried about the other side.

After learning that Ye Chen continued to stay at West Lake, the people of the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau were greatly relieved.

This means that if anything happens, the man may take action.

This makes them feel at ease.

After learning about this situation, the Spiritual Power Bureaus in other places were also envious and jealous.

Now in the entire Dragon Country or the entire world, who doesn't know how powerful Ye Chen is.

The extraordinary fourth-level monster beast is not his opponent at all.

Where he is, it will be very safe.

But Ye Chen is not a member of the Spiritual Power Bureau, and he is very powerful.

So they didn't dare to get close to him. They could only bite the lemon


Another week of such peaceful days has passed.

It has been almost a month since the official opening of the spiritual energy revival.

In a month, the people's three views have undergone a drastic change. They have also completely accepted this new and cruel era.

Under the influence of strong spiritual power, the number of awakened people has greatly increased.

Now the extraordinary people are no longer a few.

The whole people have begun to become stronger.

Although the talents are different, some are strong and some are weak.

But at least there is the possibility of self-protection.

It is no longer like before.

There is no resistance to monsters.

Although the number of extraordinary people has increased, it is impossible for all of them to join the spiritual power bureau.

After selecting some extraordinary people with strong talents, the rest all joined the army.

In today's era when thermal weapons are not effective, the army must also reform accordingly.

Attracting extraordinary people to join is a good measure.

It makes up for the lack of combat effectiveness of the army.

Although there have been no major beast tide events during this period, the previous accident of the fall of Australia has been weighing on the hearts of the people.

Forcing them to continue to become stronger.

So now the number of Dragon Country's extraordinary people has not only increased, but also greatly improved in strength.

Although there is no extraordinary fourth level.

But there are already quite a few extraordinary third-level monsters.

Basically, there are several in the spiritual power bureaus everywhere. There are countless extraordinary first-level and second-level monsters.

It can be said that as long as there are no extraordinary fourth-level monsters, Longguo is fully capable of facing the army of monsters.

Not only Longguo, but also all over the world.

In countries like the United States, the Sakura Country, the Bear Country, and the United Kingdom, there are quite a few extraordinary third-level strongmen.

But no one is slack at all.

Because they know that there are more powerful enemies-extraordinary fourth-level monsters!

And, that unfathomable man!

The extraordinary people in the outside world are making rapid progress, and Ye Chen and his friends have better conditions, so naturally they will make great progress. During this period, Lin Xueer did not go to the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau again.

After all these things, she realized an important thing.

That is strength! Only with strong strength can you solve the problems you encounter.

If you can't solve them, it only means that you are not strong enough.

Just like Ye Chen.

Others are afraid of extraordinary fourth-level monsters, but he is not afraid at all!

Still living a leisurely life here in West Lake.

So she temporarily resigned from her job at the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau and trained with Ye Chen and the others. She got up early every day to run, exercise, and then comprehend her own abilities.

Under Ye Chen's guidance and a good environment, the two women's strengths improved very quickly.

Although Bai Bingning was still at the third level of the Extraordinary, she was much stronger than before.

She had a very deep understanding of the sword.

She was also much more proficient in the breathing sounds of all things.

Although she was not as good as Ye Chen, it was enough for her to use.

It can be said that those third-level Extraordinary people in the outside world were not her opponents at all.

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