The Forbidden World

Chapter 1829: Principal Researcher Misaka Misaka

The Seventh Mist, a dress shop located in the seventh school district, Aoqi Aoqi chose this shop because it is the most complete and best store for women’s supplies in the seventh school district, but also because the owner of this shop is Misaka Misaka .

Perhaps it is to commemorate those years. There are many important facilities in this reconstructed school city that are exactly the same as the original school city. Although thousands of years have passed, these scenes inscribed in the depths of memory , Still very detailed.

Well, actually it is because the frost grief's inherent enchantment has a replica of the academy city. Although the academy city inside has undergone various modifications and still burns a never-ending flame, most of the buildings They are still the same. Now, this school city, not to mention 100%, 80%, is exactly the same as the original school city, and the remaining 20%, most of which are not suitable for ordinary The dark area where people go deeper-Although the new version of the academy city still retains shadow, it is much better than the original academy city that is so dark.

In order to facilitate life, the ownership of those daily-related facilities is basically in the hands of several girls from the world of Forbidden City.

The seventh mist is the industry of Misaka Misaka.

Of course, it’s just Misaka Miqin’s industry. The specific management and development of Misaka Miqin are left to others. After enjoying her student career, she went to a research institute to study how to use the ability to control the current in the body. Cure muscular atrophy.

Is it familiar?

Yes, it was the excuse used by the implementers of the Absolute Ability Program to deceive the genetic information of Misaka Misaka. The difference is that this time there is no terrible inhumane plan. In this school, which is completely controlled by Shirai and the girls That kind of thing won't happen again in the city. The research carried out in this institute is a genuine study on how to cure muscular dystrophy. It is Misaka Misaka who is the chief researcher of this institute!

Perhaps it is to relieve the demon? Or simply want to study? In short, Misaka Misaka started such a plan and began to request gene maps from all electromagnetic class abilities across the academy city.

As the most powerful electromagnetic class person, Misaka Miki's own genetic map is actually the best research object, but her body was not a human long ago.

After being spiritualized by the Kunlun mirror of Bai Jingyue, and then gaining a **** position in Fantasy Township, after breaking through the rule level and moving to a higher level, Misaka Miki didn’t know what she was now, let alone research on her genes. Even the observation cannot be done, and the technology that has not developed to the rule level has no means to observe the essence above God.

In desperation, Misaka had to turn to other electromagnetic abilities for help.

There are indeed some research institutes who want to try to make a plurality of advanced abilities by cloning, but this is not the school city of Yarresta, but the school city that Shirai and many girls participated in. These want to touch The research institute of the line was destroyed just after the beginning of research. Over time, all major research institutes have learned that cloning is absolutely prohibited by the academy city. At the same time, those who can invade the data network through electromagnetic capabilities can rest assured. Give your genetic map to Misaka Misaka.

The Seventh Mist and the surplus profits of several game halls under the name of Misaka Mito are all invested in this study by Misaka Mito. Those in the family who come to the street to buy daily necessities basically come to Misaka Mito.

If it is pure treatment, then they may still be able to help, whether it’s Ba Yi Yonglin or Mao Zhihualie, who are temporarily staying here, are masters of medical treatment, but Misaka Mikado needs more than treatment. Root cause analysis of this disease, through scientific means.

Regrettably, both the means of Yonglin and Maozhihualie are relatively magical.

Many girls can’t help Misaka Misaka in research, so it’s only a little meager by this way.

"How is the progress of the study of Meiqin?"

Walking on the streets of the Seventh School District, Shirai Tsui whispered to Aoqi Aoi when he was blinded by the super-modern scenery around the temple, Jiu Huicheng and Kurabashi Kyoko.

Aoqi Qingzi shook his head slightly.

"It seems to be stuck in a bottleneck. I always feel a little strange. Why does this project need to study the genetic map of those with electromagnetic capabilities. It is reasonable to say that the focus of the research is not on how to use the internal current to control the body?"

"Perhaps you want everyone to be able to awaken into electromagnetic ability?"

Bai Jingyue shrugged and said he was not clear.

"You can ask Hippo."


Cangqi Qingzi didn't quite understand why this question was asked of Hippo, an animal that couldn't even speak.

"Don't care about the details, anyway, no matter whether Meiqin researched it or not, the result is the same. It's time for her to take that step."

I was deceived when I was ignorant, which resulted in the birth of my sisters and countless tragedies. This has always been a thorn in Misaka's heart. In the past, Misaka has used blackening power to keep himself from being blocked by this thorn. , But this method failed from the rule level of control rules to the world level of manufacturing

She must face all this by herself before she can detach herself.

"In other words, Meiqin is about to take this step, how about you? You don't really intend to break the barrier by brute force?"

"Of course~"

Aoqi Aoqi spread his hands.

"The creation of my own small world is too elaborate, not my style. I still think that what you said before is more suitable for me. When can I break the whole world with a magic cannon, Am I not talking about foreign level?"

Aoqi Qingzi said so well, so that Shiraiki was speechless.

However, there are many factors that affect the outcome of the battle, and the rating of the combat power can only be used as a reference. The **** ruler who controls multiple rules is not necessarily stronger than the **** of single rules, and the world class is not necessarily invincible, even the foreign class, there are also the differences between the five slags and the masters. I might be able to walk out of my own way.

"Oh, month, what about the other girl? A resurrected friend?"

"Actually, she was a friend whom Qiusha met when she learned magic at Paqiuli, and what I said was only a acquaintance."

"Ah~? But looking at her like this, it doesn't look like an ordinary friend~"

The sorrowful look that looked at Bai Jingyue from time to time and quickly moved away was really hard for people to think about.

"She, the situation is a bit different. I seem to have done something wrong. Let me go home and talk about it."

With that said, Shiraoi pointed to the gate of the seventh mist on the roadside, and said that it was time to do the right thing first.

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