latest URL: The leaders of several invited elven mercenary groups were very crisp, and the shadow surrogate, the dark dwarf Hearthstone, found that the prepared belly of words was not used at all, and the other party signed the contract.

And until a few elves withdrew, he looked at the blood contract that had been signed and was silent.

“Lord Priest, what are you thinking? ”

Another dark dwarf came in front of him, it was the gray-robed dwarf who had guided Little Salty Meow before.

Hearthstone was silent for a moment and said:

“I was thinking… They promised too crisply. ”

The gray-robed dwarf nodded:

“Lord Priest, you are right, I am afraid that these elves have other plans… Moreover, I think you told each other all our plans, didn’t you…”

“Isn’t it a little too bold and reckless? ”

Hearthstone smiled.

The gray-robed dwarf nodded:

“We’ve been preparing for so long… If something goes wrong and you can’t control Black Rock City all at once, I’m afraid you will completely lose the opportunity to resist…”

Hearthstone listened, shook his head, and said:

“Don’t worry, I didn’t plan to rely on these elves to contribute in the first place, and the plans mentioned in the contract are all fake. ”

“What? ”

The gray-robed dwarf was stunned.

“Hehe, how could I possibly put all my hopes on these elves, just to make trouble through their hands. Bahrain has a right saying, although these elves are not high-strength, they are not afraid of death, and if they make trouble, it is indeed a good opportunity…”

Hearthstone said.

After speaking, he smiled again:

“But… Bahrain is also right in saying that there is indeed a powerful existence behind these elves! Quests, sacrifices, true gods… Judging from the content of the surveillance, they did not mention these words, although the specific real name of the other party was withheld,

But it is indeed a mythical existence. ”

Myths exist!

The existence of demigods and above is for mythology!

“So… This blood contract, do not have to pay too much attention to the heart, the demigod-level existence shot, the blood contract we set, if you unravel, it is also easy. ”

“If it is better to believe the rhetoric of the contract, if they do not believe and tell everything to the Temple of Death, then it is not harmful to us. ”

“Anyway… The Temple of Death has long known that we are lurking in the dark, and it is not bad news, and the plan on the blood contract, the elves do not know, but the one in the Temple of Death cannot see that it is all, the elves have no other evidence, maybe the Temple of Death will suspect the elves…”

“However, what if the elves really believe in the words above the blood contract, and take the initiative to attack the Temple of Death in the city, let us take the opportunity to achieve our goal, and give them some benefits when the time comes? ”

“Hehe, the blood contract only gave them two days, we’ll just wait and see.” ”

Hearthstone laughed.

“Let’s go, stay here for a while, maybe it will attract her minions.” ”


The other side.

After signing the blood contract, Xiao Xian Meow and several people withdrew.

Under Eve’s manipulation, the three walked side by side until they reached a quiet and secluded alley in Black Rock City.

“We can’t take their word for it, and since we have reached a friendly agreement with the Dark Dwarf’s high-level, we can’t make a betrayal. ”

“Little Xian Meow” said righteously, her expression excited, revealing two cute little tiger teeth.

“That’s right! We elves are a noble race, we can’t betray our friends, we just signed the blood contract is a helpless move behind enemy lines, and now we have escaped, we must take everything seriously! ”

“Demacia” agreed awe-inspiringly, his expression serious, but a funny explosive head somewhat spoiled the atmosphere.

“Agreed! Even if it is a death, we can’t let the elves become a dishonest race! Moreover, it is said that the God of Darkness and Shadow is also related to the Sauron Chamber of Commerce and is also the enemy of our elven race! ”

“Fried tomatoes with tomatoes” kept nodding, but it looked the most normal.

Then, the three said in unison:

“This matter involves a dispute over the belief of the true God, or report it to the goddess, so that the goddess can make a decision! ”


In the air, there was silence for a while.

Suddenly, the three people’s bodies shook, and they instantly got out of the state of loss of control just now, and regained control of their bodies.

Xiao Xian Meow’s eyes widened, and while moving his limbs, he said:

“Finally able to control the body, is this a cutscene? What an awkward conversation…”

“Hahaha! The local tyrant meows that expression you just spoke… Hahaha… It’s really funny, this young tooth face you pinched is really not very suitable for a serious expression …, there is no deterrent at all, really only cute, especially the two little tiger teeth … Hahahaha… I’ve already recorded it…”

Demacia couldn’t help but laugh.

“Get out! Delete it for the old lady! ”

Xiao Xian Meow’s face darkened, and she kicked him fiercely, kicking him into the mud.

And the fried tomato with tomatoes looked at the backup contract in his hand and said with a pout:

“Although “Elven Nation” is good in all aspects, the plot design is still too rigid… I still learned from ‘me’ myself that the god of darkness and shadow is even related to human caravans…”

“It should be a plot bug, right? Maybe according to some official assumptions, we should know these news first, right? It is possible that this hidden thread was triggered accidentally. ”

Xiao Xian Meow said while stepping on Demacia’s ass with her high-heeled boots.

“So… Is the next plot to find the goddess? ”

A hint of anticipation flashed in the eyes of the tomato fried tomato.

“Huh? A blood cursed debuff has appeared in my personal system, do you have one? ”

At this time, Demacia, who was struggling to get up from the ground, saw the change in the personal status bar.

“Huh? I also have, I’ll look at the instructions… Not…… The blood contract curse signed with the dark dwarf, if the contract is broken, will die, unless the great being is asked to intervene to eliminate it… The time limit is two days. ”

Xiao Xian meowed.




“Groove! I have been brushing the toilet some time ago and did not do other tasks at all, the number of perfect resurrections is already 0! Can’t die again these two days! ”

Demacia’s face changed.

“Exchange the number of resurrections with the degree of contribution, it’s not expensive, I have saved more than thirty times, your pyramid scheme has made a storm, it should not be bad money.” ”

Xiao Xian Meow said strangely.



“Tuhao Meow, it’s not expensive for you, but the contribution degree of my pyramid scheme has just been exchanged for an armor in purple and black, and it has already been spent… Can’t die anymore! Or…… You lend me points? ”

Demacia sighed.

“Get out! Find your shepherd brother to borrow it! ”

Demacia: …

“The curse… There should be a way to remove it, right? Great existence… Could it be a goddess? ”

Fried tomatoes with tomatoes frowned.

Just after speaking, a new system prompt message appeared in the vision of the three people——


[You decided to report the news you got to Goddess Eve, and after the goddess decided, you will make plans for the next step…]

Seeing this news, Xiao Xian Meow and several people lifted their spirits.

“Report to the goddess, is it the original summoned by the goddess and talking to the goddess? ”

Xiao Xianmeow’s eyes lit up slightly.

“It should be! The last time I triggered the plot, I was summoned to her temple by the goddess, and I was rewarded handsomely! ”

Demacia said excitedly.

“The goddess should be able to lift the curse! And it’s also the key to the next story! ”

Tomato fried tomatoes judged.

After speaking, the three nodded to each other and made a decision:

“Let’s go, let’s go to the shrine of the goddess now! ”

After that, the three of them quickened their pace and soon left Black Rock City.


There’s the main quest again! And it’s still a hidden main line!

The news that Xiao Xian Meow and several people triggered the mission soon spread among the players.

More precisely, it was passed first among the three major guilds…

Although I don’t know what the task triggered this time is, it seems to involve the internal problems of the dark dwarves, and even Xiaoxian Meow once again triggered the special plot of “Meet the Goddess”!

This is a rather rare story in “Elven Country”!

And according to the first experience, it is estimated that the three people will receive a huge reward again.

Of course…… The news was released by the triumphant Demacia.

This house actually triggered the plot of “Meet the Goddess” twice in a row, which made other players itch their teeth with envy.

And this incident also made other players look forward to the hidden main quest triggered this time…

You know, the last mission, but directly opened the battle with the goblin, a large number of players were promoted to the black iron rank at that time!

As you can imagine, I’m afraid that this time the plot mission will be a big move again, and it is likely to be related to the dwarves…

Last time it was promoted to the lower position of the black body, this time… Maybe a group of players will be promoted to the middle of the black iron!

For a time, many players who were close to leveling up accelerated the speed of monster leveling, intending to improve their strength and eat as much experience and contribution as possible in the next mission.

And Xiao Xian Meow a few people, UU reading also came to Eve’s temple.

Alice, who had already received Eve’s oracle, was already ready in the temple, and she nodded slightly to the three players who entered the temple and said:

“Her Majesty the Mother God has known your intentions, and He has accepted your request. ”

After speaking, she came first to the statue and bowed down reverently.

Xiao Xian Meow and several people also suppressed the joy in their hearts, and they also knelt beside Saint Alice.

Led by the Elven Saint, the three began to pray facing the idol:

“Praise Mother Nature, praise the goddess of life, praise the great elven lord – Eve Eukterahir! ”

In an instant, a brilliant holy light shrouded the temple, engulfing the three players who were kneeling…

They were in a trance and found that the scene around them had completely changed.

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