The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 114 Stationed in Place

Zun Shang has been listening to the conversation between the two, and he was silently convinced by Tang Hao. In addition to his strength, Tang Hao's IQ is also really high. With a few words, he persuaded the impatient Ao Fu. .

Zun Shang couldn't help thinking in his heart, it seems that he still has a lot to learn in the future, and if he wants to reach the level of Tang Hao, he probably still has a long way to go.

After Ao Fu left happily, the condor also came over.

"Brother Tang Wu, although you kept me hidden, I still feel a little uneasy. Your personal magic weapon has already been taken, but I always feel that it is not good for me to do sneak attacks like this.~"

This guy just said such a thing at this critical time, it really makes Tang Hao feel very puzzled, what is this called sneak attack, the demons are called sneak attack, they stealthily attack the human race, this is not What is a sneak attack?

And what the condor did, at best, it could only be said to eliminate evil for the sky, how could it be considered a sneak attack?

"I'm afraid you haven't figured out what the sneak attack means, you can use any method for anyone, that Nightmare has done so many things that hurt the world, you don't need to talk about any morality with him, all we want is With his dog's life, you don't have to worry about the rest!"

Listening to Big Brother Tang Hao's words, Shen Ying nodded silently. It was indeed like this. For such a big devil, if you were righteous with him, you might be the one who would die.

Everything is almost ready, now waiting for the group of guys to approach, and Ao Fu has also led people to guard 5 kilometers outside the human race city gate.

While everyone was waiting nervously, Xiaodao brought news again.

"Brother Tang Wu's latest news, those guys are stationed in place! They brought hundreds of tents and even started a barbecue camp..."

Tang Hao laughed coldly. These guys are still in the mood for camping. Don't they know that their death is approaching? However, according to their current behavior, it seems that they are not going to attack the human race tonight.

"Brother Tang Hao, will they attack the human race tonight? They are all stationed there. I'm afraid they don't plan to travel any more today."

Your Excellency couldn't help but be a little disappointed. He had been looking forward to this moment for so long, but the demons were stationed in place again, which really annoyed him. This matter could be solved as soon as possible. be removed early.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

"I know you are a little disappointed, but what should come will always come. There must be other reasons for them to stop suddenly. Xiaodao said that there are about 2,000 people in total, and I think there will be more people coming later."

That guy in Nightmare is very cruel. Since he is going to attack the human race, he must be fully prepared. The 2,000 or so people are indeed too few to attack the human race. They may be stationed in the same place waiting for follow-up reinforcements.


"If they increase the number of people, how should we deal with it? Our Terran now has only about 3,000 soldiers, and most of them are older.

Because there have been very few wars in recent years, the Terran has neglected a lot in terms of training soldiers, and no one thought that this war would come.

However, these problems are not big problems in Tang Hao's heart. If the thief is captured first, the king will be captured first. As long as the nightmare is settled, are you still afraid that the soldiers under his command will be captured without their hands?

"You don't have to worry about these anymore, I know what I have in mind, you just need to follow our previous plan. People

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