The Forbidden World

Chapter 1831: game

ps: There was a bug in the previous chapter, which has been revised.

The following text:

After the gods at dusk, if the new generation of gods lose their faith, they will not have the opportunity to sleep, but will disappear directly. Only the gods before dusk can wake up from the sleep.

In this area of ​​Japan, the gods are related to the indigenous gods before dusk and are not affiliated with Gao Tianyuan. It seems that there is only one pair.

Aboriginal **** Xieya Suwako and Yasaka Kanako who were separated from Takahara.

The academy city they established is located in Nagano Prefecture. If there is nothing wrong with the historical records, the previous name here is Shinano, and the name of Shinano is the territory of the indigenous **** of the Shiya Kingdom.

Everything is right.

It is also a coincidence. At that time, when Kanako Yasaka chose not to be attacked by Suwa Myshin for the sake of the people of the Yeya Kingdom and when the Yeya Suwako joined forces to rule the Shiya Kingdom, the girls all lived in the enchantment of the deep mountains. Without going out, I didn't even know about this, and the three people who knew it were staggered with the news for various reasons.

Bai Jingyue was not involved in the direct construction of the academy city before, he was only responsible for providing the architectural template of the frost sorrow inside the academy city and dealing with the foreign intelligence personnel. As for the problems within the academy city, he gave The girls solved it. Bayi Yonglin is because the girls did not tell her the news. After all, the shrine that is not Takarahara has been determined, so what's the difference between telling Ba Yi Yonglin? Yuzao didn't even come to the school city before!

Until today, the gods in the shrine were about to wake up, and the girls took it seriously and told Shiraitsu this news.

"The **** in that shrine, the uncle knew?"

"Well, Xiaoyu and I were allowed to leave Gao Tianyuan, so don't be too nervous. Those gods of Gao Tianyuan were still alive today, and they are not enemies."

Aileen nodded, then took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Asano Fujino.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jingyue couldn't help but feel some emotion.

"Your adaptability is really strong, whether it is our hidden identity or these leading technologies."

Ai Lian gave Bai Jingyue a glance and said angrily, "I will not be surprised when you uncle Jehovah shows off your identity. As for these technologies, aren't they the evolution of the Black Church? "

"That's right. By the way, after so many years, I haven't asked you, how does life feel here, is it better here, or is it better in Red Devils?"

"Of course it's better here."

Ailian chose the academy city without hesitation, which made Shiraitsu a little strange. Does Ailian have no trace of nostalgia for the Red Devils Museum?

"Why? Is it because life here is more convenient? Or something else?"

"Because Sister Lola is here."

Bai Jingyue couldn't help being dumb.

It seems that Ailian's attachment to Lola is more serious than he thought, but it does not matter. The sisters between Ailian and Lola are actually more similar to the mother and daughter, but Ailian has not changed his mouth. He was used to being called by uncle.

"Uncle, Jihuicheng, what's going on with her? It feels a little weird."

Ailian can already feel the inner feelings of others. As a witch in love, she is more sensitive to love and related emotions, but she has lived for so many years and is the first time to see the strangeness of Jiu Temple Jihuicheng emotion. The pink, black, and red colors, like a hodgepodge, puzzled her.

"She has a special situation in Stockholm. You can go to Gigrindi to find out if you have time."

"Oh, what about now?"

"Now let Qiusha stabilize her."

Professional things come for professional people. Anyway, Shiraiuki is now afraid to talk casually with Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng.

Perhaps because of the relationship he had lived with in the past, Jishen Qiusha quickly calmed Jiu Gongsi Jiu Huicheng. After chatting for a while, Aoi Saki, who finished the purchase, took Kurabashi Kyoko and Lola who had just negotiated with the store manager, and then everyone walked in the direction of Shiraizhai together, at the Jingu Temple Jiu Hui When Cheng was pulled by other people to chat, Shiraitsu stepped back a little later and took out his mobile phone after building a soundproof barrier in front of him.

"Yiyi, are you busy now?"

"Not busy, just off work, what's the matter?"

"Now the science and technology of the academy city, can you support full stealth games?"

As soon as Bai Jingyue finished speaking, a chaotic scream broke out on the other side of the communication crystal.

"Ah~~~! Are you finally going to do a full stealth game!? S-a-o?"

"S-a-o, haven't we already cleared the customs? Let's go to ggo."

"What's the meaning of ggo, guns of that level are of no use to us at all?"

"Are you saying this to try my Hakati?"

Bai Jingyue silently put away the phone, and then took out the communication crystal.

"Yiyi, are Asuna and Shino with you?"

"Well, we just got off work together."

"I was negligent. You are in a company now. It is normal to go home after get off work."

Just like Misaka Misaka went to the institute as a researcher, the other people also found their own jobs. Yui, Asuna and Asada Shino set up a game company, which provides various kinds of games for people in the academy city. The game, which was played by Huiye live broadcast before, was the game developed by their company.

"So, month. What game are you making? Is it s-a-o or ggo? Or other games?"

"Just the mecha game I play the most. You get a simplified version that reduces training difficulty and combat difficulty a little."

"Oh~? Is that game you owe me the most points?"

Speaking of points, Bai Jingyue is a bit empty. He didn’t understand his thoughts about him, but he always regarded it as his daughter. He hadn’t considered more things for the time being, which led to the fact that the points he owed to him had not been honored~ Now it can be described as debt-ridden.

"Cough, that's the game. Make a simplified version of that game and put it on the market. Try to make it the hottest game in the school city within five years."

"This is no problem."

Yui answered this request very easily. Now 90% of the games in the academy city come from the game company she established. The network is also controlled by her. What games she wants is simply too easy, but there is still a problem. Need to ask clearly.

"What type is it made? Pure liver or pure krypton or heavy liver and heavy krypton?"

When Bai Jingyue heard the query from Yui, he only felt a twitch in his liver. He couldn't help remembering his unbearable past, and his tone became violent.

"Light liver and light krypton, but don't increase the ssr shipment rate. How low is it for me to adjust it, it is best to make five in five years, hehe hehe."

Yui suddenly heard Shiraitsu's illness, and it seems that this situation will appear every time Shijitsu mentions the shipment rate. Yutsui hangs up the phone decisively, leaving Shiraitsu's proposal behind. .

If the shipping rate is so low, even the best games will be cool. But having said that, it should be good to make a limited edition sss a year, which can effectively increase the amount of krypton gold.

what? Bai Jingyue said to do light krypton games? Don't be kidding, where does the money for maintenance servers without krypton gold come from?

As for the name of the game, just pick one. Anyway, as long as the shell of a completely stealth game is hung, the name does not matter.

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