Inner city, Tiangong Mansion.

Yu Rongguang was sitting on a big chair, holding a maid in each hand, and another kneeling at his feet. He just leaned back with his eyes closed, with a satisfied look on his face.

In the room, a hint of yin and yang evil slowly floated, which made the maids' faces flush and their eyes completely blurred.

Suddenly, Yu Rongguang's face changed, he sat up straight, then pushed away the maids on the left and right, then put on his coat and walked out of the door.

Outside the door, a shadow was standing there. Seeing Yu Guangrong come out, he immediately stepped forward and said something in his ear.

After a long while, after Yu Rongguang finished listening to the man's words, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"놖That junior sister left the inner city in the middle of the night?"

"Let someone find out what she did!"

Yu Rongguang thought for a while and then said:

"Something happened with the Black Dragon Gang again this morning. Find someone to settle it. Also, tell Ma Dongyuan, this loser, that if you let him wipe his ass again, let him get out of his position as the leader of the Black Dragon Gang! "

After hearing the words, the figure bowed slightly, then turned and left.

"Tmd, these losers will be killed when I finish my term of office!"

Yu Rongguang watched the shadow leave, cursed, then turned around and walked into the side room again.

Early the next morning, Ding Yi went to the Inspection Department with a food box in his arms.

As soon as I entered the gate of the Inspection Department, I was standing in the middle of the courtyard and everyone just looked over.

"Ha! Isn't this Ding Hai!"

"Finally willing to come?"

Everyone laughed, and it was obvious that they envied Ding Yi for taking the shortcut.

"Don't make fun of me, everyone. Where is your head?"

Ding Yi shook his head and said.

"It's inside."

Someone pointed to the wing.

"The people from Yin Yang Palace sent someone here early in the morning, and Tou and that person have been talking inside for half an hour."

Ding Yi listened thoughtfully and nodded.

After a while, the door of the wing opened, and a woman wearing a maid uniform came out, but she walked towards the door without looking away.

Seeing this, everyone stopped their discussion, quickly divided the two sides, and made a way in the middle.

After the woman left, everyone looked at the door of the wing.

Sure enough, Liu BuTong came out, but there was no emotion or anger on his face. He gave a sermon as usual and then sent everyone off to do their own things.

But before leaving, Liu Butong looked at Ding Yi and waved him over.

Ding Yi walked up to Liu BuTong, who looked up at Ding Yi and then quietly gave a thumbs up.

"Boy Ding, you're awesome. It's not bad to serve Master Yin Yang Palace."

When Ding Yi heard this, he immediately knew that this guy must have misunderstood again, and he immediately showed an embarrassed smile.

"Okay, someone came from the inner city just now and said that the Black Dragon Gang matter will be handed over to you for trial. Isn't that what you are holding in the box?"

Liu BuTong pointed to Ding Yi's food box again.

"It's 놅, head."

Ding Yi said.

"Get rid of it quickly. Although it is isolated in a wooden box, it still has an impact. After you register it in the case library, you can find Li Baozheng. He will tell you what to do!"

"Also, Scarface, who was captured from the Black Dragon Gang, is being held in a cell. You can get in with this."

Liu BuTong said, then took out a token from his waist and handed it to Ding Yi.

Afterwards, Liu BuTong took care of himself and left, leaving Ding Yi a little stunned.

No, just let yourself deal with these broken pieces so casually?

Don’t you want it?

Are you still asking yourself to interrogate the Black Dragon Gang?

Double happiness is coming, it’s time to celebrate! !

At this moment, Ding Yi secretly thought that after so many days of decline, he was finally in good health!

After Liu BuTong left, Ding Yi immediately came to the case library.

In the document warehouse, various files from Qingfeng County over the years were displayed. At this moment, two scribes were sorting and cataloging there. When Ding Yi walked in, one of them immediately came over.

"My lord, are you here to register?"

the scribe asked.

"That's right, I'm here to register a black dragon gang incident."

Ding Yi said.

"Sir, to register a case, at least two people are needed, and they also need to be accompanied by supervisors. It is not enough for one person."

When the scribe saw Ding Yi coming alone, he immediately smiled and said.

"Is this okay?"

Ding Yi slapped the token that Liu BuTong gave him directly on the table.

The man glanced at the token, then at Ding Yi, and then nodded silently.

Seeing this, Ding Yi smiled and took back the token. At the same time, the man sat down and took out a thick registration book.

"Sir, you can tell me now. Let me describe it according to the events, places, characters, and results."

The man dipped his brush in ink and then spoke.

After Ding Yi heard the words, he sorted out his thoughts in his mind, and then began to speak slowly.

After a cup of tea, Ding Yishang ended his narration and added a sentence at the end:

"The broken statue is very harmful, so I destroyed it the next day."

When the scribe heard this, he raised his head and glanced at Ding Yi, but said nothing and continued to record.

Finally, the scribe handed the register to Ding Yi and asked him to put his fingerprints on it, and the case was fully understood.

Ding Yi came out of the case library with a smile on his face, and then went to find Li Baozheng.

At this moment, Li Baozheng was sitting in a tea stall on the street drinking tea. Seeing Ding Yi coming over with a wooden box, he frowned immediately.

"Fuck you, you haven't been here for a week, and you're already imitating Old Li to mess around?"

As soon as Ding Yi sat down, Li Baozheng laughed and scolded.

"What are you messing around for? The boss is arranging things."

Ding Yi took out the food box and put it on the small table, and patted it with his hand.

"What the hell?"

Li Baozheng was puzzled.

"The broken statue of the god."

Ding Yi said in a low voice.


Li Baozheng jumped up and yelled at Ding Yi:

"You motherfucker, I just chopped you off at that time, and you hurt me like this!!"

Ding Yi didn't understand and asked:

"Why are you yelling so loudly!"

"Bullshit! You want to kill me? Get it away from me!"

Li Baozheng said in a low voice.

"The boss told me to find you to solve it, and if you don't care, then go back."

Ding Yi stood up and pretended to leave.

"Okay, okay, you motherfucker, take your things and follow me!"

Seeing this, Li Baozheng felt helpless, took his own clothes, threw a few copper coins on the stall, and left with Ding Yi.

The two of them went back to the patrol station one after the other, and Li Baozheng said to Ding Yi:

"How dare you take the broken statue casually? You really want to die!"

Ding Yi was puzzled:

"Aren't you holding the wooden box?"

"The evil spirit is very strange. Just because you can't see it or feel it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Go and destroy it!"

Li Baozheng said.

Ding Yi was thoughtful after hearing this. Isn't this the same as radiation?

So, this statue is really a radiation source. If you use the statue to generate a kind of evil core reactor, can you get evil spirit continuously?

After thinking about it, Ding Yi still felt that it was a bit far-fetched. The world had no idea that uranium-235 and plutonium-239 were used in nuclear reactors. Even if he could become strong out of thin air, his life span would be a very long time.

"Forget it, I'll try it again when I have a chance."

Ding Yi thought to himself.

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