The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 248 Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable

Tang Hao seemed to have anticipated the actions of the Nuwa clan, and as the other party teleported to him, the magic eye on his forehead suddenly opened, and a burst of purple light flickered.

The dazzling purple glow of "Ow" made the Nuwa people seem to be blind, with their eyes closed, but their arms did not stop moving.

He made two very strange gestures on the top of his head, and then five beads of different colors appeared out of thin air.

A peculiar wave instantly spread throughout the entire spiritual world, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements of spiritual power emanating from the beads.

Tang Hao suddenly felt something was wrong when he saw this scene. Although these five elements of spiritual power were vast, he couldn't absorb a single bit of it.

The Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable on the side also noticed this immediately, turned his head to look at Tang Hao and said, "This is not the power of the fairy world, this Nuwa clan is from the outside world!"

The eyes of the Nuwa clan originally shed blood and tears, but at this moment, for some reason, a trace of clarity appeared: "My clan... Huangtian Emperor is not wrong, the catastrophe of the world is not over, but I can no longer see this pseudo-immortal world. Time for destruction.55

These words sounded like a thunderbolt in Tang Hao's ears. If I remember correctly, the name of Huang Tiandi is the name of an ancient god 867. How long has this Nuwa people lived? The characters are connected.

But Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable was extremely frightened, and seemed to be speechless at this moment.

The clearness in his eyes did not last long, and after a few breaths, it was replaced by turbid killing intent, the five spiritual power beads spun rapidly, and a powerful spiritual power storm gradually spread.

"Five Elements Spiritual Power!" Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable's face is very ugly. As an Immortal Venerable cultivator, the heaven and earth in his spiritual world have basically taken shape, but the unique anger of the emperor is missing, and the achievement of these anger is the most basic The five elements of spiritual power.

Immortal Dragon Blood turned his head to look at Tang Hao, and said very unwillingly: "I didn't expect this monster to be able to use spells with five attributes at the same time. If you want to fight against it, you must use five spells that are repelling it. , I only have three kinds of it, you can go, I plan to explode the spirit world and trap this monster here forever.

Hearing the words of the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, Tang Hao was shocked. You must know that the spiritual sea of ​​the Immortal Venerable cultivator can be regarded as a world that has not yet been formed. Once it is used as a cage, it means that the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable cannot be In the slightest progress.

(cabe) "Master Xianzun, don't be impulsive, I may have a solution." No matter what the purpose of this dragon blood Xianzun, but he is willing to sacrifice his future for the peace of the fairy world, which can not help but make Tang Hao look at him with admiration.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Immortal Dragon Blood said hurriedly: "Get out of here! What can you do as a monk in the Immortal King Realm! Get out of here and find the immortal old guy!"

Tang Hao sighed: "My lord, you said before that you need to use five completely mutually exclusive attributes to deal with this monster, right?"

"What do you want to say!" Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable's forehead was bursting with blue veins at this moment, and his hands slammed down towards the Nuwa tribe, and suddenly two arms with a size of 100 feet appeared in the gray sky in the spiritual world. The Nuwa tribe slammed on the ground.

After a while of dust, Tang Hao saw that a bottomless hole had been smashed into the ground by these big hands.

However, at this moment, a sharp cry came from the bottom of the pit, as if it could penetrate the soul.

After Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable heard this voice, blood flowed out of his nose.

"This monster can absorb spiritual power and absorb spells in the outside world. Only in this spiritual world is the best place to solve it. You can go! 35

The five spiritual balls spinning in the air are getting faster and faster, and at this time they have become more than a hundred feet in size. Even in this vast spiritual world, it seems to be covering the sky.

Seeing this, Tang Hao knew that it was too late to communicate with the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable. He slowly flew up from the ground, surrounded by golden spiritual energy, and bursts of explosions were heard from time to time.

Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable did not stop him when he saw Tang Hao's move. In his opinion, sacrificing an immortal monarch could exchange for peace in the immortal world, and anyone would do this business.


I saw Tang Hao standing alone in the air, with black hair without wind and a faint dragon whistling in his chest.

When the Nuwa tribe heard the dragon roar, there was a stagnation in the arms that were tearing apart the great hand of spiritual power, and looked at Tang Hao in the sky with a little hesitation.


There was only time to say a name, and the eyes of the Nuwa tribe immediately filled with hatred.


The five spiritual power beads stopped abruptly, and the rich spiritual power fluctuations began to spread out.

The original blue sky did not know when, and the scorching sun was on the head.

The ground beneath his feet also began to become extremely soft, dense water vapor strolled in the air, and a trace of green sprouts appeared in the originally lifeless soil.

"No, impossible!"

Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable looked at the scene in shock, and he was horrified to find that as the five spiritual power balls stopped rotating, his connection with the spiritual world was cut off!

You must know that the spiritual world of a cultivator is derived from the sea of ​​​​spirits. It can almost be said that apart from the soul, it is the most closely linked and the most critical place with the cultivator, but now it has disconnected from him!

With the disconnection of the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable and the spiritual world, the magic technique he originally planned to use also lost the support of spiritual power and instantly dissipated in front of his eyes.

Although Tang Hao didn't know what exactly happened, when he saw the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable spell disappearing, he had already guessed eight or nine in his heart.

The five spiritual power balls in the air slowly merged together in the desperate eyes of the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, and the vitality in the spiritual world became more and more abundant.

Without the support of spiritual power, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable has nothing to do, even if he wants to explode his soul, it is impossible.

Tang Hao's brows were furrowed, and he pointed to the sky and the ground.

"Five Elements Wheel Tomb Array."

This formation was one of the few top-quality formations in Tang Hao's mind. It was many times more brilliant than the emperor-grade formation, but the difficulty was unimaginable for ordinary emperor-grade formation wizards.

When Dragon Blood Immortal saw this scene, he couldn't help but have some doubts.

As an Immortal Venerable Powerhouse, he has seen quite a few formations, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is well-informed.

But what happened now is enough for him to remember for a lifetime, even when Dao Xian died.

The boundless sky was cut into five parts by the formation, and each part had a separate color.

Tang Hao also had a double image, and he turned into five people with one step.

They presided over various color formations, and then, endless spiritual power radiated out.

Immortal Venerable Dragon Blood was shocked. He never imagined that a monk in Tang Hao district could use the five elements at the same time, and it was exactly the opposite of the spiritual power ball used by the Nuwa people!

This also means that Tang Hao has at least mastered the changes of five spiritual attributes!

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