The Forbidden World

Chapter 1843: 4 parties

"Oh, I really surprised Xiaosheng."

Putting down the teacup in his hand, the burial house showed green eyes to Shiraitsu, and the power of death began to flood the whole body without concealment.

"So, what is the matter of finding a niche by killing the big man of the Lord Jehovah?"

"Of course to ask for information."

Bai Jingyue found a vacant place to sit down, and then looked at the funeral house with a smile: "I don't know what you will charge this time?"

The funeral house shook his head, saying that there was no charge.

"Adult, the contract a hundred years ago is still valid. Before this winter disappears, I still take orders from you. If you want to ask anything, you can just ask."

Seeing that the funeral house still acknowledged the contract of the year, Bai Jingyue sighed slightly: "It's really boring, I thought you made another breakthrough, and it will expand a little, and the result is such a reaction."

After hearing this, the corner of the mouth of the funeral house twitched slightly.

If you don’t know the existence of Shiraitsuki, he might really swell. Going further in the power of Hades, he is now sure to kill himself a hundred years ago. , He felt that he was still far away.

Anyway, he thought he was better than Jehovah. Jehovah was torn by the man in front of him. What else did he want? Be honest.

"I don't know what adults want to ask?"

"Just ask about the current situation in London."

The funeral house was a little surprised and looked at Bai Jingyue inexplicably: "Master, isn't the aristocratic alliance centered on the Red Devil's House your adult? Should they provide this information?"

As soon as I said the funeral house, I realized I was stupid.

If this is really the case, Shiraizuki will not be used to find him. Obviously, Shiraiuki wanted to know some news that those vampires would not tell him. Crossing the subordinates to investigate civil intelligence, this kind of behavior has a special vocabulary in China called micro-service private visits, and such behavior usually leads to a **** cleaning.

To be honest, the funeral house really doesn’t want to participate in this matter. What he wants to do now is to learn the rules of life and death in the world with peace of mind, to make himself stronger, and to protect the Vandom Heme family Can continue to continue.

But he had to participate, and he had to support Shirai well without reservation.

If it was a hundred years ago, he could still use Baijingyue to pay enough to be fooled. After all, Baijingyue is still a reasonable person, but now, he is affiliated with Baijingyue. In this case, Baijingyue's order is justified!

He had no doubt that even if he only missed a few words, Bai Jingyue would liquidate him afterwards.

In order to avoid that possibility, the funeral house had no choice but to give out the information it knew.

"London now, there are four main forces. The most influential is the British Puritanism. Their believers are all over the UK, because their headquarters is located near London, so the most believers in London. Their armed forces necessary evil church , Composed of magicians using new magic and members of the science class using high-tech technology. It is one of the important troops that maintain the stability of London."

Bai Jingyue nodded, indicating that she knew.

As for the necessity of the evil church to develop its own armed forces, Bai Jingyue had long been expected. After all, it is impossible to protect the people of London simply by relying on those technologies. After discovering the bad situation of the vampires in London, Coomy will definitely make a change. The introduction of the new magic spread by Aresta is one way.

With enough power, British Puritanism needs an excuse to distribute troops throughout London, and enhancing the influence of the church itself is the best option.

"The most authoritative is the aristocratic alliance with the Red Devils Hall as the core. They represent the upper class of London and control all aspects of London. Even the Queen is controlled by them to a certain extent."

Speaking of this, the burial chamber specially observed Shiraitsu. If he guessed right, Shiraitsu was going to start with this force, but he really didn't understand why. The Red Devils House and those vampire families have no reason and ability to fight against Shirai, and it should not be possible to plan Shirai, in this case, why should Shirai get started against them?

Bai Jingyue certainly did not explain. Although most of the burial house's guesses were wrong, he came to ask for information instead of selling it, and he had no obligation to explain.

"Third-party forces can't actually be regarded as a force, but its influence is now very large. This is an institution against vampires. Because there are more and more vampires in London, in addition to the senior vampires affiliated with the noble alliance, there are also reasons Various accidentally transformed low-level vampires. These vampires do not have the sense of open source and throttling like high-level vampires. They want to attack their humans without restraint in order to satisfy their vampires, causing panic on the part of humans. Senior vampires are used to the status quo of stability. I don’t want to go back to the days when I was killed and killed for food and all forces, so I actively promoted the establishment of the hellsing (, commonly known as the Royal State Church Knights."

When he heard the name, Shiraiuki took the initiative to raise his hand and stopped the words of the funeral house.

"Royal Anglican Knights?"

"Well, this is the name, an institution named after Fan Haixin. Currently under the direct jurisdiction of the Queen."

Bai Jingyue's mouth twitched slightly. If he remembers correctly, Uncle A Cardo has already been killed by him. In this case, will the world's will return the plot?

After waiting for a while, seeing that Bai Jingyue didn't mean to speak, the burial room continued: "This institution is specifically responsible for dealing with those low-level vampires who wantonly hunt humans. In addition to the legendary Fan Haixin successor, there are many specialties. Combat senior vampires and some magicians from the necessary evil church, they are the main fighting power to maintain stability in London."

Bai Jingyue already has a bit of a spit. The successor of Fan Haixin is not a slave to a vampire but a working with a vampire. The necessary evil church has also joined in. How chaotic it is.

"Forget it, let's continue. What is the fourth party?"

"The fourth party, the Demon Hunters Association. The Demon Hunters Association is already aware of the situation on the London side. They sent a lot of senior demon hunters to station in London. It seems that it is because they have not figured out the sphere of influence of the Red Devil Hall. At present, they have not dealt with the forces of the Red Devils Hall, but have dealt with low-level retail vampires together with the Royal Knights of the Royal Church.

After a pause, the funeral home concluded: "This is the status quo in London."

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