After Liu Xun left, Ding Yi sat on the chair in the case library and began to think deeply.

It seems that Jin Guangsha did not attract anyone's attention yesterday, except himself.

After all, I am practicing the Art of Combating Evil, and I am much more sensitive to evil spirits than others, otherwise I would not have discovered this golden evil.

But the most important thing is that this golden evil seems to have no impact on people at all, otherwise the residents of the outer city would definitely react today.

This external evil is nothing more than absorbing various special emotions or parts of people to complete the condensation of evil spirits, so that worshipers of gods can use it to practice.

Once upon a time, Ding Yi also pondered this principle of worshiping gods.

At first, he believed that worshiping gods meant worshiping the 108 disaster stars. Then, after the body of the worshiper was transformed by the idol, he could withstand the erosion of evil spirits, and then used the evil spirits to practice.

But after Ding Yi felt the strange shadow of the God of Disaster in Liu Xun's mind yesterday, he felt that it was not that simple.

"What the hell is this god of disaster?"

Ding Yi shook his head and gave up thinking. His current strength was too far away to consider, so it was most important to improve his strength as soon as possible.

After setting the value, Ding Yi did not return to his residence in the inner city. Instead, he took the 늄 card and walked out of the inner city gate, preparing to return to the martial arts hall today to ask Bai Wangyun if he had any secrets of light 녌 and ask some questions by the way.

As soon as I left the inner city, the familiar and noisy feeling suddenly rushed towards me. Just this wall seemed to divide this city into two worlds.

Ding Yi first went to the noodle stall where he often ate noodles. After ordering a bowl of noodles, he sat at the stall and listened to the discussions among the diners around him.

But after listening for a while, Ding Yi regretfully found that no one discussed anything unusual last night, and even the Yin and Yang evil spirits were rarely mentioned. Apparently the residents here have been completely accustomed to the invasion of this evil spirit into their lives.

Shaking his head, Ding Yi finished his meal and walked towards the Bai Family Martial Arts Hall.

When they arrived at the martial arts hall, Xue Bao and others were still practicing boxing there in the front yard, but there was a new face in the yard. It seemed that he had just recently joined the martial arts hall as an apprentice.

Seeing Ding Yi coming, everyone greeted him one after another. Ding Yi scanned around and found that Ma San was not here. He immediately walked over to Wang Hong and asked:

"Junior Brother Wang, where is Ma San?"

Wang Hong was also very happy to see Ding Yi back, and then said:

"Some time ago, I said something happened at home, so I didn't come back. I guess I went home to help."

Everyone knew that Ma San was the son of the deputy gangster of the Black Dragon Gang, so they were not surprised that Ma San left without saying goodbye.

Ding Yi was thoughtful for a moment after hearing this, then looked at Wang Hong and suddenly said:

"Junior brother Wang, practice hard. When you get to Bone Forging, I will introduce you to the inner city."


When Wang Hong heard this, he was immediately excited. He knew that Ding Yi wanted to help him, and he immediately thanked him repeatedly.

Ding Yi smiled, then left the front yard and walked along the corridor towards the backyard room.

To Ding Yi's surprise, when he came to the backyard, he discovered that Nangong was also here.

"Third Senior Brother, Master!"

Ding Yi shouted directly.

Nangong 꽭 and Bai Wangyun seemed to be talking about something, and they all looked around when they heard Ding Yi's shout.

"Good boy, are you willing to come back today?"

Bai Wangyun gestured towards Ding Yi, signaling Ding Yi to come over.

Nangong, on the other hand, glanced at Bai Wangyun, nodded, and then walked out of the courtyard.

"Senior brother, won't you stay for a meal?"

Ding Yi was a little strange and asked Nangong 꽭 who was walking towards him.

"No, I still have something to do, please stay with me."

Nangong꽭 smiled at Ding Yi and then left the backyard.

Strangely, Nangong's return frequency is too frequent.

Ding Yi looked at Nangong's back, and an idea came to his mind for no reason.

"Xiao Qi, your third senior brother is very busy, so just leave it alone. Come, let me see how your boxing training is going?"

Bai Wangyun smiled and shouted at Ding Yi.

"Master, I'm worth one. I'm too tired to stand up. I have to practice martial arts at night, so don't bother me."

Ding Yi quickly said with a smile.

"You kid, we and other martial artists are not worshiping gods. Only when we have mastered a boxing technique can we refine our internal organs, and only when we have perfected it can we exchange blood. Otherwise, if we don't have enough strength, something will happen!"

Bai Wangyun suddenly became serious because Ding Yi was lazy.

"Teacher, don't worry."

Ding Yi sneered.

"By the way, when you come back today, you don't want to catch up with an old man like me, right?"

Bai Wangyun said.

"Teacher, I came here to ask, is the difference between martial arts and worshiping gods only in terms of cultivation? You said before that you are no longer yourself after worshiping gods. What do you mean?"

Ding Yi suddenly said seriously.

"Oh? This..."

When Bai Wangyun heard Ding Yi's words, his eyes were slightly blurred, as if he was caught in some kind of memory.

After a while, Bai Wangyun waved at Ding Yi and walked towards the side room behind him, while Ding Yi quickly followed.

The two walked into the side room, and Bai Wangyun found a chair and sat down. Seeing this, Ding Yi quickly poured tea into the empty cup and held it in front of Bai Wangyun's eyes.


Bai Wangyun was very satisfied with Ding Yi's attitude. He took the tea cup and started talking while drinking.

"I was born in the military, and when I accompanied General Huang Yuanhua on his expedition to the Taoist Temple, I saw the true horror of the disaster star."

"I have a comrade who is as close to me as I am to life and death. One day he got a blood-colored statue on the battlefield, which is worth a lot."

"That night, I was sleeping in the tent, and suddenly I heard the sound of killing outside. I thought it was a night attack by the star of disaster, so I rushed out in my armor."

Speaking of this, Bai Wangyun glanced at Ding Yi, and then continued:

"Guess what I saw. Outside the tent, there was only one person killing people with a knife, and the people around him were blocking him with long spears. At his feet, there were dozens of corpses. Those corpses were all my Liang soldiers!"

"And that person was none other than my best friend!"

Speaking of this, Bai Wangyun also sighed heavily.

"At first I thought he was controlled by the evil magic of the Temple of God, until I saw his eyes."

"Quiet, indifferent, without a trace of emotion, but smiling at me."

"I can feel that he knows me, but I don't know why he suddenly became like that."

"Until he was pierced by dozens of spears, I remembered the statue he seized in the daytime."

"My friend, of course, would not worship the gods, but just took the statue back to the tent and said he would study it."

When Bai Wangyun said this, he looked at Ding Yi, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he said word by word:

"The statue of the god is strange, don't look directly at it."

When Ding Yi heard this, he was shocked and suddenly remembered the scene when he was preparing to strengthen the statue brought back from Miao Buzhen.

At that time, he was also trapped in an illusion, and saw a strange figure in the dark. If it wasn't for the Changqing Qi to save him later, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"Then Master, even if worshiping gods is easy to practice, it would not be easy to defeat the Liang army on the battlefield, right?"

Ding Yi suddenly thought of something and asked.

"The idea is good. No matter how strong your personal ability is, it is extremely limited on the battlefield."

"But worshiping gods is different."

"Take the Qingzhou Yinyang Palace for example. Do you know what is the capital for them to stand firm in Qingzhou and intimidate others?"

Bai Wangyun smiled mysteriously.

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