The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 286: Facing the crisis, as an old dog

   As time goes by, a large number of survivors in the country have been obscured by zombies, but there are still a small number of survivors who escaped by chance.

   But most of them were scratched or bitten by zombies.

   These survivors came to the major intersections out of the city with the last despair, until they encountered the inspection point out of the city, they actually asked someone to take off their clothes to check whether there were any wounds on the body!

   A survivor hurried over to be tested.

   But as soon as I took off my clothes, I noticed a bite on my thigh.

  厽厼. "Killed!"

   "Bang Bang" several shots were fired, and the survivor didn't even wait for the survivor to react, and he went straight to death.

   The reason why the detection point is so strict is that the order from above is tight, not allowing any survivor with scratches and bites to leave the city.

   The faces of the survivors who had just arrived not far away changed drastically.

   But there was a smile after that.

   Shoot the survivors who are at risk of infection directly?

   does not matter.

   Turning scratches and bites into burns is not the same as you can easily evade the detection point!

   So many people began to endure the severe pain, burned their bodies with fire, and evaded the inspection at the inspection point.

   Perfectly out of town, happy!

   But the virus has begun to change, and their smooth out of the city in this way is equivalent to pushing the Gaka kingdom, which has just been slowed down, directly into the abyss.

   But I don't know if I can't stand Lungumo and other high-level officials in the Gaka country.

  Body burns are not caused by zombies, so there is no risk of infection!

   After these survivors left the city, they immediately took them and fled in all directions in the last time they became zombies, away from the capital of Gaka.

   And this just reflects the most concealed complexity of people's hearts.

   These survivors thought that they would not be infected or die, so they concealed it and fled to various places with potential danger.


   Early the next morning.

   All the heavy firepower of the five legions of the Gaka country began to attack the Gaka country with a range coverage!

   ‘swish swish’


   Missiles were all over the sky, and they fell on the Gaka country like a rain of light, causing each other's ups and downs of explosions.

  Countless buildings were destroyed, and countless zombies were blown to flesh and blood under the carpet bombing.

   The scene shook the world.

   Buildings were bombed down, and groups of zombies were turned into slag.

   The original center of the Gaka country, the Gaka country, has not been destroyed by the enemy after the monster disaster and the spaceship disaster, but it has been destroyed by its own people.

  The bombing lasted six full hours!

   Carpet-style firepower coverage has been over five rounds.

   Lun Gu Mo issued a new order to send helicopters into the ruins to attract zombies to see if there were any zombies who were lucky enough to not die.

   After a while, the helicopter formation flew back and reported good news to Lungumo. After the Gaka country destroyed the capital and the zombies, it completely ended this human catastrophe!

   Lun Gu Mo became full of confidence.

   Right now, how come you feel that Gaka country is pretending to be successful?

   Because the country of Gaka saved the world, wouldn’t it be enough to promote it by virtue of some proud deeds?, a novel website for chasing texts, 厺厽. Without the contribution of the Gaka country, there might be a zombie-infected virus outbreak all over the world now.

   So the whole world must pay for the Gaka country and make compensation!

   Soon, Gaka country started the pretender mode, boasting to the whole world about how Gaka country saved the world.

   News, announcements, and statements are all bluffing.

   Almost instantly, there was an uproar around the world, and one after another began to report on the Gaka country.

   Anyway, the country of Gaka now has turned around once again after a car overturned, and has become the most eye-catching focus in the world, not one of them!

   The world is shocked!

  The country of Gaka is awesome. The zombie virus that broke out yesterday has wiped out all sources of infection today. It is indeed a country that is about to rise!

   For a long time, people have deeply felt that the zombie virus may not be easily eliminated, because the role of the human heart will push the infectivity to the top.

   Often even if there is one case of the virus, it can be infected and cause another catastrophe in a very short period of time.

   However, it was only a day after the incident, Gaka country confidently announced that the source of infection had been eliminated!

   Many people all over the world do not believe this deeply.

  Because I want to say that other countries will never do those stupid things that conceal the truth for the sake of face.

   But the country of Gaka is not necessarily.

   From top to bottom, this country has always had a fascinating self-confidence.

   Even the fierce empire has to bow down in some respects.

  Although they are all pretending to be forced, but the strong empire has the capital to pretend to be forced, but the Gaka country is different, even the fake landing on Mars can be bragging, what else they dare not do?

   As for the compensation proposed by the Gaka country, it is even more speechless.

   Something you made yourself broke out, why should the world pay for you?

   is clearly that old Lungumo is thinking about fart!

   But no country dared to be the first to take it lightly. Gaka country wiped out the source of infection in just one day, which is unacceptable.

   After all, the zombie was powerful yesterday, but it was staged in front of audiences all over the world.

   Many countries, with a skeptical attitude and the attitude of being a body of common destiny with everyone, have called Gaka Nation to ask whether Lungumo needs military support.

   As a result, Lungu Mo furiously spoke to the phone with madness:

   "Our Gaka Nation does not need the military assistance of your Huangzhen Empire, never need it!"

   "The Gaka country has eliminated all sources of infection, but your strong empire claims that the source of infection is not easy to eliminate. This is slander. I am going to the World Council to expose your ugly crimes!"

   "Your polar empire obviously looks down on Gaka country, wait, the truth will tell you this group of ignorant clowns!"

   Lun Gu Mo righteously replied, and his attitude was very strong and he refused one after another kind phone call.

   was trembling with anger, because the whole world doesn't seem to believe in Gaka country at all?

   Damn it!

  They are just a bunch of clowns!

   Still thinking about coming to Gaka country to show off its power?

   is ridiculous!


   In the afternoon, everyone in Jaka Country thought that when the zombies had been cleaned up, a sudden change occurred in a place they could not see.

   In many areas, those infected who escaped from the capital became zombies, and they suddenly started trouble when the Gaka people just relaxed their vigilance.

   and it broke out in all directions.

   The place where the flow of people originally converged became a **** purgatory in a very short time.

   The speed of infection from zombies is so fast that everyone is caught off guard, and it is even more serious than the situation in the capital of Gaka!

   Countless Gaka people fled around, which made the virus infection speed almost unbelievable.

   It was originally a virus that broke out in this city, but within a few hours, the surrounding cities also broke out immediately!

   For a while, a greater zombie crisis broke out. The Gaka country was full of wolves, and there was no safe place for the Gaka people.


at this time.

  The Minister of Internal Affairs rushed into Lungumo's office in a panic, and said in a panic, "Something happened!"

   Lun Gu Mo frowned, and said solemnly: "How decent are you in a panic, go out and knock on the door for me before you come in!"

   completely put on a winning ticket!

  Because even the catastrophe of zombies has been completely wiped out by Gaka Nation, is there any reason to panic facing other things?

   should be like oneself, not only to show a steady appearance of Taishan collapse in front of him, but also to madly wave the world, this is the attitude that a winner should have!

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