The game only has 8 years of life, so I choose to play all in

Chapter 59 Go back and rest. You can't even walk properly.

No one spoke that night. Ding Yi fell asleep against the wall of the kitchen in the second half of the night and woke up slowly when the sky just got bright the next day.

When he woke up, Ding Yi first took a look at the thin wire tied to the door. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was nothing unusual, and then he slowly stood up.

Although the thin wire was ordinary, Ding Yi had woven it into a spider web shape, covering half of the door frame.

Even if the witch came here on tiptoe last night, it would be impossible for her to come in without touching these thin wires.

After slightly adjusting the book at the base of his legs, Ding Yi recalled his experience yesterday and couldn't help but grin again.

Although only one night had passed, he was different today from yesterday. From today on, he, Ding Yi, would definitely trample all these demons who worshipped gods under his feet and become his eternal reputation!

Ding Yi's mouth was grinning more and more. Suddenly, he heard a slight movement from the next room, and his expression instantly returned to calm.

Ding Yi came to the door, picked up the bottle leaning against the corner, and pulled down the thin wire on the door, hiding them in the firewood pile in the kitchen, and then walked out of the kitchen slowly.

"My dear, I have to go to report for duty."

Ding Yi said with a fist to the closed bedroom door.

After a few breaths, a crisp voice came from the room.

"Master, go with peace of mind. Xiao He will take care of the house!"

Ding Yi's eyelids twitched again when he heard this, and he cursed the dog demon woman in his heart, and then turned and walked out of the yard.

After leaving the yard, Ding Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He slightly twisted his right leg tied with books, adjusted a slightly comfortable posture, and then walked towards the inspection department.

After entering the Inspection Office, Ding Yi found that the door of the station had been opened, and three or four colleagues from the Inspection Office were already standing in the courtyard.

Ding Yi hurriedly trotted into the courtyard and hung his waist badge on the vertical sign, but heard a surprised voice next to him:

"Ding Hai, you can still come today?"

Ding Yi turned his head and found that everyone in the courtyard was looking at him in surprise. He was stunned and then said:

"I took a leave on the first day of duty yesterday. I can't do this again today."

"Ah? Then, did the people from the Yin-Yang Palace make things difficult for you?"

One person looked at the door and then asked carefully.


Ding Yi said.


Another person said.

"Go ahead, this kid is dead!"

A rough voice came from the side. Ding Yi looked over and found that it was Li Bao who was picking his teeth and looking at him.

"Why, is this dangerous?"

Ding Yi was a little confused.

"Not really, haha."

Everyone stopped talking tacitly, and then walked towards the wing room behind the courtyard.

Ding Yi looked at this scene, and suddenly had some guesses in his mind, but still followed everyone out of the courtyard.

Liu Bu Tong seemed to be in a depressed mood today, but when he saw Ding Yi walking into the courtyard, his fat face twitched violently.

"Go do your own things, Ding Hai, come here!"

This time, Liu Bu Tong didn't say much, just waved to everyone, and then left Ding Yi.

After everyone dispersed, Ding Yi came to Liu Bu Tong, clasped his fists and said:

"Boss, you call me."

"Well, did you have any... well, special needs yesterday?"

Liu Bu Tong asked.


Ding Yi was stunned.

"Ahem, then, OK, Ding Hai, you should serve the special envoy of Yin Yang Palace well these days, and you don't have to come to report every day." Liu Bu Tong suddenly said. "Boss, you misunderstood. The special envoy went to check some things." Ding Yi said hurriedly. "Ding Hai, your walking posture is a little wrong. Don't explain. I understand." Liu Bu Tong said earnestly, then shook his head and wanted to leave. "Boss, I came here today to ask if there is any more dangerous work." Ding Yi looked at Liu Bu Tong and said hurriedly. "Dangerous? The work of our patrol department is dangerous, such as you now." Liu Bu Tong said with a fake smile. "Boss, that's not what I meant. Is there anything that can clean up the external evil?" Ding Yi said. "Huh?" Liu Bu Tong didn't expect Ding Yi to say that, and was stunned immediately. "Boss, to be honest, I fled here from another state, and my whole family was killed by the disaster star..."

Ding Yi said this, clenching his right fist tightly, as if he was bearing unimaginable anger.

Liu Bu Tong heard this and then remembered that Ding Yi was still a foreigner. He frowned and thought for a moment before saying:

"Ding Hai, although I sympathize with your experience, you must do everything within your ability. The disaster star is not so easy to deal with. We will talk about it later when we have a chance."

Liu Bu Tong patted Ding Yi on the shoulder, and then left the courtyard without caring what Ding Yi said, and no one knew where he went.

"It's a bad start."

Ding Yi looked at Liu Bu Tong's back and the empty courtyard, muttering.

However, Ding Yi did not feel dejected, but followed him out of the courtyard and walked towards the direction of Bai's martial arts hall.

If one way doesn't work, then try another way.

As soon as he entered the martial arts hall, Ding Yi heard the familiar sound of training.

Ding Yi came to the backyard with ease and saw the brothers in the courtyard working hard to practice Bai's boxing technique.

The appearance of Ding Yi naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"Hello, Senior Brother Ding!"

Huang Xuyang was the first to shout.

"Senior Brother Ding..."

"Good morning, Senior Brother Ding!"

Immediately afterwards, the others woke up from a dream and shouted at the top of their lungs.

Cui Wancheng, who was standing in front of everyone, also smiled at Ding Yi and asked:

"Seventh Junior Brother, why do you have time to come here today?"

"Senior Brother Cui, I would like to ask Master some questions."

Ding Yi said quickly.

"That's how it should be. There's no end to learning. Master should be just getting up at this moment. 놖늀 won't take you with him."

Cui Wancheng smiled and nodded, and then shouted to the people behind him:

"See, Junior Brother Ding has become a martial artist in a month. Be careful of arrogance and impetuosity. Ask for advice with an open mind! What other excuses do you have for being lazy?!"

This roar startled Ding Yi, who hurriedly walked towards the corridor next to him, not daring to look at the faces of the other people at all.

At this moment, Ding Yi knew what it meant to be a target, like a ray of light on his back.

When Ding Yi came to the side room at the back, he found Bai Wangyun just walking out of the side room, so he clasped his fists and said:


"Huh? Why are you here so early today?"

Bai Wangyun was a little surprised.

"I have encountered some problems and would like to ask the master for advice."

Ding Yi said quickly.

"Well, let's not talk about anything else first. Come on, have a few moves with 놖 and let 놖 see your strength."

Bai Wangyun waved to Ding Yi and said casually.


Ding Yi was stunned.

It's not that he's afraid, but he's currently practicing "White Ape Turning Python", which is far from Bai's boxing technique. If he makes a move, he will definitely be discovered.

"What's the matter? Looking at the old bones of the master, are you afraid of breaking the master?"

Seeing Ding Yi's embarrassed look, Bai Wangyun's expression suddenly turned serious.

"Master, I'm good at using a knife."

After Ding Yi thought for a few breaths, 놙 was able to say this.

"It doesn't matter what you use, come on, use all your strength!"

Bai Wangyun rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Ding Yi.

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