After the black dragon Myrell submitted, Eve left a master-servant mark in its soul using the methods in the World Tree inheritance.

The mark of the true God is incomparably strong… Unless someone can kill Eve, or a stronger existence strikes, the little black dragon will not be able to run away in this life.

And Mailrell had to accept it dejectedly.

But despite this, Eve could clearly feel that the little black dragon was not convinced.

But He is not worried.

It’s still a long time, and this stupid black dragon can fool even half-orcs, Eve doesn’t believe that he can’t fool?

Then, Eve let Mailrell move freely.

The premise is that you can’t leave within a three-kilometer radius of the elven town, and you can’t harm the elves and the chosen.

And Myrell, with a bitter dragon face, found a hill next to the elf town to dig a hole and nest.

“Hey… My castle… Ay…… Those gold coins and gems of mine… Ay…… My unfinished just cause…” The

little black dragon muttered dejectedly while building its nest.

It’s really wronged by it…

Black dragons like to live in swamps and civilization ruins, but there are no such places around the World Tree.

Emerald is not bad, but it is a little far from Eve’s body.

And because black dragons also participated in the divine war thousands of years ago, and the roots of the world tree were eaten by an ancient black dragon, which directly led to the decline of the previous world tree, the indigenous elves were full of hostility and vigilance towards the black dragon…

Therefore, before completely subduing the little one, Eve planned to leave it in front of her eyes to stare.

Of course, another reason is that he is too lazy to train this little guy himself, but intends to leave the task of fooling the black dragon to the players.

The dragon’s personality is as stubborn as a donkey on the blue star, especially Eve still directly subdues Myrell with strength.

If it were a normal black dragon, it would be enough.

They fear the strong and obediently admit when faced with overwhelming power.

But as soon as the strength to suppress them is weak, the black dragons will find ways to rebel against the water.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to get the loyalty of the black dragon.

But the brain circuit of this black dragon seems to be different from that of ordinary black dragons.

It seems to be very simple, and even thinks it is a silver dragon!

In this case, Eve felt that she should have the opportunity to really take the heart of the little black dragon.

But if you want to really collect its heart, it is estimated that it will take some effort.

And this early flickering work, Eve plans to hand over to the people below to do.

So, he gave the task again – [Collect the Black Dragon]. [Mission:

Conquer the Black Dragon]

[Mission content: The black dragon Myrell became a prisoner of the goddess during the battle and submitted to the goddess. But its heart did not really agree with the idea of the goddess. As a loyal dependant of the goddess, you decide to assist the goddess in completely subjugating the black dragon Myrell. 】

[Mission objective: Let the black dragon Myrell truly recognize the goddess, accept the belief of the goddess, and fight for the goddess! ] 】 【Mission time: unlimited】 【Mission

level: unlimited】

【Mission reward: 3000 points of contribution】

Of course, this task is not a main quest, and it is also free to connect or not.

But when players saw the mission, they piqued their interest.

Not only did they contribute up to 3,000 degrees, but they also thought that this was also an opportunity to get close to the black dragon!

If he subdued the black dragon for the goddess… Wouldn’t he also have the opportunity to hug the black dragon’s lap?

If you’re lucky, you might even be a dragon knight!

How handsome!

Don’t forget, Demacia was able to take him to the wild to brush monsters because of his close relationship with Al.

Not…… Although I heard that he seems to have collapsed.

But this black dragon is a solid silver upper level!

For a while, many players were moved and accepted the task one after another.

However, Mindrell did not buy it from the players, but was full of hostility.

Those players who approached it were either sprayed with saliva by it, kicked and flew, or directly crushed them with dragon power.

Anyway, it means “I’m annoying and strong, you bastards don’t mess with me”.

Gradually, some players got excited and gave up.

Only a few players remained…

Little salty meow is one of them.

However, no matter how she showed favor, Myrell also ignored her.

Even if she got some kebabs from two northeastern buddies who sold barbecue in the town, it didn’t impress Myrell.

Not only that, the little black dragon also directly slapped the kebab on the ground, stepped on it hard, and spat to express the anger in its heart.

Dragon…… Don’t eat the food that comes from it!

Showing favor doesn’t work, feeding doesn’t help, and there are fewer and fewer players who insist.

After all, with this time and black dragon consumption, they might as well do more daily tasks, or brush more monsters.

For the average player, time is experience and contribution.

Gradually, the player was left with the semi-casual party Xiao Xian Meow.

She didn’t care about the mission reward, she was simply interested in the black dragon.

But to her disappointment, the black dragon didn’t buy it.

However, Xiao Xian Meow’s temper is also very stubborn, and Myrell’s resistance has aroused her motivation.

She decided that no matter what the cost, she must complete this task!

And after more than half a day, the black dragon Myrell gradually began to become a little restless…

Under Xiao Xian Meow’s surprised gaze, it suddenly flared its wings and flew up.

I saw Myrell flying into the air, UU reading a book flew around the town and around several times, while looking around from time to time, as if looking for something.

And when it came back, the whole dragon face was pulled down.

This look makes Xiao Xian Meow very strange.

And at this moment, she suddenly heard a rumbling muffled sound coming from the black dragon’s body…

More precisely, it seems to be the abdomen.

For a moment, her face turned strange.

This guy… It can’t be hungry, right? Well, there

is nothing to eat within a three-kilometer radius, and everything that can be eaten has been ruined by the players.

Except for some fruits.

And the black dragon… But carnivores.

As if noticing her strange gaze, Myrell was furious:

“Get out! Evil guy! Stop dangling in front of Lord Miles! Otherwise, Lord Myrell will definitely eat you! The

sudden rage startled Xiao Xian Meow.

Her heart moved, pretending to leave, but in fact she quietly hid and secretly observed.

After Xiao Xian Meow left, Myriel looked left and right, as if to see if there was anyone around.

After making sure that no one was around, looking at the dusty and drool-stained meat skewers on the ground, its expression seemed a little tangled.

A moment later, I saw it swallow spit.


Another loud bang.

After hesitating, Myrell quickly lowered his head and ate the ash-stained skewer in one bite.

Then, he smacked his lips in disbelief.

Little Salty Meow: …

She covered her mouth that almost laughed out loud and began to type on the world channel:

“Collect Warcraft meat at a high price, how much it costs!”

By the way, contact the two northeastern buddies who know how to grill meat.

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