When Ding Yi returned home, he first checked some of the small mechanisms that he had set up before leaving, and found that they were not triggered. Then he went directly to the inner room and prepared to write down the "Bai's Bone Forging Method" he had just read.

With just a stick of incense, Ding Yi wrote out a rough outline of the steps of "Bai's Bone Forging Method" on a white paper. As for the details, he chose to go over them in one stroke.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yi wrote the words "efficient bone forging" and "fit" on the back of the white paper, placed the white paper in front of his eyes, and stared at it expectantly.

[Currently can be strengthened. Required life span is 2 years and 27 days. Should it be strengthened? 】

Looking at the words in front of him, Ding Yixin hesitated slightly, and then chose yes.

【White Ape Bone Refining】

[Bai's Bone Refining Method was born out of Bai's Martial Arts School. The white ape is used as a guide. Watch it walk, sit, lie down, leap and fly, and you will get a bone refining method]

"Good guy, it turns out that 꺗 is related to the white ape. I won't become a gorilla in the end."

Ding Yi looked at the book in his hand, and then opened the first page, only to find that this time there was no visualization diagram in the book, but there was an extremely detailed description of the bone forging sequence.

There are a total of 206 bones in the human body, and the White Ape bone refining method emphasizes starting from the top and working out slowly.

The book also says that because the human skull is the most important, with 29 pieces in total, it protects the human brain tissue. Therefore, only after you are completely familiar with the bone forging process can you try the Qi-blood hammer forging of the brain bones.

"This is much more detailed than the description of Bai's bone forging method."

Ding Yi rubbed his chin and looked at it for a while, and suddenly he had a general idea in his mind, and then he was ready to try the feeling of bone forging.

He first came to the boiling stove, unwrapped the medicinal materials that had been strengthened last night, and poured the powder inside into the teapot on the stove.

This bluish-gray medicinal powder melts when it enters the water, instantly dyeing the transparent well water into dark brown, and at the same time emits a pungent medicinal smell.

"This thing..."

Ding Yi looked at the potion in front of him and felt a little uncomfortable, but there was no way. He couldn't overcome this level of difficulty. How could he become stronger?

Thinking of this, Ding Yi wrapped the handle of the pot with a thick cloth, picked up the pot, and poured the potion into the prepared bowl.

Then, Ding Yi fanned it for a few minutes. He touched the edge of the bowl and felt that the temperature was almost there. Then he picked up the bowl and drank the potion in it.

Feeling the hot concoction pouring down his throat and into his stomach, Ding Yi quickly put down the bowl in his hand, took a few steps back, and assumed the starting position of "White Ape Turning Python Fist".

After just a few breaths, Ding Yi felt a strange heat surge in his stomach.


Ding Yi's eyes narrowed, and he immediately twisted his crotch and punched. 껙꿗 let out a soft drink, and the muscles all over his body suddenly undulated regularly like waves.

Under the powerful external action of skin squeezing, the surging Qi and blood in Ding Yi's meridians were wrapped in the ape and python force, constantly pressing towards the right leg bones in Ding Yi's body. At the same time, his stomach The hot current in the buttocks followed the qi and blood and was pressed toward the bone.

At that moment, a strong pain rushed to Ding Yi's brain. He seemed to feel that his bones were being pricked by needles. His body shook involuntarily and he was suddenly relieved.

"Fuck, this hurts too much."

With just one movement, cold sweat appeared on Ding Yi's forehead, and he cursed.

It has to be said that this is the first time Ding Yi has experienced the feeling of qi and blood forging bones. This is different from the pain of skin grinding.

In the dermabrasion state, the whole body feels like ant bites, the skin is painful and itchy, but in this bone forging, there is real bone pain, just like ventilation.

"No, if you leave it like this, the effect of the medicine will soon wear off."

Ding Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then opened his boxing stance again. This time, Ding Yi mobilized the Evergreen Qi in his body, hoping that it would have the same analgesic effect as during dermabrasion.

With Ding Yi's control, the Evergreen Qi rushed towards his leg bones along with the heat and blood from his stomach, and began to impact again.

At this time, Ding Yi obviously felt that the pain dropped sharply, and the pain was less than one-tenth of what it was just now, and it was completely within the tolerable range. When Ding Yi was overjoyed, he quickly kept his mind tight and started for the first time. Qi and blood impact.

In this way, after Ding Yi exercised for a total of sixteen times, he found that the bone heat flow in his stomach had disappeared. It was obvious that the effect of the medicine had expired, but Ding Yi did not stop immediately, but continued to try purely by relying on it. Qi and blood hit the leg bones, but the effect was greatly reduced, and the strong feeling was like cloud mud.

"This enhanced medicinal soup is very powerful. I don't know what the effect of the enhanced Qi and Blood Pill will be. It should be stronger."

Ding Yi stood up after his success, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and thought to himself.

After the bones of his legs were completely forged, Ding Yi learned a light skill. After the bones of his arms were completely forged, the power of his White Ape Fist and Python Fist doubled.

But Ding Yi calculated the consumption of his lifespan and suddenly felt a little unsure.

The lifespan of more than seventy years seems to be a lot, but after supporting the cultivation of the Bone Forging Realm, there is not much left, let alone the more advanced martial arts realm later, the lifespan spent must be a number. .

"No, don't slack off, don't be complacent because of your temporary gains."

Ding Yixin sighed, but he had already drank the medicinal soup once tonight, and drinking another bowl would only hurt his health, so he went to the well in the yard and got a bucket of cold water, then hurriedly wiped his body and went Go to sleep.

As soon as the next day dawned, Ding Yi put on the uniform he received from the Inspection Department yesterday and prepared to report to the Inspection Department's station.

I have to say that the lady who fit Ding Yi yesterday did have two brushes. This set of Feiyun clothes fit her very well. There was even a cool feeling coming from the clothes, which made her used to wearing shabby linen clothes. Ding Yi feels very good.

"It's my first day at work today, and I don't know if I'll find a good job."

Ding Yi checked the knife and then looked around the house. After finding that nothing was missing, he opened the door and left the house.

Ding Yi, who was walking on the road, suddenly understood the importance of identity.

He used to walk on the road like a transparent person, but now when he walked on the road, people on the street kept greeting him.

"Hello, Master!"

"Good morning!"

Ding Yi ignored him and walked straight forward without squinting. But the more he did this, the more words of praise he heard around him started to pour out.

"Master Cha is so majestic!"

"This young gentleman is so unfamiliar. Why haven't I seen him before?"

"If my daughter becomes this man's concubine, it will be such a blessing!"

"Damn it, look at the way you're bleeding. Are you afraid that you want to warm the bed for me?!"

Ding Yi listened all the way, and finally felt that his ears were a little calloused, but fortunately he had arrived near the patrol station, and there were fewer pedestrians on the street, so he felt a little calmer. A little more.

At this moment, there were several officers in Feiyun uniforms standing outside the station, waiting to pass the news, and Ding Yi's arrival also attracted their attention.

"Oh, a newcomer, so young!"

Someone looked at the Feiyun suit on Ding Yi and said in surprise.

"It seems that the big thing I told us yesterday is this. It's interesting. It's not easy to become a martial artist these days. I don't know where it comes from."

Ding Yi walked over, and several officials over there suddenly greeted Ding Yi.

"Little brother, you're new here. We are a family after this, so don't be nervous."

Someone laughed, looked at Ding Yi and said.

"Brothers, I reported yesterday."

Ding Yi responded with a smile.

"It's easy to talk about. It's worth waiting. My brother will take you to Goulan to listen to some songs and meet you in person."

Another person also said with a smile.

While everyone was talking and laughing, the door to the station suddenly opened slowly inward. At the same time, the sound of banging was heard in the small courtyard.

"It's almost time! Come in quickly!"

With a loud shout, everyone immediately swarmed into the small courtyard.

Ding Yi, who was at the back, also followed everyone into the small courtyard. After hanging his waist badge on the vertical sign at the front of the courtyard, he followed the others through the small courtyard and entered the side room at the back.

In the wing, a man wearing Feiyun day clothes stood in front of the room with his hands behind his back, and beside him was a young woman wearing a green gauze dress.

As soon as the excited crowd arrived, they saw the woman next to the man at first sight, and their whole bodies tensed up, and the smiles on their faces instantly fell away.

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