The Forbidden World

Chapter 1811: The script has been prepared (2 in 1)

Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng couldn't help but cover her forehead, what Shirai said was too shocking, it only made people feel scalp numb.

The academy city is a new force that has suddenly risen in recent decades. Whether it is the human side or the monster side, they want to understand the details of the academy city. However, decades have passed, and they have not only one missing report after another And got nothing.

A few years ago, the Daba Star Festival, which was open to the outside world, let all forces see the power of the academy city. Those with lower levels of ability are not a concern, but those with higher levels of ability are enough to change the existing pattern, even It can break the Yin-Yang technique system established by Tuyumen Yeguang. Surprisingly, the academy city with this level of power has never sought any benefits. As always, it recruits students throughout Japan, develops abilities, and then provides jobs for those who graduate, as if it is really just A city made up of schools.

The school city is under closed control, but it is not really completely closed. Those who have the ability to graduate want to leave the school city. As long as the formalities are completed, the school city will never block. Some of those who left the academy city only found an ordinary job outside because their abilities were not outstanding, while those with combat ability mostly joined the Yin-Yang Hall and Disaster Response Room as non-staff. In this respect, the academy city has to be generous for many forces.

As for why are they non-staff? Of course, it is because they can't believe these people.

As comrades in the fight against monsters, these abilities are trusted companions, but they are not necessarily in the position of their respective forces. Who knows if these people are spies from the academy city? Due to the hidden power of the academy city, they did not dare to deal with these abilities, so they were classified as non-staff personnel, and the tasks were carried out as usual, but they did not contact secrets.

After being treated differently, many abilities choose to return to the academy city, but there are still some people who have stayed for various reasons. These abilities have shined in all walks of life outside the academy city, but They also lived their lives like ordinary people, and did not regularly report to the school city what kind of spy should be.

The various behaviors of the academy city indicate that they do not intend to participate in the struggle for power and profit, but the Yin-Yang Hall and the Disaster Response Office are still afraid of it.

Because they knew that the academy city was not as harmless as humans and animals on the surface, and those spies who had infiltrated the academy city had nothing left to show that the academy city always had its own power.

Even regardless of the strength of the academy city, the influence of the academy city alone is terrible. If you don’t say anything else, just talk about those who have the ability to release. Most of them are very clear about what kind of work their abilities are suitable for because of their internal school experience. With the help of abilities, most of them have achieved certain success in their careers and achieved certain social status.

There are not many, but not too few people who have left the Academy City after graduation in these years and insisted on it. These people are connected to each other because of the Academy City and have built a very large network. Know how terrible this web is once it moves.

No, no, they know, because they have seen this web move.

It was also a few years ago. At that time, the academy city had not yet held the Daba Star Festival. Those outside forces only knew that the academy city was terrible, but they were not clear how terrible the academy city was.

Some families that have begun to weaken and find ways to make breakthroughs have put their ideas into ability. They can't sneak into the academy city, but are these low-level abilities who leave the academy city after graduation, it's effortless to catch?

One of the families is very mobile, and soon **** a level three ability person, intending to take it back for some inhumane research. Unexpected things were born. They hadn't brought people home yet. The team that kidnapped that ability and the family behind them was completely humanely destroyed.

According to a survey, there was a girlfriend of grade three who worked in the store and made money, and had a girlfriend who had just advanced to grade five not long ago and left the school city with him.

Level 5, a level that has undergone qualitative change, they must not be able to deal with it privately, so they want to take a rake, inform the public about the matter, arouse public opinion, and splash dirty water on the school city.

As a result, they haven’t acted yet. Many of the society have come forward, and the power of the media has directly characterized this matter as a family who kidnapped the ability’s boyfriend and made men and women cry. Those who are capable are emotionally excited and runaway.

What does it mean to shed tears for men and women? They just tied people up, haven't they been home yet, okay? What is excessive defense? Have you ever seen a defense that lifted the whole family?

However, almost all the media in Japan reported that at that time, the Yin-Yang Hall and the Disaster Prevention Office were powerless. There was no shadow of how many school graduates and urban graduates were behind them.

They tentatively contacted the academy city and gave Wu'an of this rank a crime of chaos due to ability. Those who had previously born abilities used the ability to bully others or even commit crimes. For those who would damage the reputation of the academy city In general, the academy city will arrest and punish them. In fact, they had just reported to the academy city, and there was news that the capable person had been arrested.

At the beginning, they were quite happy, thinking that this was their victory, but in a few days, they saw the love of the men and women in the shop where the boy worked. They contacted the academy city again, but got such a reply: When a certain person destroyed the residue, it caused a loud noise to disturb the surrounding people to rest, and caused damage to the surrounding environment. The penalty was closed for a week, as a punishment.

Is this punishment?

They were reluctant, but they had no choice. No one knows that they are the first to deal with this matter. If they really want to pull it up, it will be endless. In the end, they will still pull themselves in, plus the invisible giant net that gradually surfaced, the Yinyang Hall and the disaster countermeasure room. He had to break his teeth and swallow into his stomach, and placed the academy city outside the current system.

After the big star festival that showed the strength of the academy city, the academy city was regarded as a separate system by them.

Envious, longing, but full of fear, this is the current view of the Yin and Yang world in Japan on the academy city.

But now Bai Jingyue said, this school city is his?

"Are you kidding?"

"Is there any benefit in joking with you?"

Looking at the Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng, who still has a face of unbelief, Bai Jingyue raised an eyebrow: "Now, I am very serious about talking about the future of your Jinggong Temple family."

Jincheng Temple Jiuhui nodded tangledly, then seemed to want to open, she sighed deeply: "Well, I believe you. You are really powerful, half demon and school city, With these two you can shake the whole of Japan. Your plan is definitely a terrible plan. I don’t know if I think too much, I always feel that you have something to say. But even if there is, That should be the core of your plan? I won’t ask."

I glanced at the shrine of the temple shrouded in embarrassment. Jiu Huicheng shook his head gently: "Since the school city is yours, then our shrine temple family will not move abroad, just temporarily Enter the academy city. Tell me at a specific time, there are a lot of things that need to be arranged for the migration, and we need to prepare in advance."

"It's not necessary to prepare anything in advance. I think you still have to think about how to get through the difficulties ahead."

As Bai Jingyue said, both Jiu Huicheng and Jinggong Temple were really nervous.

"what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. You shouldn't forget it? Why did you come to Tianhe's house?"

The reason why the Jinggong Temple is bringing the Jinggong Temple Jiuhuicheng to the Tianhe House is apparently for marriage, in fact, it is to lead Shiraitsu to here. As for the specific reason, it is because Shiraitsu wants to return some kind of treasure to the Jinggongsi family, and the Yinyang Hall wants to know the truth of the treasure.

Thinking of this, Jiuhui Temple's face suddenly became somber.

How can Shirai have any treasures to return to the Jinggongsi family? It's nothing more than a true book written with life in her last life. In order to learn about the so-called treasures, the Yin-Yang Hall has made arrangements for the marriage of the Jinggongsi family. After going back, most of the Yin-Yang Hall will directly ask for the treasures from the Jinggongsi family.

Will Huijing Cheng of Jingu Temple hand over the treasures?

This book may not be useful to others, but for her it is the key to the magician! It is absolutely impossible for her to hand over the book, and that means a break between the Jinggongsi family and the Yinyang Hall.

Does the Jinggongsi family have the power to fight against the Yin Yang Hall? No.

The Yin-Yang Hall is of course impossible to directly destroy the Jinggongsi family, but it’s no problem to gradually weaken the Jinggongsi family in some small things. At that time, the Jinggongsi family will be completely mired unless she changes. Become a magician and fight against Yin-Yang Hall with absolute strength.

But this road simply won't work. Because of Shiraitsu, it doesn't make much sense to become a magician, but instead fixes her body in her current form.

So, sit back and wait? That's not her style either.

After thinking about it, Jingcheng Huiji Cheng suddenly thought of a method. After thinking of this method, she gave Bai Jingyue a hard look.

"Did you think about it from the beginning?"

"That's right. The twelve families of ghosts have come to an end, why should you be persistent?"

Jingong Temple said that he almost realized something at this time. He frowned and looked at Shiraii: "Senior Shirai, do you want to include us?"

Once they join the Gakuen City, they will be largely constrained by the Gakuen City. According to Shiraitsu, there are still years to come after the Great Cleansing. If the Jingu Temple family now moves to the Gakuen City, it will soon It will be labeled as a school city in every aspect, and then even if Shiraitsu plan is successful, a successful cleaning, the Jinggongsi family will not be able to get rid of the name of a school city hitman.

What is the difference between this situation and being included?

"You said it was included. How do you agree?"

"I don't seem to have a choice?"

Staying in the outside world, she will sink directly under the oppression of the Yin-Yang Hall, or she will rise up to resist and be suppressed by Shiraizuki, and if she enters the academy city, she will be able to fight for some benefits for the Jinggongsi family by virtue of her past relationship.

Perhaps, when the people in Shiraitsu and Yin-Yang Hall said they would return something to the Jinggongsi family, did they already make this preparation?

"Yeah. After all, you are Karen and their friends. I can't watch you burying your family? In order not to let you die, I have to include your family."

"Apart from death and being included by you, there is no third way?"

Bai Jingyue smiled and nodded slowly and firmly: "Yes, there is no third way. Surrender, or die."

Feeling the chill that had penetrated from the ground, Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng shook his head helplessly. From this sentence, she almost guessed Bai Jingyue's planned goal, a very terrible goal, and even more terrifying, Bai Jingyue seems to have the possibility to achieve this goal.

"Okay, I agree. But what exactly do we do? After we left here, we followed you directly to the academy city?"

"Of course not, my identity is not before it is scrapped."

"What should I do? If you don't go directly to the academy city, you will be blocked. I guess the people in the Yin and Yang Hall will come to us after they leave.

Bai Jingyue grabbed the real book in his hand and said: "In fact, the main problem now is that the Yin and Yang Hall wants treasures, but your Jinggongsi family can't keep it. So just solve this problem. I already have a Solution, let’s look at the acting skills of the two of you."

Hearing his acting skills, Jiu Gong Temple Jiu Huicheng glanced at the Jing Gong Temple's canon with concern. She must not worry about her acting skills. After all, she has installed a good baby at the Jinggong Temple for many years, but her father in this life is not necessarily the same. Only after receiving so much breaking news, Jinggong Temple's orthodoxy is now estimated to be in chaos. Can he act well?

"No problem at all."

After taking a deep breath, Jingongsi responded to the concerns of his daughter in this way: "I am the patriarch of this generation of the Jinggongsi family. For the future of the Jinggongsi family, I will try my best to do my best."

"Mentality is good, but what about acting? Can you act?"

Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng looked at the Jinggong Temple to adjust his mentality so There was a satisfaction in my heart, but the mentality alone can not act well.

"When I was in school, but from the drama department, don't underestimate your father!"

Bai Jingyue watched the atmosphere of the two suddenly become heated, rolled her eyes, and then handed over a document.

"This is the script, you look at it."

The shrine of the Jinggong Temple and Huicheng of the Jiugong Temple suddenly looked at each other.

"Your script is ready?"


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