"Is something wrong?"

Zhao Yu looked unhappy, but also quite confused. What was the purpose of Li Hu's visit?

Suddenly, he recalled the lines of text that appeared in his field of vision when he entered the game.

Among them, there is a line of text.

【But unexpectedly appeared】

He guessed in his heart that this so-called unexpected appearance was definitely inseparable from Li Hu's arrival.

"Boy from the Zhao family, what are you asking me about? This matter is very simple. Your father lost a lot of money in Wei Peng Gambling House, including this house."

"So, please leave this house."

"From now on, this house belongs to our Wei Peng Casino!!!"

Li Hu looked proud, but in one night, Wei Peng Gambling House made a fortune.

If it goes on at this speed.

In the future, many houses in Taoyuan Village will definitely be owned by Wei Peng Gambling House.


For a moment, Zhao Yu was stunned, his expression was startled.

He really didn't expect his game to start like this.

At the beginning, he had a bad gambler father, so now he is going to be homeless?

Can this.

But he didn't care much.

"Why don't you want to leave?"

Li Hu frowned, as if he was determined to win this house.

If Zhao Yu doesn't cooperate, he will definitely give Zhao Yu some trouble.

Only then did Zhao Yu have some free time to look at the house.

I have to say that this house is very ordinary. It can even be described as simple. Even on the roof, you can see tiny gaps.

If it rains, can this house be inhabited?

There will definitely be flooding from the rain.

Also, the walls of this house have cracks in patches, as if the walls may collapse at any time.

This is clearly a dangerous building.

"I'm not happy to live in this shabby house!"

Zhao Yu said casually, not caring at all.

On the spot, he didn't even bother to pack his luggage and walked out alone.

See it.

Li Hu was completely stunned.

The reaction of this boy from the Zhao family was too calm.

Shouldn't we be seeking death and survival?

But he didn't think much about it, instead he felt that things were going so smoothly.

I think the boss Zhang Peng will reward him well when the time comes.

Zhao Yu, who had just walked out of the house, heard the sound of a woman crying and being beaten and scolded.

"You're a man who can kill a thousand swords, why are you gambling again!"

"Do you like gambling that much?"

"It's better now. The house is gone. What will we, a family of three, do in the future?"

"Are we going to sleep in the open for the rest of our lives?"

Soon, Zhao Yu saw two figures in simple clothes.

One person looks mature and has a sad face.

One person looked a bit handsome, with red eyes and tears streaming down his face.

According to the information emerging in the field of vision.

These two people are the parents of Zhao Yu's game character.

Zhao Yu acted very calmly. This time the start was not an orphan start, neither parents died.

"Son, daddy is sorry for you, daddy is sorry for you!"

Father Zhao cried bitterly.

"I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to death! You've hurt my son! The house our family lives in is gone. How will my son get a wife in the future?"

Mother Zhao cried bitterly and kept hitting Father Zhao with her fair and delicate little fist.

Even though he was punched one after another, Father Zhao did not resist, as if he felt that he had done something wrong.

You really shouldn't gamble.

The gambling place is really ruined now.

"Weipeng Gambling House must be a cheat, otherwise how could I lose every time?"

Father Zhao murmured to himself, his eyes filled with resentment, as if he was still a little unconvinced.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu shook his head, he was so helpless.

However, gradually, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

But it was because he smelled a stench and fishy smell from Father Zhao and Mother Zhao.

Ordinary people would not be able to smell this smell for a while.

But now.

His strength is gradually transforming.

Just for now.

His attribute panel has been improved again.

His attribute panel has been improved.

[Strength: 28 points]

[Agility: 28 points]

[Physique: 29 points]

[Intelligence: 10 points]

[Perception: 27 points]

[Charm: 11 points]

The improvement of the panel also made his perception ability far beyond that of ordinary people.

Therefore, he could clearly smell the unpleasant stench and fishy smell.

Did his parents not take a shower for several days?

A doubt arose in Zhao Yu's heart.

This also made him a little wary of the parents of this game character.

But you must not be careless.

if not.

It is possible that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

For example, in "Doomsday Cataclysm", did he know that these game characters would suddenly stab the player in the back and catch you by surprise?


It is very necessary to maintain sufficient vigilance.


Zhao Yu's family of three moved out of the house.


Mother Zhao continued to cry bitterly.

Father Zhao continued to blame himself.

Zhao Yu knew very well that sleeping in the open was not acceptable.

As for relying on the parents in the game characters, it is completely unreliable.

This dad is a gambler.

This mother is just an ordinary woman.

He still has to rely on himself.

By treasure hunting?

By chance?

By chance?

Make a fortune by mastering modern technology, such as developing soap? perfume?

Wait and make inventions one after another.

If other players really might need to do this.

But as a game developer, Zhao Yu doesn't need to go to such trouble.

He directly evokes the system and then controls it.

Let the system arrange a house for him. This house must be a place where he can live comfortably. He doesn't care about the small shabby house like before!

[We are arranging a high-end private house for the host. The high-end private house is being distributed. Please check it in time]

A message appeared in Zhao Yu's field of vision.

This made Zhao Yu very satisfied.

Everything is safe!

I think high-end residential buildings will be in place soon.

"Why are you still unwilling to leave?"

"Or are you saying there's no place to stay?"

"If you and your family are willing, you can come to our Wei Peng Gambling House to do odd jobs! You will be responsible for your food and housing!"

Li Hu's joking laughter sounded in Zhao Yu's ears.

"You don't need to worry."

Zhao Yu spoke calmly.

"Da da da!"

at this time.

Footsteps sounded one after another.

Take a closer look.

But he could see a group of people coming not far away.

A group of servants wearing simple clothes were surrounding a big old man with a big belly.

This old man was dressed in gorgeous silk and satin, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, and he was full of aura.

As soon as he appeared.

A message appeared in Zhao Yu's field of vision.

[Zhang Shanren: A well-known philanthropist in Taoyuan Village, he loves giving porridge and charity the most]

"I've met Zhang Shanren."

Li Hu was respectful in front of Zhang Shanren and did not dare to fart. You must know that even his boss Zhang Peng did not dare to make a mistake in front of Zhang Shanren.


His boss Zhang Peng is still Zhang Shanren’s adopted son.

Who knows.

Zhang Shanren ignored Li Hu, but came to Zhao Yu and said with great gratitude, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, it's you, it's you, you saved my son last night. My son Xiaobao is greedy Playing with drowning, if you hadn’t saved me, I would have sent the white-haired person to the black-haired person now.”

Say it.

Zhang Shanren looked frightened, but also extremely happy.

Behind Zhang Shanren, a little boy of thirteen or fourteen years old stood up.

The little boy is also very expensively dressed, and his little face is very cute.

"Thank you, little brother Zhao. If you hadn't saved me, I would have been afraid..."

The little boy looked scared and a little embarrassed.

Zhao Yu was stunned.

When had he saved the little boy in front of him?

But he soon understood.

This may be the arrangement of the system.

If his guess is correct.

The key to the distribution of high-end residential properties lies in this good person.

Father Zhao and Mother Zhao were both shocked. They really didn't expect that their son would do such an earth-shattering thing without saying a word last night.

"My son has a future, he has a future!"

Father Zhao and Mother Zhao were extremely excited.

Li Hu's face, on the other hand, was filled with fear.

He also heard about Zhang Xiaobao being rescued from drowning.

But he never imagined that the rescuer would be a boy from the Zhao family.

If Zhang Shanren were to know what he had done not long ago.

He... was so scared that his scalp was numb and he didn't dare to think about it any more.

Even his legs were shaking rapidly.

Today, he doesn't look like a gangster anymore, he just looks like a frightened coward.

"Just do it casually."

Zhao Yu said with a smile, but when he said this, he felt very complicated.


Game developers are awesome!

You can modify this plot however you want.


Zhang Shanren gave Zhao Yu a high-end private house as a thank you gift.

Father Zhao and Mother Zhao were extremely happy.

"This Li Hu is a subordinate of my adopted son Zhang Peng, and I am already aware of his evil deeds. Boy from the Zhao family, this Li Hu is at your disposal."

Zhang Shanren said.

Obviously, Zhang Shanren is also well-informed.

Hear the words.

The tall Li Hu sat slumped on the ground.


Now, one can see patches of fear on Li Hu's face.

He was really scared.

Because his future destiny lies in the hands of this boy from the Zhao family in front of him.

If this boy from the Zhao family is unwilling to let him go.

Then, there will be no place for him in Taoyuan Village in the future.

Zhao Yu pursed his lips and smiled. He really didn't expect that things would turn around like this.

"Master Zhao, I was confused before. I deserve to die if I contradicted Mr. Zhao. I deserve to die."

Li Hu knelt down and begged for mercy, and asked Master Zhao in return.

"Pah! Pah!"

Li Hu even slapped his cheeks hard with both hands.

Just a few breaths.

Li Hu's cheeks were red, swollen and bruised, and there seemed to be blood gushing out.

"Stop, stop, stop. I won't do anything to you. Go back to where you came from."

Zhao Yu said casually.

Li Hu nodded and got out of here.

Even though there was resentment in his heart, he could only hold it in.

Who allowed this boy from the Zhao family to save Zhang Shanren's precious son Xiaobao?

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Shanren said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, he also said that if you have any difficulties in Taoyuan Village, you can come to him.

"My son is really promising."

"This kind person actually gave our family a house. It seems that we can change to a better place to live in the future."

Father Zhao and Mother Zhao were very happy.

Zhao Yu smiled.


The family began to move.

Father Zhao and Mother Zhao can't wait to move into a high-end residential house given by Zhang Shanren as soon as possible.

When moving.

Zhao Yu was very relaxed, only carrying a few changes of clothes in his hands.

On the other hand, Father Zhao and Mother Zhao moved a lot of things in large and small bags.

On the move.

Zhao Yu's footsteps stopped.

Because, there are actually many households in Taoyuan Village that have hung vertical flags.

There is a piece of white cloth on this flag, and some sacrificial inscriptions are written on the cloth.

This is the soul-inducing flag.

Many households have soul-inducing flags, which proves that many people have died in Taoyuan Village recently.

Sickness, old age and death?

Or other reasons?

Zhao Yu had suspicions in his mind.


For a short time, he could still hear continuous sobs in his ears.

These cries also made the sky in Taoyuan Village look gray.

It seems that Taoyuan Village is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface, but there is a huge and terrible crisis hidden in the secret.

Zhao Yu discussed with Zhao's father and Zhao's mother about the soul-inducing flags and the recent events in Taoyuan Village.

After discussion, Zhao Yu learned about it.

turn out to be.

It's just like his guess.

People have been dying every now and then in Taoyuan Village recently.

Almost every night.

You can hear the terrible howling and howling sounds of wolves.

"My son, you have to be careful. It is said that there is a wolf demon in our Taoyuan Village!"

"The wolf monster kills people every night!"

Father Zhao and Mother Zhao were very uneasy and spoke out to remind them.

Zhao Yu's brows were already knitted together.

Regarding the appearance of the wolf demon.

He wasn't too surprised.

Now he is playing the research and development version of "World of Immortality".

Since you are cultivating immortality.

It's quite normal for monsters to appear.

But, what is the strength level of this monster?

After a little thought, he had a definite answer in his mind.

The wolf demon is definitely not particularly strong.

if not.

Do the villagers of Taoyuan Village still have a way to survive?

I'm afraid the wolf demon has already killed all the villagers in Taoyuan Village!

After thinking this through.

Zhao Yu also calmed down.

But he didn't get involved in the moving matter. Right now, what he cared about was the movements of the wolf demon.


Zhao Yu began to investigate the wolf demon.

It didn't take long.

He learned that today, another person died tragically at the hands of the wolf demon.

He quickly visited and learned that the deceased also had a wife and daughter.

"Oh my God, why is this happening?"

Zhang, the widow of the deceased, cried loudly in front of a crudely decorated mourning hall, crying like a tearful person.

Next to her was a petite little girl, about four or five years old.

She has fair skin and big bright eyes.

"Daddy, why don't you play with me?"

The little girl murmured to herself, showing a very confused and ignorant side.

All this was seen by Zhao Yu.

Also, there are many villagers around Zhao Yu.

These villagers looked filled with indignation.

"Is this damned wolf demon going to destroy our Taoyuan Village?"

"The wolf monster and I are at odds with each other!"

"Where is this wolf monster hiding?"

"If I see the wolf demon, I will have to twitch and skin it!"

"I can't find it. I really can't find any trace of the wolf demon!"

The villagers were extremely angry, clenching their teeth and looking fierce.

The corner of Zhao Yu's mouth twitched slightly. He doubted that if the wolf demon really showed up, most of these villagers who spoke such shameless words would run away immediately!

Obviously, the wolf demon is definitely not weak, and it is not easy to deal with a few villagers.

However, this time Zhao Yu's keen sense of smell smelled a familiar smell again.

It was a fishy, ​​foul smell.

This made a terrible suspicion pop up in his mind.

It's a snake that feels cold all over, and a wolf that feels fishy all over.

The wolf demon is probably hiding next to him.


The parents in his game character may be wolf monsters.

Is this... another beginning of the death of both parents?

The real Father Zhao and Mother Zhao are already dead! ! !

Moreover, there seem to be a lot of wolf demons in Taoyuan Village.

Think about this.

Zhao Yu was very frightened when he thought about it carefully.

I just feel that the Taoyuan Village built by him has unknowingly become a wolf demon den!

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