The Forbidden World

Chapter 1823: migrate

"already left?"

Standing in the middle of the town and listening to the report of the admonishment of Nanaru with the chief of the palace in the super disaster countermeasure room, Secretary Kurakashi frowned.

He came over this time because there were a lot of things to discuss with Shirai in private, about the current system of Onmyoji, about the status of his daughter Kangqiao Kyoko, and the prospects for the future, but Shirai was brought before his arrival. As his daughter left with the newly-approved apprentice, the problems he finally came up with could only be swallowed into his stomach and turned into a pile of nonsense.

This is not the point of the problem. If you just don’t catch up with the farewell, it’s okay to ask again the next time you meet. Even if you don’t have the chance to see you again, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, his daughter is now studying at Shiraitsu, and one day his daughter wants to When I come back, I can ask these questions directly by Kurabashi Kyoko.

The problem is that, according to the description of Jian Shan Naluo, Bai Jingyue's plan for Yin-Yang Hall is clear.

If everything is in accordance with the plan, perhaps Bai Jingyue would consider the Yin-Yang Hall’s plan as a joke, but now an accident has been planned, the A-class mixture was born and caused a lot of casualties, and Yin-Yang Hall is the culprit. To blame, Bai Jingyue can't be sure what attitude he has towards the Yin Yang Hall at this moment. If his daughter is affected by this, the problem will be bigger.

Turning his head to look around, the pale scene that caught his eyes made Cang Qiaoyuan sigh again and again.

He used to improve the strength of Bai Jingyue as much as possible, but he still underestimated Bai Jingyue and changed the world in a blink of an eye. Bai Jingyue actually had such a strong power, which was beyond expectations.

"Besides this, what did Senior White well say or leave something?"

"No, Senior Baijing left after probably arranging the aftercare work."

Jian Shan Naluo did not tell the story of the spirit stone, he was not a fool, he said everything honestly.

The spirit stone that can calm emotions and become a top-level spirit sword is considered top even in all the famous treasures in Japan. Look at the Jinggongsi family, because the possible treasure is designed by the Yin and Yang Hall, If you let others know about the existence of the spirit stone, who knows what those people will do? Not to mention the soul-binding, the really greedy people are bold and courageous, they can use it no matter what they can use, they will take it if they know it.

Although the Jianshan family is not that kind of small family, it is not a big family, and they can't get rid of the rules. Before the Jianshan Huangquan has enough self-preservation, they are still low-key.

Without enough information, Bai Jingyue's figure is like a moon in the water in the mirror, blurred, and the head of Cangqiao Yuanji and the head of the palace can only tell his subordinates to pay attention to the relevant information of Bai Jingyue and then focus on the aftermath. .

Disasters of this level have not been seen for many years. In order not to lose the trust of the people, the Yin-Yang Hall and the Super Disaster Response Room must be handled properly.

While busy in a group here, Shirai has already brought Kurabashi Kyoko and Jingu Temple Jihuicheng to Nagano Prefecture.

"Is there really no problem?"

Looking at the thick surrounding wall not far ahead, Huicheng Jingu Temple was nervous. Although Bai Jingyue said that the academy city is his industry, but at this moment, she was still a little nervous.

"Relax, there will be no problem. In other words, when will your father arrive? Isn't it an appointment to gather here?"

Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng is also a bit strange. Although they said that the three of them left first, they deliberately slowed down in order to be able to enter the academy city together. These times should be enough for Jinggong Temple to go back and move the main family members. coming.

Feeling a little uneasy, Jiu Gong Temple Jiu Huicheng took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and then clicked on the public radio.

"Daughter, what's the matter?"

Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng breathed a sigh of relief. The orthodox voice of the Jinggong Temple over there was very calm. There was no hint of confusion, or some promised words. There should be no problem, but I don’t know why I did not arrive in time: "Father, we have already waited at the appointed place. When will you arrive?"

"This, it's about to be a while, there are several families who haven't convinced."

"Don't persuade without persuasion."

Bai Jingyue suddenly opened the conversation.

"I said that the magic power may react with the breath of the mixture. Although it is true, the main thing is to get time for the Jinggongsi family to transfer. Now the Yin-Yang Hall and the Super Disaster Countermeasures Room are still dealing with the aftermath. There is no time to control the Jinggongsi family. Once they are free, they will definitely investigate whether the Jinggongsi family has obtained treasures. There are Dalian Temple Zhidao and Jianshan Naluo as evidence, and there is no need to worry about the Jinggongsi family without treasures. What will happen, but there will be no chance for the Jinggongsi family to be closely monitored by I gave the Jinggongsi family a chance to escape from the vortex because of Jiu Huicheng’s relationship, But it is just an opportunity. If you miss the opportunity, I will not be kind again."

After Bai Jingyue's long list of warnings finished, the Jinggong Temple's ordinance had not responded yet. The eyes of the Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng suddenly turned red and looked at Bai Jingyue with a very weird look. Seeing that Jinghui Temple Jiu Huicheng didn't know whether it was moved or sad, thinking of the so-called Stockholm syndrome, Shiraizuki suddenly counseled and retreated silently, and opened a position with Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng.

After hearing the warning, the Jingu Temple over there slightly panicked. In desperation, he had to make a cruel decision, abandon those stubborn people, and set off toward Nagano with those who already believed and were willing to leave with him.

Kangqiao Kyoko on the side gritted his teeth and looked at this scene, wanting to say something, but did not know what to say.

Is it the relationship between Shiraitsuki and Gakuen City? Still ask why the Jinggongsi family moved? What exactly is the whirlpool that Bai Jingyue said?

She wanted to know all this, but from the words, Kangqiao Jingzi learned that this matter might be related to the Yin Yang Hall, and she didn't know whether to ask.

Master and father, the sister-in-law family and father-in-law's Yin-Yang Hall.

Cangqiao Jingzi, who was sandwiched in the middle, didn't know what to say at the moment, and could only stand aside and watch all this silently.

"Relax, I will tell you."

Realizing the uneasiness of Kurashika Kyoko, Shirai Tsui hugged Kurabashi Kyoko into his arms and calmly said, "Since you have become my apprentice, then I will not hide you. All the causes and my plan will be in I’ll tell you slowly over the past few years, and which side you stand after learning all this is your own choice."

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