The Forbidden World

Chapter 1817: Untitled

"It really coaxes the little girl." &1t;/

Seeing Cangqiao Kyoko breaking his tears as a smile, Huicheng Chengji from the side of the temple shouted. When she was at Pa Qiuli's house, she was dissatisfied with the ambiguous relationship between Bai Jingyue and plural women. &1t;/

"It really is personal scum." &1t;/

After Bai Jingyue wiped away the tears in the corners of Kyobashi Kyoko's eyes, he hit Kyobashi Kyoko in a few words to help Jianshan Na Luo clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, and then turned his head to look at Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng: "What? Jealous? Need me to coax Coax you?"&1t;/

After waiting for the rebuttal of Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng, he stretched his hand and put it on the head of Jiu Temple Cheng Huicheng, rubbing frantically. &1t;/

"You bastard!" &1t;/

Bai Jingyue's sudden attack screamed at Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng. She quickly waved her hand and pushed Bai Jingyue away, and then looked at her type. &1t;/

"Ah! My type is all ruined! White! Well! Moon!"&1t;/

"What do you say so loudly, people who don't know think I've taken care of you, now our relationship is a mentoring relationship, and it spreads to affect my reputation."&1t;/

That said, Jingcheng Temple Jiu Huicheng is gritting her teeth, she really wants to spread it out, how can she be a girl if she has more influence? As for Shirai, what other reputation does this man have? How do you think this man is close to the bottom line of this species of humans? &1t;/

Having said that, they have been talking on this side for a long time, did the two people in the battle over there not respond at all? Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng reorganized his length while looking sideways towards the battlefield on the other side. &1t;/

Jian Shanna fell through the evil spirits group, a flash of light appeared at the blade edge, Qinger and the ground cut the body of the mixed body, and the hand fell from the knife to the ground. &1t;/

Kurabashi Kyoko's strength is low, and he can only break the defense of the hybrid at the moment of instant opening, but as long as the defense is broken, the pure spiritual power above can purify the monster. Although the efficiency is much lower than that of Isahana, it is very stable. &1t;/

With the cooperation of the two people, the number of mixed eyes is obviously reduced. Somewhat surprisingly, the two seemed completely unaware of the movements here, and were still devoted to fighting many hybrids. &1t;/

Jingcheng Huijiu's brow furrowed, and he stretched his back toward the front, as he did touch an invisible barrier. &1t;/

"Enchantment?" &1t;/

"It's not an enchantment, but it doesn't make any difference. Whether it's a sound or an image, you can only see the silhouette I set there. So, keep calling~ If you break your throat, no one will save you~"&1t ;/

"Oh, I really don't believe what you will do to me." &1t;/

Jin Gong Temple Jiu Huicheng looked up and looked at Bai Jingyue with contempt. &1t;/

"My body now, are you really interested?" &1t;/

Saying that, Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng deliberately turned a circle, the white dress was blooming like a lotus flower, and the darkness was as dark as a long circle in the air, and then swept the hand that Bai Jingyue hung on the side. &1t;/

After so many years of walking in the world, he was actually teased by an eight-year-old girl. Bai Jingyue couldn't help laughing. He stretched his hand and pointed a finger at the forehead of Jiu Temple, Huicheng, because of pain in Jiu Temple, Huicheng When covering his head and squatting, Shiraitsu warned seriously: "I am really not interested in you now, so you better not play with fire. I just have a temperament, but there is no modifier, I really want to get angry. , You can’t run away."&1t;/

Hearing Bai Jingyue's warning, Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng raised his head subconsciously and wanted to ridicule, and the result was just in line with Bai Jingyue's eyes. &1t;/

The blue eyes are clear like water, but the deep black like a black hole hidden deep in the blue makes Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng speechless for a moment, she suddenly realizes that she does not understand this man, she Everything about Baijingyue comes from Jishen Qiusha, but if Baijingyue is really as unbearable as Jishen Qiusha said, then why Jishen Qiusha still entrusts herself to Baijingyue? &1t;/

What was it that made Ji Shenqiu Sha choose this scum in her mouth? &1t;/

"Do you understand?" &1t;/

Bai Jingyue's voice awakened Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng from contemplation. She had a heart to resist, but somehow she couldn't speak, but she refused to accept it. &1t;/

Seeing Bai Jingyue about to turn away, Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng gritted his teeth, forcing himself to hold on and shouted, "White Jingyue! I don't believe it! Even if you are mad, how will you face Qiu Sha? ?"&1t;/

Bai Jingyue, who had already turned around and turned halfway, stopped, turned her head slightly, looked at the stubborn Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng, and smiled. &1t;/

"I'm afraid you made some mistakes, but it doesn't matter, you have successfully ignited my fire."&1t;/

Bai Jingyue's dull words that didn't make a tone made Jingong Temple Jiu Huicheng feel something is wrong, it seems... She really escaped? However, she has already achieved this degree, how can she admit defeat halfway? She looked at Bai Jingyue and pretended to be calm: "But it's over there soon. Do you really want to do it to me now? Is your duration so short? That's really pitiful." &1t;/

A slightly insulting and provocative provocation for men, what Jingcheng Temple Jiu Huicheng didn't expect was that Shiraiuki faced her words, just smiled, and turned away. &1t;/

On the contrary, it made the inner heart of Jingu Temple's Huicheng more uneasy. At that time, she made up her mind to firmly hold the golden thigh of Jishen Qiusha. In her heart, only Jishen Qiusha could fight against Baijingyue . &1t;/

When Jingcheng Huijicheng was uneasy, Shiraitsu untied the enchantment and walked towards the battlefield over there. &1t;/

It has been long enough here, and it is time to end. As for the words just spoken to Jiu Gongcheng Jiu Huicheng, Bai Jingyue was just scaring Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng. &1t;/

He did suppress the darkness in his heart, but how could it be so easy to light the flame in his heart? If it were so easy, wouldn't he live in vain for thousands of years? Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng didn't know how to play with fire, so he was just scared. &1t;/

After arriving at the battlefield, Shiraizuki froze all the surviving mixtures in place with the wave of his hand. With the control of Shiraizuki, Isano Nara and Kashihashi Kyoko quickly beheaded many of the mixtures. &1t;/

After a little clean-up, several people followed the direction directed by Shiraizuki, and after clearing two waves of hybrids along the way, four people came to an unnaturally depressed area. &1t;/

"Here... is the source of the birth of the hybrid." &1t;/

Jian Shan Naluo squatted down, opened a broken tree, and sighed as he watched the burnt coke. &1t;/

Although it is said that the Yin-Yang Hall and the disaster countermeasure room are not right, they are all guardians against monsters to protect humans. For him, this is also considered a companion. The death of a companion is a bit uncomfortable no matter how many times it is seen. &1t;/

Shaking around, several wreckages of Onmyoji appeared, and after a closer inspection, Jian Shan Na Luo sighed again. &1t;/

Several corpses fell in the direction of facing the pothole. These people didn't think of running away until they died, and they all fought to the end. Such a respectable warrior, who was sacrificed here meaninglessly because of the conspiracy of the high-level Yin-Yang Hall, is really humiliating. &1t;/

"Senior Shirai, that hybrid, where is it now?"&1t;/

"It's not too clear. The a-level hybrid has also interfered with my perception. I can only feel the general area where it is. But the good news is that its current destination is easy to guess. If we go faster, Maybe it can just stop it."&1t;/

Tracking the trail of monsters, I feel wrong. You can only feel an area. Go straight to the human town. We can go directly to the town if we have time. &1t;/

Jian Shanna nodded, then rushed out after choosing the right direction. Needless to say, Bai Jingyue knows where the mixture went, and nearby can provide enough food for the mixture, and it is worthy of his personal dispatch, only the small town before. I just don’t know what is going on in the town. &1t;/

Just as Shiraizuki rushed towards the town, the town also ushered in its own battle. &1t;/

The Jinggong Temple said that it could not participate in the battle, so it was sent to the arsenal of the disaster response room to carry weapons. The Dalian Temple Dadao brought people from the Yinyang Hall and the disaster response room together to establish a defense line on the edge of the town. &1t;/

"You have noticed that the enemy is a mixture of a large number of grades and d grades. The possibility of the emergence of a b grade mixture is not ruled out. The time is unknown, so we must save our own strength. After a while, the disaster countermeasure room entrusts the Academy of Urban Studies to De-souling weapons will be delivered. Try to use these de-souling weapons in the early stage, don’t waste it!"&1t;/

"That, Lord Dalian Temple, we have not used these weapons..."&1t;/

A yin-yang teacher in the yin-yang hall was awkward. They used to deal with spiritual disasters in the past, basically using their own Yin and Yang techniques, and suddenly let them use the de-souling weapons that the disaster response room has only recently started to study, which is really a bit embarrassing. &1t;/

"I haven't used it, but at this time, I have to force myself to use it even if I don't use it. Look at the town behind you. The evacuation has just begun. If we can't hold it, how many people will die. Do you know? ?"&1t;/

Several Onmyoji nodded. It is indeed not the time to struggle with the habit. Their goal is not simply to survive, but to intercept all the hybrids outside the line of defense. This is much more difficult than surviving. &1t;/

"What do the headquarters on both sides say?" &1t;/

"Director Kurakashi has already dispatched support, and the disaster response room is also mobilizing troops, but I am afraid that time..."&1t;/

"No fear, they must be too late." &1t;/

Looking at the many figures swimming deep in the forest, Dalian Temple Zhidao Shun picked up the weapon just sent by the Jinggong Temple, and raised his hand to trigger the figures, and the result was ······&1t;/

"Why is there no response?" &1t;/

"Of course there is no response, you haven't got insurance yet." &1t;/

The Jinggong Temple looked at the Dalian Temple contemptuously, and then took over the current command: "Half of the people in the disaster countermeasure room have taught the companions of the Yin and Yang Hall to use these weapons, and the remaining people shoot in batches! "&1t;/

Along with the words of the temple's righteous words, the style of defense on the defense line immediately changed, from the magical version of the city defense to the zombie siege. The bullets engraved with spirit patterns were poured into the forest like storms, mixing one by one. Beat into a sieve. &1t;/

The battle lasted for about ten minutes, and the first wave of the mixture was repulsed. From the beginning to the end, the mixture was not close to the line of defense within ten meters. Those in the Yin-Yang Hall and the disaster countermeasure room couldn't help laughing, but Dalian Temple Zhidao and Jinggong Temple's righteous expressions are ugly. &1t;/

"How about consumption?" &1t;/

"This is just a branch, and there is not much ammunition stock, which lasts at most 15 minutes. If there is no b-level mixture." &1t;/

Although these de-souling weapons developed by the Academy City are powerful, they can still maintain sufficient penetration after penetrating the trees, but the b-level hybrid is no longer able to deal with these ordinary weapons. Perhaps the academy city has more advanced de-souling weapons, but the academy city does not necessarily give them, even if the academy city is willing to give them weapons, it is too late. &1t;/

"No matter, if there is no way, we can only desperately."&1t;/

To be honest, if the defense line is not stable, they are useless even if they are desperate. There are a total of more than ten people in the Yin-Yang Hall and the Disaster Response Room present. It is no problem to shelter the town on weekdays. The situation is really like water droplets dripping into the sea, even a little splash can't splash up. &1t;/

But what can they do? Behind them are the civilians they need to protect. Since they have chosen this profession, they already have this kind of preparation. &1t;/

At this moment, all the scrambles that used to compete for power and profit have disappeared without a trace. They only have one thought in their hearts, that is, to stabilize the defense line! &1t;/

The second wave of attacks has arrived. The overall strength of the mixture this time is much higher than the previous wave. It is difficult for everyone to dump the ammunition in their hands to stop the army of the mixture. Seeing that the mixture is about to touch everyone on the defense line At the Dalian Temple, he shot his hand and waved his letter. Hundreds of spells poured out of his long sleeves. These spells turned into turbulent waves and pushed many mixtures back dozens of meters. The crowd once again won the time to pour out firepower. &1t;/

But everyone knows that this is only a temporary move. The less and less ammunition around them means that the time of relying on foreign objects will soon be over. &1t;/

A sudden clicking sound announced that the time for everyone's desperation had arrived. The Yin-Yang teachers formed an enclave. In addition to the demon masters' own methods, the Dalian Temple Dadao also participated in the war personally. Can only go back to contact reinforcements, urging them to come as soon as possible. &1t;/

The battle is brutal, and the interference of the mixture on the spiritual power makes it difficult for everyone to maintain their own defense. After a few minutes of fighting, although they barely blocked the mixture, half of them can never stand up again. &1t;/

Seeing this miserable scene in front of Dalian Temple, Dao Yue couldn't help but look into the depths of the forest. Hasn't Bai Jingyue and Jian Shan Na Luo been successful yet? &1t;/

Having said that, why is the strength of the mixture so high? Just now there were nearly ten b-level hybrids suddenly appearing, and he had to exhaust most of his strength to barely block them. It stands to reason that the birth of the b-level hybrid should not be so fast? There are ten here, so how many b-class mixtures are there in other places? In general, there are so many b-class mixtures right? &1t;/


Dalian Sizhi Dao suddenly felt the problem, he shouted carefully around him, but it was too late, the roar of the a-class hybrid suddenly sounded! &1t;/()

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