The Forbidden World

Chapter 1848: Reduce Intelligence

"The first step is to provoke with a weak identity. You see, the one who screamed at each other, but he didn’t dare to do it directly because of you, and finally caused more and more anger to accumulate, and the reason fell. ]!"

Bai Jingyue's explanation made Li Nali almost couldn't help laughing.

When Bai Jingyue said that she wanted to teach Li Nali how to pretend to beep, Li Nali refused because she felt that she couldn't ask Bai Jingyue to let her pretend to install it immediately, and she hadn't had a bad cold about it.

But Bai Jingyue started the drama directly, and did not give Li Nali the opportunity to refute. What can Li Nali do? Can only cooperate with Bai Jingyue in this play. In order not to be seen through, she forcibly controlled the muscles on her face to keep her face in a cold state, so that Edward on the side could see that it was uneasy.

Bai Jingyue's repeated provocations finally made the vampires present unable to bear it. They are not worthy of the word elite as Bai Jingyue said. In fact, they have always been on the front line of battle. They are the most powerful of all the new generation of vampires. A strong group, coupled with the human technology they master, those older vampires may not really beat them.

Especially Edward Cullen. As the fastest man in the Karen family, with his large-caliber firearms, his combat ability has soared. Even if he meets a high-level vampire with a knighthood, he can win.

They raised the butcher knives for those low-level similars for the ease of life of the clan. They need more than force, and they are insulted by a human being who is enough to be called a hero in the clan.

After Bai Jingyue said that he was relying on his strength, Edward focused his attention completely on Bai Jingyue, and judged Bai Jingyue's strength through his condition.

As a result, he found something that caught him off guard.

Left hand weakness! Right hand slack! Loose footsteps! Slow response! No action is decent! This level is considered weak in humans, but in front of him praise his strength? Is this person dreaming? ? ????

He originally wanted to have a discussion with this man who provoked him, but now he is a bit empty, what if he accidentally kills the other person? The other party seems to have an unspeakable relationship with Master Li Nali. If he kills him, Master Li Nali will get angry?

What Edward didn’t know was that just when he was afraid of losing his life and killing Bai Jingyue, Bai Jingyue and Li Nali talked about pretending to beep the second step: "After the other party’s IQ drops, it’s necessary to lower the other party’s vigilance. Some people Well, silly, when you are provoked, your head will be hot. No matter how much A comes up, you don’t have to think so much in this case, just let the other party A come and play GG."

In the face of a fool, I don’t need the routines that Bai Jingyue said. The fool will rush up and use it as a good beeping material. These routines are specifically for those with IQ.

For example, Edward.

"A sensible person like Edward will test the strength of the other party before starting. If the strength is similar, the other party will be suspicious and finally choose a peaceful way to deal with the problem. If the strength is too high, the other party will immediately admonish, Although it also has a little effect, there is no shocking impact, and the sense of accomplishment you have obtained is not high, so you must make yourself show less strength than the other party, so that the other party has a hands-on idea."

Edward, who knew nothing about the inside story, thought about it for a while and decided to show his strength. These vampires who were beaten to death in the Hellsing institution cannot be subjected to such unjustified insults. If the opponent's strength is so weak, he will be killed if he is not careful, but he doesn't need to attack the opponent. There are so many ways to show his strength. Isn't it enough to choose a plan that doesn't attack?

Let this human be playing for half an hour. When this human hand is sore until he can't lift it up, he will realize how ridiculous his previous remarks are.

Edward, who made the decision, got up and planned to ask Li Nali for a battle with Shirai, and when his request came out, the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open, and the two figures walked in.

The woman walking in front combed her long blond hair into a very manly hairstyle. A smart suit with a slightly burly flat body made her look like a warrior male warrior. In fact, this is true. The strength of this woman like a man is definitely not to be underestimated.

The man behind her looked a bit aging, wearing some old-fashioned butler clothes, but Edward knew that this was just an appearance, that the slightly decayed body had hidden enough power to confront the vampire!

"Director Haysin, Mr. Walter, is there anything you are here for?"

In the case of these two arrivals, Edward didn’t even want to make trouble with Bai Jingyue. In his eyes, Bai Jingyue is a human being, but he is also regarded as his own person when he is attached to Li Nali, and these two Although they are all nominally companions of Hellsing, they are actually only cooperative relations with each other.

Most of those low-level vampires were accidentally made by these high-level vampires during their predation. It can be said that these high-level vampires are the culprits of vampires in London and even the entire United Kingdom. In this case, how do humans Maybe work closely with them? In the same way, it is impossible for their vampires to completely give their backs to each other.

This is a private place unique to vampires in the Hellsing institution. Generally, others are not allowed to enter. At this time, Director Hesing, who should have gone to sleep, came with Walter, who has the highest human physical combat effectiveness. What is the picture?

"Of course, I came to meet the founder of Hellsing, Master Li Nali who witnessed the signing of the contract between the mankind and the Red Devils Hall on behalf of the middleman.

Secretary Hayes choked Edward in a word.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Hellsing institution, the representative of the vampire was the maid of the Red Devil Hall, Sakuya, and the representative of the human being was the contemporary head of the Hessin family. As the middleman, it was Li Nali who witnessed the establishment of the Hellsing institution.

Although Li Nali lives in the Red Devil Hall, everyone knows that Li Nali only has a good relationship with the owner of the Red Devil itself is not affiliated with the Red Devil Hall. According to her own statement, she should actually Be human. In fact, the reason why the director of the Hellsing institution is a human instead of a vampire is Li Nali's idea.

As a result, the human side also has a certain respect for Li Nali.

As for why the British Puritan did not know the existence of Li Nali for so many years, in fact, the British Puritan did not join Hellsing at the beginning.

They chose to use their own power to fight vampires, but their efficiency in using magic to search for vampires was far from the modern technology supported by the country. After Hellsing gradually formed and demonstrated its ability, the British Puritanism used the Hellsing institution The opportunity to request the blessed silver bullet joined Hellsing.

At that time, Li Nali no longer appeared in Hellsing. Only the long-lived vampire and the Haixin family who have been passed down to their families still remember the existence of Li Nali.

"Lord Li Nali, below is Intergula Van Bronck Wingates Hessing, the modern patriarch of the Hessing family and the current director of the Hellsing institution."

The butler next to Intergula followed and introduced himself: "Under Walter Sim Dominiz. Big and small butler."

After Li Nali nodded and said that she already knew the names of the two people, Intergula finally stated her purpose: "Your Excellency Li Nali, I wonder if you are here for anything?"

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