The Forbidden World

Chapter 727: Yuyue Dragon Gate

For eight months, it's not long, it's not short.

During these eight months, Bai Jingyue and Erkuite traveled through all the famous cities in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty. Today, in the eight-month period, they came to the southern section of the Qinjin Canyon of the Yellow River. Yichuan County.

About 65 kilometers away from Longmen, one of the three major waterfalls in China, Hukou Waterfall!

"The scene before the millennium is more spectacular than it is after the millennium."

Today's Yellow River has no worries about future exhaustion. What people fear is not its dry season but its flood season.

The rough Yellow River, like a painting in nine days, falls from the sky, and it is like a horse galloping and roaring.

"In other words, how do you feel that the water level of the Yellow River this year is higher than last year?"

Seeing the magnificent scene, Shirai said subconsciously, and then reacted.

This year, when the carp leaps to the dragon gate, it is actually a flood season! ?

In this way, under the impact of greater water flow, can any carp really succeed?

When this happens, the scenery will be gone.

In the final analysis, to see this scenery here is nothing but feelings. The movement that Shiraitsu himself can make is much more spectacular than this. It's just that this natural creation is still refreshing.

Along the Yellow River, Bai Jingyue and Erkuite came to Longmen Town. Longmen Town was much more flustered than last time, and everyone was busy moving things.

The old man Shiraizuki saw before stood in the middle of the town, directing people to evacuate.

"Old man, is this?"

"The flood season is here, and the carp leaps to the Longmen. It is estimated that this year it will not be seen anymore. It is too dangerous!"

"Old man, do you mean that the Lei Yue Yue Men are still there, but it is too dangerous for us, is it?"

Hearing the meaning of Shirai's words, the old man hurriedly stopped and said: "Oh, boy, don't take any risks! At first, we saw a total of a dozen people. After that, we will go to watch every year, to let ourselves go forward. The will does not go out. However, in the flood season that year, except for me and my brother who had not gone because of the death of my mother, the others did not come back again. Never go!"

"Relax, old man. I will not seek death."

"That's good, that's good..."

Watching the old man go back to command, Shiraoi turned his head and said to Elkette: "I will give it to you here, and I will look at the situation over there."

"no problem."

In Elkette's hands, a chain of swims slowly.

That is Elquitte's slashing sword, and it also has many magical effects [Millennium Lock]!

What this millennium lock can lock is not just the body of the enemy, but it can also be locked after the expansion of Erkuite [Concept].

The concept of a single [water] can also be achieved.

It can be said that as long as Erkut is here, even if the Yellow River doubles the amount of water, it will not endanger this Longmen town.

And Bai Jingyue, quietly came alone to the legendary dragon gate.

Standing on the edge of the Yellow River, Bai Jingyue looked at this place called the Dragon Gate.

Here is a waterfall mouth, the water of the Yellow River falls like a sky dip, falling vertically. For humans, this is just an intersection that flows from a narrow channel to a wide channel, but this is also the intersection of one world to another!

Bai Jingyue clearly saw that from the edge of the waterfall, two yellow-colored lights rose, which rose to a place hundreds of meters high, and then began to interlace.

An invisible gate formed at the mouth of the waterfall.

Yes, Longmen!

On the Longmen side, it is [upper].

After the dragon gate, it is [lower position].

The so-called carp leaping dragon gate is that the carp uses its own everything in exchange for an opportunity, and the reverse [below] is the opportunity of [upper]!

Don't jump the dragon gate, lifelong carp.

Jump over the dragon gate and turn the dragon into the night!

At this moment, although the river was turbulent, Bai Jingyue had already seen the group of warriors who went upstream.

The red carp swarmed among the rapids, approaching the Dragon Gate little by little.

Some carps were unable to resist more turbulent currents than in previous years, and were washed away, or fell on rocks, died, or lost their swimming strength, and flowed down, and were long waited by fishermen for a long time. We catch.

In this trip, you are dead or alive!

Finally, the carp group came right under the waterfall. At this moment, one third of the carp has disappeared.

However, the most difficult journey has just begun. What they have to do next is to go back against the waterfall in the face of a stronger current!

At this level, most carp will be brushed off!

One carp after another, in a fearless attitude, constantly swimming in order to reverse fate, as long as humans see it, they will be touched.

Unfortunately, Shiraitsu is no longer human.

Today, only those names that have been heard and left in my mind can still make him move. These spectacular scenes are just like this for him.

After a few hours, finally the carp came to the top of the waterfall, and what they had to do next was to leap high and go over that unreachable gate!

The number of carps that have reached this step is already less than one percent!

Finally, the first carp to try appeared.

After a slight charge, the red carp jumped out of the water violently, after tracing a beautiful arc in the air...


Even if it is not too far from the line, but failure is failure. The failed carp fell from a high After exhausting all its strength, it was unable to resist the more violent river, and was instantly washed out and smashed. On a rock, the bones disappeared.

How can you not pay the price if you want to change your life?

If you want to challenge this last goal, you will definitely use all your strength, otherwise you will not succeed. However, if it fails after exhausting its strength, how to resist the damage after falling? If you fail, you will have to die.

The failure of the first carp did not prevent other carp attempts.

One carp after another jumped high and then fell.

The river is getting more and more turbulent, and the water level is gradually rising. After the carp jumps, the difficulty of crossing is lower, and then the water is violent, and they spend more power to resist the impact.

Should we wait for the water level to be higher? But in that case, the water flow is more urgent, and the difficulty of supporting and jumping will be higher. At that time, they can really jump over?

do not know. None of them knows.

Simply, he gave up thinking. Just keep jumping, using your life to gamble on your destiny!

I don't know when, the sky suddenly burst into thunder!

The yellow dragon gate condensed by the power of faith gradually dissipated.

This is not the time.

In this rare flood, a carp grasped the balance of that moment between the level of the water and the impact of the current, and jumped over the dragon gate!

The red carp in mid-air changed its shape and began to stretch continuously!

Horns, whiskers, claws, scales, tails.

A whole red dragon appeared in the air!

Successful, it roared victory!

Under the power of the dragon's life to control water, the river even stagnated and no longer roared.

For a time, there was only the red dragon's hiss in the sky!

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