Receiving the promise of the elves, the human mercenaries quickly took off their equipment under the orders of Belus and put it together according to the instructions of the black dragon.

And they, only in simple coarse cloth underwear, shivered in the cold wind of the canyon night …

After the mercenaries took off their equipment, Belus was surprised to see the ruins in the distance and suddenly appeared several tall figures.

That…… It turned out to be a few elves again!

The equipment on them was gorgeous, and they trotted over happily all the way, and then happily took away all the equipment that the mercenaries had taken off.

And their happy expressions when looking at the equipment, especially the greedy expression when looking at the robe and staff of Belus, and the silver longsword of the mercenary regiment leader, are simply unconcealed…

That skillful movement of picking up equipment… I don’t know how many times I have done similar things, like a thief who robbed the most.

And that excited look was simply like a rich little citizen, without any elven elegance and indifference.

Belus: …

He rubbed his eyes, thinking he had seen it wrong.

Is that kind of expression really what an elf should have?

For some reason, his heart suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Could it be a disguise for other races?

Bellus narrowed his eyes and quietly threw out an identification technique, but the feedback he got was indeed that of the elven race…


He rubbed his temples.

But in any case, elves are the most honest.

As long as he does what they do, that elf will definitely convince the black dragon!

Bellus convinced himself in his heart.

He still had a lot of dealings with elves.

Although most are on the opposite side,

But he knew the elves’ credit.

Genie…… Never lie!

What they promised, they will do!

And as the kindest and most life-loving intelligent race on the continent, as long as they admit defeat, the elves will definitely not let the black dragon hurt them!

Even if…… They are enemies of each other!

Similar things have been verified by countless ancestors.

This almost morbid stubbornness of the elves has even become the most effective weapon for humans against them.

“Your Excellency Belus… They have already taken our stuff. ”

At this time, a deep voice came.

Berus turned his head and saw that the accompanying mercenary leader spoke, a powerful blond swordsman in the middle of silver.

The swordsman looked at his long sword that had been taken away, and his face was very ugly.

Bellus nodded to him and said apologetically:

“Your Excellency, Commander, I’m sorry… This time it happened suddenly, and when everything is over, the family will make up for your loss. ”

Listening to his explanation, the regiment commander closed his eyes and barely accepted it.

Belus breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to the black dragon:

“We have taken off our equipment, the goods are in the ruins next to the tower, and the elves are locked up by us in the dungeons of the tower…”

“Now… We can leave, right? ”

“Leave? ”

Listening to Belus’s words, the black dragon Myrell smiled and showed his hideous teeth:

“When did Mailrell say to let you go? ”

Hearing this sentence, Berus’s face sank slightly:

“Dragon! You don’t go too far! ”

After speaking, he looked at the little salty meow on the back of the black dragon again:

“This elf lady, you just promised us. ”

Hearing Bellus’s words, Xiao Xian Meow nodded, with an innocent face:

“Yes! That’s right! We do what we say! ”

After speaking, she giggled:

“We’re not in default! Have you forgotten what Mailrell just said? ”

“The previous one doesn’t count! Doesn’t count! You leave treasure and elves, but you must hand over all your weapons and equipment! ”

She said in Myrell’s tone.

“We didn’t say we were going to let you go! Isn’t the previous one no longer counted? ”

Belus: …

After listening to Xiao Xian Meow’s vivid imitation, his expression was very wonderful.

Black Dragon…

It seems that it really did not say that it was necessary to let the caravan go…

But…… But that’s also too shameless, right?!

This…… Isn’t this a deception?!

In an instant, Belus’s face became extremely ugly:

“You guys… You guys are blackmailing! It’s a breach of contract! Genie! Do you still have the glory of being a silver family?! ”

“Default? ”

Xiao Xian Meow pouted:

“When did we default? It’s just that you didn’t listen carefully to our request. ”

Belus: …

“You… You don’t talk about credit! How can you be so shameless! You…… Are you still an elf?! ”

He looked at Xiao Xian Meow with an angry expression.

Where did this strange elf come from?

They…… Shouldn’t they be the most honest?!

Is she really an elf?

Belus’s heart was a little panicked.

They were already at a disadvantage, and now they didn’t even have equipment … Wouldn’t that have completely become a dish under the claws of the black dragon?

Damn it! How could he make such a low-level mistake! To believe the enemy’s words!

Knowing this, he might as well order everyone to break out!


But who knows that these elves will really not talk about credit?!

It doesn’t make sense!

They…… They’re elves!

And looking at the angry Belus, Xiao Xian Meow’s live broadcast room floated with the happy barrage of players:

“Hey… The IQ is too low, and I have lived this life in vain. ”

“That is, how can you believe the words of the enemy? ”

“The player’s mouth, the deceitful ghost. ”

“Hahahahahaha! This is confused, right? ”

“My lord! Times have changed! ”


“Hmph! Evil must be punished, no matter what the means! ”

Myriel raised his head and looked awe-inspiring.

At this time, several players who had just left also returned, they were fully armed, watching the caravan let out a smug laugh.

That look that did not hide his emotions at all, the villain’s triumphant look, Xiao Xian Meow felt a little embarrassed when he saw it…

It’s just that…… Who masks their emotions when playing games?

And this time it is not the NPC of Jade Cold Jade, and there is no need to consider what image.

The players at this moment are simply happy!

You know, there is no reward for perfect resurrections in the reward of this operation.

Before, they were worried that if people died during the battle, they would not lose money.

And if it all depends on the black dragon, it is estimated that the enemy is dead, and the equipment is also pasted under the dragon’s breath.

But who knew that Xiao Xian Meow just flickered two sentences, and these humans took off their equipment!

Without equipment, it is equivalent to a tiger without teeth.

Except for those two silver powerhouses, the other mercenaries are afraid that they are not their opponents at all!

As for the two silver… Just leave it to Black Dragon Cuisine!

This mission is simply too easy!

And looking at the black dragon with an increasingly unkind expression, as well as these strange elves who surrounded him, Belus’s expression changed slightly.

But soon, he calmed down.

I saw him look at the little salty meow on the back of the black dragon, and said calmly:

“Hmph… Elf, your real goal is actually to rescue your companions, right? ”

“Hehe, now our people are still in the tower, if you don’t want your companions to be in danger, you’d better let us go!” ”

“Life in danger? ”

The players glanced at each other and let out a burst of laughter again:

“Hahaha! He actually said that the boxed lunch boss would be in danger of his life? ”

“Hey, hey… If your life is in danger, I’m afraid it’s your people. ”

“Captain, that’s a ruthless man who can single out level 20 Warcraft in the wild! ”

What do you mean?

Bellus’s eyelids jumped.

And at this moment, the gate of the tower was suddenly kicked open, and several caravan members ran out with bloody faces, they looked terrified, and exclaimed as they ran:

“Save… Help me! ”

Belus subconsciously turned his head and frowned:

“What’s going on? ”

A member of the caravan ran in front of him, looking terrified:

“Death… He’s dead…… All dead… All killed by him…”


Berus was slightly stunned.

And soon, he saw a tall figure rushing out of the tower…

It was a gray-black haired male elf.

He was holding a dagger that kept dripping blood, and his clothes were also stained with blood.

The aura on his body fluctuated, as if he had just broken through, and his expression was extremely indifferent and very indifferent.

It was the box lunch.

What a big anger!

This is…… An elf hunter in the middle of black iron?

Bellus’s expression froze.

And after the box lunch came out, Belus never saw any members of the caravan continue to escape from the tower…

This made his heart chuckle.

Wait a minute……

He should have left more than a dozen people in the tower, right?

This…… Don’t……

He looked at the box lunch that exuded a thick murderous aura on his body, and his pupils shrank.

He…… Did he do it alone?

How is this possible?!

After seeing the box lunch, UU read the book and the players who participated in the mission were bright:

“The captain is out! ”

“Hahaha! Elf NPCs have definitely been saved! ”

“Don’t talk nonsense with them, we’re on! Hurry up and complete the task! ”

“Haha! Pots on the other side! Don’t believe the enemy’s nonsense in the next life! ”

“Hehe, I don’t know if the mercenary’s experience point will be higher…”

After that, they drew their weapons and excitedly rushed to the mercenaries who had already taken off their equipment.

And the black dragon Mailier also let out a long roar of excitement, and spewed dragon breath at the two unlucky silver professionals…

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