But Xia Yuan called again.

This made Yi Tai feel annoyed.

He could only let his hometown people continue to drink and eat, and he temporarily left the private room to make a phone call.

After walking out of the private room.

Yi Tai answered Xia Yuan's call.

"Woo woo woo!"

Xia Yuan's crying voice came from the phone.

She cried very sadly and cried very sadly.

In response, Yi Tai had a blank expression and no sympathy.

"If you have something to say, say it. Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me."

"Also, if you don't say it, I will hang up the phone and add you to the blacklist of my mobile phone contacts."

Yi Tai completely showed his straight man side.

His words made Xia Yuan's crying stop quickly.

"Yi Tai, I've thought it through. Why don't we get back together."

"I have broken up with Xu Kun. He is not suitable for me at all. I think being with you, Yi Tai..."

Xia Yuan said slowly, in a soft voice.

But her words sounded ridiculous and funny to Yi Tai.

Yi Tai felt that he must have been blind at the beginning, otherwise how could he have found a girlfriend like Xia Yuan.

"Sorry, I'm not a scapegoat. We've broken up, so we don't bother each other. Isn't that good?"

Yi Tai said calmly.

"Yi Tai, don't be like this. I still have a lot to say to you..."

Xia Yuan's tone was full of grievance.

However, Yi Tai hung up the phone without hesitation.

Finding out the purpose of this woman made him feel even more disgusted.


How is this possible!

On the spot, he even added Xia Yuan's phone number to the blacklist of his mobile phone address book.

All of a sudden, he felt that the whole world was much quieter.

Soon, Yi Tai returned to the private room, drank and ate with people from his hometown, and discussed how they should continue to work hard.

We must improve our strength as soon as possible!

"Let's try to make everyone in our team become a first-level extraordinary person!"

"Besides, the first-level extraordinary person is just the beginning! We also need to become second-level extraordinary people, third-level extraordinary people... This game is destined to change our destiny!"

Yitai stood up and raised a transparent glass cup filled with wine.

Everyone stood up at the same time, also holding up their glasses.

Everyone toasted and drank.

During this period.

Many people even reported the good news to their families, saying how much money they made today.

"I really didn't cheat or deceive anyone?"

"Wife, I really didn't. I'm an honest person. How could I possibly do anything illegal?"

"You bastard, you've only been out for less than two or three days, and you've already earned several thousand yuan. Is there something wrong with the source of this money? Tell Dad, are you following Yi to do bad things?"

"Dad, I really didn't do anything bad. You taught me since I was a child that I can't steal or rob, and I have to make money with my own hands and my own labor. This money is hard-earned money, all earned in the game!"

"Third brother, is a game really that profitable?"

"Brother, would I lie to you? We are brothers! Now, brother, you regret it! Staying in that small village to farm, how can you have a future!"


However, when announcing the good news, everyone present spent a lot of time explaining the source of the money.

But no matter how they explained, the family was always skeptical.

For this scene, Yi Tai grinned, but he was not too surprised.

Those who stayed in the village were too conservative and backward.

They didn't know that the world had changed dramatically.

I think as time goes by, those people will change their views.

Yitai drank with everyone, and occasionally played with his mobile phone, wanting to see if there was any big news on the Internet.

At present.

The hottest news on the Internet is that the first force and the first camp of "Doomsday Cataclysm" Peak is about to fight with the indigenous force Crazy Gang in Huabao City!

This battle.

Yitai believes that Peak will definitely win.

Peak has the giant Dragon Country as its backer.

With the country as a backer, Peak has a huge amount of resources and materials.

The biggest reason why players can always defeat NPCs is resources and the players' fearlessness of life and death.

The NPCs who can survive in the doomsday are definitely the best of the best.

What can I do.

These NPCs are too different from players in terms of resources.

Players can top up and draw prizes, get food resources, spend money to buy high-level smelting crystals to smelt equipment, and even have a special edition luxury single bed in the special edition furniture package. Sleeping on this bed can restore durability.

In addition, players can revive again and again.

Comparing the two, it is clear who is stronger and who is weaker.

However, even if the peak can win, it is not easy.

"I don't know if the leader of the Crazy Gang, the Clown, has mastered any skills? If he has mastered it, what skills have he mastered?"

Yi Tai muttered to himself. For the Clown, not to mention him, even countless players of "Doomsday Cataclysm" don't know, and they know nothing.

The Clown is very mysterious and extraordinary.

But something that makes Yi Tai angry happened unexpectedly.

He received a friend request on his mobile chat software.

He recognized the applicant as his ex-girlfriend Xia Yuan at a glance.

In addition, there are several messages.

"Yi Tai, you used to like me so much, how much you loved me, but now you are like this."

"Yi Tai, have you changed your mind?"

"Yi Tai, let's get back together, okay? I will do whatever you want me to do."


This makes Yi Tai feel very unhappy.

This woman is too annoying.

Just like a dog-skin plaster, is this entangled with him?

This time.

Yi Tai ignored it and directly blocked his ex-girlfriend Xia Yuan.

Add to the blacklist!

In this way, he will no longer receive Xia Yuan's friend request.

How could he not know about Xia Yuan's thoughts.

Being abandoned by Xu Kun, a rich second-generation, and then looking for him to be the scapegoat, is this possible?

Some things, once lost, can never be picked up again.

With his current vision, it is impossible for him to be interested in a woman like Xia Yuan who despises the poor and loves the rich.

It can be said that he and Xia Yuan are people from completely different worlds.

"The Doomsday Cataclysm" changed not only Yitai's fate, but also the fate of the entire Dragon Country and even countless people in the world!

Jiangquan Village, this is a very ordinary small village, which is very inconspicuous in the entire Dragon Country.

In a very ordinary and old old house, you can see that there are high walls that look very dilapidated all around.

The lights in the old house are bright.

But there is an old man with an old face and deep eyes, sitting on an old-fashioned sofa, holding a not-so-new photo in his hand.

The photo shows an old woman with a kind face.

This old woman is the old man's wife.

But the old woman has passed away, and it has been almost a year.

"My dear, if you were still alive, it would be great."

"If you are seriously ill, maybe, playing "The Doomsday Cataclysm" will make everything better."

The old man's eyes gradually turned red, and he was even muttering something in his mouth.

He is already over 90 years old this year, but he is energetic and looks particularly energetic.

Even when walking in the old house, his steps were very steady.

The old man knew very well that everything was due to "The Doomsday Cataclysm".

"The Doomsday Cataclysm" made his old body more energetic.

Even now, his physique is many times stronger than that of a young man in his twenties!

The old man was particularly happy tonight!

Not long ago, he became a first-level extraordinary person!

He didn't rest too much.

The old man walked out of the old house and practiced boxing in the quiet and moonlit courtyard.

Each punch was powerful and powerful!

This made the old man's face full of smiles.

He seemed to have returned to the past.

Back then, he was a soldier. As long as the superiors gave him a task, no matter how dangerous it was, he could complete it smoothly.

But as he got older, let alone practicing boxing, he even staggered and couldn't walk.

However, "The Doomsday Cataclysm" brought him a second spring!

It made his life change beyond belief!

Just as the old man was practicing boxing.

The gate of the old house was knocked.

"Dong Dong!"

The heavy and powerful knocks on the door reached the old man's ears.

The old man was puzzled. Who would come at night?

Is it his children?

It seems unlikely.

Nowadays, his children are too busy, they all have their own families and jobs, and they have very little time to see him.

Often they can only visit him once every few days.

But the old man did not blame him for this, but was very considerate of his children.

When he walked to the gate of the courtyard, the old man opened the gate with ease.

Looking closely, it was a middle-aged man dressed well and wearing a pair of black-framed glasses.

"Uncle Xu, we agreed last month that I would notify you as soon as our company's health products arrive."

"You also know that the health products produced by our company are very popular."

"Especially this Shenghui pill, the effect is amazing. Taking our Shenghui pills can increase your immunity, relieve fatigue, increase bone density, and refresh your mind..."

The middle-aged man is the salesman Wang Jing. He listed more than a dozen benefits of the health product Shenghui pills.

After that.

Wang Jing smiled and treated Uncle Xu in front of him very politely.

In addition, he was holding a gift bag in his hand.

The gift bag contained Shenghui pills.

He estimated that he could make huge profits from it again this time.

These old guys are the easiest to cheat for their money.

Whatever he said, the other party would believe it.

Uncle Xu frowned, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

He remembered that he had met the other party last month and asked for his health care products.

At that time, his mind was muddled and he believed almost everything the other party said.

But now that he has played "Apocalypse", his mind is particularly clear.

Bullshit health care products!

There is no way he would want it!

"Health care products, I'm not interested!"

Uncle Xu said expressionlessly.

Suddenly, Wang Jing's smile stopped and his face froze. He felt that the Uncle Xu in front of him seemed to be a different person.

Last time, Uncle Xu was persuaded by him. Unfortunately, the health product Shenghui Pills happened to be out of stock last time.

"Uncle Xu, Shenghui Pills are very popular. If you don't want them, others will have them."

"Uncle Xu, don't worry, our Shenghui Pills have no side effects. Taking Shenghui Pills will only bring countless benefits to your body."

"Uncle Xu, the previous price of Shenghui Pills was 6,888 yuan per bottle, but now that you are a new customer, we have given you a discount and now it only costs 4,888 yuan! It's a full two thousand yuan cheaper!"

"Uncle Xu missed this village, but there is no such store. You have to think carefully!"

Wang Jing's eloquent persuasion was absolutely aimed at getting Uncle Xu to buy the Shenghui Pills.

He didn't believe it anymore and couldn't talk to the bad old man in front of him.

With his mouth, he can definitely succeed.

Even if he sells a bottle for 4,888 yuan, he can still make thousands of dollars!

"I do not need."

Uncle Xu had a cold expression.

"Uncle Xu, why don't you taste it first? If you try one, you will understand how magical our Shenghui pills are..."

Wang Jing still refused to give up.

"Please come back!"

Uncle Xu directly issued an eviction order.

This made salesman Wang Jing feel regretful.

Why doesn't this fish take the bait?

But Wang Jing was extremely unwilling to leave with empty hands.

He wants to make money!

He wants to top up "Doomsday Cataclysm"!

Recently, he has really become addicted to this game. He has also realized the magic and extraordinary features of the game, and has even recharged a lot of money.

"Uncle Xu, I remember last time, I told you that if you suddenly don't buy it or suddenly change your mind, you will have to pay me a liquidated damages. We have both signed relevant contracts."

Wang Jing said with a cold face.


Uncle Xu's expression was stunned for a moment. He had no impression of this matter at all.

"Where's the contract?"

Uncle Xu asked rhetorically.

"The contract is with our company."

Wang Jing squinted his eyes and replied. The more he talked with Uncle Xu, the more he felt that Uncle Xu did not look like an old man in his nineties at all.

Those in their nineties have particularly slow reactions, dull eyes, and particularly severe hearing loss.

"Young man, are you buying and selling by force? Also, are you sure your Shenghui Pill is really so magical?"

"Young man, you seem to be what is known as a health care product scam on the Internet. You exaggerate the efficacy of health care products during the sales process, and then mainly target elderly people like me."

Uncle Xu said a few words casually.

As he said this.

Wang Jing started to panic.

Just like Uncle Xu said.

This is a health product scam.

Shenghui Pills?


These are just some carefully packaged ordinary candies.

"Uncle Xu, please don't spit on others!"

Wang Jing said bravely.

"The old man is really a slanderer? Young man, please don't go astray. It is illegal to use health care products to defraud. The amount is relatively large and you will be punished with a prison sentence of less than three years."

"If the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, the person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years, and shall also be fined..."

Uncle Xu's eloquent talk was actually popularizing legal knowledge for Wang Jingke, a health product salesman.

How could Wang Jing be unclear?

Targeting the elderly in health care product fraud is a heinous crime.

But for money.

He gave it all.

"I don't have it. If you don't buy it, Uncle Xu, then I will find other customers."

Wang Jing felt that Uncle Xu was too difficult to deal with and was ready to retreat.

In Jiangquan Village, there are many old people, and they are all big fat sheep.

But Wang Jing wanted to leave.

How could Uncle Xu let him leave?

Once upon a time, Uncle Xu was a soldier.

At this moment, Uncle Xu can completely judge that there is definitely something wrong with the health care products sold by Wang Jing.

In order to avoid more victims, Wang Jing cannot leave!

"I want to leave, but it's impossible!"

Uncle Xu moved quickly and stopped Wang Jing.

Wang Jing was startled, but Uncle Xu was quite skillful.

Is it possible to just stop him?

At any rate, his strength value has reached ninety points!

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