Chapter 683 Ghost Realm (End)

In the entire Immortal Sword IV, Suyu is a strange woman, although she is not mentioned much, but I have to admit that if there is no Suyu, the entire Immortal Sword IV is almost another story.

Even the older generations of the Qionghua School, including Xuan Xiao, I am afraid that the usual soft and weak Suyu would be so decisive when they acted. It can be said to be replaced by other people, such as Han Lingsha. , Liu Mengli, even Yun Tianqing, Yun Tianhe, even if they have objections to the Qionghua faction’s ascension plan, they will not leave the Qionghua faction so resolutely.

After all, one side is the demon clan who met for the first time, and the other side is the teacher who gets along day and night, =





=Replace later=




= “Tianhe, there is no Royal Sword Flight here, it will be exposed.” Han Lingsha hurriedly said.

“And we don’t know exactly what Yiyingzhi looks like, I’m afraid we have to investigate inside first.”

“Lingsha makes sense, but Senior Candle Dragon has limited spell time. We must hurry up.” Murong Ziying nodded and agreed with Han Lingsha’s opinion.

“Then, after entering the city, immediately separate investigations, so the speed will be much faster.”

After some discussions, the group of four immediately rushed to the town ahead. Because of the limited time, the four of them did not have the Yujian Flight, but the speed was not slow. They quickly entered the town, and then they separated immediately. Han Lingsha and Shen Fei acted alone, while Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying waited in place.

These two are not good at investigating intelligence, and it doesn’t matter if they are in the human world. The other party will ignore you, but in the ghost world, let them investigate intelligence, and there is a great chance that it will be exposed.

“Impermanence Hall, Runner Mirror Platform, it turns out that Yiying Branch is just a branch of the ghost world.”

Shen Fei quickly figured out the general situation of the impermanence hall, as well as the appearance and location of Yiyingzhi, through methods such as chatting with ghosts and eavesdropping on ghosts’ conversations.

The big hall floating in the air is indeed the impermanence hall, and the shadowy branch is inside. For Yun Tianhe and others, the shadowy branch is naturally very important, otherwise a few people will not break into the ghost world and want to get it. , But Yiyingzhi in the ghost world is not that important at all.

This is the standard material for the ghost soldiers in the ghost world.But this is only for the ghost world. If it is placed in other worlds, Yiyingzhi is a rare treasure, after all, the ghost soldier can rely on it to ignore most of the enchantment.

In the past, the shadowy branches left by ghost soldiers inadvertently in the world were all robbed by countless people. That scene can be said to be no less than that of a magic sword.

Especially for those who cultivate immortality, Yiyingzhi is very precious.

“Yiyingzhi is in that impermanence hall.” After knowing Yiyingzhi’s information, Shen Fei quickly went back to join Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe, and told them all the information he had inquired. Soon afterwards, Han Lingsha came back with heavy thoughts. The information she found, Yiyingzhi was similar to Shen Fei, but other aspects of information were not comparable to Shen Fei.

Definitely this is also Shen Fei, but he doesn’t care much about other information, Yun Tianhe now has the plug-in, and then things are simpler.

“How can these people be like this for the sake of becoming immortals.” It is naturally not the news of Yiyingzhi that makes Han Lingsha think, but about other aspects.

For example, a man who desperately sacrificed his wife and children to refine medicine in order to become an immortal. He wanted to make a day-rising elixir through blood sacrifice, and he had to say that he was even more crazy than King Huainan.

As a result, this man suffered from evil consequences. Not only did he fail to become immortal after taking the elixir, he was directly poisoned to death. Then he saw his wife in the ghost world, and then it became interesting. This man has been tortured in the ghost world, and his wife is daily Let’s look at the situation of his torture. It is said that it has been hundreds of years.

I have to say that when a woman gets cruel, it feels a bit scary.

Calculated from time, the age of this man was probably about the age of King Huainan, and that era seemed to admire the refinement of elixir to soar into immortality.

There are many examples of this in the ghost world. No wonder Han Lingsha has such an expression. Han Lingsha can be said to be unscrupulous in order to become a fairy, but compared to these people, she is already extremely kind.

The ghost world’s punishment for these people is very severe, not just for the punishment for about a thousand years, and at the same time, if you reincarnated later, you may not have the chance to become a human for several lifetimes.

“Leave it to me for Yiyingzhi. My strength is much stronger than you. Just wait for me here. By the way, find a way to leave the ghost world by the way.”

After a brief silence, Han Lingsha said that when she was going to steal Yiyingzhi, Shen Fei immediately stopped her with an exit, because the ghost world did not pay attention to Yiyingzhi. If Han Lingsha went, he could also get Yiyingzhi. , But a rare opportunity, Shen Fei wanted to see what Yiyingzhi was doing.

For example, can you pass through the barriers set by Marvel’s three holy places? Although Yiyingzhi’s name is very loud, it seems that no barrier can stop it, but from the current experience of Shen Fei, Yiyingzhi It is impossible to be omnipotent at all, can it be possible to go through the enchantment to the demon world.

“Well, in that case, when A Fei goes to get Yiyingzhi, I want to go to a place.” Han Lingsha still wanted to insist on it. After all, she considered herself a thief, and she was definitely better than Shen Fei in stealing chickens and dogs. But then she seemed to remember something, and immediately gave up.

“Lingsha, where are you going?”

“Running the mirror platform.” Han Lingsha immediately stated her purpose, and the runners can see the souls of relatives who have died but have not yet reincarnated there.

Han Lingsha is not sure if the person she wants to meet has reincarnated, but as long as there is a one-tenth chance, she wants to try it.

Murong Ziying originally wanted to speak up against him because he didn’t want to grow branches outside the ghost world, but after listening to Han Lingsha’s explanation of the role of the runner mirror, when he asked if he had any relatives he wanted to see , Became silent immediately.

Although Murong Ziying looks cold-hearted, he is actually a person with cold outside and hot inside.

Similarly, Yun Tianhe wanted to meet his dead parents, so naturally he agreed. Yun Tianhe still has some memories of his father Yun Tianqing, but there are almost no memories of his mother Suyu. After all, when Suyu died, Yun Tian He is still very young.”I don’t have any relatives that I want to meet. I will join you as soon as possible after I get Yiyingzhi.” Shen Fei actually has people in his heart who want to meet, but it’s a pity that people from this world There is no Ability for him to see the wheel mirror stage.

“Ten Temple Yama, I don’t know how strong it is.”

Coming to the bottom of the impermanence hall, Shen Fei looked at the impermanence hall floating in the sky, muttering in his heart, the scope of the ghost world is not small, and the place where they are now is just one area.

The ghost world is the end and starting point of reincarnation. It exists inside the earth. There are ghost gates, Naihe bridge, Cao official mansion, ten Yama temples, twelve official mansion, and eighteen hells.

The impermanence hall here is the area under the jurisdiction of the black and white impermanence, because the ghost pawns often go in and out of the ghost realm to go to the world, and the shadow sticks are placed here.

Black and white impermanence, bull head and horse face, these people sound like low-status people in the ghost world, but in fact these people are bored in strength or status, which is much higher than ordinary people think. Don’t take the village head as a cadre.

Look at Hokage. In order to fight for the position of a village chief, how many people beat their heads and broke their blood.

“Hey, it’s boring to stay here every day. This shadow stick is not unusual in the ghost world, who would want to steal it.” In the impermanence hall, to prevent the shadow stick from outside the room, two ghost soldiers guarding here , One of them yawned as he spoke.

The ghosts in the ghost world and the people in the world are actually the same, they are also tired, want to rest, and so on.

“This shadow stick is indeed not surprising at all, but it allows us to go between the six worlds at will. For the creatures of other worlds, it should be a treasure that can’t be asked for, and this errand is very easy, don’t you think Going to work elsewhere.” Another ghost soldier said softly.

“That’s true, it’s just that we are so close to the mirror stage of the wheel that we haven’t been there even once, which is a shame.”

“Do you have any relatives in the ghost world.”

“I will know, even if they reincarnate, they won’t tell us.”

The ghost world is very vast. It is not so easy to find a specific ghost in this vast ghost world. The appearance of the wheel mirror is to solve this problem.

“Reincarnation is not necessarily a good thing. If you are reincarnated as an adult, it’s okay to say. If you enter the animal path or something, then it is better to stay in the ghost world.”

“Ten roots are almost enough. Don’t be too greedy.”

While the two ghosts were chatting, Shen Fei took the opportunity to sneak into the room, chopped off ten branches from the trunk of the huge amounts of Yiyingzhi, and then left quietly.

“The things are already in hand, how are you doing here?” After leaving the impermanence hall, Shen Fei immediately rushed to the mirror stage of the runner, and looked in front of a mirror inlaid with a huge and delicate pattern with many incomprehensible patterns on it. Arriving at Yun Tian River and others, there is also a young man who is very similar to the Yun Tian River. Not surprisingly, this is Yun Tianqing.

It is no wonder that in Shouyang County, the head hunter, and the elder Qingyang will admit his mistakes when he sees the Yun Tian River. I have to say that these two people look too alike. It may be because of the cultivation of the immortal cultivation technique, Yun Tian Qing’s appearance is not very old.

“I have seen Senior Yun.”

“Tianhe is causing you trouble.”

“Senior is polite, Tianhe is my friend, what’s the trouble between friends?”Shen Fei has traveled to many dimensional worlds now, but there are very few worlds that intersect with the protagonist. Look at that, don’t see Bilian, Naruto, Lu Fei, and others, Shen Fei just simply hit Roar. That’s it, Yun Tian River is a rare idea and has a good relationship.

“Unexpectedly, the final result of the Qionghua school’s ascension plan turned out to be like this, but it is a pity that Suyu has no chance to know.”

Before Shen Fei arrived, Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying had already told Yun Tianqing about the current situation of the Qionghua School. Originally, Yun Tianqing felt for a while about the loss of the Qionghua School that he and Suyu had caused by his escape. Very guilty, he never went to reincarnation, just to wait for Xuan Xiao to appear, and then apologize personally.

As a result, his son went to the ghost world and said that they were not only correct in the things that year, but they were also meritorious. They saved the heroes of the Qionghua faction, leaving Yun Tianqing completely ignorant of what to say for a while.

In fact, when Yun Tianqing saw Yun Tianhe appear in the ghost world, he was very shocked. Even if his heart was flat, he kept teaching Yun Tianhe to look down on life and death, but saw his child die so early. There is still some sadness in my heart.

“Mother she…” Su Yu has been reincarnated, and Yun Tian River is actually a little disappointed. Deep down in his heart, he wants to see Su Yu very much.

“Suyu has a soft personality on the inside. Once a decision is made, no one can change it.”

“Tianhe, there is no Royal Sword Flight here, it will be exposed.” Han Lingsha hurriedly said.

“Also, we don’t know exactly what Yiyingzhi looks like. I’m afraid we have to investigate inside first.”

“Lingsha makes sense, but Senior Candle Dragon has limited spell time. We must hurry up.” Murong Ziying nodded and agreed with Han Lingsha’s opinion.

“Then, after entering the city, immediately separate investigations, so the speed will be much faster.”

After some discussions, the group of four immediately rushed to the town ahead. Because of the limited time, the four of them did not have the Yujian Flight, but the speed was not slow. They quickly entered the town, and then they separated immediately. Han Lingsha and Shen Fei acted alone, while Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying waited in place.

These two are not good at investigating intelligence. If they are in the human world, it doesn’t matter. The other party will ignore you, but in the ghost world, let them both investigate intelligence, a great chance will be exposed.

“Impermanence Hall, Runner Mirror Platform, it turns out that Yiying Branch is just a branch of the ghost world.”

Shen Fei quickly figured out the general situation of the impermanence hall, as well as the appearance and location of Yiyingzhi, through methods such as chatting with ghosts and eavesdropping on ghosts’ conversations.

The big hall floating in the air is indeed the impermanence hall, and the shadow stick is inside. For Yun Tianhe and others, the shadow stick is naturally very important, otherwise a few people will not break into the ghost world and want to get it. , But Yiyingzhi in the ghost world is not that important at all.

This is the standard material for the ghost soldiers in the ghost world.

But this is only for the ghost world. If it is placed in other worlds, Yiyingzhi is a rare treasure, after all, the ghost soldier can rely on it to ignore most of the enchantment.

In the past, the shadowy branches left by ghost soldiers inadvertently in the world were all robbed by countless people. That scene can be said to be no less than that of a magic sword.

Especially for those who cultivate immortality, Yiyingzhi is very precious.

“Yiyingzhi is in that impermanence hall.” After knowing Yiyingzhi’s information, Shen Fei quickly went back to join Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe, and told them all the information he had inquired. Soon afterwards, Han Lingsha came back with heavy thoughts. The information she found, Yiyingzhi was similar to Shen Fei, but other aspects of information were not comparable to Shen Fei.

Definitely this is also Shen Fei, but he doesn’t care much about other information, Yun Tianhe now has the plug-in, and then things are simpler.

“How can these people be like this in order to become immortals.”

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