The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 99: Let's duel, commanders of the legion

   Hearing this, the huge command room immediately became silent.

   This is the sorrow of backwardness and the helplessness of the brave.

   "What's the specific situation of this sky star country?" A certain leader asked.

   "We brought related equipment, please look here."

   The wounded special investigator turned on the military camera he carried and projected the picture on the wall.

   "Mother, my child is not filial."

   In the video on the wall, a high-pitched voice sounded. A suspected soldier was **** with something called an explosive bag hundreds of years ago and jumped off a high building, injuring a piece of Nihon soldiers on the ground.

   "The Nihon devils of the dog day, our heavenly kingdom will not perish."

   In the video, another man who looked like a soldier was **** with an object that looked like a bag of explosives, jumped down the tall building, and died with the Nihon soldiers on the ground.

   Because the distance is too far, the picture is not very clear.

   But this courage to fear death was immediately used for the respect of all the leaders of the Huangzhen Empire.

   This is a race that can forget life and death for dignity! Star race!

   The special fighters talked a lot later.

   Including their temporary formation of special reconnaissance units that have been taken care of by the Star Race, such as leading the way, delivering water and so on.

   I even heard that I have a deep hatred with the Nihon people, and I even give a helping hand in certain difficult times.

   "This race is kind and simple, and it is a race that can make friends." This is Jiang Xiu'er's affirmation.

   Lin Chen nodded, Jiang Xiu'er meant what he meant.

   "This Heavenly Star race has an amazing similarity to our Huangzhen Empire." The wounded special soldier spoke again.

   "..." Everyone was stunned.

   In other words, this Sky Star Race is a natural ally?

   is not only the enemy of the enemy, but also has a high degree of similarity to the empire!

   "This is the weapon of the Nihon race." Pictures began to appear on the wall.

   Everyone was shocked: "What is this tin car?"


   "..." Everyone was speechless.

   Then the next photo.

   An airplane with propellers.

   "I know this, it's an airplane. Our Huangzhen Empire ceased production three hundred and forty years ago."

   "..." Everyone was speechless again.

   How come you suddenly felt that the empire could easily hit this alien Nihon race on the ground?

   Well, it seems that the previous attention is completely unnecessary.

  Because the science and technology of this planet of Kepler is quite backward, not to mention the Huangzhen Empire, even the kingdom of Gaka can rub this planet of Kepler on the ground.

   "I asked you to take the celestial bodies around Kepler?"

   "Brought it back, it was taken away by the aerospace engineering team just now."

   Lin Chen nodded.

   After the Huangzhen Empire had thoroughly grasped the relevant information, he began to discuss what policy the Huangzhen Empire would implement on the planet of Kepler.

   is another discussion.

   In the end, Jiang Xiuer's next stage of national policy was recognized by everyone.

   [Establishing a cooperative relationship with the Skystar race and destroying the Nihon race by force is the established state policy of the Huangzhen Empire on the planet of Kepler]

   But the atmosphere in the command room changed abruptly.

   The fifteen legion commanders began to look at each other.

  Everyone wants to be the first to lead his army into the planet of Kepler.


   The voices from the commanders of the army slapped on the table and roared up and down.

   The commanders of the Commanding Office couldn't stop it.

   "......" Everyone.

   People had to walk out of the command office with a dark face, while the fifteen legion commanders were still arguing.


the next day.

   A new round of empire battle has begun!

   "Why do you with the surname Zhang fight for the spot again, believe it or not I will beat you up."

   "If you go to Nima, your garbage legion used to be sent to death. Our 7th legion swept the Devil Kingdom of Nihon in the past."

   "Cao, what kind of green onion are you, our Fifth and Sixth Army directly let those Nihon devils annihilate their clan."


   The Minister of Internal Defense, the Minister of Public Security, the Minister of Supervision, the Commanding Office, and many other high-ranking empires all looked at the fifteen rash men who slapped the table and yelled at each other.

   This group of big bosses, as long as they get together, they will definitely pat on the table and scold their mother if they don’t agree, or use the most primitive way of contesting.

   It's as if whoever has a loud voice and a strong aura will have the opportunity to go to another world to make contributions and expand the territory.

   Such an important meeting in the future still needs Yang Ming and Jiang Mingyuan to chair it.

  Because these army commanders didn't accept anyone, they also fought with each other for more than ten years.

Jiang Mingyuan, who was seriously ill, was invited in and immediately shouted coldly: "Enough, you have nothing to do with it. From yesterday to the present, you are really terrible. In the collective fight downstairs in the Commanding Office last night, whoever stood for me. come out."


   Jiang Mingyuan almost vomited blood out of breath.

   The fifteen commanders were all straight.

  Especially the commander of the Second Army and the Commander of the Third Army, do they have an air force and a navy to eat too much?

   After some discussions, Yang Ming and Jiang Mingyuan finally decided that the first group of expeditionary forces on the planet Kepler will be dispatched as the first army subordinate guards!

   This empire’s strongest fire force has four armored divisions!

  Total: 1,400 main battle tanks, more than 400 military helicopters of various types, four mechanized infantry regiments, fifty rocket launch vehicles, and so on.

   "What the benefits are for the First Legion!" The other fourteen commanders of the Legion were so angry!

   Jiang Mingyuan waved his hand, looked at Yang Ming with a wise look, and said: "It's a pity, my body is dying, otherwise I will lead the empire's legion to lay a big territory on the planet of Kepler."

   "No matter who goes, everyone wants to see this result." Yang Ming returned his sincere gaze.

   At this time, fools are fighting internally. It is even more fulfilling to take the legion to open the borders and expand the territory of aliens!

"Go ahead."

   At this moment, Jiang Mingyuan and Yang Ming have reached an Now I announce that I will also serve as the executive officer of the Huangzhen Empire Foreign Expeditionary Force, and the follow-up management will be in charge of the Command Office. "Yang Ming announced.

   "Wait, I will go too!" Lin Chen said.

   "You should stay home and fight monsters."

   "I want to take revenge. If it were not for the wrong budget, then the 276 innocent people would not die, and the blood debts would have to be paid."

   Lin Chen held the table with one hand, glanced at you, calmly said: "Am I not qualified?"

   The scene was quiet.

   Every high-ranking empire has an illusion, seeing the monster from Lin Chen's body, especially his calm eyes.

   "Lin Chen will be the commander-in-chief of the mobile force of the Huangzhen Empire." Jiang Xiu'er said calmly.

   "..." Jiang Mingyuan.

   "Since everyone is here, I will classify the meaning of mobile units, including mechas and the new arms of the Fourth Army, and marine units equipped with powered combat uniforms."

   "???" Everyone except Liang Shizhong looked puzzled.

  What the **** is the power combat uniform?

Lin Chen said: "Mecha has a complete production line of mechas and super weapons. Within a year, even if there is Xiu'er, it can ensure that the empire is free from monster disasters, and the round-trip between us and the planet Kepler is nothing more than It’s just one channel."

   "Listen to Xiu'er, listen to Xiu'er, Lin Chen is right."

   Jiang Mingyuan's heart was quite uncomfortable. From the very beginning, he knew what would happen to these two people. Now, as expected, the girl started to abduct her arms outside.

   "That's it. After four days, the First Legion must enter the planet of Kepler, and let the **** alien Nihon race taste the anger from the Huangzhen Empire!"

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