Content related to game classes has always been a topic that netizens talk about.

Especially as more content related to gaming classes is revealed to the public.

Netizens were completely shocked to the point of numbness.

"Is this really a game class? It's just a post-op review, but it's actually a legal education?"

"The most outrageous thing is that you have to take a test. If you pass the test, the game class teacher will take you to play games!"

"Oh my god! I thought this game class would harm my child, but it turns out that since taking the game class, my child has studied more seriously and always completed his homework on time."

“Students must have a reverence for the law, otherwise, if they go astray, their lives will be ruined.”

Netizens were discussing it crazily, and once again felt the country's good intentions.

Especially the current situation in the beautiful country has deeply touched netizens.

Let’s just say that crime incidents in the beautiful country continue to happen.

Although the Extraordinary Investigation Bureau has been established, its effect on combating crime has been minimal.

It is said that many Longguo people staying abroad have booked air tickets overnight to return home.

Pearl City, a majestic and tall office building.

In an office conference room, many senior executives gathered together, and they were all discussing the great white shark incident that had just occurred in Pearl City.

"Check! We must check! Let the relevant departments find out why the great white shark appears in the waters of Mingzhu City as soon as possible."

"You know, this is an inland sea. Great white sharks should almost never exist in an inland sea, let alone a strong anti-shark net."

The person who presided over this meeting was a man with a Chinese character face. His face was solemn and angry.

If this matter is not resolved frankly, it will affect his future.

The other senior executives were also talking at random.

"Things will surely come to light soon."

"Relevant departments have already been dispatched and are investigating the scene."

"Clues will come soon."

"We need to speed up the investigation and don't let the people wait. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at us right now."

Everyone was talking about it, and the man with a Chinese character sitting in the main seat nodded repeatedly.

"The people have the right to know the truth! We should also make the truth known to the public!"

He spoke.

Say it.

"Pah! Pah!"

Everyone applauded, and the applause was endless, wave after wave.


Relevant departments also submitted investigation results.

Everyone quickly browsed the relevant documents.

This browse.

In an instant, everyone frowned and their faces darkened.

"It turns out that it was really the damage to the anti-shark net in the inland sea that led to the appearance of great white sharks in the inland sea!"

The man with the Chinese character face looked gloomy, "Moreover, there seems to be a problem with the quality of this anti-shark net. Otherwise, in theory, it would be almost difficult to be broken by a great white shark. The manufacturer of the anti-shark net must be held accountable." in the end!"

Everyone nodded in unison, agreeing with what the man with the Chinese character said.

"But if there really is no quality problem with this anti-shark net, then what should we do?"

A senior executive suddenly said.

"This matter must be investigated as soon as possible! Find out!"

The man with the Chinese character face said solemnly, but the conversation suddenly changed again, "Do you think this Great White Shark has also become stronger?"


"As the game gets stronger, so does the real world. This Great White Shark has never played a game."

"Old Xu, don't be so suspicious."

"Old Xu, your words seem to make sense. In our Dragon Kingdom, we have almost never seen a great white shark break into the inland sea, and this great white shark also broke the anti-shark net."

"According to the data, this anti-shark net has just been replaced this year, and it is also made of new materials. This new material has many characteristics such as durability and sturdiness."

The more everyone thought about it, the more they felt that there was something fishy about this matter?

Old Xu, a man with a Chinese character face, narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly, "No matter what the matter is, we have to report it to the Dragon Kingdom Kyoto Mystery Research Institute for these professionals to judge."

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone present nodded in unison.


Old Xu, a man with a Chinese character face, also made a very important decision and sent the body of the great white shark to the Kyoto Mysterious Research Institute overnight.

Everyone agreed again.

Kyoto, He Shan, the director of the Mysterious Research Institute.

Although it is already night, the gray-haired He Shan is still working overtime at his workplace, processing some documents on hand.

Soon, he noticed a report from Pearl City.

He also looked stunned at this report.

Related to the great white shark mauling incident.

He also knew this.

It has become a hot topic nowadays, and it is difficult for him to think clearly.

He quickly looked up the report and his eyes widened.

"The Great White Shark has also become stronger? How is this possible! This is simply nonsense!"

"It's just that the great white shark broke through the anti-shark net made of new materials, which is a bit incredible. Theoretically speaking, this anti-shark net is almost impossible to break..."

He Shan murmured to himself, his expression becoming more solemn. He had some suspicions that this great white shark injury incident was probably a mysterious incident.

Immediately, he directly handed over the incident of the great white shark to Zhang Xianlai, the head of the investigation department of the Mysterious Research Institute.

There is only one request, to find out the truth as soon as possible!

Zhang Xian, who was still at home, received the task from Dean He and made a promise on the spot.

He will definitely find out the whole story clearly.

"Dean He, please rest assured as soon as possible. Our investigation department will not let you down."

The gray-haired Zhang Xian was sitting on a comfortable sofa and talking to Dean He Shan.


He Shan was very satisfied.

After the call was hung up.

Zhang Xian did not stay at home any longer. He said something to his wife, and then he put on a black coat and hurried out.

Not long after, he rushed to the investigation department.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately notified all important members of the investigation department to rush to the meeting room! No one was allowed to come!

Once the notice was issued.

In less than fifteen minutes.

All important members arrived at the meeting room.

Zhang Xian, sitting in the main seat, told the story in a concise manner.

Every member showed astonishment on their faces.

But they all remained silent.

Mysterious events are like this, they look particularly outrageous and incredible.

"Whether this is a mysterious event or not requires us to verify it ourselves!"

Zhang Xian's expression was solemn.

Soon, he began to arrange the staff.

The staff was divided into two groups.

One group was responsible for receiving the great white shark corpse and transporting it to the biological department of the mysterious research institute for research and dissection.

Professional matters should be left to professionals!

The other group rushed to Mingzhu City to conduct a field survey of the sea area to see if they could find some clues.

Everyone nodded and acted quickly.

After everyone left.

Zhang Xian was still sitting in the main seat of the conference room in a daze.

Even, you could see that his eyes were full of worries.

He hoped that the great white shark breaking into the inland sea and breaking through the shark net was just an accident.

But if this was really a mysterious event, it would definitely be enough to give him a headache.

"Could it be that the game "Doomsday Cataclysm" can also affect the real world? This... impossible!"

He muttered to himself, but the more he spoke, the less confident he seemed.

Because "The Doomsday Cataclysm" is so extraordinary and so magical.

In the game "The Doomsday Cataclysm".

Yi Tai and his fellow villagers are fighting monsters in the wild area in an orderly manner.

There are a total of 30 people, and they are very efficient in fighting monsters.

"Brother Yi, it's really thanks to you that you took us to play this game. This game is really amazing. I haven't played it for a long time, and my strength has increased a lot."

"Me too, if I go back to my hometown, I can easily cultivate several plots of land by myself."

"Still thinking about cultivating land? If we follow Yi boy, we will definitely enjoy it in the future!"

"I understand everything. These crystals and materials on hand can be exchanged for the Dragon Kingdom currency in the real world!"


These people are all from Yi Tai's hometown, or Yi Tai's peers, or Yi Tai's peers.

Yi Tai grinned at these people's words. With the help of these hometown people, his strength has improved quickly.

You know, his original strength value was only 45 points, and he played for several days.

But now.

The people from his hometown help him and fight monsters together, which has increased his strength to 70 points now!

In the past, he was worried and afraid of being robbed or backstabbed by other players, but he felt relieved when facing these people from his hometown.

"Huzi, don't always think about farming! Can you be a little more promising?"

Yi Tai laughed and scolded.

A tall and dark-skinned young man smiled foolishly.

"Brother Yi is right, I don't want to farm anymore, I want to play games."

Yi Tai nodded repeatedly.

Everyone continued to fight monsters.

"I didn't expect that this game can also take a helicopter."

Yi Tai sighed.

Now, with the increasing number of players.

The survivor shelter has also added one base after another.

For example, Yi Tai and others are now sitting in the survivor shelter base No. 3.

Originally, his fellow villagers were scattered in other survivor shelter bases.

But through the helicopter provided by the survivor shelter, they successfully met at base No. 3.

"That pilot seemed to have said that the first helicopter ride is free, but if you want to ride again in the future, you will have to pay gold!"

"Gold! Where can we get this!"

"I have never ridden a helicopter before, but I didn't expect to ride one in the game."

"We are just peasants, so let's just fight monsters and become stronger!"


Everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was particularly harmonious.

When fighting monsters.

Yi Tai also paid attention to the information on the loudspeaker, and wanted to collect some useful and valuable information.

"Ma's Guild: Buying materials at high prices!"

"Jingqiang Guild: If you want to sell materials, come to our Jingqiang Guild! The price is fair!"

"Penguin Guild: Buy everything! Buy! Buy! Buy!"

"Black Dragon: Buy materials, use them for your own use, the price is absolutely conscientious, and the person is at the survivor shelter No. 3 base!"


When he saw it under the loudspeaker.

Yi Tai's eyes lit up.

He wanted to sell some unnecessary materials in his hand in exchange for money.

And this player with the ID Black Dragon also caught his attention.

The materials are for personal use and the price is reasonable!

And he is still in the No. 3 base.

On the spot, he contacted Heilong directly in the game and sent a private message to Heilong.

The two of them had a great time chatting.

The price offered by Black Dragon was actually 10% higher than that of Ma's Guild!

"Black Dragon: Brother, I am in urgent need of materials. I am anxious to improve my strength, make equipment, and make weapons! I just need the last bit of materials. If you want to sell them, you can sell them! Many people have already contacted me!"

"Yi Xiaoxiao: I'll sell it. Where can we meet, brother?"

"Black Dragon: I just left Stronghold No. 3. It is in the east area of ​​Stronghold No. 3. This is a small village. The name of the village is Xiaocun. I will wait for you at the gate of Xiaocun. How about it?"

"Yi Xiaoxiao: OK."

The chat process between the two is very simple.

However, Yi Tai became a little wary.

If you trade in Stronghold No. 3, you are absolutely safe and worry-free. You will be protected by the Survivor Shelter patrol personnel while you are in the stronghold.

But if you are in a wild area, if you really die, you will die.

In the end, Yi Tai went to Xiaocun alone, but he ordered more than 20 people to go to the village and follow him secretly. He always suspected that the black dragon was unreliable.

You must be on guard against others, and you must not have the intention of harming others!

Just in the blink of an eye.

Yi Tai arrives in Xiaocun.

Sure enough, he saw a man's figure at the entrance of the village.

This man was dressed simply, smiled, and looked particularly friendly.

"Yi Xiaoxiao?"

ID Black Dragon asked.

Yi Tai nodded and took out pieces of crystal stones from the game items.

"You transfer money to my account first. My account is..."

Yi Tai is ready to report his account.

"I'll give you the money first? You took the money and ran away, what will you do then? You'd better give me the spar first!"

Heilong shook his head, as if he didn't trust Yi Tai.

At this moment, Yi Tai believed it.

Could it be that I met a liar?

In general.

It’s not all about goods first and money later.

"You have to show some sincerity, right?"

Yi Tai frowned.

Unexpectedly, the black dragon burst into laughter.

"You idiot, you actually believed the nonsense on my loudspeaker."

"The materials are for my own use and the prices are absolutely conscientious. This is just to deceive people."

"Unexpectedly, the deception was indeed successful."

Black Dragon looked proud and clapped his hands.

A dozen people also strode out of Zixiao Village.

These dozen people are all Black Dragon's helpers.

With these helpers, Black Dragon is confident.

"Yi Xiaoxiao, hand over all the valuable items you have. Take out all the crystals, materials, etc. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing."

The black dragon's face was unkind, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Boss, your tricks are really insidious."

"It's a pity that only one fat sheep was fooled."

"Hey, it would be nice if there were more idiots like this."

"Why don't you, boss, just kill this fat sheep?"

More than a dozen helpers were talking, laughing, and looking at each other playfully.

The black dragon grinned, but his eyes flashed with a strange color.

The player in front of him, Yi Xiaoxiao, was too calm.

Do you really think that one person is his opponent with more than a dozen people?

Could it be that this Yi Xiaoxiao is a first-order transcendent?

If he were truly a first-level transcendent, then this bone would be a bit difficult to crack.

But there is always a chance to chew.

"Yi Xiaoxiao, have you reached the first level of transcendence?"

Black Dragon asked cautiously and kept praying in his heart.

These idiots must not reach the first level of transcendence, otherwise the situation will be difficult to handle and end badly.

First update...

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