This is Ding Yi's first time out of the village.

He was very curious about everything around him, and even took out the Quicksand Chart and began to verify everything one by one.

"This quicksand map is indeed magical. Not only is the route clearly marked, but even some herbs will dynamically display their locations."

Ding Yi secretly took out the quicksand diagram from time to time and took a look. 뀞Zhong became more and more satisfied with the effect of the enhanced quicksand diagram.

But soon, Ding Yi stopped laughing.

He discovered that the direction the team was walking was heading towards the red 꽗 marked on the quicksand map.

Suddenly, a bad premonition appeared in Ding Yi's mind.

"놖草, isn't it? You won't be so unlucky, right?"

Ding Yi was frightened by his thoughts, but he did not dare to sneak away temporarily. After all, according to the leader of the old man, every time he went to the Taoist temple, he could not only exchange for fresh lamp oil, but also exchange for a certain amount of dried meat. The reason why each villager can only survive in the village now.

When Ding Yi came, he only had one oil lamp at home. Although this oil lamp was more effective and lasted longer, it was used up as soon as it was used up, and the lamp oil could not be replenished through secondary reinforcement.

Therefore, Ding Yi had no choice but to go to this Taoist temple.

Second, although Ding Yi was walking at the end of the team, he always felt that the villagers in front were staring at him and looking back from time to time to see if anyone was falling behind, which meant that Ding Yi had no room to escape at all.

"Just take it one step at a time. It shouldn't be a big problem, otherwise the people in Xiaotan Village would have been killed eight hundred times."

Ding Yi took a deep breath and suppressed the uneasiness in 뀞zhong, but he became more cautious and pressed the wooden board in the package. Only then did 뀞zhong feel slightly comforted.

There is nothing unusual about the scenery of this village. There are even flocks of birds flying over from time to time, making it appear full of life.

Vegetation of varying heights appeared on both sides of the road from time to time, and the faint sound of streams could be heard in the distance. This made Ding Yi wonder if his experience last night was an illusion.

Why is it so normal here during the day?

But Ding Yi didn't ask anyone, he just suppressed his doubts and did his best to observe the surroundings.

The group of people walked like this for most of the day, during which they took a collective rest, but soon started again.

Finally, before sunset, the group came to a hill.

Looking at the hill covered by rich vegetation in front of him, Ding Yi swallowed unconsciously, for no other reason than that the place in front of him was exactly the direction marked in red on the quicksand map!

"Murphy's law, whatever you're afraid of will come to you."

Ding Yi felt a little bitter in his mouth, but he saw that the team in front of him had begun to go up the mountain, and the surrounding sky was gradually getting darker. At this moment, he did not dare to stay where he was, and hurriedly followed those people towards the mountain.

Judging from the experience of most of the day, it is relatively safe in the wild during the day, but at night, it is hard to say.

And the place that everyone calls a Taoist temple actually looks like a Taoist temple.

Ding Yi followed the others and climbed halfway up the hillside, then saw this Taoist temple standing on the mountainside.

I don’t know if the red color on the quicksand map left a deep impression on Ding Yi. When he first saw the red-painted Taoist temple in the high courtyard, Ding Yi not only did not feel calm, but instead felt a little calm. Weird uneasiness.

"That's too much."

Ding Yi gritted his teeth, then tried his best to calm down, and then continued to follow the villagers up the path opened in the mountains.

After a while, everyone finally came to the Taoist temple.

In front of the Taoist temple's gate stood a Taoist priest wearing a gray linen robe.

This Taoist priest looked about ten years old, with thin cheeks. He smiled at the people who had just come up and said:

"You are here just in time, please come and watch."

Ding Yi, who was standing at the back of the team, looked at the Taoist priest and murmured in his heart.

They are both human beings. Although this Taoist priest is also thin, he is obviously more "popular" than these villagers.

But even so, Ding Yi still felt that he was not careless. After all, the icons given by Quicksand Map along the way were very correct, and it was definitely not an accident that Quicksand Map marked this place in red.

Thinking of this, Ding Yi immediately restrained himself, pretending to be like the villagers, expressionless, and slowly followed the team into the Taoist temple from the gate.

And as the last person entered, the door of the entire Taoist temple slowly closed, making a harsh "crunching" sound under the dim sunset, which was particularly clear in the silent mountains.

The villagers of Xiaotan Village obviously come here often. Under the leadership of the old man, the group passed directly through the vestibule of the Taoist temple and walked toward the rear along the long corridor on the subjective side.

Not long after, everyone passed through the corridor and came to the courtyard behind the Taoist temple.

Ding Yi, who was at the back of the team, had been quietly looking around at the Taoist temple. When he entered the backyard, he found that it occupied a large area. There were even some strange runes engraved on the surrounding walls, but what was more eye-catching was the It is a statue erected in the courtyard.

This statue is about three feet tall and stands in the center of the courtyard. It is carved with the image of a Taoist. I don’t know what it has to do with this Taoist temple.

"Quick, quick, quick!"

At this moment, the old man leading the team showed an anxious and longing look on his face, directing everyone to stand up one by one around the statue in the courtyard.

Although Ding Yi didn't know what to do next, he had no better way at the moment. He just followed the crowd and lined up around the statue in order.

When all the villagers stood in place, the Taoist who led the crowd in before touched his beard with a smile and said.

"The one who will preach this month is the master of Taiping Temple, Baiyun Zhenren. All villagers must listen carefully and understand well, and don't ruin the opportunity."

As he said, the Taoist suddenly bowed to the side, and Ding Yi realized that there was a person standing in the shadow next to him.

"I am Baiyunzi, and I will preach to you today."

With a slightly hoarse voice, an old Taoist with gray hair, narrow eyes, and eyebrows and beard over his ears walked out of the shadows, and slowly walked down the steps and came to the courtyard.

Seeing this man, the villagers, who were originally dull, became completely crazy. They all knelt down on the ground with a "thump", shouting:

"Old immortal, old immortal!!"

"Please save us, immortal!!"

Ding Yi in the crowd was shocked by this scene, but fortunately he had been paying attention to the movements around him, so he knelt down quickly, and at the same time, he kept slapping the ground with his hands, up and down, pretending to be crazy.

Just kidding, in terms of acting, he has never been afraid of anyone.

"The way of heaven has changed, all things will be killed, Greedy Wolf is too extreme, Purple Pivot Eight Turns..."

Seeing everyone like this, Bai Yun shook the dust in his hand and spoke slowly.

As Bai Yun spoke, the villagers who knelt down on the ground became more crazy, and some even hit their heads on the ground, making a dull "dong dong" sound.

"Nmd, is it that serious?"

Ding Yi looked at the surroundings with the corner of his eye. He just cursed and suddenly felt that the sound in his ears became unusually fuzzy, and he felt dizzy in his mind.

"Not good!"

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