Chapter 706 Founding of the Country (1)

Kaido, the beast, usually commits suicide. I have to say that the four emperors are very personal. White beard likes to accompany his son, red hair likes to travel, and Bigumm always eats.

As one of the Four Emperors, Kaido doesn’t have the habit of carrying a phone worm with him. Even if there is, the phone worm can’t help him to toss so much. Without the phone worm, he would naturally not be able to contact him.

Kaido was naturally very relieved about this, after all, generally speaking, no one would attack his turf, but unfortunately this time, there was an exception.

“It’s really amazing here.” At the entrance of Wano Country, watching a large number of carps pop out of the sea, Ada, Robin and others stood on the deck, watching all this-




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As long as the Tianlongren are attacked, the admiral will immediately be dispatched. This is to determine the sacredness of the identity and authority of the Tianlongren. However, after the incident of killing the Tianlongren under the full eyes of Shen Fei, the prestige of the Tianlongren has been reduced a lot.

“I used to think that the root cause of all this is the Tianlong people. The world government, as long as they overthrow them, can bring peace to the sea. As a result, one day someone told me that my thinking was wrong, even if the current one was overthrown. The world government, the Tianlong people, will not let the current sea achieve peace, because that will only allow another world government, another group of Tianlong people to appear.”

Long said here, his gaze retracted from the sky, looked at the green pheasant, and then continued: “If you want to make this sea peaceful, there is only one way, revolution, complete revolution, and overthrow the decaying navy, the world government.”

“Do you know how many innocent people will be killed or injured if you do this?” the green pheasant said in a deep voice.

“I definitely know that. I thought the same way before. As a result, you have seen it. For so many years, the revolutionary army has almost achieved nothing. There is no bloodless revolution, because only in this way can the filth be cleaned up and rejuvenated.”

Long said that he suddenly spoke out a set of numbers. Looking at Kuzan’s unidentified expression, Long immediately said: “This set of numbers is the casualties caused by the revolutionary army spending time to start the era of the great pirates from Roger. Although the number is not very accurate, it is almost the same. Isn’t it amazing? This is still the number of the past 20 years. If you count the number from Lockes, the number will only make you more shocked.As an admiral of the Navy, you should be very clear about the situation of the world government. If you extend this rule to sixty, eighty, or one hundred years, how many do you think there will be.

As long as the world government and navy continue to exist, this number will continue to increase. The current actions of the revolutionary army may increase casualties in a short time, but it is the only way to keep this number from increasing. The reason why Roger It is probably the same idea to surrender and utter the last words. ”

“Are you really sure, if you succeed, you won’t become a new Tianlongren.” Qing Pheasant asked himself after pondering for a moment.

“Hahahaha.” The words of the green pheasant caused Long to laugh suddenly, laughing very crazy, so that the green pheasant didn’t understand what he said wrong.

“You know, I have asked such a question before, do you know how that person answered it.” After a while, Long’s laughter stopped.

“It won’t be worse.”

“Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. The current situation on the sea is a resistance to the world government. If we become new Tianlong people, there will naturally be new dragons and new revolutionary forces will appear to resist. The current situation is It is ridiculous to think about the situation that does not exist before it has been resolved.”

“It seems that there is no chance to say more, Kuzan, think about it. Do you really think that the current world government can bring peace to the sea? Your position is too high now. I am afraid that the current navy has Much corruption.”

In the case of a ruler like the world government, it is difficult to avoid corruption. That is to say, the high-level naval forces such as the Warring States Period still believe that the navy is just.

After Long said the last sentence, his figure immediately disappeared from the green pheasant.

“Stop me.”

As soon as the dragon’s figure disappeared, Karp’s roar came from behind the blue pheasant, and then Karp passed over the blue pheasant at a very fast speed and chased the dragon away.

“Kuzan, what’s the matter?” The next moment the voice of the Warring States period sounded in the ears of the green pheasant.

“I’m late.” The green pheasant said calmly. After hearing the words of the green pheasant, the Warring States side took a deep look at the green pheasant and didn’t continue to say anything.

As for the character of the three navy generals, the Warring States period was naturally very clear. Because of the clarity, the Warring States period did not ask why the green pheasant did not do anything after seeing the dragon, nor did it stop him after discovering that Karp appeared.

The current navy situation is too bad. If a current navy general leaves the navy, it will be even more fun.

The Warring States now has some regrets, why didn’t he retire as soon as possible? If he retire early, there would be nothing to do.

“Do you know what you are doing?” After catching up with the dragon, Karp looked unusually angry. While roaring, his right hand glowed with pitch-black light, and accompanied by bloody lightning, he punched the dragon with a punch.

“I definitely know, for world peace.” Long didn’t back down, and directly greeted him with a punch. As the two fists collided, a lot of blood-colored lightning appeared around the two people’s bodies, and the collision of the king’s color appeared.

This time, Karp seemed to be really angry. In the armed and domineering, he was mixed with the domineering. For so many years, Karp has used this trick when fighting.

That is, it has been used against Rocks Pirates, Roger, Whitebeard, Shiji and others.

“Does your world peace mean the complete destruction of the Goa Kingdom.” Although Kapu did not reach the Goa Kingdom, but Huang Yuan has arrived and directly told Kapu about the situation of the Goa Kingdom.”There is no need for such a country to exist.” Long said in a deep voice while responding to Karp’s iron fist.

“Do you still know how many innocent people are there, and do you still deserve to die?”

“Innocent, there is no innocent in such a country.”


Hearing the dragon’s answer, Karp became even more angry, and the attack became more violent. The powerful Overlord Fist stunned all the creatures around a kilometer in a radius. At the same time, the clouds in the sky were also divided by the collision of the two overlord colors. Open.

There must be innocent people in the high town of the Goya Kingdom, such as those like Sabo back then. As for those people who are in the uncertain end of the day, in Kapu’s view, those people are all innocent.

However, it is a pity that in Long’s view, those people at the terminal of Uncertainty are all violent elements. After all, their living environment is robbing each other.

With the power of the revolutionary army at the time, it was possible to destroy the Goa Kingdom without borrowing the power of those people, but in this way, once the Goa Kingdom was destroyed, there would no longer be rubbish, and the people at the end of the uncertainty would survive in order to survive. , I will definitely not work honestly, farming and other things, I will only rob other villages in the Goya Kingdom and become bandits or pirates.

It is true that the people at the Uncertainty Terminal were originally the nobles of Gaozhen who had seized the land and industry and had to rely on the garbage mountain to survive, but they, who are accustomed to life in the garbage mountain, want to go back to live a peaceful life. It is very difficult.

This was not Shen Fei’s judgment, but the internal judgment of the Revolutionary Army. Shen Fei’s idea provided strategic help, and there were some revolutionary books. It was not Shen Fei’s turn to make specific plans.

In fact, there are not a lot of talents in the revolutionary army. What they lack is just a strategic vision.

“Dragon, I really didn’t expect that we would meet in this situation. Do you know or not, how big the consequences will be if you do this.” Before the dragon and Kapu were fighting for long, the Sengoku and Qing pheasant rushed. arrive.

“Consequence.” The words of the Warring States period caused a ridiculous smile on Long’s face, “No matter what the consequence is, it is better than you, the running dog of the Tianlong people, the black hand behind the slave trade.”


The words of the dragon made the Warring States almost vomit blood directly, and the Warring States never expected that this would happen when he saw the dragon again.

The dragon naturally knows that the Warring States Period is not the black hand of the slave trade, but the lackey of the Tianlong people, this is certain, plus the opponent is the admiral of the navy, the enemy of the revolutionary army, the so-called hero of the enemy, my thieves, now familiar with it. After Sun Tzu’s art of war, the dragon of thirty-six tactics, naturally didn’t mind adding obstacles to the Warring States period.

The action of the revolutionary army this time is the art of war.

Just when the Warring States period was about to refute, the dragon suddenly set off a violent storm and huge waves around the sky. The green pheasant took the first shot and froze the waves. Kapu and the Warring States two just wanted to take action, and they immediately found the dragon. ‘S figure disappeared.

“Father, something has happened.” In the White Beard Pirates group, after seeing the content of today’s news, a member of the White Beard Pirates group immediately stunned Roar loudly.

“What’s the matter?” The white beard with a dangle of water is still drinking, even if he knows that this is not good for his injuries, it hasn’t changed in the slightest.

“The dragon has taken action, and the Demon Slaying Order has been destroyed. It seems that this era is going to run away.”

“Captain, what should I do now?””Beckman, think of a way to contact the dragon, I want to see him, anyway, after all, to prevent the rampage of the times.”

The Redhead Pirates naturally saw the news. After a moment of silence, Shanks immediately said to the deputy captain on one side that the base of the Revolutionary Army is very secretive, even the Redhead side. I don’t know where it is.

“Mom, something happened.”

“What, Dragon, Karp should be uncomfortable now, it’s really good news.” Karp also hammered Bigumam back then.

“Damn, why can’t I contact the captain? They are coming soon.”

Compared with the other three emperors who are paying attention to the action of the revolutionary army this time, the appearance of the dragon, the beasts and pirates are not so idle here, because their captain is not in the island of ghosts, when they change to normal, Kaido It doesn’t matter if he isn’t there, because everyone in the Beast Pirate Group knows that Kaido likes to find a place to show suicide.

But this time is different. Asides and others are rushing towards the country of Wano. Even if Jhin and the Three Plagues are confident and don’t think they can face them, they can only hope to contact the captain as soon as possible, or the captain directly return.

As long as the Tianlongren are attacked, the admiral will immediately be dispatched. This is to determine the sacredness of the identity and authority of the Tianlongren. However, after the incident of killing the Tianlongren under the full eyes of Shen Fei, the prestige of the Tianlongren has been reduced a lot.

“I used to think that the root cause of all this is the Tianlong people. The world government, as long as they overthrow them, can bring peace to the sea. As a result, one day someone told me that my thinking was wrong, even if the current one was overthrown. The world government, the Tianlong people, will not let the current sea achieve peace, because that will only allow another world government, another group of Tianlong people to appear.”

Long said here, his gaze retracted from the sky, looked at the green pheasant, and then continued: “If you want to make this sea peaceful, there is only one way, revolution, complete revolution, and overthrow the decaying navy, the world government.”

“Do you know how many innocent people will be killed or injured if you do this?” the green pheasant said in a deep voice.

“I definitely know that. I thought the same way before. As a result, you have seen it. For so many years, the revolutionary army has almost achieved nothing. There is no bloodless revolution, because only in this way can the filth be cleaned up and rejuvenated.”

Long said that he suddenly spoke out a set of numbers. Looking at Kuzan’s unidentified expression, Long immediately said: “This set of numbers is the casualties caused by the revolutionary army spending time to start the era of the great pirates from Roger. Although the number is not very accurate, it is almost the same. Isn’t it amazing? This is still the number of the past 20 years. If you count the number from Lockes, the number will only make you more shocked.

As an admiral of the Navy, you should be very clear about the situation of the world government. If you extend this rule to sixty, eighty, or one hundred years, how many do you think there will be.

As long as the world government and navy continue to exist, this number will continue to increase. The current actions of the revolutionary army may increase casualties in a short time, but it is the only way to keep this number from increasing. The reason why Roger It is probably the same idea to surrender and utter the last words. ”

“Are you really sure, if you succeed, you won’t become a new Tianlongren.” Qing Pheasant asked himself after pondering for a moment.

“Hahahaha.” The words of the green pheasant caused Long to laugh suddenly, laughing very crazy, so that the green pheasant didn’t understand what he said wrong.

“You know, I have asked such a question before, do you know how that person answered it.” After a while, Long’s laughter stopped.

“It won’t be worse.”

“Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. The current situation on the sea is a resistance to the world government. If we become new Tianlong people, there will naturally be new dragons and new revolutionary forces will appear to resist. The current situation is It is ridiculous to think about the situation that does not exist before it has been resolved.”

“It seems that there is no chance to say more, Kuzan, think about it. Do you really think that the current world government can bring peace to the sea? Your position is too high now. I am afraid that the current navy has Much corruption.”

In a system like the world government

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