The game only has 8 years of life, so I choose to play all in

Chapter 74: Moving into the Martial Arts Hall

Ding Yi stood there, not speaking, but fell into silence.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths... After waiting for more than ten breaths, Ding Yi didn't even move.

The people nearby from the Inner City Inspection Department thought that Ding Yi was going to resist, and had their swords ready, but after waiting for a long time, they didn't see any movement from Ding Yi. They just stood there as if they were lost.

"Get out of here!"

Finally, the man got impatient and drank again.

Ding Yi then looked up at the man, smiled, and then walked out of the passage without looking back.

"This person..."

The three inner city inspectors were a little strange when they saw Ding Yiyu leaving like this, but they didn't think much about it. They shook their heads and walked into the cave.

As soon as the three of them entered the cave, they saw Guo Fengchun kneeling on the ground with his head hanging down and his arms pulled by chains. One of them quickly stepped forward to check, and then shouted to the back:


After hearing this, the leader slowly walked over, pulled Guo Fengchun up by his hair, and said with some confusion:

"That kid was so cruel just now?"

"what to do?"

Someone asked next to him.

"Feed something and let's go."

The leader said, and then took out an oil paper bag from his arms.

께Opening it carefully, I saw some white powder wrapped in the oil paper bag!

The leader looked around, then picked up the bowl that Ding Yi had used just now, only to find that the water in it had been drunk, and there was blood on the edge of the bowl. He frowned at that moment.

But then, a sneer appeared at the corner of 놛's mouth, he took off his pants directly, and started peeing into the bowl.

After he finished urinating, 놛 put up his pants and walked back to Guo Fengchun with the bowl in hand. He then pinched Guo Fengchun's mouth and poured the white powder into his mouth, and then fed the urine in the bowl together. Got in!

After doing this, the three of them began to clean up the traces in the scene skillfully. After just a dozen breaths, many traces in the scene were erased by them. Even if professional investigators came over, they could not Find out some clues from the cell at this moment.

Finally, the leader opened Guo Fengchun's eyelids and found that his eyes had begun to become bloodshot. Knowing that the effect of the medicine was beginning to take effect, he waved his hand and led the two of them out of the door in a hurry.

When the three of them passed by the rest area, they said to the guard on duty:

"The prisoner fainted. Let's come back when he wakes up!"

The jailer responded quickly when he heard the words. Although he knew that the interrogation process of these three people was not in accordance with the rules, these three people had great backgrounds and it was not the 께께 jailer who could offend them enough.

On the other side, Ding Yi, who came out of the dungeon, didn't know who the three people were entrusted by, but he roughly guessed what the three people were going to do.

"I never imagined that there would be so many intrigues in this county, and even in these troubled times. Sure enough, as long as people's hearts remain unchanged, history will continue to repeat itself."

Ding Yi sighed in his heart and prepared to go to the martial arts school to tell Bai Wangyun that he was moving in.

As a true disciple, as long as you live in the martial arts hall, you will be assigned a separate wing with a large area, and there will even be dedicated maids and slaves to serve you.

Before Ding Yi came true, he only lived in Datongpu with his senior brothers, so he chose to run around every day.

In this situation, although it is still a bit uncomfortable to live in a martial arts gym, at least it is much safer.

Ding Yi, carrying his baggage, went directly to the martial arts hall, but saw that the senior brothers were still fighting hard in the courtyard.

It seemed that Ding Yi's dash had stimulated the crowd. The usually lazy guys all looked serious, which surprised Ding Yi.

Seeing Ding Yi entering the hospital, those people were all stunned, and then shouted "Senior Brother Ding" one after another.

After hearing this, Ding Yi remembered that as a true successor, his status was far above them. At this moment, they only called him senior brother, and Xue Bao became the most junior brother.

"Where's Senior Brother Cui?"

Ding Yi looked around but didn't see Cui Wancheng, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Senior Brother Cui has gone to the inner city."

Huang Xuyang said quickly.

"I heard that he entered the Zhao family as an offering!"

Someone else said.

"Zhao family..."

Ding Yi nodded slightly after hearing this.

In the inner city of Qingfeng County, there are three major families, namely the Zhao family, the Ma family and the Sun family.

In this inner city, apart from the county magistrate and the Supervision Department, the subordinates have the greatest say.

The Zhao family is in charge of the county's salt and rice business, the one above the Ma family is the Yin Yang Palace, which controls the medicine business, and the one standing behind the Sun family is the county magistrate Wang Ping, who controls the ironware and clothing businesses.

It can be said that the Zhao family is a little weaker here, but to ordinary people, it is still a behemoth.

"Senior Brother Ding, will you leave at noon when you come back today? I'm treating you!"

Huang Xuyang shouted again at this moment.

"No, I have to patrol the streets in the afternoon, so I won't eat at noon."

Ding Yi smiled and shook his head, then walked towards the wing in the backyard.

When he arrived in the backyard, Ding Yi found that Bai Wangyun was still sitting there drinking tea as usual, and he quickly stepped forward and bowed and said:

"Master, my disciple has something to say."

Bai Wangyun put down the teapot, glanced at Ding Yi, and then said with a smile:

"Do you want to come back and live there?"


Ding Yi was stunned and couldn't help but look up at Bai Wangyun.

"There was such a big commotion last night. All the reputable people in Qingfeng County know something about it. It doesn't matter, you can come back and I'll ask 께Luo to arrange a wing for you."

Bai Wangyun said slowly.

"Thank you Master!"

Ding Yi was surprised in his heart. He secretly thought that the martial arts in the blood-changing realm were not only very powerful, but also had an internal circle to pass on the news. At the same time, he was glad that his apprenticeship was really a success. It only took forty taels to change to a blood-changing bodyguard. What should I say? Not even a loss.

"Practice your boxing well, and when you enter the Zang refining system, you will be truly transformed!"

Bai Wangyun glanced at Ding Yi, and then reminded him.

Now that Ding Yi has joined the Inspection Department, it stands to reason that Bai Wangyun is a little helpless.

After all, he has to patrol during the day and only has time to practice at night.

But individuals have their own choices. As a master, Bai Wangyun only wants to teach his apprentices well. This martial arts training requires a lot of money and precious medicine. Without a personal job, how can he support it?

"Disciple understands."

Ding Yi quickly bowed again and said.

In this way, Ding Yi settled in the martial arts hall.

At night, Ding Yi resumed the steps of decoction.

Although the current 놛 can already refine the yin and yang demons that are used to forge the bones every night, this does not conflict with the effect of the enhanced Qi and Blood Powder. With a two-pronged approach, the bone forging speed will naturally be faster.

At the same time, Bai Yuan Fanquan also has to find a way to improve his level.

According to Bai Wangyun, the reason why viscera refining is a leap forward in martial arts is that it all depends on the skin and periosteum to compress the qi and blood in the body, and the energy is cultivated in the organs.

This Gang Jin is related to boxing strength. Which kind of punch you practice will be what kind of strength you produce.

The higher the proficiency in this boxing technique, the faster the strength will be developed. Therefore, there is a saying that "blood travels to the five internal organs, and fist strength travels around the body."

After martial arts enters the internal organs training, it is necessary to use fist strength to suppress the energy and blood entering the internal organs. Over time, a trace of Gang Jin will be accumulated. Therefore, a good boxing technique is extremely important for martial arts to refine the internal organs.

However, there are natural differences between boxing techniques and boxing techniques, so there will be differences between the internal organs training due to the different strength and strength.

Thinking about the one hundred and eight disaster stars, there are one hundred and eight powerful powers, more than three thousand kinds of powers, plus martial arts, there may be tens of thousands of powerful powers.

This also made Ding Yi sigh, this martial arts training is not easy, and it is also subject to many factors such as boxing skills, body skills, etc. It is no wonder that using martial arts to become a rare person in the land of fairyland, this road is really too difficult .

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