As an anchor, Baby Xuxu is currently sitting on a helicopter.

The helicopter was provided by the survivor shelter and is currently flying to Huabao County.

As for the gold required to take the helicopter, it was paid by Pinnacle.

"No wonder Peak Support is so fast. How can flying in a helicopter not be faster?"

"Brother Bao, is there any cooperation between Pinnacle and Survivor Shelter?"

“It’s great to be able to see the scenery while flying!”

"If the monkey encounters a monster in the sky, you will crash and land in a box!"

"It is said that this helicopter is related to the research and development of military technology in the camp!"

One barrage after another in the live broadcast room appeared in Baby Xuxu's field of vision.

He explained this patiently.

"Peak has launched a cooperation with the Survivor Shelter. The content of the cooperation is that Peak members can take a helicopter at the Survivor Shelter and return to the camp, which is Huabao County. Also, in Huabao County, Peak members can also take a helicopter. Get off the plane and go to other areas, such as Haichao City, Linfeng City, Linbei City and other cities.”

"It is possible to have such cooperation because Pinnacle recently launched the research and development of military technology in the camp - the right to use helicopters. Once this technology is used, the camp can cooperate with the survivor shelter to obtain the use of helicopters. rights, and the gold cost during use is greatly reduced.”

"But to activate this technology, the camp needs to consume a lot of gold and a lot of food resources every day."

Through his explanation.

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little confused.

But they all know it well.

This camp technology is beyond the reach of ordinary players like them.

A large amount of gold and a large amount of food resources are consumed every day. This is nothing to a camp as powerful and rich as Dingfeng, but it will definitely cost them their lives.


Although they are currently playing games every day and working hard to defeat monsters and become stronger, they have never even seen a camp construction book.

At present, the number of players who have established camps in "Doomsday Cataclysm" is extremely rare. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are rare.

Immediately afterwards.

Baby Xuxu also popularized the research and development of military technology in the camp.

Technology is neither too much nor too little.

There are currently four technologies in total!

Intruder vision, helicopter access, security patrol, fast recovery!

"The intruder's vision is what exposes the location of the intruder in the camp."

"The right to use helicopters, I mentioned it just now, so I won't repeat it again."

"Safety patrollers can add a lot of patrolling NPCs to the camp. However, these NPCs are not very strong. They are only first-order extraordinary people."

"Extremely fast recovery. You can recover from injuries and restore your own energy while lying on the most ordinary sofa or bed."

As soon as Baby Xuxu was introduced.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were surprised that there was so much technology in this camp.

These four technologies seem to be very good.

"But these technologies are not available in ordinary camps. They consume gold every day. Who can afford this?"

Suddenly, Baby Xuxu said with emotion.

The audience agreed very much.

Behind the peak is the country.

As far as the country's strength is concerned, it consumes huge amounts of gold. What does this mean? !

After unconsciously.

The helicopter that baby Xuxu was riding on has arrived in Huabao County.

Not only him, but top members arrived one after another.

As soon as they were resurrected, they came non-stop.

Because they know it very well.

The toughest and most terrifying enemy is coming soon.

That lunatic gang leader, the clown, is definitely not to be underestimated!

Clown, this is definitely a powerful enemy!

But no matter how strong the clown is, there is only one way to die when facing the peak!

The sky is getting brighter.

The sun is about to emerge.

The clown riding a black motorcycle has arrived near Huabao County.

Looking around, he could see a small county town not far away.

this moment.

The clown felt very complicated. He couldn't imagine that all his men were wiped out in such a small and inconspicuous county.

But he didn't feel too heartbroken.

It would be a shame for a bunch of trash to die!

And such a ridiculous farce will end completely in his hands!

The clown did not continue to turn on the accelerator of the motorcycle because a large group of people had already appeared in his field of vision.

There are hundreds of these people.

They have solemn expressions, as if facing a powerful enemy, with dark skin, and hold different cold weapons in their hands.

Obviously, they are all top members.

The clown was slightly surprised. Weren't there dozens of enemies?

Why are there hundreds of people?

However, he didn't pay much attention to these small details.

In his eyes, even if there are hundreds of enemies, they can't do anything to him!

As a fourth-level transcendent, Xue Hand did not come forward, but watched this scene silently in secret.

This is what the clown told him.

Bloodhand knew very well that the clown didn't want him to interfere and wanted to show off his power!

He can understand it too.

A fifth-level transcendent!

Terrifying strength!

Slaughtering ordinary people is like slaughtering pigs and dogs, and even first- and second-level extraordinary beings are like cannon fodder in front of fifth-level extraordinary beings!

"Tsk, tsk."

"I admire your courage."

"But unfortunately, you are going to die."

The clown looked regretful, with a crazy look in his eyes.

Killing again, blood is coming!

All the lives in front of him will be harvested by him soon!

The feeling of harvesting lives is so wonderful!

It also makes him deeply addicted to it.

There is only one thing that the clown is very dissatisfied with.

The group of top members in front of him are calm and composed.

They look very indifferent.

This surprised him.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

The clown asked.

The top members still didn't answer him.

This feeling of being ignored and despised made the clown very angry.

The clown also felt that he had met a group of weirdos.

He could see the strength of this group of weirdos, which was only at the level of first-level extraordinary people.

"You continue to keep silent! I will send you to hell!"

The clown's tone was cold, and a very cold look flashed in his eyes.

But he was too lazy to say more nonsense.

He once again skillfully used the fourth-level skill fire bomb.

A ball of fire appeared from his palm.

The flame was very strong and was burning rapidly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

He kept using fire bombs, which attacked the peak members and quickly devoured the bodies of the peak members.

Fire bombs were like fire demons.

But a moment later.

Hundreds of people had turned into ashes one after another.


The clown easily killed this group of people, and a cold expression appeared on his cheeks. He did not think it was a proud thing.

On the contrary, he felt that everything was so reasonable.

His strength was too strong.

This fire bomb would be a big loss even for the third-level and fourth-level extraordinary people, not to mention this group of first-level extraordinary people.

Blood Hand, who was watching all this silently in the dark, was amazed. The clown was really powerful and had some skills!

Gradually, the clown frowned, and his powerful perception ability realized that groups of people were approaching him.

Is it the enemy?

Could it be the backup force of the peak?

He thought silently in his heart, feeling that his men were really a bunch of trash, and they didn't even find out the exact number of enemies, the simplest information.

But he was still very calm.

No matter how many enemies there were!

They were not his opponents!

Sure enough.

Another large group of peak members came.

This group of peak members wanted to take action to deal with the clown.

But they failed.

They couldn't even get close to the clown's body, and ended up being wiped out.

This battle after another.

The process was well known by the core members of the peak, such as Longteng and Tianxing.

Although they already knew the horror of the clown.

But such a battle situation made them unbearable to watch.

Hundreds of peak members were killed, and the clown was unharmed, not even causing the clown a little injury.

After the decision.

Longteng could only use the human wave tactic!

Not only will the members of the Peak deal with the clown, he will also call on the players to besiege the clown.

At that time.

Whether it is the dead players or the surviving players, the Peak will give various subsidies.

Without hesitation, Long Teng has already started the horn in the game.

"Long Teng: We are dealing with the fifth-level extraordinary clown. Players who want to help can go directly to Huabao County and follow the arrangements and distribution!"

"Principal Wang: Long Teng has spoken, and we must help with the exploration of our camp!"

"Liu: We must go! I will gather the camp members now and rush to Huabao County!"

"Zhou Yiyi: This battle of the fifth-level extraordinary is absolutely exciting, and our Zhou Zhou First Gang cannot miss it!"

"Da Sima: We must also help with the survival of our camp!"


It must be said that Long Teng's appeal is amazing.

As soon as he blew the horn, many camps and countless players expressed their willingness to come to support.

Moreover, they acted quickly and rushed to Huabao County.

Seeing these horns, Long Teng was very pleased.

He knew very well that it was not because of his strong appeal, but because these players wanted to build a good relationship with him, after all, the country was behind him.

At first, he wanted the peak members to constantly besiege the clown, die and revive, and repeat this cycle.

But such a tactic is feasible, but the risk is too high.

At present, although most of the attribute values ​​will be retained when the game is killed.

But what if you die once?

What if you die twice?

If you die many times, the attribute values ​​will be directly reduced to their original form.

By then.

Even if the peak can kill the fifth-level extraordinary clown, its overall power will drop a lot.

This is definitely what Long Teng does not want to see.

It's not that he cares about the false reputation of the strongest camp, but the extraordinary people in the real world are constantly committing crimes.

If the peak members are weak.

How to suppress those extraordinary criminals at that time?

You know, the extraordinary people who dare to commit crimes are not good people.

Take Chen Gang, who mastered the invisibility skill that Tianxing dealt with not long ago.

This was Tian Xing's move. If anyone else had taken action, it would have been very difficult to capture Chen Gang, and they would have been more likely to be injured by Chen Gang.

Not long after.

The clown felt a slight headache.

The top members appeared again.

These ant-like guys were really annoying.

He strikes again.

Without exception, a large number of top members died.

Burnt and mutilated corpses can be seen everywhere on the ground, as well as various severed limbs, and the blood stains the ground red.

Seeing such a bloody scene and smelling the pungent smell of blood, the clown chuckled. He laughed happily and crazy.

He really enjoyed killing so much.

He had a rough estimate in his mind that the number of people killed must have exceeded 2,000.

"I want to see how many people you have at your peak. If there are enough, I will kill them!"

"I hope you can let me kill you happily! Kill me until rivers of blood flow!"


A bright smile appeared on the clown's face, and at this moment he looked like a stunned lunatic.

Xue Hand, who was hiding in the dark and watching all this silently, was amazed at the clown's strength, and felt that a small force like Pinnacle was really short-sighted.

Why do you just want to offend the clown?

"The peak can't see the situation clearly."

"Does Pinnacle think that he can destroy the Joker if he has more people?"


"In the face of absolute power, the number of people has no effect!"

Bloody Hand's expression was contemptuous. He had seen waves of men and horses coming from the peak, but these men and horses could not hurt the clown at all.

The clown wasn't kept waiting too long.

A new wave of people appeared again.

These people and horses were dressed in different clothes, and their faces were full of surprise.

Their eyes kept looking at the clown.

"Is this the fifth-level transcendent clown?"

"This is really a clown in the circus. Look, he's wearing a scary-looking mask!"

"Brothers and sisters, I'm risking my life to live broadcast, please give me a reward!"

"Welcome, Sister Wenwen, to the live broadcast room! If you like the anchor, please click and follow!"

"Thank you Sister Wenwen for the reward! Sister Wenwen is so generous! So generous!"

"You still know how to play and start a live broadcast!"

Many players who came to support were chatting and laughing with each other and did not take the clown seriously. Some of them were even live streaming or recording short videos, or even checking in and taking photos.

Seeing the performance of these guys, the clown thought that this world is too crazy?

Otherwise, how could there be a group of such weird guys.

Most of their strength did not reach that of a first-level transcendent, but they were able to point fingers at a fifth-level transcendent like him.

What's more.

He also insulted him as a circus clown.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

An unknown anger was rising inside him.

"court death!"

The clown had a ferocious face and a low tone, and two blazing flames flashed on his palms.

"Wow! Is this the skill of this NPC?"

"This skill is amazing!"

"If I master this skill, will I no longer need a lighter to light cigarettes?"

"This skill is really cool!"

The players smiled playfully, thinking that the clown's skills were really good.

Both the clown and the bloody hand who secretly observed all this were confused.

They all heard something.

Did you hear these guys talking about using skills to light cigarettes?

This is the end of the world!

Do these people have no brains?

How on earth did they survive until now?

The clown stood there with a stiff expression, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

He has gradually understood something in his heart.

This is a group of unreasonable lunatics!


The clown's tone was cold and he used his killing move again.

In an instant.

Players were burned into blackened corpses or burned to ashes by the horrific flames.

"Plop! Plop!"

Corpses fell one after another.

Facing such a horrific scene with numerous corpses, the clown remained silent, with only excitement in his eyes.

The feeling of killing, the taste of killing, was so good and wonderful that he was deeply intoxicated by it!

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