After these days of getting along, Ding Yi has almost figured out the nature of this system.

He will block any way that can directly gain benefits.

For example, it may take 20 years to strengthen a white statue out of thin air, but after refining a white statue, you can get 16 years of life.

For example, if you strengthen gold out of thin air, the life consumed is also terrifyingly high, which is not as cost-effective as strengthening silver.

There are also direct strengthening of oneself, strengthening life is also possible...

In other words, if you want to make good use of this system, you still need to take a roundabout way to save the country.

Then, the next idea is actually very simple.

There are two ways to get a lot of life.

One is to kill the worshippers, and the other is to get the statues.

There are worshippers in Qingfeng County, but they are all people from Yinyang Palace.

Killing the worshippers of Yinyang Palace in Qingfeng County is just a one-time business, which will not last long.

However, the foreign evil worshippers outside Qingfeng County can be killed.

Just like Qingyunzi and Baiyunzi, but these worship gods are elusive, and now the Yinyang Palace envoy has entered the county town in a high-profile manner to investigate the matter of Qingsi Sha. Ding Yi expects that there will be no external Sha in the short term.

Then there is only one way left, the statue of the god.

Where are the most statues of the worship gods? Naturally, in the Tianxia Palace Taoist Temple.

But Ding Yi is a worship god, and he can't touch these statues, so he can find a way to get these worship gods.

If I can control these worship gods and use them for my own purposes, all problems will be solved.

First, of course, it is to use the evil spirit of the worship gods to practice, and there is a stable source of evil spirit every day.

Second, let the worship gods hand in their annual cultivation quota, that is, the statues. Of course, the higher the level of the worship gods, the number and quality of the statues obtained will be completely different.

First, if you encounter a crisis situation where you can't control your power, then kill the controlled worship god, and you can instantly get a lot of extra lifespan, and this channel is stable and practical.

Fourth, the worship god can cooperate with you to do things. Yunxi Village let the two-faced strange baby run away, which has always been a hurdle for Ding Yi to overcome. If someone had supported him at that time, this situation would never have happened.

It is said that this method of controlling the worship god is a one-fish-four-eats method, and the capitalists of Blue Star will cry when they see it!

Thinking of this, Ding Yi was a little excited. He rubbed his hands and took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the bag on the table and started the experiment.

Ding Yi first wrote down some characteristics of the worship god, the way of cultivation, and the information of the statue on the paper as usual. Anyway, he wrote whatever was related, and strived to provide the most complete information.

In addition, Ding Yi also came into contact with the new information of the young worship god in the case library in the morning, and he added it all at once.

After more than half an hour, Ding Yi wrote thousands of words, using up five sheets of paper.

Then, Ding Yi wrote the entry "Control Worship God Suitable" on the back of the last page, and then nervously put it in front of his eyes.

[Currently can be enhanced Enhanced life span 114526 years and 175 days Do you want to enhance? ]

Ding Yi thought he was dazzled at first, then rubbed his eyes and found that the long line of numbers had not changed. He swallowed his saliva with a gulp and muttered:

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days, ten thousand years!! This..."

Ding Yi was shocked, but he felt that something was wrong. No matter how strong this worship god is, it may take so much life!

Ding Yi frowned, touched his chin and thought for a moment, and then added an entry "quantity" at the end.

At this point, the life span required for strengthening was reduced to more than 90,000 years, which was a bit exaggerated.

Ding Yi saw that this entry seemed to have an answer, and then added an entry of "Xuan Ji Realm" in the middle of controlling the worship of gods, that is, "controlling Xuan Ji Realm worship of gods".

At this point, the life span required for strengthening was directly reduced to 137 years and 23 days.

Seeing this result, Ding Yi immediately fell into deep thought.

Obviously, as worshippers, the influence of strength on life span is too obvious. Ding Yi even suspected that the real 100 disaster star sources belonged to the worship of gods, otherwise there would be such an outrageous number as 110,000 years.

However, although the life span number was reduced, Ding Yi fell into hesitation.

The increase in conditions and restrictions made the originally perfect plan deadlocked. For Ding Yi, the worship of the gods in Xuanji Realm is the starting realm that can absorb evil spirits, but even so, it still takes more than 130 years of life to strengthen.

Moreover, after this strengthening, how to control the worship of gods is also an unknown.

If I am asked to drug the worship of gods, it would be a waste of time. It is better to strengthen the pill directly.

"Yes, why do you strengthen the pill directly?! The way is wrong, the way is wrong!"

Ding Yi's mind flashed, and he quickly took out the blood and qi pills he bought in the afternoon, and poured out nine blood and qi pills in the small porcelain bottle, leaving one, and then wrote on the bottle:

"Control the worship of the gods in Xuanji Realm Suitable for Undetectable".

[Currently can be strengthened Strengthened life span 39 years and 175 days Do you want to strengthen? 】

Looking at the words that appeared in front of him, Ding Yi slowly relaxed.

Compared to the previous method of controlling worshipping gods, he prefers this one-time pill.

Although the pill can control one person, it has the advantage of a short formation time, unlike the method that needs to be practiced to the entry level before it can be effective.

And the pills can be carried at any time. When you encounter a perfect opportunity, you can directly use the medicine. If a god comes, you can knock him down directly!

When Ding Yi thought of this, he immediately laughed, and then he did not choose to strengthen, but carried the medicine bottle with him. It would be too late to take it out and strengthen it when he encountered an opportunity.

Since the route had been decided, Ding Yi did not try again, but hid the visualization map in the bag in the kitchen of the wing room again, and then went to the bedroom and lay on the bed with wooden boards, and fell asleep after a while.

That night, Ding Yi had a dream for the first time. He dreamed that there were many statues of gods under him, gold, purple, and jade, and he was lying on the pile of statues and sleeping soundly. There were two beautiful maids beside him who were pinching his shoulders. He looked like a rich man.

I don’t know how long it took. When the sunlight outside the window shone into the main room, Ding Yi opened his eyes habitually.

He looked around at the unfamiliar environment, and then slowly sat up.

"These busy days."

Ding Yi sighed in his heart, then stood up, wiped his face casually, and hurried out.

After arriving at the station, Ding Yi hung his waist badge on the wooden rack and walked towards the case library.

On the way, Ding Yi met Zhou Yi who was going to the case library with him.

Zhou Yi looked at Ding Yi, but did not greet him. He walked forward with a cold face. Obviously, he was still angry about Ding Yi's rudeness yesterday.

Ding Yi didn't care about him. If such a small character was provoked, he would not bother to talk nonsense with him.

The two entered the case library one after the other and then started their day's work.

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