The Forbidden World

Chapter 1871: prelude

Bai Jingyue's answer can't satisfy everyone, but it's enough for everyone to accept.

Seeing no one refuting, Shiraitsu nodded, and then his expression suddenly became serious.

"So from this moment on, I will officially take over the whole of London, and you and the ordinary government of London will all follow my orders!"

Everyone got up and bowed to Shiraitsu, expressing surrender. From this moment, the whole of London has become a chess piece in the hands of Bai Jingyue. Even Elder Mengsk, who was very dissatisfied with this, did not dare to act against Bai Jingyue and bow his head to Bai Jingyue.

"Very good. Then, let's discuss the plan details in detail."

How to show weakness in the early stage, how to attract low-level vampires and the Roman church, and how to distribute troops to better protect the four pillars are all issues that need to be discussed in detail.

Everyone had to join the discussion, because no matter what their respective ideas were, if they wanted to survive the next war, they had to understand these details. It doesn't matter whether they are acting according to the plan or planning to find loopholes in the plan to do some other things.

Shiraitsu doesn't matter.

There is Remilia’s decree on the side of the vampire, even if someone wants to betrayal, it is also when the enemy comes in at the end of the plan, and at that time the chess game is nearing the end, the dark battle between Shirai and the world will inevitably have a result At that time, even if something went wrong, it would be trivial.

As for the human side, Bai Jingyue believes that the group of people sitting here is not that kind of person. As for the people under their care, they can't set off any storms even if they are careful.

The discussion lasted for several hours. When the sunlight came in through the window, everyone finally negotiated a complete plan. Looking at the plan, Shiraitsu smiled.

"So, I announced that the plan began. Let's give those lunatics a good look."

At the end of the meeting, everyone dispersed. Then, the good show began!

People living in London have felt a little wrong in recent days. It seems that London has become chaotic. There are always people traveling in the shadows. The homicides that appear in the news from time to time are even more frightening.

Just as they guessed what happened, a notice issued by the British Puritan set off an earthquake across London!

[Because the person in charge of the Hellsing organization led the Demon Hunter Association to break into the Holy Land, the British Puritanism and the Hellsing organization completely broke up, and the British Puritanism will bring people out of the Hellsing organization. 】

At first the news was curious, it was the Hellsing agency inside.

Many people in London have lived here for decades and have not heard of the so-called Hellsing institution. They are curious about what this institution does. Why did Britain hide the existence of this institution? Why did the British Qing Church join in?

There is also the so-called Demon Hunter Association. Refers to the association of the extremely difficult Hunter Enthusiast established in London 40 years ago?

People talk about these unimportant things until someone asks a question.

For British Puritanism, where is the Holy Land? Why did the person in charge of the so-called Hellsing agency bring the Demon Hunter Association into the Holy Land, and the British Puritanism would break with it?

This attracted everyone's attention, and they began to analyze the many facilities of the British Puritanism in the UK. It was found that for the British Puritanism, there were two places that were enough to be called holy places.

One is the cemetery where the bones of Archbishop Komyi are buried. One is a sanctuary specially built for Archbishop Komyi.

London fry pan all at once! No matter what kind of holy place here, it means blasphemy against Archbishop Komyi! How can most people who see Archbishop Komyi as a life tutor bear it?

Anger accumulates in people's hearts, they want to vent their anger, but they can't find the hidden Hellsing institution at all. In desperation, they had to turn their attention to the third protagonist in this announcement.

Hunter Association.

They do not know whether the Hunter Hobbyist Association and the Hunter Hunter Association in the notice are the same, but the relationship between the Hunter Hunter Association in the UK seems to be one. How can they find time to verify their anger? Decisively found the Demon Hunter Lovers Association.

Should it be a coincidence or inevitable? They actually found the Lord!

This so-called demon hunter lovers association is actually the shell of the demon hunter association.

The Devil Hunters Association is an outsider. They are not like the British Puritanism. There are two old bases in London here, and unlike the Hellsing institution, there is a state to hide information for them. If they want to gain a foothold in this area of ​​London, they must have a base. So they established the Demon Hunter Lovers Association.

The Hunter Hobbyist Association, like other hobbyist associations, will attract members. However, the high physical requirements and proficiency requirements of weapons such as crossbows have discouraged many people.

Some rich people want to use money to open the way, but is the Devil Hunter Association short of money? Most of their weapons are silver-plated or even directly made of silver. Organizations that use silver as a consumable item still lack such a small amount of money? As an organization that has been passed down for hundreds of years, they also have many large industries in the world of ordinary is not to say that people who have not passed. However, those who can pass these tests can basically be used as official combat power. The Demon Hunter Association simply shows the real world to these people, letting these people choose whether to sacrifice their lives for humans or retreat to be an ordinary person.

To be reasonable, who is willing to participate in the Demon Hunter Enthusiasts Association entrance test, which one does not have the idea of ​​being a demon hunter?

So until now, the Devil Hunters Association has been draped in a shell of the Lovers Association and stands majesticly on the bustling streets of London.

Well, until now.

After learning that the Demon Hunter Association may have disturbed the rest of Archbishop Komyi, a large number of people gathered in front of the gate of the Demon Hunter Association with various weapons and asked for a statement. In order to prevent any trampling incidents, the London police dispatched an emergency. However, there are also many Puritan Christians in the London police. When they arrived, they did not stop the people at all.

Things are getting worse, but the doors of the Demon Hunter Association are still locked. After all, the people could not restrain themselves. They broke the door of the association and swarmed in, but everyone froze the next moment.

Just one day ago, the Devil Hunters Association was still coming and going, and at this moment, people still went to the empty space! Not to mention people, they didn't even see one cockroach!

"How is this going?"

While people were discussing the whereabouts of the Demon Hunter Association, the leader of the event, Egio, the leader of the Demon Hunter Association, was enjoying the sea view on the edge of the cliff. Behind him, a black tower stood quietly. !

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