The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 52: Thoroughly famous mecha

  A huge war sword pierced deeply into the head. If the monster is still alive, the global audience will not believe it.

   Pusi was so angry that he grabbed his hair and yelled: "Impossible, I don't believe it, I just don't believe that the monster will die!"

  The underground research institute of the arduous empire was already silent, and began to wonder whether this global live broadcast was a certain science fiction movie broadcasted.

   "What kind of power source is this, what kind of operation is this, I can't figure it out at all, I feel so awesome!"

   is comparing the terrorist killers that are urgently created...

  The mecha shoes for the Huangzhen Empire are not worthy. In terms of appearance, the terrorist killer is a big spider, not cool at all, it is simply ugly!


   The monster is not dead at the moment!


   It is angry and howling.

   Seeing this scene, audiences all over the world began to panic. The huge swords pierced their heads, but the vitality of the monster is so tenacious, how can it be beaten?

   But the Sky Dragon moved faster, pulling out the war sword and opening his right palm.

   "The frozen bomb is loaded!"

   A very destructive frozen bomb penetrated through the wound on the monster's head.

   Although this frozen bomb is not big, if it is placed on the surface of the water, it is enough to form thick ice on the surface of the water with a radius of hundreds of meters.

   Destruction from the inside is always more effective than destruction from the outside.

   The frozen bomb began to exert its power at a depth of about five meters in the monster's head, and the central nervous system, blood, etc., were frozen into ice crystals that were colder than ice.

The    monster's thick neck twisted and glanced at the Sky Dragon, then fell from the sky and splashed a huge cloud of smoke.


   The huge body of the monster spreads thick ice crystals from the inside out, like a magnificent ice sculpture, shining brightly in the light of the setting sun.

   This monster was also the last monster. It was completely silent and lost any breath.

   The culprit who destroyed the entire Kacher City is really dead!

  The battle between the mecha of the Huangzhen Empire and this big guy is less than half an hour!


   At this moment, audiences all over the world are plunged into a quiet atmosphere, and they can't feel the already wet water stains on their bodies.

   Looking at the mecha on the screen with the afterglow of the setting sun, they swallowed one after another. It turned the tide on its own.

   is the real savior just like the plot of the anime. It can be said that he has saved the capital of Jaka and countless people of Jaka by his own power!

   Then, the audience exploded and started talking...

   "The monster just died like this?"

   "How the **** did it die? Why did the monster's body still freeze on ice?"

   "It's so powerful, faster than my right hand!"

   "The mecha is stronger, and the driver inside is stronger. It must be the legendary king operation!"

   "A female driver of eighteen years is willing to bow down."

   "I really want to know the driver inside and feel his unrivaled driving skills for one night!"


   This is an extremely unfair battle.

   Although the Sky Dragon had an excellent record of killing monsters, the audience still never thought that the battle would be so easy to win.

   And how did he kill the monster, why the monster freezes into ice, this is still a mystery today!

   In any case, the global audience and various forces around the world have to re-examine the mechas of the Huangzhen Empire.

   is not big but has super mobility!

   The flexible body is like the driver’s body. What kind of operation is it?

   Is it the same as operating an excavator?

   That's too nonsense!

   Many people are beginning to be full of curiosity about the mechas of the Huangzhen Empire.

   Seeing the monster being killed, the people of the Gaka country were the most excited. At this time, they had fallen into a frenetic cheer that was more terrifying than religion.

   "Thanks to the Huangzhen Empire for finally avenging my wife. I saw my wife screamed terribly by a group of strong men...but I can do nothing."

   "If I could come one minute early, no gangster would enter my house and fight my wife away!"

   "I am saved, although I am the only one living in my family."

   "If it were not for the help of the Huangzhen Empire, the monster would be a disaster for the Gaka Kingdom."

   "Thank you Huangzhen Empire for your help, they are better than the vampires of the Strong Empire!"

   "My daughter must marry Huangzhen men. They are the real men. It is said that their bodies are very strong and last longer than Gaka men!"


   The people of the Gaka country are celebrating the killing of the monsters. Thanks to the Huangzhen Empire, the cheers on the streets and alleys are higher and higher.

   There are even many places that have made photos of the Tianlong, ready to hang up high, as the savior of the Gaka country!

   Actually, Lin Chen is not purely trying to help Gaka country.

   There are three purposes here.

  一: Let the students see the fierce fighting and improve their psychological quality.

   Two: Perhaps more resources, such as monster corpses, gold, silver, copper, iron, and aluminum.

  三: Make a name and earn fan value.

   Things are going smoothly. The monster has been eliminated, but he is slightly dissatisfied.

   The people of Gaka Country below seem to be grateful for the wrong thing, thank you Huangzhen Empire and Tianlong for what is going on...

   Shouldn’t you thank the driver?

The Senate and the Ministers of Internal and External Affairs also stood up happily. The monster finally died. Although the city of Kacher was destroyed, it seems that a city is in ruins compared to the Hardy Empire and the Kingdom of West Y. This loss is nothing at all. !

   "Is this over? I always feel that Huangzhen Empire is not working hard?" Lungumo felt that he was at a loss!

It was once suspected whether this monster was the conspiracy of the Huangzhen Why is the monster fighting the Gaka warrior just like taking medicine, all kinds of fierce mess, any attack will cause countless Gaka warriors to die. .

   It's just that once such a small three-story mech appeared, those arrogant monsters were beaten up and scrambled?

   What is the difference between the War Fortress and the mecha of the Huangzhen Empire?

   So angry!


  The netizens on the Huangzhen Empire are also proud of Lin Chen!

   This is the true first time in the history of the empire that he has raised his country's power outside!

   Seeing countless Gaka people chanting from the live broadcast, the pride of the people of the Huangzhen Empire has been unprecedentedly satisfied.

   The people think that scientists should be as versatile as Lin Chen. Scientists who can't use armor are not good scientists. If Lin Chen suddenly gave birth to a child, they would definitely believe it!

  Because there has never been anything in this world that Lin Chen could not!

   After this battle, the mecha is completely famous!

   As the protagonist twice in a row, killing the monster unscathed, what does it mean?

   represents the powerful strength of the mecha and the powerful driving ability of the driver!

   shows that the Huangzhen Empire will gradually become the main force of the world under the situation of resisting monsters in the future. In the long run, I am afraid that the whole world will form a kind of dependence on the Huangzhen Empire.

  For example, in the current situation of Gaka Nation, if there are monster attacks that cannot be resisted in the future, people will definitely go to the Huangzhen Empire for support!

   So some people can't sit still...

   If your Huangzhen Empire continues to be so powerful, will there be a way for other empires to survive in the future!

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