latest URL: Not to mention the dark dwarf, even Eve, who was secretly observing, was stunned.

But soon, he reacted…

Players are meant to be able to do anything in order to complete missions and become stronger.

Since they have taken on the task he has given, then they will definitely seize any opportunity to complete the task!

When the mission to gain the friendship of the dark dwarves is triggered, I am afraid that they will be ready to show favor to the dwarves or even lick the dogs…

It must be what the NPCs say, they will do…

After all, in their opinion, the dwarves they met this time are likely to become elf-like mission NPCs!

Soon, the players took off their main equipment and handed over all the equipment to the few remaining First Legion and scattered players for safekeeping, leaving only the simple clothes inside the equipment.

And seeing their movements so quickly, the female dwarf opened her mouth and did not know what to say …

In the end, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh:

“Worthy of being a bright elven race! ”

“Hmph, temple masters, they did it so crisply, be careful that there is a conspiracy behind it! ”

At this moment, the old dwarf said again, his gaze still wary when he looked at the players, and his words were filled with a strong hostility.

The female dwarf frowned, she looked at the players, but was surprised to find that even after listening to the old dwarf’s words, the players did not have the slightest anger.

And the elf at the head even smiled and said:

“If you’re worried about us, you can arrange for dwarf warriors to spy on us, we really just want to make friends with the dwarves. ”

Listening to the words of fried tomatoes with tomatoes, the female dwarf’s expression eased slightly.

“Lord of the Temple! ”

Seeing her expression, the old dwarf still wanted to speak, but was stopped by her reaching out:

“Elder Balin,

OK. ”

After that, she signaled the dwarf soldiers to let go of the encirclement of the players, and sighed at the same time:

“They are true elves, I believe in the character of the elves, and I admire the silver race. They are also a wandering race that has lost their home, since they come with friendship, we dark dwarves should also receive them warmly…”

The Dark Dwarves are a branch of the Surface Dwarves, who were first driven and fled underground as losers, so… Although they have already made their home in the underground world, it is normal to deprecate themselves as a wandering race.

“Temple Master…”

The old dwarf still wanted to say something, but looking at the female dwarf with a resolute expression, he could only shake his head and turn to leave.

After that, the female priest saluted the players and said:

“Welcome, noble elves! ”

At the same time, the surrounding dwarf warriors also put away their weapons.

Seeing this scene, a hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the players, and some people even couldn’t help cheering, but they were quickly pulled by other players with two light coughs, and whispered:

“Pay attention to the image, pay attention to the image …”

Then…… In the company of the dwarves, they finally got their way into the city!


“So… Did you really let them in? There was no conflict at all? ”

In a dark secret room, several short figures discussed in low voices, and the first to speak was a low voice, which was also the existence that had been called by others as Lord Divine Commander before.

“That’s right… Agreed, and after the elves had removed their main gear, she let them in, leaving only some soldiers to monitor their movements. And…… There was no conflict between the two sides. ”

Another husky voice said.


Everyone was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, a deep voice let out a sneer:

“Hehe, he was not angry at being provoked so much, and willingly laid down his arms and entered the city? This is a believer in an evil god? ”

After speaking, an old voice stammered a little:

“This… Lord Priest… I…… I’m definitely not mistaken, these elves really have a problem, they were really killing monsters cruelly before, and they didn’t care about the life or death of their companions, and they did mention sacrificing sacrifices to evil gods…”

“Enough! Tell me, what are those elves doing in the city? ”

A deep voice interrupted him and asked about the presence of another hoarse voice.

“Lord Hui, they are wandering around the city, as if they were playing, no one is making trouble, but they seem to be very interested in everything in the city, in addition… There are also many people pulling residents and asking if there is anything they need their help with, and they are very enthusiastic…”

Husky with a hint of respect.

After speaking, he sighed slightly:

“I’ve lived for more than a hundred years, and it’s the first time I’ve seen such a passionate, sincere and unguarded race, I can only say… It is worthy of being a noble and upright elf race, even if he becomes a mercenary, he is so fierce. ”

“They’re a fart! You haven’t seen them as they were when they fought! They…”

The old voice said angrily.

“Enough! ”

A deep voice interrupted them.

“What we see may also be their disguise, continuing to monitor them… We’ll talk tomorrow! ”


The next day.

Deep inside the chamber.

“Did they do something again? Like what…… Privately preaching, painting sacrificial formations and the like…”

A deep voice asked.

The husky voice carried a hint of oddity:

“And it didn’t… They still wander around the city, and their shadows can be seen almost everywhere… However, the places they are most interested in are the blacksmith shops and bars in the city, and the mines outside the city…”

Although some elves seemed to have had enough of shopping and chose to leave. But most of them are still in the city, as if many have made friends with the residents…”

“Made friends? ”

The deep voice was a little stunned.

“That’s right… They are so enthusiastic that when they see the residents in difficulty, they will step forward to help, and they don’t even ask for much in return, they even take the initiative to help the residents kill the monsters that are harassing the crops outside the city…”

“And over there in the smithy shop, there are a lot of elves gathered, as if they are doing something… What ‘academic exchange’? attracted a large number of blacksmiths…”

“In addition, there are a lot of elves gathered on the other side of the market, and they seem to be very interested in some goods, especially liquor and some forged products, by the way… They were also interested in steam guns and exchanged their equipment for quite a bit. ”

“Steam gun? Is that the bulky batch of eliminated alchemical weapons? ”

The deep voice was a little surprised.

“That’s right, they like it very much, baby is amazing… Moreover, they traded very generously, except for one elf who had bargained, all the other elves were at the same price. ”

“However, they don’t seem to have any common currency, and they can only barter with people…”

“There was an elf who also took out a bag of wheat flour from the human world, which was of very good quality, and traded a magic stone. ”

“In addition… I specially sent someone to talk to these elves, and found that they lacked common sense, like a group of rookies who had just slipped out of a closed family to adventure. ”




The three figures fell silent.

“Could it be… Didn’t they have conflicts with the residents? ”

The deep voice asked again.


The hoarse voice replied, but he hesitated for a moment and said:

“But… Yesterday, an elf stole something from the inhabitants, a precious piece of magical equipment. ”

“Stealing? Do elves steal too? ”

The deep voice was astonished.

“That’s right, but he was discovered by the City Guard, but then he was twisted by the other elves to apologize… Although he did not succeed in recovering the stolen goods, the elf who stole the stolen goods paid for it with his life. ”

“Wait… Are you saying that they executed their fellow stealers? That…… That’s a genie! ”

The deep voice carried disbelief.

“Yes… He was executed, without hesitation, and then a fire burned to ashes. ”

“Shhhhh However, it seems that it is really different. Wait another day! Keep watching! Other than that…… Try to create some friction between them and the betrayer, give it a try. ”


Day 3.

“How is it today? Was the provocation successful? ”

A deep voice asked.


The husky voice carried a hint of oddity:

“These elves… The temper is so good, the tolerance is very high, I sent people to provoke several times but failed. But…”

“But what? ”

“But… Today, there were more elves stealing, but in the end they were all arrested and taken to the square of the city and executed by their people on their own initiative…”


After that, there seemed to be a riot among the elves, they seemed to quarrel, and then no one stole anything. ”


“In addition…”

“What else? ”

“There are hundreds of elves in the city today…”



“How… This…… Where did so many elves come from?! ”

The deep voice gasped.

“However, the elves who came this time are different from the previous ones…”

“What’s different? ”

“This group of elves, although they also call themselves mercenaries, many of them are not wearing equipment, but they carry packages one by one, and some even push carts… It was full of flour and sweet potatoes… And then the deal began… It feels about the same as a caravan. ”


“In addition… Not sure why… When they started trading today, they all learned to bargain… Savvy as a businessman of the human world. ”


“In addition, a group of mercenary teams calling themselves ‘Heart of Nature’ came, and there was a vice president who called himself ‘Demacia’, wooed the residents, and wanted to cooperate to establish a chamber of commerce organization…”

“Chamber of Commerce organization? ”

“That’s right… What is it called ‘Amway’ Chamber of Commerce, UU Read Book What else to develop online… Offline… Anyway, I didn’t understand, but it attracted a lot of dwarf civilians, and they all spent money on shares…”



“Is the deal still going on? What did they buy in the city? ”

“Magic stones, some magic materials from the ground, and some alchemy forging products of our dwarves… In addition, it seems that their top management has already discussed with the temple side and plans to establish long-term business contacts. ”


“In short… Although these elves are strange, and their personalities are even more strange, there seem to be some minor problems, but they are indeed not malicious, and they do not look like believers in some evil gods, but like some human chamber of commerce organization…”


After listening to the report, the deep voice was speechless.

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