Chapter 117: Kill the dragon and shock the world!

"This is not good. These two fourth-order beasts have joined forces. This extraordinary person seems to be at a disadvantage."

"There is no way, after all, there are two of them, it is still a bit difficult to deal with them"

"I hope I can hold on." Seeing the Silver Moon Dragon Jiao and the Mutated Giant Ape surrounding Ye Chen, the extraordinary people on the Australian continent were full of worry.

"Why doesn’t Ye Chen fight back?"

"That's right, wasn't that sword energy before very powerful? Keep going!"

"It is indeed too difficult to deal with two extraordinary fourth-level monsters."

Seeing this scene, the faces of the people in the conference room also turned bad.

Unlike their previous attitude, they now do not want the Silver Moon Dragon to kill Ye Chen directly.

Because they are worried that the Silver Moon Dragon will come to their beautiful country along the sea.

Although the Australian continent is far away from them, this possibility is still possible. So in their opinion, the best result is that both sides will perish together.

In this way, they will not have the threat of extraordinary fourth-level monsters

, nor will they have a powerful opponent like Ye Chen. Kill two birds with one stone.

Dragon Country, Hangzhou City Spiritual Power Bureau

"These two beasts actually cooperated with each other. Boss Ye Chen is in trouble."

"Yes, one is interfering from below and the other is attacking from above. The situation is not good."

"If it really doesn't work, Ye Chen should retreat immediately. As long as he leaves, he will face a fourth-order supernatural being at most."

At this time, everyone also discussed in a low voice.

Obviously, they felt that Ye Chen's situation was not very good.


Seeing that the attack failed, the Silver Moon Dragon Jiao was not surprised.

If it was really so easy to be attacked, it would not be worth such a large bounty.

In tacit agreement, the two beasts continued to attack.



One punch and one shock wave, the mutant giant ape was filled with anger.

If he could hit it, it would definitely not mind a few more hits.

But Ye Chen's dodge speed was too fast, so he could only play a disruptive role.


A huge dragon roar sounded, and then a powerful dragon breath attacked Ye Chen.

This time it did not swing its tail to attack.

It also saw it in the previous attack.

This human is very fast!

Even faster than its speed.

So he can definitely dodge this kind of attack.

That must not be used.

So it used a dragon breath with a wider coverage area.

A silver-white dragon breath directly covered Ye Chen's surroundings, surrounding him tightly.


Feeling the threat from the dragon's breath, Ye Chen's eyes turned cold.

Instantly, a terrifying aura burst out.

It directly hit the surrounding dragon's breath.


A series of strange sounds rang out, and the dragon breath of the Silver Moon Dragon was completely blocked.

Occasionally, some of them fell on the ground, directly corroding the terrain.

"Oh my god, this stuff is corrosive!"

"It's even more powerful than concentrated sulfuric acid."

"If this person hadn't blocked it, he might have died.

Seeing this scene, a group of onlookers were shocked.

"It's really a bit difficult to deal with."

Feeling the impenetrable attack of the mutant giant ape and the silver moon dragon, Ye Chen also sighed slightly.

This battle should be the most troublesome one he has ever experienced. It is more difficult to deal with than the three extraordinary third-level wolf kings before.

Well, it is the most troublesome.

In Ye Chen's view, it is just troublesome.

It is not a difficulty.

"Once you understand it clearly, there is no need to continue."

"We have to hurry back later."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked at the Silver Moon Dragon in the sky.

He planned to deal with this monster first.

As long as he dealt with it, the mutant giant ape underground would not be able to escape.


A figure flashed and suddenly appeared behind the Silver Moon Dragon Jiao.

At this moment, the Silver Moon Dragon Jiao felt as if it was being stared at by something dangerous.

Suddenly, the whole body went cold.

Seeing the human in front of him suddenly disappear, he immediately understood something.

However, it was too late.

Once Ye Chen got serious, he would not give his opponent any time to react.

The Armament Haki was running.

The blade was instantly covered with a layer of black substance, turning into a black knife that was definitely not an ordinary product.


He swung it down with all his might.

The dazzling silver-white blade light burst out as if it was tearing through space.


Faced with the strange body movement and the sword technique that was too fast to be seen by the naked eye, the Silver Moon Dragon Jiao had no time to react.

After the collision, the sound of the body being cut off was heard instantly.

The huge head of the Silver Moon Dragon Jiao was directly chopped off.


Blood spurted out across the sky.

It was as if a bloody rain had fallen.



With a series of roars, the dragon head and body fell directly to the ground, splashing a huge dust cloud.

The Silver Moon Dragon Jiao never thought that it would die like this.

It still had many abilities that it had not yet used.

It could only be said that it was too careless.

Seeing Ye Chen was always on guard, it was less cautious in its heart.

As a result, Ye Chen seized the opportunity and beheaded it directly with one blow.

Its physical strength was not as strong as that of the mutant giant ape.

Naturally, it could not withstand Ye Chen's slash.

"No, what happened just now? Why did the dragon just disappear?"

"I don't know. The time was too short and the speed was too fast. I don't know what happened."

"The fourth-level supernatural beasts, just disappeared like that?"

Seeing this sudden change, the spectators did not come back to their senses for a long time.

Aren't the two fourth-level supernatural beasts in the upper hand?

How come the situation suddenly reversed?

Such a strong Silver Moon Dragon Jiao was killed just like that?

Is this his true strength?

At this moment, the supernaturals from all over the world opened their mouths wide, with shock in their pupils.

The mutant giant ape was also stunned.

Looking at the body of the Silver Moon Dragon Jiao on the ground, it almost didn't react.

Aren't they the advantage?

How come it suddenly changed?

Even the body was dismembered!

Just as it was stunned, it suddenly felt a chill in its body.

It seemed to be stared at by some danger.

Following the feeling, it saw the human in the air looking at it indifferently.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

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